The power of prayer. The Amazing Phenomenon of Prayer

Are you not receiving help and protection from Heaven? Do you want your calls to be heard? Learn how to pray...
To pray means to send luminous streams into space. If you do not receive help and protection from Heaven, it is only because you yourself did not send the light. The sky will not deal with what has gone out. Do you want it to shine on your calls? Light all your lamps.

How to get in touch with God and the world of the Higher Forces, the world of Beings of Light?

How do our appeals-prayers “work”?

Recall one of the religious postulates: "God is everywhere and in everything." Yes, this is true, but many people do not believe in it, they say: “If He is everywhere and in everything, then why do we not see Him?” Indeed, we cannot see the Creator and His helpers, because everywhere and in everything God, prophets, saints and other representatives of the Higher Forces are present at the quantum level, that is, invisible to the human eye, in the entire Universe. Everything small carries the information of the whole.

In each quantum of light - a representative of the Forces of Light - the effectiveness, strength and consciousness of an integral Being of Light. That is why, according to our prayer-call, which plays the role of a connection and a request, the light quanta of the Higher Forces rush into our fields.

The ongoing micro-discharge processes connect the quantum energies of our biofield with the light quanta of the Higher Forces, to which our prayers are directed. Multiple, diverse in strength, microdischarges release additional energy, which enriches and thickens our biofield.

But not indefinitely, but for a certain time, since the width and density of the aura are not constant, since the energy spent on various physiological processes in the human body thins it out.

Therefore, it is very desirable to strengthen the aura by replenishing energy with prayers at least three times a day.

At AURASUDIA, we conducted an experiment using the canonical prayers of different religions. The experiment involved believers and non-believers, people who pray and those who do not know prayers. In the process of research, prayers and mantras (Buddhist and Hindu prayers) were said and spoken to oneself.

The result turned out to be surprisingly stable: the deformed aura was leveled off, saturated with light, negative influences disappeared. The work of the chakras became more active and balanced.

Numerous studies and the identity of the results have become proof that the prayers of different religions, uttered by any person, regardless of his religious affiliation, help to get in touch and interact with the Higher Beings represented around us at the quantum (in the form of the smallest energy particles) level: our prayer calls sound for the Forces of Light as an SOS signal, as a call for help. This help is immediately provided, expanding, normalizing and enhancing the glow of the aura.

The results of the research made it possible to conclude: prayer is not only a religious, but also a subtle-energetic, and therefore physical, phenomenon, as a result of which, due to complex biophysical processes, the aura of living objects is enhanced, the energy of water, minerals, crystals, plants and animals is enhanced.

How to Pray
Prayer is the basis of the life of a true believer. According to St. Philaret of Moscow, "prayer is a private conversation with God." Alexander Men said that prayer is "the flight of the heart to God."

Prayer is a test of our sincerity: can we utter simple words from the bottom of your heart? If we can, prayer will be heard.

Prayers are different:

prayer requests;
prayer calls for forgiveness and well-being;
memorial prayers;
thanksgiving prayers.
About Omraam's thanksgiving prayer, Mikael Aivanhov writes:

The biggest mistake people make is their ingratitude. They only know how to object, to demand, to shout, to be indignant. But what did they do to have the right to claim? Nothing. That is why Heaven is closed to them and leaves them entangled in difficulties.

Do you know how many billions and billions of entities, elements, particles are involved only in keeping you alive? Not! And you are always dissatisfied, outraged. Learn to be grateful! Right tomorrow morning, when you wake up, thank Heaven that you are in good health - after all, many will not wake up or wake up, but will not be able to move anymore. Say, "Thank you, Lord, for giving me life and health again today so that I can do Your will." When Heaven notices such a rare phenomenon - the ability to give thanks, repeating: “Thank you, Lord!”, “Thank you, Lord!” - Heaven is amazed, delighted and sends you all blessings.

When we turn to God with a prayer, filth is cleansed, and we are ready to receive heavenly influences, subtle cosmic energies. This is the hidden meaning of prayer, for prayer calls grace into our hearts.

Read seven times the canonical (main) prayer of the religion to which you are committed, or seven canonical prayers of different religions, if you treat them with equal respect, understanding that God is one.

Then ask in prayers for what is topical at this time for you, your loved ones, the people, the Earth. Ask God for spirituality, courage, an impulse to work, creativity and patience. Help through prayers is a reality higher than what we see with our eyes. If we are attentive and patient, then the fruits of our requests appear firsthand.

It is desirable to end the prayer ritual with prayerful praise, which, to some extent, through words and thoughts will make it clear to the Higher Forces, the Forces of Light, our gratitude and gratitude to Them.

In the course of research, it was established that the sevenfold repetition of canonical prayers optimally saturates the human aura, one or even three prayers is not enough to fully saturate the biofield with the energy necessary to ensure all physiological processes in the human body.

Modern researchers believe that when prayers are read next to a burning candle, sound vibrations cause vibrations in the world plasma, and it translates them into waves that ascend to God. Moreover, prayers cause the opposite effect, God's Grace descends on a person - energy and information of very subtle vibrations that heal both soul and body.
Based on materials -

Many atheists, when asked about God, answer: “When I see God, then I will believe.” Strange: no one denies that there is good and evil. But for some reason, many deny God and the devil. But just as the autumn wind gives rise to leaf fall, God gives birth to good, and the devil - evil. We do not see the wind, but we have the opportunity to see the leaves falling from it. We do not see God, but we have the opportunity to see the good generated by him. And the evil generated by the devil.

Somehow in my mind I turned to God with regret that I could not see Him and talk with Him. I asked him to show himself at least in a dream: I really wanted to talk. I did not see any sleep, and the next morning, when I was walking in the forest, two women (Jehovah's Witnesses) came up to me with a smile and handed me a piece of paper. It literally said the following about God: “Contact me through prayer and communicate with me through prayer.”

Prayer really has tremendous power, which only atheists do not believe in. And that is because, without ever praying, they cannot see the result of prayer. True - what a sin to conceal - I also didn’t really believe in the power of prayer before, although I prayed from the age of 6 to my youth every day. But the case changed everything.

Once my family and I went on vacation to Turkey in the summer, and I liked one very handsome waiter in the hotel restaurant. And although I did not have the goal of cheating on my husband, I still felt guilty. And for trying to look her best in front of that waiter, and for smiling more at him than at everyone else. And especially for the fact that, seeing him, the heart began to pound more often. And this is what I didn't like at all. In any case, I would really not want my husband to feel this way for any other woman. Therefore, she herself wanted to get rid of this obsession as soon as possible, deciding to try to pray. Swimming further into the sea, where no one interfered, I prayed to God, asking him to deliver me from sinful obsession. Surprisingly, I didn’t even have to pray more than two or three times: neither the next day, nor the day after, nor the day of departure from the hotel, I felt absolutely nothing for that waiter! Apparently, it was some kind of devilish obsession. But it has become an experience, and a very useful one. Now I really believed in the power of prayer. After all, I knew myself well: if I liked someone, then it was for a long time. And then suddenly once - and as if removed by hand. This was not only surprising, but extremely striking, because it was unusual for me.

Now I already perceived prayer not only as an appeal to God, but also as a way to fight against dark forces. The Bible says that "this generation is driven out by prayer and fasting." In the Old Testament, in the third book of Ezra, God says: “So, if you pray again and fast again for seven days, then I will show you more ...” The monks are well aware of this, and thus advance in the knowledge of the spiritual and the unknown.

As for me, the experience gained in Turkey was soon very useful, because almost every night for weeks on end I began to have nightmares. In my entire life, I have seen maybe no more than 20 nightmares, and then suddenly this .... The first few days I hoped that everything would go away on its own. But 3-4 days passed, and the nightmares did not stop, even though I read “Our Father” every time before going to bed. Therefore, I began to read another, shorter prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner." She helped sometimes, but still nightmares often continued to dream. Then I decided not only to read these two prayers, but also to be baptized during their reading. And that's where the nightmares are gone! Realizing this, she began to experiment with a sinful deed: either she was baptized before going to bed, or she was not baptized. When I was not baptized, nightmares immediately began. When she was baptized, they were not. Having experimented like this 5 times, I probably already clearly saw a pattern that struck me to the core. Later, in the book Unholy Saints, I read that one famous person was also constantly tormented by nightmares, and a short prayer with the sign of the cross also helped him, which further confirmed me in the thought that all this was not a mere coincidence. Now I already knew the way to deal with nightmares, and they no longer came.

Seeing the miraculous power of prayer, I began to apply it in completely different situations in life, and with surprise I began to notice that in some moments of irritation, anger, aggression, I don’t feel like praying at all! Moreover: it becomes almost impossible - you can’t force yourself to pronounce it, just like someone doesn’t let your mouth open! The daughter also felt the same in similar situations of irritation and anger.

Once, having learned that Saint Matrona advised to baptize water, praying over it, and then drinking it (this is useful not only for weak, sick people, but also for completely healthy people), she suggested to her daughter that this method be tested in practice, and in moments of anger, repeatedly read a prayer "Our Father" over a glass of water, baptizing her during prayer. She did just that. After reading the prayer 12 times, she drank all the water. The aggression went away immediately after that. And immediately my daughter started having diarrhea. I remember that she was very impressed with the effective result, but, like me, she could not repeat it anymore - as if some unknown force does not allow her to start praying during a time of human anger. Often at such moments there is not even a single thought about how to pray. So it turns out that you either forget to pray, or, if you remember, you cannot force yourself.

I noticed one more feature: when reading the prayer “Our Father”, it becomes extremely difficult to fully concentrate, and this despite the fact that the prayer lasts less than a minute! I was wondering if this is only happening to me. I asked my husband and he has the same problem. Later I learned that this is not only observed in our country - even the priests know about it. An amazing thing is that if a person thinks about the pressing problems that concern him, thoughts about this will be in his head for 5 minutes, and half an hour, and even more. And at the same time, he will not be distracted by anything else. But how many extraneous thoughts are in the head while reading just a minute prayer "Our Father"! Very often at this time thoughts about material things and goods or about the possibility of acquiring them come up. Here it is, the clear influence of evil spirits on the consciousness of man! Here it is - the visible invisible ...

From the book “We are only learning to live on earth”, in one of the stories it was written that if you read the 90th psalm 40 times a day with faith, the most neglected and hopeless diseases are cured. I remembered this when my daughter got sick. Her husband tried to heal her when she suffered from nausea and stomach pain. The result exceeded all expectations: when he read this prayer over a glass of water 40 times in a row, and gave his daughter a drink, she immediately vomited, after which she quickly recovered. But what was more surprising was that the husband's hand, which had been in great pain for two months already, was healed on the same day. Therefore, of course, we knew firsthand how effective this prayer is. The Bible says, "According to your faith, you will be rewarded."

One winter I got sick. The sensations in the body were bad, the temperature of 37.5 was experienced for some reason unusually hard. My husband and child went for a walk, and I, left to my own devices, began to pray. I recalled an incident that happened a few years earlier, when I swore at God almost seems to be swear words, angry that He did not help my then seriously ill child. At that time, I was an unbelieving girl with a completely different worldview, characteristic of most modern non-believers. And when the temperature of the child went off scale for 4-5 days in a row over 38 degrees, she first began to pray to God, and notice to fall into a rage towards Him for the lack of help from His side. When I remembered this incident from the past, I felt very sorry that I behaved this way. And, lying in bed with a temperature, I began to pray, asking God to give me a sign if he would ever forgive me for such behavior. I did not hope for forgiveness, but continued to pray with tears in my eyes. And now, an hour later, the temperature dropped by half a degree - and this despite the fact that it was evening, and, as you know, in the evenings with acute respiratory infections, the temperature usually only rises, not falls. It was unusual and unexpected, I began to feel better without pills. And in the morning she was completely healthy.

Once, having quarreled with her husband, they decided to go for a walk in the forest without him with their daughter. First, they went out into the forest to a path where they rarely walked, and then they completely turned off it and went deep into the thick of the forest - they were looking for mushrooms. I calmed down a little, and began to think that it would still be good if my husband was there. Mentally turned to God with reasoning about it. To my amazement, after 5-10 minutes I saw my husband - he found us where, in general, he should not have been found - the forest is large, and we have already left the path (and there are hundreds of these paths in the forest). As it turned out later, not only I, but also my daughter, and my husband himself prayed to God that we would meet soon. Later, the husband said that when he entered the forest, it was as if someone told him that he needed to go in this direction, and not otherwise. And my daughter and I, walking away from the trodden paths, heard some incomprehensible crunch ahead, and, getting worried, decided to turn in the other direction. If I had not done this, my husband and I would have separated. But then it was even more interesting: while walking through the woods already together, we came across a family picnic with a dog. The dog suddenly got angry and barked at me. Her owner was very surprised by this behavior and told us not to be afraid, because she does not bite. However, I saw that the dog's intentions towards me are very serious. She ran to me, brutalized, angry, and I realized that now she would bite me. When she ran up, and already made a jerk to grab me, I thought: "The Lord will protect me." In a second, as I thought, her mouth, clanging on the fabric of jeans, but no longer able to grab my leg, began to close by itself, as it were, against the will of the dog. She continued to growl angrily, but she could no longer bite me. And so she stood - angry, growling, but not able to harm me, because I thought: "The Lord will protect me."

In connection with this story, I remembered another similar one. It was told by grandfather Victor, our good friend. One day, as usual, walking in the forest in the evening, he saw a man walking towards him. Moreover, this man was in a clearly aggressive mood: he grabbed a stick from the ground and went with it towards Victor. The old man realized that it was not good. And he began to pray as long as the distance between them allowed him to do so. And as soon as he read the prayer to the end, that man's stick fell out of his hands, he caught up with his grandfather and walked past himself. Like this real story.… No wonder the Bible says the words of Jesus: “According to your faith, let it be done to you.”

All the stories described above clearly illustrate that the Lord hears us, our thoughts, good and evil motives, our hopes for His help.


Why do people shake hands when they meet? It now has tanks, guns and bombs. A earlier people fought with stones and sticks. And if peace-loving people met, then one of them showed his palm to the other: look, I have nothing in my hand. The other unclenched his fingers in response - and so did I. They rejoiced that the threat had passed and shook hands.

Vitya and Yura lived in the same yard and always played together. But one day they quarreled and began to pretend at a meeting that they did not see each other. The boys couldn’t even remember what caused the quarrel, but put up first? Never!

The weather was magnificent, the sun was calling to the street to frolic. But don't play alone. So the former friends sat at home, like prisoners. Pride bound them like a chain, especially Vitya. It seemed to him that if he was the first to come up to put up, then his crown would fly off his head. True, he did not have a real crown, but he was always afraid to seem the same as other children, so he turned up his nose higher. Let everyone think that he is an overseas prince. Of course, Vitya regretted the broken friendship, but the crown was more expensive.

And Yura was very worried and at every chance meeting with Vitya he kept his hand ready for a handshake. But when he saw the upturned nose, he also turned away and pretended to be fastening a button.

The vacation days passed bleakly, with a stone of pride in his bosom. Soon the sky was overcast with clouds, it started to rain and the cold set in. It was cold in the hearts of the guys. Once Yura even tried to pray, but nothing happened. Yes, and it could not work: God does not accept the prayer of those who do not have peace in their souls.

Vitya's parents were alarmed that their son was not on the street, and they got a dog. They decided that walking with her, the boy would not only breathe fresh air, but also get to know someone, since they had a quarrel with Yura. But the dog turned out to be angry - he did not let anyone near Vita.

Yurina's parents saw that Vitya was walking the dog, and they also bought a puppy for their son. He turned out to be affectionate and wagged his whole tail, wanted to make friends.

And then one day Vitya with his angry dog met Yura with a happy puppy. No matter how the guys pulled the dogs in different directions, they did not succeed: the hefty dog ​​Vitin decided to get acquainted with Yuri's puppy. And he is only happy about this - he squeals with pleasure. They began to play. The leashes of the dogs were intertwined, and the boys were close by. At this point, Vita had to notice his former friend especially since the first one said to him:


At that moment, Vitya felt that the crown had fallen from his majestic head, and he said in a barely audible voice:

Hello to you too.

After a pause, the guys started talking about their favorites. The world was slowly recovering. And the dogs instantly became friends and did not want to leave. So the boys agreed to take them for a walk at the same time. And when they said goodbye, they even shook hands. My heart was light and joyful.

Yura came home, began to pray and felt that God was listening to him.


Grandmother taught Lenochka to pray, even when her granddaughter was very small. She pointed to a burning candle and said:

So you stand up straight, straight, sunk into your heart the flame of faith, raise your thoughts to God and pray.

Lenochka watched the light tremble, and froze, as if contemplating some secret. And time stopped, resentment left, sorrows were forgotten, everyone became family, everyone wanted to be warmed by their spark.

And her grandmother used to read fairy tales to her. One of them told how on Christmas night a freezing girl found herself on a cold street. The little one lit matches one by one to keep warm. When all the matches burned out, the girl froze.

But my grandmother said that the flame of faith can warm even without the usual fire.

Once, in the terrible Stalinist times, in a prison camp, the bandits lost Elder Sampson at cards. They took him out of the barracks into the cold, undressed him and left him all night. How shocked the villains were when they saw in the morning that the elder was still alive. All night he warmed himself with prayer, and this flame of faith turned out to be stronger than the cold and blizzard.

Years passed... My grandmother passed away. Lena grew up, got married and gave birth to a son. When the war began, her husband went to the front, and she had to deal with little Vanya alone. In difficult moments, out of a habit laid down in her by her grandmother, she said:

God help me!

Once, shortly before the capture of Stavropol by the Nazis, she needed to go to the market for shopping. Lena wrapped the baby in a blanket, instructed domestic dog Trezoru to guard him, crossed herself and said her usual:

God save us.

The market was not far away, and Lena hoped to return while her Vanya was sleeping. But before she had time to make purchases, there was a roar of planes. Another fascist raid began. Almost hitting the roofs with their wings, the attack aircraft shot unarmed people. Everyone rushed in all directions, and Lena ran to the house.

Even from afar, she saw that the bomb had hit the bakery. But he's very close! And the poor woman cried out:

God save Vanechka! Lord save!

All the glass in their house was knocked out by the blast, and yet Vanya is sleeping at the very window! Hurriedly opening the door, Lena ran into the room and froze... There was a large fragment from the bomb on the crib. But where is her son? His gaze darted to a far corner. And there... A boy wrapped in a blanket was sleeping peacefully on the floor, and a big shaggy dog ​​covered him with himself.

Lena rushed to kiss them. Then, recovering herself, she went up to the icon of the Savior, fell to her knees and whispered from the bottom of her heart:
- Glory to You, Lord! Glory to Thee!


Grisha studied well, but the trouble is - he wanted to be the best student in the class. And then they got a new one, and, as luck would have it, an excellent student. When he answered, Grisha could not find a place for himself - he so wanted him to make a mistake.

Somehow they called Grisha to prove a theorem in mathematics. He answered “excellent” and calmed down: he knew that he had a lot of fives, and the next day they wouldn’t ask him. And therefore he didn’t even begin to prepare a lesson.

This time a newcomer was called. He began to respond brusquely. Grisha looked at him and whispered to himself:

Well, wrong, wrong. But the newcomer spoke without hesitation. Then Grisha began to cry out to God:

Lord, make this one wrong. Lord, You are the Almighty. Let him slap a three, and even better - a deuce.

At this point, the newcomer really stumbled, got agitated, and finally fell silent. The teacher turned to Grisha:

Come on, help him.

Our hero is even speechless.

Well, what are you, an excellent student? Go to the blackboard! Grisha blushed and did not move.

What's the matter? Didn't learn? The boy hung his head.

Come on diary!

And a second later Grisha saw a fat two in his diary.

He walked home and said reproachfully:

Why did it happen, Lord? I asked you to give the newcomer a deuce, and they put it on me. And now what i can do? You can’t see fives in a quarter, mom will worry, dad will scold. After all, He Himself said: "Ask, and it will be given to you" ...

I did not understand what you can ask the Savior, and what you can’t, and one peasant in the last century. Then in the Vyatka province there was a crop failure, and the price of bread skyrocketed. Greedy people, not sparing the starving, used this to enrich themselves. So this peasant, who had large stocks of grain, waited until prices became very high, and took him to Vyatka to sell. Having received a huge profit, he went to the cathedral to celebrate and ordered a thanksgiving service to St. Nicholas for successful trading. In addition, he began to pray to the Lord that the famine would continue and prices would rise even more.

Returning home, the peasant learned that at the moment when he was saying a prayer for the misfortune of the people, a fire broke out in his household. Having spread to the barns with grain, the fire turned the evil dream into ashes.