What does space mean in a dream. What is the dream of a spaceship - interpretation of sleep from dream books

Most of the visions associated with the cosmos symbolize spiritual growth and the acquisition of knowledge. However, the spaceship seen in a dream has a more mundane meaning. The dream book will help you figure out exactly what this object is dreaming of.


The spaceship indicates the possibility of expanding the boundaries and exploring a certain area. If you dreamed of a starship, then perhaps it's time to try yourself in a new business, change jobs or relationships.

If you happened to be present at the launch of a rocket, then according to the dream book, this means that you have to witness an extremely important and grandiose event.

Inspiration or stagnation?

Why dream of being in an aircraft yourself? A brand new one lies ahead life stage, but it will require an investment of effort and energy.

If in a dream it happened to be inside a rocket, then the dream book is sure that a wave of inspiration will cover you. If you only managed to see it from the outside, then in real life there is a stagnation in creativity.

You are ready?

If you happened to fly on a starship, then in reality you are constantly looking for new adventures, which most often lead to unpleasant consequences. Looking into space through a window is a triumphant success.

Did you dream of a spaceship on which you have to fly to distant stars? You are destined for loneliness if you do not accept the conditions of loved ones. Dream Interpretation believes that flying in a dream on a rocket means that difficult trials await you.

According to Miller

By the way, Miller's dream book claims that a young girl to see a spaceship in the sky is not a very happy marriage. Therefore, you should not recklessly accept the first offer.

For meetings

Why else dream of a starship flying in the sky? Expect an unexpected visit from friends of youth. If you happened to see an alien spaceship in the sky, then get ready for an important and pleasant acquaintance.

Especially for women

The interpretation of sleep is of particular importance for unmarried ladies. The dream interpretation is sure that the appearance of a UFO in the sky marks a meeting with a man and this will be a real miracle.

But it depends only on the behavior in a dream what the relationship will be like. If a girl watched the flight with interest, then love will be mutual. Had a dream that this phenomenon did not “hook”? You will not be able to give reciprocal feelings.

Where to look for hints?

The only thing left for the dream book to figure out is what aliens dream of? This is a symbol of misunderstanding. The vision also suggests that a very strange situation will arise, the outcome of which cannot be predicted.

However, it is the aliens and interaction with them that will give a good hint for the future. I dreamed of evil and aggressive aliens, danger is coming, kind and friendly - a creative upsurge.

Other transcripts

What else does the appearance of aliens in a dream mean?

  • Talking to them is to gain knowledge.
  • Communicating telepathically is a risky but successful venture.
  • To have bodily contact - to noisy fame.
  • Swearing is an unforgivable mistake.
  • Run away from them - avoid danger.

If you dreamed that you were kidnapped by aliens, then in reality you will have a boring journey. If in a dream you were lucky enough to visit and examine an alien spaceship from the inside, then in real life you will have to do something unusual.

Aliens dreamed of in a dream can mean the dreamer's passion for science fiction films and ufology, as well as indicate a person's rich imagination. More realistic interpretations of what aliens dream of indicate internal state sleeping and his desire to know his own.

General value

    Esoteric dream book

    See a representative of another civilization portends a creative upsurge, the opportunity to realize oneself, as well as finding some useful thing.

    Talk to an alien means get in real life important information or learn to be useful. If in a dream an alien takes the dreamer away, then this portends a risky but profitable operation.

    Touch the stranger, make contact with him predicts the dreamer glory and wide attention to his person. The sleeper will become a truly public and famous person.

    Modern dream book

    Alien in a dream promises new pleasant acquaintances, expanding the horizons and worldview of a person and mutual romantic feelings. Getting on an alien ship indicates the hypocrisy of enemies pretending to be friends.

    If you dreamed that you made contact with an alien - this is talks about the emotions accumulated in the dreamer that are in danger of breaking out. A young dream like this promises a dissolute relationship with a married man.

    If in a dream the dreamer was abducted by aliens, this portends entry against one's will into some organization or closed religious society. Inviting an alien guest to your home prophesies an adventurous adventure or hitchhiking.

    Mythological dream book

    Aliens in a dream indicate a person's hidden fear, on his insecurity and complexes. Also, a dream can mean that some kind of pressure is exerted on a sleeping person, an infringement of his freedom.

    See an alien as a humanoid speaks of strong psychological deviations of the dreamer.

    Women's dream book

    Alien dream invasion portends amazing, unusual events in the sleeper, a fundamental change in his views on the world. If in a dream the dreamer was frightened by their appearance, then this indicates a romantic adventure that will cause a storm of emotions in the dreamer.

    Dream interpretation of the 21st century

    Seeing an alien in a dream portends an acquaintance with a strong man, which will have a huge impact on the dreamer. Talking to an alien means possible danger from which the dreamer may be physically harmed.

    Watch the flying ship portends a quarrel with a loved one, breakup of romantic relationship. In this case, the dreamer will become the culprit of the conflict.

    Spring dream book

    UFO in the sky personifies the dreamer's dreams of a bright and interesting future. Perhaps such dreams include unrealistic goals to achieve.

    Talk to an alien indicates the failure of the dreamer's dreams and the fact that he spends too much time and energy on uninteresting studies or studies.

    Himself in a dream to be an alien means that in real life the dreamer remains a mystery to others, incomprehensible and alien.

    Big dream book

    The appearance of aliens in a dream predicts the onset of unexpected, unplanned changes by the dreamer. It can also indicate the collapse of plans or disappointment in the order of things.

    See an alien ship in the sky means that soon the dreamer will literally be sucked in by a wave of events and changes, something very interesting and exciting will happen in his measured life.

    Small dream book

    Meet an alien in a dream speaks of the dreamer's desire for everything unusual and mysterious, including ufology or mysticism. Talking with a stranger indicates that a person is mired in a routine and a gray routine does not please him at all.

    Have an intimate relationship with an alien means that the dreamer in reality experiences an unhealthy attraction to any person. If the sleeper succumbs to his impulses, then the negative consequences of his act await him.

    Universal dream book

    An alien who appeared in a dream indicates an unexpected turn of events, that a person will see life from a hitherto unfamiliar side. An aggressive alien portends trouble in the professional field due to the intrigues of colleagues. A good stranger promises a pleasant pastime with friends or relatives.

    Dream Interpretation Udilova

    alien invasion of the planet speaks of unfulfilled desires and dreams of the dreamer about his hopes for a brighter future. The dream also indicates the receipt of a new useful experience and knowledge.

    See aliens at night speaks of the depravity of the society surrounding the dreamer from which he wishes to escape. Seeing aliens in a bright environment means revealing the dreamer's hidden talents, an unexpected addiction to creativity.

    Watching saucers flying in the sky in a dream promises success. Talking with an alien in a dream prophesies a love adventure for a woman, and a vicious relationship with a bitchy girl for a man.

    Abduction of a dreamer by alien guests promises a real adventure which can be both very interesting and very dangerous. If in a dream aliens mocked a person, then in real life the sleeping person and his loved ones are in serious danger.

    If a young unmarried girl dreams of being abducted by a flying saucer, this promises her love and imminent marriage . Shaking hands with a stranger in a dream portends the appearance of a reliable and faithful friend.

    A girl in a dream to give birth to an alien indicates her fear of the future. For a pregnant woman, a dream promises a successful, but difficult birth.


Watching a flying saucer predicts the imminent receipt of good news. If in a dream the “plate” burned with red lights, this indicates that the news will drastically change a person’s lifestyle. And if the ship burned with white or green lights, then this indicates a serious intellectual work that the dreamer will have to do.

Seeing an alien ship land on Earth indicates the receipt of information that will greatly frighten the dreamer. Perhaps soon he will become a victim of blackmail or fraud.

See the crash of a spaceship promises the collapse of the dreamer's plans due to slander or envy of acquaintances. If a spaceship catches fire in a dream during a crash, this portends a job change or dismissal.


Being abducted by aliens to perform experiments speaks of the manipulation of some person, unconscious participation in other people's intrigues. The dreamer will become a pawn in the wrong hands.

If in a dream the dreamer was attacked by aliens with weapons, then in reality, problems await him in the personal, professional or material spheres.

If the dreamer turned out to be a raped alien, then in reality some person will pull out all the secrets and vices of man. The dream also indicates a person’s strange sexual fantasies, which disgust even himself.

The abduction of a dreamer for peaceful purposes portends the appearance in life of a strange but kind person who will soon become his true friend. If the kidnapping of the dreamer went unnoticed by the rest, then in reality someone is putting enormous pressure on him, limiting his freedom and actions. Also, a dream indicates the dependence of the sleeping person on another person.

What were they?

Evil aliens in a dream promise a lot of trouble and personal losses. The envious and the dreamer's rival are not asleep and are preparing for a new attack. Also, a dream indicates a not entirely prosperous period in a person’s life, when he will not succeed.

Good aliens in a dream portend the appearance in the life of a sleeping good friend and comrade, perhaps even a like-minded person. Also, a dream promises a creative upsurge and inspiration.

Neutral aliens portend the dreamer's presence at the family which will end in disaster.

Flights on space shuttles and space stations are becoming a part of modern life, space TRAVEL is almost available. And, as a result, dreams about them become more common. A dream of this kind is often a simple WISH FULFILLMENT, a dream to see the world from another point in space. However, it can also be a dream about FLIGHT, a journey, or a search. Obviously, the key to understanding such a dream is the purpose of the journey. Another way to understand the meaning of a dream concerns the way of travel. Have you been in a spaceship or something more familiar to you (like your car)?

A dream about space travel is good material for research. You may dream that you are lost and groping for something in a vast vacuum.

In the dream, did you really want to be in outer space, or did you just find yourself there? Did you feel safe while there?

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation

Intergalactic travel in a dream can have many interpretations. If you do not detail your vision, then it will be quite difficult for you to make a forecast for the future.

Emotions during sleep

Dreamed of an unusual flight

The dreamer is in harmony with himself and the world around him. Everything that he conceived will succeed the first time.

When you experienced anxiety, fear, it means that the events that will develop will begin to be negative. If you dream like this, then you will experience uncertainty about tomorrow.

Soothsayers believe that you are on the threshold of a new life, but are afraid to take the plunge, believing that you are not yet ready for change. Do not be afraid, boldly go forward.

Each dream book considers space differently. Much depends on the actions and feelings of the dreamer during the period of vision.

Emotions during sleep

Towards discoveries

The dream interpreter of the Wanderer believes that the flight into space reflects the desire for spiritual perfection, the development and personal growth of the sleeper.

If you were lucky enough to fly into the Universe in a dream, in reality you should show restraint and modesty. The temptation to brag about minor successes can be overwhelming.

The esoteric dream book offers a very interesting explanation of why one dreams of flying into space. That boundless space that you dreamed of reminds you that there are much more secrets and opportunities in the world than the dreamer imagined.

Flying into outer space in a dream happens to those who have spent a lot of time and effort on solving a certain problem, but it is still far from the victorious finale.

Sometimes in a dream it happens to see how someone else was lucky enough to fly into the sky. A successful flight means that there will be a holiday on your street. If the spaceship crashed before your eyes, Miller's dream book warns of an impending catastrophe.

In the Autumn Dream Interpreter there is an explanation of why one dreams of flying into space. The image in a dream symbolizes bold, but, alas, unrealizable fantasies.

If you dreamed that the Sun and other planets were unusually close, and the Earth remained far away, Loff's prediction believes that you will have a wonderful chance to look at familiar things from a different angle and discover the unexpected.

Often, someone who has been in a state of search for a long period has to see himself plowing the expanses of the Universe. The dreamer is so desperate to find something important for him on Earth that he is ready to go in search of space.

Vision details

  • why dream of flying - seriously grow in the eyes of other people;
  • going into space - serious problems will be resolved by themselves;
  • the space satellite is a new family;
  • Earth from space - loneliness will soon be replaced by crowds;
  • spaceship - to become an influential person in the future;
  • space and planets - a conflict of generations;
  • stars in space - active communication with friends;
  • spaceport - to be in a strange place;
  • discover a new planet or galaxy - take part in an important event;
  • aliens - danger;
  • space weightlessness - unreliability of position;
  • to be an astronaut - to change the circle of friends.

Most of the visions associated with the cosmos symbolize spiritual growth and the acquisition of knowledge. However, the spaceship seen in a dream has a more mundane meaning. The dream book will help you figure out exactly what this object is dreaming of.

The spaceship indicates the possibility of expanding the boundaries and exploring a certain area. If you dreamed of a starship, then perhaps it's time to try yourself in a new business, change jobs or relationships.

If you happened to be present at the launch of a rocket, then according to the dream book, this means that you have to witness an extremely important and grandiose event.

Why dream of being in an aircraft yourself? A completely new life stage is outlined ahead, but it will require an investment of strength and energy.

If in a dream it happened to be inside a rocket, then the dream book is sure that a wave of inspiration will cover you. If you only managed to see it from the outside, then in real life there is a stagnation in creativity.

If you happened to fly on a starship, then in reality you are constantly looking for new adventures, which most often lead to unpleasant consequences. Looking into space through a window is a triumphant success.

Did you dream of a spaceship on which you have to fly to distant stars? You are destined for loneliness if you do not accept the conditions of loved ones. Dream Interpretation believes that flying in a dream on a rocket means that difficult trials await you.

According to Miller

By the way, Miller's dream book claims that a young girl to see a spaceship in the sky is not a very happy marriage. Therefore, you should not recklessly accept the first offer.

For meetings

Why else dream of a starship flying in the sky? Expect an unexpected visit from friends of youth. If you happened to see an alien spaceship in the sky, then get ready for an important and pleasant acquaintance.

The interpretation of sleep is of particular importance for unmarried ladies. The dream interpretation is sure that the appearance of a UFO in the sky marks a meeting with a man and this will be a real miracle.

But it depends only on the behavior in a dream what the relationship will be like. If a girl watched the flight with interest, then love will be mutual. Had a dream that this phenomenon did not “hook”? You will not be able to give reciprocal feelings.

The only thing left for the dream book to figure out is what aliens dream of? This is a symbol of misunderstanding. The vision also suggests that a very strange situation will arise, the outcome of which cannot be predicted.

However, it is the aliens and interaction with them that will give a good hint for the future. I dreamed of evil and aggressive aliens, danger is coming, kind and friendly - a creative upsurge.

Other transcripts

What else does the appearance of aliens in a dream mean?

  • Talking to them is to gain knowledge.
  • Communicating telepathically is a risky but successful venture.
  • To have bodily contact - to noisy fame.
  • Swearing is an unforgivable mistake.
  • Run away from them - avoid danger.

If you dreamed that you were kidnapped by aliens, then in reality you will have a boring journey. If in a dream you were lucky enough to visit and examine an alien spaceship from the inside, then in real life you will have to do something unusual.

Often flights to other planets are considered a positive sign. If in a dream you did not experience negative emotions, then in reality nothing bad will happen to you.

It is possible that you have quite a lot of plans for the future, it remains only to figure out how to implement them correctly.

If you have been flying for too long, then you just need to be more careful, and then you will not get into an unpleasant situation.

Flights on space shuttles and space stations are becoming a part of modern life, space TRAVEL is almost available. And, as a result, dreams about them become more common. A dream of this kind is often a simple WISH FULFILLMENT, a dream to see the world from another point in space.

However, it can also be a dream about FLIGHT, a journey, or a search. Obviously, the key to understanding such a dream is the purpose of the journey. Another way to understand the meaning of a dream concerns the way of travel. Have you been in a spaceship or something more familiar to you (like your car)?

Flights on space shuttles and space stations are becoming a part of modern life, space TRAVEL is almost available. And, as a result, dreams about them become more common. A dream of this kind is often a simple WISH FULFILLMENT, a dream to see the world from another point in space. However, it can also be a dream about FLIGHT, a journey, or a search. Obviously, the key to understanding such a dream is the purpose of the journey. Another way to understand the meaning of a dream concerns the way of travel. Have you been in a spaceship or something more familiar to you (like your car)?

A dream about space travel is good material for research. You may dream that you are lost and groping for something in a vast vacuum.

In the dream, did you really want to be in outer space, or did you just find yourself there? Did you feel safe while there?

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation