The most interesting thing about aquarium fish. A story about fish for children

Knarik Muradyan

In the sea-ocean the fish lived, about which the whole fairy tale will be.

She lived among the rocky stones, not far from the coast. Rybka was still quite small and did not swim anywhere far from her house under a large stone. Because mom and dad told about the various dangers that lie in wait everywhere for such a small small fish.

But small fish little by little she grew up and, she was drawn by the uncertainty of the sea depths, the inaccessibility of the sea coast. And if her parents already allowed her to swim to the neighboring rocks, then they strictly forbade her to swim close to the sandy shore. because small fish can be washed ashore by a wave and then she will die.

A the fish could not understand why she must die on the shore. She sometimes jumped over the water and could see how strange bipedal creatures, which her parents call people who constantly live on land, could swim under water. And nothing happened to them. So why fish are not allowed on land?

Rybka floated on sea ​​waters in search of adventures. She liked to explore new countries in which they lived different colored fish. Once she swam far, far away from her home. An amazing landscape appeared before her golden eyes. Emerald algae flaunted on the underwater hills, shells dozed peacefully in them, blue snails crawled on the branches of unknown plants. The beauty of the seascape was complemented by nimble fish with velvet fins. They built cozy houses in which they laid eggs, scurrying back and forth in search of food. friendly fish immediately noticed the royal. They liked her with amazing eyes, kind speeches and politeness. The inhabitants of a small country gladly showed their sights to the guest, but fish I still wanted to be on land.

And she, forgetting about the prohibition of her parents not to swim close to the shore, rushed there.

Rybka began to wait for a big wave in order to jump as far as possible ashore. And such a wave came. She picked up small fish and she was on the beach. The wave went out to sea small fish ran to the green forest. But she could not jump for a long time. She felt sick from the air, she wanted to go back to the sea. She made a couple of jumps to the water and her strength dried up. She was frightened, she realized that her parents were right. A boy was walking along the shore, he saw a beautiful small fish He took off his cap and filled it with water. put it there fish and ran home. At home he let small fish to the aquarium with others fish.

The aquarium was beautiful, cozy, but small fish I wanted to go back to the sea with my parents. Rybka I was very sorry that I did not hear my parents and ended up in an aquarium. The boy was sorry small fish, and he nevertheless carried her to the sea and released her. Rybka swam quickly. Gaining speed, she made a jump over the water. She saw in the distance the familiar rocks where she lived with her parents. The fish swam there. She is at home told to mom and dad about her adventures, asked them for forgiveness, for having disobeyed them, violated their ban.

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Aquarium fish are those fish that can live in an aquarium all their lives, while going through all the stages of development and even give birth. For a long time, the types of aquarium fish were not very diverse. As a rule, these were medium-sized fish that did not make high demands on water quality.

First of all, aquarium fish are labyrinth fish, small barbs, certain characin and ornamental pikes and catfish.

Leap in the world of aquarists

Common aquarium fish are black barbs and red ornatus.

These fish lived in numerous flocks for many years in aquariums that did not have aeration, heating and special lighting.

But scientific and technological progress has gained momentum and aquaristics has become a specialized and high-tech area. There were lamps for lighting, lamps for sterilization, turbine pumps for foaming water, filters for cleaning. All this allows to achieve high quality aquarium water.

In addition, thanks to high-speed aircraft, it became possible to quickly deliver exotic fish species from tropical countries. As a result of all these changes, the circle of aquarium inhabitants has expanded significantly.

Varieties of modern aquarium fish

Polypteruses and lepidosirens

Polypterus is a fish of African origin. In the wild, these fish reach up to 40 centimeters in length; in captivity, of course, they do not grow into such giants.

Lepidosiren in appearance and plasticity resembles a moray eel or a snake. In nature, lepidosiren can reach a length of half a meter. But they go on sale in small 15-centimeter teenagers.

Polypterus is a fish with African roots.

Polypteruses and lepidosirens at first live very amicably, eating together minced beef heart.


Protopteruses are African relatives of Lepidosirens, but they have a more nasty character.

In the wild, these predators can reach a length of 1 meter. At the same time, the fish do not tolerate the presence of their own kind and want to live alone in the aquarium. At night they catch small fish and eat them.

Protopterus have external gills, but this does not mean that these fish, like the larvae of Spanish newts, can live in dirty water with high oxidizability and a high content of nitrites. Maybe in Africa such conditions are suitable for them, but not in an aquarium. Here you will need to control hydrochemical indicators.

Protoptery is a finicky aquarium fish.

If the current in the aquarium is insufficient, then the protopterus immediately refuse to eat. Under adverse conditions, young individuals quickly die. Can this species be considered an aquarium fish? If you provide pets with the necessary conditions, then yes, it can.

High-finned shark catfish

The homeland of the high-finned shark catfish is Southeast Asia. Remarkably, this fish has nothing to do with sharks, although the resemblance is striking.

In nature, catfish sharks reach large sizes, but aquarium species, as a rule, do not reach a length of 50 centimeters. High-finned shark catfish has a rather calm character, but this is only if the fish is full. And in a hungry state, they attack everything that can fit in their mouths. Those fish that cannot fit in the mouth do not cause any emotions in shark catfish. They will never try to tear off a piece from the victim, as real sharks do.

Shark catfish is an aquarium inhabitant that has nothing to do with sharks.

High-finned shark catfish can be kept with motor rays and red parrots.

Spotted armored pike

This is another predator with a spectacular appearance from North America. The size of an adult in the wild is 1.5 meters.

To date, spotted armored pikes are bred in Malaysia and China. These outlandish fish can be bought at large pet stores.

Spotted armored pikes are an infrequent example of home aquariums.

Indian eyed knife

Indian eye knives also reach impressive sizes in the wild - up to 1.5 meters, in aquariums they are, of course, much smaller. On the body they have clearly visible eyes, and in young animals it is just a row of black spots. The number of eyes in the rows varies from individual to individual.

Indian eye knives are predatory fish. In terms of speed and agility, they are inferior to shark catfish. Sometimes they get along well with neighbors such as large barbs, discus and polypterus.


Exotic aquarium fish do not have to be predators at all. For example, the pacu feeds on vegetation, although its appearance resembles that of a piranha. Pacu, like piranhas, live in the rivers of the Amazon, but their way of feeding is completely different.

Pacu diet consists of bananas, cucumbers, pumpkins. In an aquarium, these fish instantly destroy any plants.

Although pacu can weigh 2-3 kilograms, they do not need large tanks. Individuals can feel quite comfortable in an aquarium with a volume of 200-300 liters.

Pacu is a vegetarian piranha.


These fish are very beautiful. An adult individual reaches a length of about 50 centimeters. You can buy them very tiny, ranging in size from 25 centimeters. Interestingly, acanthicus do not show any interest in other fish, but they cannot tolerate their own kind.


Gastromisons are not allowed to become truly aquarium fish not by their large size and ferocious disposition, but by the fact that these fish must live in strong currents. Throughout the body of gastromisons there are suckers, and this indicates that the natural biotope of fish is fast-flowing rivers, in which it is necessary to suck on the entire surface of the body.

Gastromizon is a ferocious clean fish.

The water must be fresh. The flow is created using powerful pumps. They feed gastromisons with live food, but they have also adapted to sinking dry food.

Where do fish live? In the seas, lakes, rivers. But there are fish that live in our home - in the aquarium. Therefore, they are called so - aquarium fish. And there are a lot of species of these fish today.

Aquarium fish amaze us with the richness of color and body shape. There are fish that fit in a teaspoon, and there are fish that are the size of a child's palm.

Nature used all colors - yellow, red, blue and blue, green and emerald, white and black - so the fish are very elegant. Some fish flaunt in a striped outfit, others in a spotted or one-color. The fish have neon lights on the sides, like lights flashing, stripes glow in blue.

The body shape is also different. There are fish flat like a leaf. Available with thick round sides. In some fish, the tail fin is large, lush - like a veil. They are called veiltails.

And other inhabitants of the aquarium have a long, narrow tail, like a pike or a sword. They are called swordsmen.

In some fish, the pectoral fins have become thin, long filaments. These are not just fins, but also an organ of touch.

Among aquarium fish there are amazing creatures. For example, gourami fish build a nest of air bubbles! The male releases bubbles through his mouth. And each bubble is enveloped in sticky saliva. In such a nest, the female lays eggs.

Flat like a coin, scalars lay their eggs on the stems and leaves of aquatic plants, as if hanging a garland. And hatched fry for the first time also hang like "glued" to the leaves of algae.

Chromis fish fry seek shelter in the mouths of their parents.

The most common aquarium fish - guppies - come in various colors, from silver-gray to golden-orange, blue, green, multi-colored.

Many guppies have large veil-like tails. They are unpretentious, omnivorous and multiply rapidly. Guppies are native to South America. But now the fish have taken root even in the lakes and ponds of the Moscow region. The main condition is warm water.

Goldfish - the heroine of fairy tales and legends. Emperors admired goldfish, they were presented as treasures to the rulers of other countries.

Now many different breeds of goldfish have already been bred: the heavenly eye, the little red riding hood, the pompom, the comet, the lionhead, the telescope and others.

Some breeds do not have a dorsal fin. Others have changed the size and position of the eyes. For example, at the heavenly eye, the gaze of spherical eyes is directed upwards.

And the comet has a long tail several times larger than the body of the fish itself. The color of goldfish can be not only "gold", but also red, silver and even black.

Some experts believe that there are more breeds of goldfish than any other domestic animal.

Abstract of a summer conversation on the topic: "Journey to the Fish Kingdom" for older children preschool age.

Gorchakova Yulia Alekseevna, educator of MBDOU "Irdanovsky kindergarten "Kolosok", Nikolsky district, Vologda region.
Material Description: I offer educators a summary of cognitive conversations for children of older preschool age. This conversation will expand children's ideas about fish, and riddles and an entertaining quiz will clarify and consolidate their knowledge.clarify children's knowledge about fish, about their appearance, protective coloration, habits and habitats, to help consolidate the knowledge gained about fish;to expand children's knowledge of relationships in nature; to develop coherent speech in children through a conversation about fish, logical thinking, creative imagination; to activate and enrich the child's vocabulary; to cultivate interest in the study of nature, respect for fish, for all life on Earth.

Vocabulary work:

fins, fry, scales, aquarium, flounder, gills, catfish, pike, crucian carp, ruff, shark, caviar.

Preliminary work:

looking at illustrations depicting different types of fish, watching fish in an aquarium, talking about fish, about caring for the inhabitants of reservoirs.


fish - tokens, illustrations depicting the Little Mermaid, a ship, a crab, a frog, an encyclopedia with illustrations of fish, a recording of the sounds "The murmur of the stream", "The sound of the sea").

Conversation flow:

Organizing time.
Smile at each other, sit nicely.
Hands in place!
Legs in place!
Elbows at the edge!
The back is straight!
Which one of you loves adventure? We are going on an exciting journey, and on what, you will find out by guessing the riddle:
The city walks - a giant to work in the ocean. (Ship).

We set off on a beautiful fairy-tale ship. Our guest today is the Little Mermaid. She will show us the way to the land of interesting creatures.

Who lives in this country, you will find out by guessing the riddle:
Shines in the clean river
The back is silver.
For parents and children
All clothing made from coins.

Who lives in this country? (Fish).
Let's hit the road. Our road is difficult and dangerous, so we must sit quietly and listen very carefully.
Meanwhile, our boat is sailing to the first stop.
1 stop "Meeting with a smart crab".
Crab will tell us everything he knows about his neighbors - fish.

Fish are very well adapted to different conditions. Thanks to this, they managed to populate the seas and oceans, rivers and lakes, ponds and streams.
What fish do you know? (Answers of children).
In many fish good vision but they don't have eyelids. They even sleep with their eyes open. Some fish even lie on their side. In most fish, the eyes are located on both sides of the head, and the fish can see with each eye separately: it sees immediately in front of itself and above itself, and behind it, and below it.
Who can answer how fish move? Most fish swim forward, undulating their bodies. Fins help them move: caudal and lateral.
Fish are able to hide well, their color helps them in this. They can lurk near a stone or near algae so that they will not be seen at all.
Like humans, fish can breathe. When a fish swallows water, the water passes through the gills. The gills absorb oxygen and then expel water through the external slits behind the eyes.
It is easier for a fish to swim if its body has an oblong shape, but sometimes there are such interesting fish that it is difficult to describe them. The fish has a sword upper jaw looks like a sword. The body of a fish - a saber resembles a saber, and a knife - a fish, what do you think? That's right, a knife. Knife fish can swim tail first.
Fish - a hedgehog is covered with long needles. And the digger fish loves to dig in the ground.
Do you know how long fish live? (from 5 to 100 years!)
Small fish live less, and large ones (pike, catfish) can live to a ripe old age. After all, in the reservoirs they have no enemies. If they do not fall on the hook of the fisherman, they will live for a very long time. The crab is interested in how aquarium fish live? Let's tell him. (Answers of children).
Let's say thanks to the smart crab, he told us so much! And we swim to the next stop.
2 stop "Meeting with a frog".

The frog has prepared some tasks for you (tokens are given for correct answers).
- Name all the places where fish live. (Sea, ocean, lake, river, speeches, pond, aquarium).
- Name the most predatory fish. (Shark).
- From what fry are hatched - cubs of fish? (From caviar).
What is the body surface of a fish covered with? (Scales).
Well done, they coped with the tasks, and our boat is sailing further and further, after the Little Mermaid.
And now let's rest a little.
We went down to the fast river,
Bent over and washed.
One two Three! What a nice refreshment!
A steamer pushed off from the green pier: one, two!
He swam back first: one, two!
And then swam forward: one, two!
And swam, swam along the river,
Gaining full speed.
Finger and visual gymnastics "On the sea".
A small boat floats on the river
The boat takes all the children for a walk.
The boat is sailing on the river
And the chimney smokes like a stove.
Fish swim and dive
In clean, fresh water,
Sailing, sailing
They burrow in the sand.
Now watch my fish, where it will swim.
3 stop "Goldfish".

Her task: to guess difficult - difficult riddles.
1. At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark,
A mustachioed log lies.
2. She had a drink in her mouth,
She lived underwater.
Swallowed everyone, scared everyone,
Now it's in my ear.

3. Prickly, but not a hedgehog,
Who is this? … (Ruff).
4. In a pond or lake, nowhere else.
In still, still, stagnant water,
Where the lush greenery at the bottom has grown,
That's where it lives...
Guys, what do you think, is the fish in our reservoirs threatened by some kind of danger? Indeed, in many places fishing with nets is already prohibited, it is still impossible to kill fish, because of this, many fish die. But not everyone takes care of it, do not think about the consequences. Are we going to try to protect the fish? What can we do about it? While we will take care of aquarium fish, and in the future we will be smarter.
You are so great, you coped with all the tasks, the Little Mermaid gives you these beautiful fish (medals).

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Details Category: Children's fairy tales

fairy tale about fish for children

In the aquarium there lived a small fish Shustrik-Neon. Beside her, her brothers and sisters swam in a flock. Where one turns, there they all go. Neons were like phosphorus: an aquarium lamp made them glow. The little fish themselves seemed to emit a wonderful light: small in size, they swam back and forth in a flock and glowed.

At first, there were no pebbles in the aquarium. Neons slid together along its bottom, grabbing food on the fly. At first, Fast-Neon tried to swim together with everyone, not separating from the rest, but after a while he fell behind the pack, although this was not easy to do. Together they seemed to succumb to some unknown force, uniting them and forcing them to move in a joint. Fish curiously scurried around the aquarium, settling in a new home.

They were brought from a pet store, where they came from the hands of an amateur aquarist, who had several glass containers with different living creatures in a huge room, after which the girl Larisa and her mother bought them. The path from the store to the house in a carrying bag seemed dangerous to the neons: they froze in place, looking around. Everything around was in some kind of movement: it was flying, running, rushing past. But here they were in a cozy apartment, in a spacious aquarium. Later, pebbles were placed on its bottom, and the neons moved to the middle of the water column.

Shustrik-Neon liked the artificially created flow of water in the new dwelling. He tried to quickly wave his fins, overcoming his pressure. Others played with the vagaries of water next to him. Air bubbles, breaking into the water as if from underground, delighted the small luminous fish, which for a long time were to be true friends of the girl Larisa.

The royal fish lived in the sea kingdom. Her scales were blue, her fins were black, and her eyes shone with a golden sheen. A beautiful crown shone on the head of the fish. They called the mysterious royal fish the Pearl.

The pearl sailed the sea waters in search of adventure. She liked to explore new countries in which fish of different colors lived. Once she swam far, far away from her home. An amazing landscape appeared before her golden eyes. Emerald algae flaunted on the underwater hills, shells dozed peacefully in them, blue snails crawled on the branches of unknown plants. The beauty of the seascape was complemented by nimble fish with velvet fins. They built cozy houses in which they laid eggs, scurrying back and forth in search of food. Friendly fish immediately noticed the royal one. They liked her with amazing eyes, kind speeches and politeness. Residents of a small country gladly showed their sights to the guest. They boasted of the large crabs that guarded the sandy shores. The crabs were huge, red, affably waving huge claws.

Zhemchuzhinka and seahorses struck. They swam so fast across the sea that it was simply impossible to catch up with them. Beautiful sea horses were distinguished by their mobility, unpretentiousness, and absurd character. Their amazing coloring delighted the eyes of local fish residents.

After tasting delicious food and carefully studying the beautiful world, Zhemchuzhinka began to get ready to go home. She said goodbye to every fish on the street, tried to shake the fins of everyone without exception: she liked the inhabitants of an unusual maritime country so much.

Returning home, the royal fish made a new entry about what he saw in his diary, leaving in it a long memory of the hospitable miracle fish.

Mollies speckled

In my aquarium there is a real underwater kingdom of mollies. A couple of black-and-yellow-speckled fish wave their spatula tails and transparent fins in unison, and they look at the world with black eyes that look like small beads. One fish is already very nimble: he loves to play catch-up and pinch marble mollies by the forked tails. She has a large black spot on her muzzle, and she is all in orange-yellow spots of different sizes. She does not like marble mollies: the spots on them are different, gray, and cast something shiny. But playing catch up with them is interesting.

The fish are moving and fast. You put food on the surface of the water for them, and they grab it, grab it: the food is as if it had never happened. I like my fish very much. They even drink tea from small cups in a small kitchenette, hide from dangers in pebbles, burrowing deep into them, and rest in a small grotto in the form of a blue fish. Mom, however, often jokes that my fish would have small pots tied to their back fins so that it would be cleaner in the aquarium. Mom grumbles, cleans up after the fish, but loves them.

And at night, you can hear "thump-thumps" from the aquarium. This is how mollies play by flapping their fins on the surface of the water. They do this during the day, but at night it’s more interesting: “gurgle-gurgle” - and you can’t see who made so much noise.

There are also small black mollies in my aquarium. So they made me very fat. Beautiful little fish: some of them have golden eyes. On the surface, they like to drift: their muzzles will rest against the water surface and swim after each other.

There is a black blower in my aquarium. So the fish have a compressor called. He catches up with them air and creates a current, and also filters water from dirt. The fish often play with the blower: they pinch it or hide under it, waving their tails in unison. One of the fish will swim under the very hole, from which air with filtered water is supplied, waves its fins, enjoys. The water on her fins seems to be stroking.

This is how my little fish live in the fish kingdom.