Formation of words in the past tense. Past tense




1. Present actual (localized)

2. Present irrelevant (non-localized)

3. Present constant time

expresses an action that is happening at the moment of speaking

not tied to the moment of speech, denotes repetitive, ordinary actions (combines with words always, often, usually, every day)

denotes an action or state as a permanent property of an object

Lilac blossoms outside the window.

Lilacs bloom in May.

The earth rotates around its axis.

4. Future tense

1) denotes a single, specific action;

2) a regular, repetitive action (extended future);

3) generalized future

Tomorrow we will take the exam.

He will come here every day.

Everything present will seem angular and heavy ... (Ch.).

5. Past tense of imperfective verbs

1) a specific action that took place in the past at a certain time;

2) the action is repetitive, ordinary (extended past)

Last summer I was in Egypt.

Every day at 6:30 he left for work.

6. Past tense of perfective verbs

1) action as a fact in the past;

2) an action that took place in the past, but its result is evident at the moment of speech

She passed the exam.

Here is the book you were looking for. I found her.

Special forms of the past tense

1. Forms of the past tense with multiple value denote an irregular repetition of an action in the distant past ( knew, saw, sat). These verbs are formed from verbs not perfect look with suffixes –a-, -va-, -iva- (to be - to be, to take - to take, to speak - to speak). The meaning of an irregularly repeated action in the distant past is also expressed by combinations of present, future or past tense verbs with a particle used to (He used to sit and look at Irina.)

! In sentences like Went and stopped also used particle"It was".

2. Forms of the past tense with sudden-instantaneous are forms of the type bam, kick, plop, look, twitch, tinkle, zyrk, cap, somersault, ah, oh, plop, lope, creak, knock. These verb forms correspond to the past tense forms of singular verbs with the suffix -nu- (Compare: knock - knock - knock). However, compared to verbs knocked, jumped, jumped forms knock, jump, jump more expressive, denote a sudden, swift, instantaneous action of the subject.

A. M. Peshkovsky called them "an ultra-instant form of the Russian verb." According to V.V. Vinogradov, such forms "can be called verbal-interjective forms of sudden-instant action."

Type forms jump, jump, yurk have the features of a verb: they express the meaning of the perfect form, past tense, indicative mood; but they have no forms of number and gender. In a sentence, they act as a predicate.

3. Forms of the past tense instantaneous action.

In colloquial speech, expressive verb forms of the perfect form are used, coinciding in form with singular imperative verbs ( Stood, stood, andgo for water to the well.). However, these verbs do not express the meaning of the imperative mood, but denote a sudden arbitrary action carried out in the past. They are not characterized by the intonation of the command, they do not have the meaning of gender and number.

The coincidence of the forms of the past tense with the form of the imperative mood is purely external. Imperative forms express the meaning of the 2nd person singular, can be combined with the pronoun "you". Forms of instant-arbitrary action are combined only with pronouns of the 1st and 3rd person or with a noun in Im. n. in the function of the subject:

I don’t know how to joke and jump on his neck (Ershov).

He suddenly take and invite me to his evening (Turg.).

Akim will fall in love with this Dunyasha (Turg.).

The use of tense forms in speech

In speech, the forms of time can acquire a figurative meaning. So, when used figuratively, the forms of the present tense can express the meaning of the future and past tense. At the same time, the forms of the present tense in the function of the future indicate the speaker's confidence in the implementation of the action ( Tonight we perform).

The forms of the present tense in the meaning of the past are used to colorfully convey the events of the past (the so-called present historical time): I was sitting at home last night, and suddenly - a call.

Forms of the past tense when used figuratively can express the meaning of the present and future tense:

Send help. Otherwise we are dead.

All right, Nikisha, in the soldiers! Got up in the morning, cleaned the horse ...

Forms of the future tense can convey the meaning of the past and present tense:

As soon as the train stops, people pour out of the cars and rush to the factory.

>>Russian language Grade 5 >>Russian language: Past tense forms of verbs


Theory A

Verbs have three tenses: past (in Ukrainian: last hour) (had seen), the present (in Ukrainian: present hour) (see), future (in Ukrainian: future hour) (see)

Past tense verbs change by gender and number: growled, growled, growled, growled.

Past tense verbs have a suffix -l: jumped, lay, ran.


In Russian in Ukrainian

lying (-l) lying (-in)
spoke (-l) speaking (-v)
thundered (-l) grimiv (-v)

For some past tense verbs, the suffix -l No: crawled, grew, carried, carried.

Practice A

1. Choose the tense form of the verb you need.

Yesterday I (read, read, read) Krylov's fable "The Wolf and the Lamb". In the evening, the younger brother (plays, plays, plays) with a shade. At the Olympiad in zoology (we win, we win, we win) our classmate. Last vacation we (visited, will visit) the zoo. Last winter we (equipped, will equip, equipped) in the class a living corner.

2. Do an almost math exercise. What is the final form of the verb?

Sit - (t) + (l) \u003d
Live - (t) + (l) \u003d
Wash - (t) + (l) \u003d
To be treated - (t) + (l) \u003d

3. Replace the verbs in indefinite form past tense verbs. Name the suffix characteristic of the past tense.

Tiger suddenly (run away). Lynx long (to sleep). Dolphins (swim) in the dolphinarium. Kitten (jump) off the bench. Hare (sit) in a hazel. She-wolf menacingly (growl). Hunter (shoot) accurately. Beast (to be afraid). She-bear (hide) in the bush. Sounds (be heard) from afar.

4. Put the verbs in brackets in the past tense.

Father/mother (go to bed) River/stream (flow) nearby. Husband/wife (shear) sheep. Companion / fellow traveler to pack things. Brother / sister (to harness) a horse.

Verb forms female often differ from other generic forms in the place of stress.


(is he) (she)

for "per locked"
took took"
dal dal"
to "beginning"


pry "gal pry" gala
run "l run" la

5. Read the words. Explain the features of stress in certain forms of verbs in the past tense.

Took, took, took, took; slept, slept, slept, slept; drove, drove, drove, drove; was, was, was, were.

Theory B

After well , w in past tense verbs oh ah spelled yo: went, found, burned, set on fire.

Practice B

6. Rewrite the tongue twister and then read it. Comment on the studied spelling.

Petya went to a corner and began to take coal.
The brother came and told him not to take it.

7. Make and write sentences with words found And set on fire.

N.F. Baladina, K.V. Degtyareva, S.A. Lebedenko. Russian language grade 5

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The past tense is the tense of the verb, denoting that the process called by the verb was carried out until the moment of speech or another reference point (for absolute and relative time, see Time): Children kindled a fire and warmed up (absolute P. v.); He will say that he was at home all day yesterday (relative P. v.).
P. in. can be expressed in four forms: three forms of units. hours male, female kind and one form pl. h. - grew, grew, grew, grew. P.'s forms. formed from the base of the past. time using the suffix -l- or the zero suffix. The suffix -l- is regularly used in the formation of P.'s forms. female and cf. kind in units h and in many hours, and in the forms of units. h. the suffix -l- is joined by generic endings -a in wives. kind (lamp shine-l-a), -o in the forms cf. kind (tree upa-l-o); in plural forms the ending -i joins (schoolchildren speak-l-and). In P.'s forms. husband. kind of suffix -l regularly appears only when the stem is past. time ends in a vowel: sit-l, speak-l, maha-l, standing-l. If at the end of the stem there is a consonant, then the form P. v. husband. the genus is formed with the help of a zero suffix: dry, wet, carried, rubbed, shore, made a mistake, froze. For verbs, burn and crush in the form of P. v. husband. gender is a fluent vowel o, absent in other forms of past. time: burned, but burned, burned, burned; push, but push, push, push.
P.'s forms. change by gender, but do not change by person: an indication of the person in these forms is carried out through personal pronouns I went, went; you wrote, -a; he, she, it knocked, -a, -o; we, you, they stood.
P.'s forms. denote such a process, which precedes the starting point, however, depending on the type of the verb, additional characteristics are superimposed on this general meaning of precedence. P.'s forms in the verbs of owls. species indicate the effectiveness of the process, i.e. the result of a completed and completed process in the past is also preserved in terms of the present (at the moment of speech) time: Children have grown; I liked this concert In the verbs of owls. type of form P. in. can also denote long-term, but limited in duration processes: Children sang and played. Forms P.v. nesov verbs. species designate a process in its course, not confined to c.-l. a period of time, but indicate the duration or repetition of the process: * The sea was still noisy and beat against the berm?; one launch was rocking on the waves, and a light flickered sleepily on it * (Chekhov). Multiple verbs with suffixes -iva-, -va- express the meaning of the usual process in a more or less distant past: Ion used to say these words; I also walked along this path. Other verbs neses can be used with this meaning. It happened in combination with the word form: It used to be that I spent the whole day on the street. In combination with a particle, it was P.'s form. verbs of both types denote a process started in the past, and an interrupted process (“the past of the canceled
actions"): The singer started to sing, but suddenly ZY fell silent; We went to the theatre, but could not buy tickets and returned.
P.'s value in. can also be expressed by special formations, which are sometimes called verbal interjections: jump, clap, grab, click, sniff, etc. With the help of such formations, one-time and instantaneous actions are denoted:<Легче тени Татьяна прыг в другие сени* (Пушкин). Для обозначения неожиданного действия, совершённого в прошлом, употребляются также формы, омонимичные формам 2-го лица ед. ч. повелительного наклонения, обычно в сочетании с и, да и: *А он и вспомни об этом случае. Ведь узнала барыня Матрёну и меня узнала, старая, да жалобу на меня и подай* (Тургенев). Для усиления значения внезапности в таких конструкциях часто употребляется словоформа возьми: А он возьми да скажи обо мне.
Forms P.v. can be used with secondary meanings, i.e. express the meanings inherent in the forms of other times. Especially often in the meaning of present, time, P.'s forms are used. owl verbs. kind, since the effectiveness they express implies a connection with the plan of crust, time. The condition for such use is a combination of forms of different times: It happens that you sit down at a book for an hour, and you come off already in the morning. P.'s forms. can be used in the meaning of bud. time to express confidence in the inevitability of the process: If it doesn't rain tomorrow, the harvest is lost. Depending on the context or situation, P.'s form. can denote a process correlated with both bud. and present time: I was afraid of his threats (ie, either "I'm not afraid of his threats" or "I'm not afraid of his threats"). With the meaning of bud. time (“near future”), P.'s forms are sometimes used. verbs to start, finish, go, go, fly, take, take, and some others: Well, I went, and you stay (i.e. "I'll go").
According to its origin, modern P.'s forms. go back to other Russian. participles with the suffix -l-, used as part of complex P. v. - perfect (see) and pluperfect (see).