What does the belly look like at 8 months pregnant? The eighth month of pregnancy: development, sensations, sex, premature birth and other features

The 8th month of pregnancy is the second week of the third trimester. Namely 29, 30, 31 and 32 weeks. The beginning of the most difficult part of the path in the physical plane. But not for everyone. Some mothers say that in the last trimester they literally fluttered, without feeling almost any physical inconvenience. But this, of course, is rare.

What does mommy feel in the eighth month of pregnancy

1. Psychological state.

There are many fears. They are especially strong among expectant mothers who like to communicate on the Internet and read various communities of pregnant women on the Web. Unconsciously, women begin to try on various unpleasant situations, other people's problems, and suffer from this. Doctors advise you to try not to read or look at what causes negative emotions. Reading medical literature and trying to diagnose yourself is also not worth it. Sometimes women find a symptom of some kind of pathology in themselves and are absolutely sure that they have it. In fact, this turns out to be a variant of the norm or an individual feature.

What else do moms-to-be worry about? Primiparas think about whether they can become good mothers, and someone about their own appearance- they will be able to return to shape after childbirth, lose weight, whether there will be stretch marks. The birth is coming. This is also very scary. Although, according to statistics, most mothers, on the contrary, are less afraid and want to give birth as soon as possible with the approach of the due date.

They are afraid if the stomach is too small, as it seems to them. It is hardly worth comparing yourself with other pregnant women at the same time. Theoretically, a small belly may indicate an intrauterine growth retardation, but more often it is an individual feature of a woman associated with a strong abdominal wall and high growth. The main thing is that the girth of the abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus grow steadily. And the fact that visually the stomach is small is not a problem.

But no matter what worries arise, mothers should remember that pregnancy is a very short time period. And after the birth, they will really miss the baby's movements, and the joy that they experienced, knowing that they would soon become a mother, and even visits to the antenatal clinic.

2. Physical features.

a) The condition of the hair on the face and body. Usually during pregnancy, women's hair grows well on the head, becomes thick and shiny. But on the face and body, on the contrary, they practically stop growing. Almost all expectant mothers who depilate their hair over upper lip, during pregnancy there is no such need. All this is due to the hormone estrogen, which is produced in excess during pregnancy. After childbirth, its amount decreases, and again there is a need to remove excess hair. As for the hair on the head, if their condition is bad, there is abundant loss, the problem is most likely iron deficiency.

b) papillomas. These are benign neoplasms, which are whitish growths on the skin. They appear in large numbers in expectant mothers infected with any type of human papillomavirus. And they infected almost the entire population of our planet. The abundant appearance of papillomas is associated with a depressed state of the immune system.

These neoplasms are absolutely not dangerous. But you should not burn them with anything, much less rip them off. The latter will certainly lead to infection of the wound and will be the reason for treatment by the surgeon. After childbirth, during the first months, the papillomas themselves will begin to dry out and fall off.

in) Bloody issues from the nipples. Enough alarm symptom, forcing women to turn to oncologists. Theoretically, in the worst case scenario, this happens when malignant tumors. But by the time they begin to bleed, they are already easy to feel in the mammary gland.

Outside of pregnancy, blood from the nipples can be a symptom of intraductal papilloma. It is benign, but in 10% of cases it can become malignant.
But in pregnant women who have not previously had any problems with the breast, this is a variant of the norm. Trying to put pressure on the nipples should not be. It will only hurt.

d) Bleeding gums, nosebleeds. All these bleedings are associated with the thinning of the blood of expectant mothers. This is necessary so that the child receives enough nutrition.

What happens to the baby during 29-32 weeks inclusive and what is looked at by ultrasound

By the end of the eighth lunar month of pregnancy, the baby has practically no lanugo hairs left on the body. This is one of the signs of his good preparation for life outside the womb. But, of course, at 32 weeks, babies born are still premature and require a stay in an incubator. Although many are already breathing on their own.

There were hairs on the head. Someone has more and longer, someone has less, it is individual. Hair color is also different. But as for the eyes, in all newborns it is the same, some kind of dark gray, incomprehensible. And the iris is large. Eye color will change and become final closer to 6 months.
Almost all babies by this time are already lying upside down. If breech presentation is determined, the woman is advised to perform special exercises to push the fetus to a coup.

At 32 weeks, the weight of the fetus is about 2 kg. The baby is gaining weight very quickly. By the time of birth, he will weigh 1.5-2 times more than now. This does not apply to children from twins and triplets, since they have to share their mother's resources.

When conducting an ultrasound, the doctor pays special attention to the state of blood flow in the arteries of the umbilical cord. If it is disturbed, oxygen starvation in the fetus and developmental delay are possible. In this case, a woman is usually placed in a hospital for a deeper examination and observation.

Also an unfavorable sign is considered premature maturation of the placenta. When she already has a third degree of maturity at the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, this may be a sign of premature birth in the near future or intrauterine growth retardation. But not always. The main thing is that the state of blood flow is normal.

8 month pregnant, how many weeks is that? This time is from 32 to 36 weeks of pregnancy. Childbirth is still far away, but fatigue from an interesting position is already felt.

The beginning of the 8th month of pregnancy is the time of the last, third screening examination. You will have a third ultrasound, which will give a lot of information to doctors, but on which the expectant mother will be almost not interested, the baby is already so big that it does not fit on the monitor of the device, and you will not be able to see it completely, like on previous ultrasounds.

Baby at 8 months pregnant

A child at 8 months of pregnancy is still not ready for birth, but now it is much easier for him to endure adaptation in the postpartum period if he is born.

With regard to childbirth at 8 months of pregnancy, there is a myth that they are even more dangerous for the baby than childbirth at 27-28 weeks, but this is not so. The more weight a premature baby manages to gain by birth, the more chances he has not to have problems after birth.

By the 35th week of pregnancy, babies are simply not mature, but most of the problems of premature babies bypass them, often already on the 10th day they are discharged home with their mother directly from the hospital. Let's even say that for twins, childbirth at 34-35 weeks of gestation is a common occurrence, and then the babies grow strong and healthy.

The fetus at the 8th month of pregnancy may still not lie correctly, although with each week the amount of amniotic fluid becomes less and less. If your baby has a breech presentation, the problem should be taken seriously. Special exercises at the 8th month of pregnancy may well help the baby turn head down in the uterus, so that later the birth would proceed without complications.

A baby at 8 months of pregnancy has already formed a cyclic rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, which he will have after birth. He sleeps most of the day, waking up every hour or two, and these periods of wakefulness are marked by episodes of movement.

Woman 8 months pregnant

By the 8th month of pregnancy, a woman has time to fully experience all the delights of a large tummy and late terms. The time has come, which she completely gives to the unborn child.

For all pregnant women during this period, a change in the perception of the outside world is characteristic. All worries receded, it seems almost unimportant work, career. The miracle of motherhood, a child growing inside, under the heart, becomes the center of the universe. And even if you are forced to work or study, if the outside world does not leave you alone, it becomes something in second place after thoughts about the well-being of the baby.

Despite this, many expectant mothers, being in a difficult life situation, still manage to work or pass exams, this is a reality that cannot be protected from. If it’s hard for you right now, try not to take these problems to heart, because your baby right now is really the most important thing that you have. Your peace of mind and self-care during these short months of pregnancy form the foundation of his health for the rest of his life, and emotions during pregnancy, anxieties and worries, inevitably affect the child. You will have time for everything, and you should not strain yourself and worry yourself with unnecessary stress in these wonderful weeks.

The abdomen at the 8th month of pregnancy almost reaches its maximum size. By week 35, it will simply rest against your ribs, and it will become quite difficult for you to breathe. This is not surprising, your baby now weighs almost 2.5 kg, some children are born with this weight.

The tummy creates more and more problems. You will have to learn how to sleep in the correct position, choosing the most comfortable position. Gynecologists recommend sleeping on the left side, as this forms the correct presentation of the fetus and promotes optimal blood circulation in the placenta.

What might be bothering you

The 8th month of pregnancy is already a very long time, and many things can bother you. Edema at the 8th month of pregnancy is most often a manifestation of nephropathy in pregnant women, the onset of late gestosis during pregnancy. Because this condition threatens both mother and baby, it requires treatment, especially if you have protein in your urine and high blood pressure. Your doctor may suggest hospitalization in a maternity hospital - do not refuse!

Since the uterus practically fills the entire abdominal cavity, the stomach and intestines simply have nowhere to go. And this causes gastroenterological suffering ...

Almost all expectant mothers feel sick at the 8th month of pregnancy. At the same time, nausea may not be at all related to the fact that you do not like the food. You can dine with great appetite, and suddenly feel very uncomfortable. If immediate action is not taken, it may vomit.

Nausea at the 8th month of pregnancy decreases if you do not get up immediately after eating, but lie down and give yourself rest for 1-1.5 hours, or, best of all, but not always possible, do not do this in a crowded place - take a knee-elbow position . The meaning of both lying and getting on all fours is to facilitate the transition of food from the stomach to the intestines, because in such positions it is less squeezed by the uterus. Vomiting at 8 months of pregnancy is most often associated with this - you ate more than your stomach can accommodate.

Even if you manage to cope with nausea, you may be tormented by heartburn in the 8th month of pregnancy in between meals. If all else fails, do not try drinking soda and other ways to mock yourself. You need to try to reconsider the frequency of meals and diet. If you eat often, but little, and avoid fatty and seasonings, the liver and stomach will be easier, and nausea will not bother.

Allocations at the 8th month of pregnancy are normally the same as in the previous months of pregnancy, their change should alert you. It is clear that discharge with a bad smell, green or yellow, may indicate an infection, bloody - a threat to the life of the fetus. Thrush at 8 months of pregnancy flows as always, sour curd discharge with bad smell. No matter what worries you, this is a reason to see a doctor.

Dangers of 8 months of pregnancy

Premature birth at 8 months of pregnancy is still one of the main dangers. But it is not so much the birth itself that is dangerous, as the high risk of complications during it.

Premature births are more often than normal, rapid, accompanied by high maternal and fetal trauma, premature detachment of a normally located placenta, early and premature discharge of amniotic fluid.

A little truth about the dangers of the 8th month of pregnancy. It is completely not true that it is better for a child to be born at 7 months than at 8. The fact is that all the processes of growth and maturation in a baby never go back. Every day brings him closer to a healthy birth, to maturity. And when they say that children born at 7 months of pregnancy survive more easily and have less problems- at least they're lying.

In the departments for premature babies, babies born at 8 months are much less common, and usually they easily begin to breathe on their own - the lungs are quite mature. In most cases, they are simply supercooled more easily and have a lower body weight than normal children, but quickly gain their weight and grow up healthy.

Do not trust anyone if you start giving birth now - everything will be fine with you and the baby will definitely be healthy in the future, unless other troubles happen except for prematurity.

A little about the symptoms that require the obligatory attention of the mother and immediate seeking help.

Bleeding at 8 months pregnant is dangerous and can lead to fetal death and endanger your life. The most common cause is placenta previa or detachment of a correctly located placenta.

The main factors contributing to abruption are sexual intercourse in the presence of placenta previa, or even in the presence of a healthy normal pregnancy, heavy physical activity, especially weight lifting. Remember, while you are pregnant, you cannot lift anything heavier than a handbag, 1-1.5 kg.

A cold is also dangerous at the 8th month of pregnancy. In any case, infections affect the state of the placenta, and can lead to intrauterine fetal hypoxia. And even treatment is harmful, because, despite the fact that drugs are allowed for pregnant women, they, one way or another, affect pregnancy. For example, the temperature at 8 months of pregnancy is usually knocked down by drugs that affect the synthesis of prostaglandins. But these same hormones affect the excitability of the uterus.

Your life

Your life hasn't changed much yet. No, we will not say that it is easy for you now and you do not feel pregnant, but for sure now you live very calmly, worrying about shopping, leisurely walks, family and watching pleasant films and programs about the development of the child.

Of course, life, kitchen, laundry, ironing, care for older children, if any, are left to you, but in general, peace has finally come. You are still not prohibited from long pleasant walks, sex and other joys of life (unless, of course, the pregnancy is proceeding normally).

For many, cases are being resolved that were postponed in previous months due to lack of time. For example, a wedding at 8 months of pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence. The last calm weeks are coming - why not?

The only thing you want to warn against is long trips, and of course, flights. All airlines have a restriction on the flights of women, starting from 32 weeks of pregnancy. The flight at the 8th month of pregnancy is dangerous because it can provoke premature birth.

Right now the lifestyle you lead is very important. If your family smokes, this is bad, try not to be in a smoky room, since even passive smoking at the 8th month of pregnancy accelerates the aging of the placenta, nicotine causes spasm of its vessels. Probably, you yourself have noticed that in stuffy rooms the baby becomes more active - he also literally “nothing to breathe”.

Now the placenta has already reached the limits in its development, and now it is important to try to preserve its function until childbirth. Try to walk more, choosing places with clean and fresh air.

Your diet at 8 months pregnant should be fairly light, avoid fatty, fried and excess carbohydrates, especially in easily digestible form (sweets). Dairy products, vegetables and, of course, fruits, must be on your table every day. Eat often and in small portions. Do not drink coffee and strong tea - they contribute to heartburn. Such a diet at 8 months of pregnancy will not only help to cope with nausea, but will also contribute to the proper development of the baby, and the risk of a large fetus is reduced.

Now is the time to attend childbirth preparation courses. You will be taught how to behave in childbirth, classes provide excellent physical preparation and a lot of valuable knowledge about pregnancy and the postpartum period. In addition, this will give you the opportunity to decide for yourself right now whether you will go to the birth alone or with your husband, and where you will give birth, in which maternity hospital.

Gymnastics at the 8th month of pregnancy not only prepares the body for childbirth, but also helps to relieve back pain, improve overall well-being, and has a positive effect on the development of the baby. And in general, communication with other expectant mothers, moderate physical activity under the supervision of an instructor have a great effect on the overall tone and facilitate pregnancy.

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It is already hard for you to carry your big tummy and the expectation begins to weigh you down. But don't be discouraged - it's already a little bit left before meeting with the baby and it's time to pack bags for the hospital. Keep a pregnancy diary and write in it your feelings and wishes for the baby every day. Keep a positive attitude for meeting the baby.

Changes in the mother's body in the eighth month of pregnancy

During this month, your stomach will increase in size almost to the maximum, the uterus has risen almost to the level of the ribs, and there may be a feeling of lack of air and shortness of breath. The kid pushes with his legs quite sensitively, kicking you in the ribs or liver. The height of the bottom of the uterus from the pubis reaches 39-40 cm and occupies the highest possible position. All pregnant women have a different shape of the abdomen and sizes, in addition, by the size of the abdomen, one cannot judge either the size or the gender of the baby. It depends only on the characteristics of the figure and the capacity of the pelvis.

Your weight gain is 300-400 g per week, and if your increase is more than half a kilogram per week, the doctor will look at urine tests and pressure, it is possible that weight is a sign of fluid retention. On average, weight by 8 months of pregnancy increases by 8-14 kg. the less weight was before pregnancy, the more a woman usually gains.

In the last months of pregnancy, due to hormones, excess hair may appear, which is very upsetting for expectant mothers. It depends on the fact that hair falls out much less than in the pre-pregnant stage, and they grow stronger than usual due to hormones that help the baby grow. After childbirth, the extra hair that has not fallen out will begin to fall out intensely, and everything will return to its previous norm.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the eighth month of pregnancy

This month is difficult mentally and physically, you are uncomfortable in such a large body. The tummy makes it difficult to move, fatigue accumulates, and a big belly and frequent trips to the toilet, insomnia and baby dots interfere with sleep. In addition, lying down is quite difficult to breathe, your back hurts, and you are looking for yourself for a long time. comfortable spot. However, it is reassuring to think that there are only a few weeks left before meeting with the baby.

During this period, you may feel the so-called training contractions - these are not painful and irregular uterine contractions that appear in its upper segment and spread downward. They prepare the uterus for the subsequent labor activity.

At this time, heartburn may bother you, even if you eat a little, remember our recommendations - drink milk or yogurt. Eat small meals, bend over less. If heartburn is painful, ask your doctor to prescribe a remedy for it.

It has become more difficult to walk now - however, walks and fresh air are still needed. The kid is very active on the walk. He likes fresh air, and he sensitively kicks you under the ribs with his legs, or in the navel area with his handles. Try to talk to him and calm him down, tell him not to kick so much.

Your psychological condition also changes, you become anxious and preoccupied, emotional. It seems to you that no one loves and understands you - this is the normal state of a pregnant woman. In addition, fear for the baby is mixed in, the fear of not being able to cope with the duties of a mother. You start to "nesting" - this is the syndrome of early birth. A woman "builds a nest for arrival with a baby." However, you should not move furniture or paint the ceiling, wash windows - this can harm you, ask loved ones to help you or limit yourself to light room decors.

Talking to the dad-to-be and family about whatever you want or worry about will help. Go to the school of expectant mothers, talk to the same pregnant women and you will understand that you are not the only one - all women go through this stage. If you feel good - go out of town for a vacation, go to the cinema or for a walk, in a word - get distracted from everyday routine.

Your baby (fetal development in the seventh month of pregnancy)

The baby has grown significantly and it is cramped in the uterus, you have to strongly tighten the arms and legs. He is no longer as active as before due to tightness, his tremors are felt mainly in the limbs, or it is a tossing and turning of the head and body. Particularly sensitive are his movements in the region of the ribs.

Most babies have already taken a head-down position at this time, and this will continue until delivery. This is determined by the doctor, but sometimes with the help of exercises, you can persuade the baby to turn around if he has not yet taken the right room.

The baby's organs are finally formed, the roundness of the cheeks, shoulders, hips and buttocks appear. These are fat deposits, due to which the baby will keep body heat and look so cute. The nails on the fingers have almost grown to the edge of the phalanges, the cheese-like lubricant covers his body with a thick layer, but the fluff on the body gradually disappears, the cartilages of the nose and ears become harder.

The child has already formed the main reflexes - breathing, sucking, he sleeps and dreams, is actively developing nervous system and connections between neurons. Between the bones of the skull there are cartilaginous membranes - sutures, due to which the head during childbirth is configured for the birth canal and does not injure the child's brain. The body of the crumbs began to accumulate iron, calcium is deposited in the bones. Endocrine system the fetus is actively working and producing hormones. In a boy, the testicles descend into the scrotum.

The lungs of the child are fully formed and there is already enough special substance - surfactant, so that the baby can breathe on his own in case of premature birth.

In a month, the baby will grow up to 45 cm, his body weight by the end of the month will be 2.5 kg, he will add 30 g of weight per day.

Dangers of the eighth month of pregnancy

The most dangerous complication now can be preeclampsia - this is pressure, swelling, kidney failure and toxicosis. The exact causes of preeclampsia have not yet been established, but this condition is dangerous for the mother and child, usually in the case of the development of preeclampsia, urgent delivery is indicated in order to save both lives.

If you have flies before your eyes, swelling occurs, pressure has increased, headache- this is an occasion to urgently call an ambulance and go to the hospital. Without treatment, this can result in eclampsia - convulsions that turn into a coma and death.

In the case of a timely start of treatment, everything ends well and you can safely report the pregnancy.

Medical observation in the seventh month of pregnancy

A visit to the doctor is mandatory every two weeks with a preliminary urine test. The doctor will monitor your pressure and weight, the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen, the heartbeat of the crumbs and the presence of edema.

At the end of the eighth month, you will have an examination on a chair with taking smears on the flora, if he is restless. The doctor will suggest that you be treated with drugs that are safe for the baby. Now always carry all documents and an exchange card with you - childbirth is an unpredictable thing and can begin at any moment - documents contain all the information you need about you.

In addition, you will have a scheduled ultrasound examination, where you will once again see your baby, and the doctor will assess his condition and the condition of the placenta, the amount and nature of amniotic fluid. At the same time, a CTG of the fetus is also performed - a record of its movements and the work of the heart. It will allow you to assess the condition of the crumbs - whether he feels discomfort in his mother's stomach.

Gradually, the doctor prepares you for childbirth, plans their course and conduct - whether they will pass on their own or there are indications for a caesarean section.

Now it is important to monitor your weight and your condition, rest more and more often. Eat often and in small portions, drink only pure unsweetened water - salty and carbonated drinks increase thirst and provoke swelling. Limit salt and sugar in your diet, give preference to proteins in food, and reduce carbohydrates and fats. Be outdoors more often, take a leisurely walk, or sit on a bench in the park with a book or magazine.

Collect packages to the hospital - there should be three of them - the first for childbirth. the second for the postpartum period and the third for discharge and put them in prominent places. The composition of these packages differs in different maternity hospitals and therefore they will tell you for sure at the courses for preparing for childbirth.

At home, do not overwork yourself with work - do not stand for a long time in one position and do not sit cross-legged. It's time to think about choosing a maternity hospital and whether you will give birth alone or with a partner. If you are going to give birth together, it's time to conclude a contract for childbirth and send your partner for examinations, without them they will not let him into the hospital.

The eighth month of pregnancy is a difficult period. The kid has finished shaping his body and constantly makes itself felt with jerks and stirring. A woman who is tired over the previous seven months wants to give birth as soon as possible and it seems that this will happen any day. However, it will be a long time before the mother sees the child. During this period, you need to be patient, calmly wait and prepare.

What has already been done by the eighth month of pregnancy

For 8 months, the development of the child in the womb went according to a clearly established plan. A large complex organism gradually formed from a single-celled egg.

Now the fetus already looks like a person, all the main life support systems are developed and working in it, only the lungs are a little behind.

The fetus occupies the final position in the uterus, according to the norm, its head should be directed down and come out first (cephalic presentation).

If at this time, for any reason, childbirth begins, they are called early. The birth of a child at the 8th month of pregnancy in most cases is successful, the baby has every chance to survive and develop normally. Difficulties sometimes arise from the lungs, which are not yet ready for a full respiratory cycle and may subside on exhalation.

What remains to be done

It would be better if the child waited a little longer before coming into the world. The development of the body has not ended, you need to do a few important things and bring to mind what has already been done.

Changes in a woman's body

Eight months of pregnancy did not pass without a trace for the expectant mother. Her body has changed, the processes accompanying gestation make themselves felt with various, not always pleasant symptoms:

Childbirth close

Despite the fact that more than a month remains before the birth, signs of their approach are already appearing.

Periodically, so-called training contractions may occur, in which the muscles of the uterus contract randomly. The neck of the organ is not revealed.

Baby moves less than before, but more intensively. His thrusts are very painful, especially if they hit the ribs.

Examinations at the eighth month

If gestation proceeds without complications, the expectant mother at this time should come for an examination twice a month. At the same time, the doctor measures the weight of the pregnant woman., arterial pressure, the height of the uterine fundus, listens to the fetal heartbeat. Be sure to do a urine test.

Provides important information ultrasound procedure which is often held during this period. On ultrasound is determined:

  • maturity of the placenta;
  • condition of the uterus and its cervix;
  • presentation of the fetus;
  • the degree of development of its internal organs;
  • the presence or absence of pathologies;
  • approximate date of birth.

Possible Complications

If the tone of the uterine muscles is increased, there is a threat of premature birth. The main symptoms of this condition are severe drawing pains in the abdomen and blood in the vaginal discharge. It is important to immediately call an ambulance, as the process can develop rapidly.

A serious danger in the eighth month is late toxicosis of pregnant women or gestosis. The disease is accompanied by severe headache, swelling, nausea and vomiting. Unlike the first trimester, when toxicosis was normal, now he poses a serious danger for mother and fetus. Preeclampsia can be diagnosed based on the results of a urinalysis, which is why it is so important to conduct a regular examination.

The most terrible complication of pregnancy in the eighth month can be eclampsia - swelling of the brain, accompanied by severe convulsions and loss of consciousness.

To save the mother and baby, if complications arise, doctors can induce premature birth or carry out C-section.

Pregnancy is already coming to its logical conclusion, but still, childbirth is still far away. The rest of the time should be spent with maximum benefit.

A woman should pay special attention to her health, because the well-being of her child now depends only on it. You should not overstrain, bend over, squeeze the stomach. Future mom shouldn't hurt. You need to spend more time outdoors, eat right and varied, monitor hygiene and stool.

It is equally important to prepare mentally, properly adjust yourself and the future father, cope with the fear of childbirth.

And finally, it's time to prepare everything that the baby will need immediately after birth.

The eighth obstetric month of pregnancy is the beginning of a period of active preparation for childbirth, both for you and your baby. Let's find out more about the sensations and problems that you may encounter during this period.

The eighth obstetric month is the period between 29 and 32 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. Heartburn, shortness of breath, back pain and swelling do not recede. At the end of the eighth month, you need to undergo a planned ultrasound. This is important in order to assess the condition of your baby and placenta. It is during this period that placental insufficiency and intrauterine growth retardation of your child may occur. Following the recommendations of your doctor and regular visits to the antenatal clinic will help to avoid various complications.

Does the stomach hurt at 8 months pregnant

If at the 8th month of pregnancy the lower abdomen is pulled or the stomach hurts, see your gynecologist so that he excludes a possible uterine tone. Short-term pain in the lower abdomen can occur during exertion due to stretching of the ligament that holds the uterus.

Now your baby is actively moving, there is less and less space in the uterus. His tremors are quite noticeable and can even be painful. Try to calm the baby, talk to him. Usually the child reacts to your appeal to him.
Excessive activity of the child can be caused by the fact that he does not have enough oxygen. Try to walk more in the fresh air, do special exercises or yoga for pregnant women.

Discharge at 8 months pregnant

Allocations during this period can be very plentiful. Normally, they should have a white or beige color and a uniform consistency. Blood impurities, brown or pink color, bad smell, wateriness - all this is a reason to consult a gynecologist.

Bleeding at 8 months pregnant is a sign of placental abruption. This condition is dangerous for the life of the baby. Urgently call an ambulance.

Detachment of the placenta threatens that the baby will not receive enough oxygen and may die. In this situation, obstetricians decide on the stimulation of labor or a caesarean section.

Thrush at 8 months pregnant

Have you noticed that the discharge has become curdled and you are worried about itching around the labia? Most likely, this is thrush (candidiasis). It is necessary to contact your gynecologist for examination and treatment. It is necessary to treat thrush, as a child can pick up an infection.

Cold at 8 months pregnant

What to do if you become infected with SARS or flu at 8 months of pregnancy and you have heat? Here are some important recommendations from experts in this regard:

  • no need to self-medicate and take any drugs without a doctor's prescription;
  • inform your obstetrician-gynecologist about your condition;
  • if the temperature has risen above 38.5 ° C, you can take antipyretics based on paracetamol or ibuprofen (they are harmless to the child);
  • you need to drink plenty of water and bed rest;
  • food should be light, containing a lot of vitamins;
  • after the end of the illness, be sure to see a doctor so that he assesses the condition of the child.
Is there a chance that the baby can get the flu or other infections in utero? The risk is small, but it exists. At this time, the placenta is aging and can "pass" viruses and bacteria.

The baby already has its own immunity, but further examination will show how it will cope with the disease.