That a pregnant woman hurts the lower abdomen. Abdominal pain in expectant mother

Many women in the position are interested in why the stomach hurts during pregnancy, especially if it happens at the bottom of the peritoneum.

Perhaps, this question is most often asked by expectant mothers, because it is precisely such pains that they consider the most dangerous.

Pain as a sign of pathology

And there is every reason for that opinion.

After all, one of the first signs of various types pathologies that occur over 9 months is precisely the pain that covers the lower abdomen.

For example, in the case of exfoliation of the placenta, you will feel pain in the lower abdomen (the term is not decisive).

Pain in this place will appear in case or during.

How to understand what the sensations that arise in this area are talking about?

First of all, there is no need to experience panic fear when the lower abdomen begins to ache, be it at least the first month, at least the ninth.

Pain can be not only an indicator that something out of the ordinary has happened, but is also a common occurrence.

However, in any case, it is important to immediately consult a doctor if the sensation is strong, stabbing, and its intensity only increases over time.

norm or problem

Please note: the pain that occurs in the process of bearing a baby, at some point becomes for future mother just the norm.

Still - after all, they accompany a woman throughout her pregnancy, not retreating even for a week!

  • first, the ligaments that support the growing uterus begin to ache;
  • with an increase in the term, the back hurts more and more;
  • pulls the stomach;
  • at the end of the term, there is a feeling that the whole body hurts: its own weight has increased, the baby kicks, the uterus presses on the organs.

During pregnancy, the lower abdomen can hurt from the very first day, as if warning you about the fusion of the sperm and the egg.

But some will only experience them closer to birth. It all depends on the individual characteristics of each woman!

It is this type of sensation that is characterized by the fact that it informs the pregnant woman about a variety of changes that occur in her body.

It is not for nothing that doctors divide the pains that cover the lower abdomen of a pregnant woman into two groups: obstetric and non-obstetric.

  • The first group includes those that warn of existing pathologies, sometimes even in the first month, (ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption) or speak of a threatened abortion.
  • To the second, those that arise in connection with changes in the "pregnant" body, some of which are associated with the growth of the abdomen.

And, therefore, there are stretched ligaments, increased weight or characteristic changes in the gastrointestinal tract.

This also includes pain in the lower peritoneum caused by various diseases that can be eliminated surgically (for example, appendicitis).

Causes of pain in the 1st trimester

The first months is a period in which you need to carefully monitor your body, paying special attention to pain that occurs in the lower abdomen.

The fact is that most miscarriages occur at this time. And the reasons could be:

  • most often in the first month, the stomach (its bottom) hurts simply because the body is preparing for pregnancy and hormonal changes occur.

In this case, sometimes the lower back also hurts.

  • already in the first month, the uterus grows, because the ligaments, which are unaccustomed to even such a load, begin to whine.

The time will come when they will become thicker, and the stomach will be very large - cramps will cover its bottom at the end of the day with excessive activity of the pregnant woman

  • a woman may begin rejection of an embryo or fetal egg, which will end in a miscarriage.

In this case, spasms may be accompanied by bleeding. Sometimes the process, if the deadline is very early, can go unnoticed at all.

The stomach will simply ache or there will be periodic spasms at the bottom of the peritoneum as during menstruation, or it can be confused with the onset of menstruation

  • with an ectopic pregnancy, severe abdominal pain will occur, but not in the first month of an interesting position, but in the second.

It is important to see a doctor on time, otherwise there is a threat of rupture of one of the fallopian tubes. When the stomach was seized by a piercing sharp pain that cannot be tolerated, perhaps the process is in full swing.

Features of the first 3 months

It is worth noting: in the first (second) month, the spasms that "hit" the lower abdomen, during which bleeding occurs, do not always indicate that a pregnant woman has a miscarriage.

Almost every fourth woman in a position has something similar, being a feature of the course of pregnancy, which can continue safely.

But during an involuntary abortion, the pain in the lower abdomen does not stop, and there will be so much blood that you cannot do without a pad.

It happens that shortly before the rejection of the fetal egg, other "charms" of pregnancy also disappear.

By the way, each stage of the process is characterized by its own pain. If you try to distinguish between them, then contacting the doctor in right time can save the pregnancy. They are accompanied by heaviness in the lower abdomen and discomfort in the sacrum.

No need to immediately run to the hospital yourself, even when the term is not long, and the stomach hurts not so much that it could keep you at home.

Pain in the 2nd and 3rd trimester

Why does the stomach hurt if the gestational age has already "passed" for 7 months?

  • Most often this is due to digestive problems, which are sure to occur in almost everyone.

And they are caused by the pressure of the uterus on the intestines and the menu, which combines antagonist products.

Also affect the gastrointestinal tract overeating, eating large portions.

Bottom line: a woman in position has gases, even colic.

Naturally, sometimes they can cause very unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen - this is what distinguishes the period of 5-9 months.

  • The ligaments that hold the uterus are in constant tension.

If a pregnant woman happens to walk a lot, lie in one position, she feels pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which disappear when changing position or resting.

Such sensations are intensified by sneezing or laughing: at this moment, the stomach below seems to be pierced by an electric discharge. The pain can even be sharp, but the time during which it will be felt strongly is minimal.

  • Late term is a time when a woman gets tired incredibly quickly, especially when.
  • It happens that the stomach hurts for a very banal reason - overstrain of the abdominal muscles (especially after 5 months, you know this).

In this case, it is better to lie down and everything will pass. You need to reduce the load, reduce the speed when walking.

  • The stomach, or rather its bottom, hurts if the baby (people say about this phenomenon “the stomach has dropped”)

For you, this is a signal: getting closer.

In this case, the pressure on this area increases, sometimes discomfort is interspersed with swelling of this area, pain in the legs, which are also similar to weak discharges of electric current.

What to look out for

There are other reasons why the stomach hurts. And they require the mandatory intervention of a doctor.

  • For example, sometimes during pregnancy there is an exacerbation of such chronic diseases like pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction occurs.

In the first month of an interesting situation, this does not happen, more often this happens when at least half the term has passed. Such a disaster will be indicated not only by a aching stomach, but also by nausea, fever, dizziness. In such cases, it is imperative to call an ambulance.

  • Pain may indicate gynecological problems. It is possible that a woman has some kind of infection that can affect the health of the baby.

It is important to get rid of such a problem as soon as possible. After all, even if the child does not become infected during pregnancy, the infection will affect him when he decides to leave his mother's stomach and will pass through the birth canal.

Unpleasant sensations and pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon.

There are many reasons and not all of them are related to the pregnancy itself.

Normally, discomfort in the lower abdomen is quite natural and is associated with the growth and distension of the uterus.

If there is a growing and constant pain, then this is cause for concern. Consider the most common causes of pain.

Pain in the lower abdomen can be caused by three types of reasons:

  • physiological pain that does not require treatment;
  • pathological course of pregnancy;
  • other diseases not related to the expectation of a child.

Most often, the lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy due to stretching of the walls of the uterus. This pain can be called physiological. She does not require treatment.

When a fetal egg is attached, usually on the 10th day of ovulation, some women may feel an attack of stabbing pain in the lower abdomen. It goes away in about a day.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, sensations may resemble tingling in the lower abdomen.

Only a small number of women note that from the very beginning of pregnancy, the lower abdomen is pulled. Such pain is not strong and not cramping, which distinguishes it from the pain syndrome with or

The main difference between physiological and pathological pain: sensations do not have a clear localization.

Starting from the third month, the uterus extends beyond the upper border of the pelvis. As a result, the ligaments that hold the uterus begin to stretch.

A sprain can make a woman feel like she's having seizures acute pain in the groin area on both sides. The pain is relieved at rest and worsens with movement.

This condition also does not require treatment and should not be a concern.

In the later stages, discomfort can cause squeezing Bladder uterus. In this case, there is a pulling or sharp pain below, radiating to the perineum. Passes after emptying the bladder.

There are types of pain that should cause concern because they indicate that the course of pregnancy is disturbed.

In this case, this is a formidable sign that warns of a possible spontaneous abortion or its incorrect dislocation.

Threat of abortion

The largest percentage of spontaneous miscarriages occurs for up to 12 weeks. He is preceded characteristics, which you need to know about, since if measures are taken, then in some cases the process can be stopped and the child can be saved.

Signs on early dates:

  • appear or ;
  • aching lower abdomen;
  • cramping pains appear.

The fact that a miscarriage cannot be prevented is evidenced by increasing and incessant bleeding, while the blood becomes scarlet.

It can also precede a miscarriage. A woman may notice that the abdomen feels firm to the touch.

Normally, the muscles of the uterus are soft in the early stages, because they should not interfere with the growth of the fetus and disrupt the vital activity of the newly attached and therefore still loosely held fetal egg.

At a later date, the cause of a miscarriage or premature birth may be developing - late toxicosis.

At the same time, the features already described are joined by:

  • a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • the appearance of edema.

Method of treatment:

  • maintaining physical, sexual and emotional (as far as possible) peace;
  • reception medicines prescribed by a doctor;
  • complete nutrition.

You can not refuse hospitalization if the doctor recommends treatment in a hospital. With this approach, there is a high probability of saving the pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic or ectopic pregnancy means that fertilized egg did not reach the uterus, but attached to the fallopian tube.

Such a pregnancy poses a danger to the life of the mother, as it can lead to profuse internal bleeding. In some cases, an ectopic pregnancy ends in spontaneous abortion.

With cervical pregnancy - at 5-6 weeks.

An ectopic pregnancy is characterized not only by pain, but by a whole complex of pathological signs:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, which is localized on the right or left, depending on which side the fallopian tube is located, where the fetal egg is attached;
  • pain radiates to the anus, under the rib, legs or subclavian region;
  • pain appears suddenly when moving and even when changing position;
  • the appearance of a dark brown or red color.

If we are talking about cervical pregnancy, then the pain is localized in the middle of the abdomen.

When a pipe breaks, the symptoms are more threatening:

  • sudden onset of sharp pain;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and weakness;
  • loss of consciousness.

Method of treatment: urgent operation. To soothe the pain until it is rendered health care, you need to take a lying position and not move.

Placental abruption

Method of treatment: treatment of the underlying disease.

Surgical diseases

Pregnant women can also have an appendicitis attack or a hernia.

Pain in appendicitis:

  • acute, not passing;
  • pain in the lower abdomen is felt on the right;
  • may be accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea;
  • may be accompanied by a rise in temperature;
  • It is not removed by antispasmodics and does not go away with a bowel movement.

Hernia pain:

  • sharp, sometimes cutting;
  • appears with the movements of the child or mother;
  • appears with exertion, even coughing and sneezing.

Method of treatment: hospitalization and surgical intervention are required.

Pain in the lower abdomen during the period of bearing a child can have many causes. Therefore, it is better not to engage in self-diagnosis, but to consult your doctor, who will help identify the true underlying cause of pain and prescribe a treatment that will help get rid of discomfort as quickly as possible.

Why do pains appear in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Does the stomach hurt during pregnancy, if everything is normal, or is it always a symptom of some kind of deviation? In fact, this complaint is one of the most common that expectant mothers come to gynecologists with. This is because in many cases the lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy if there is a threat of spontaneous miscarriage. In a word, this is an "alarm bell" that should not be ignored.

Sometimes not everything is so scary, and painful sensations are a variant of the norm. After all, during the period of bearing a child, the uterus quickly increases in size. And pulls the stomach during pregnancy in the early stages due to stretching of the ligamentous apparatus, squeezing other organs by the uterus. Of course, this is more often observed in the second and third trimester, as well as in the presence of uterine fibroids.

Often, the stomach hurts during early pregnancy as during menstruation due to intestinal disorders. The expectant mother must take care of proper nutrition not only for the health of the child, but also for their well-being. Namely, you should not often and in large quantities use foods that promote gas formation. These include milk, cabbage, peas, legumes, eggs, etc. You should also avoid constipation, and for this you need to eat a lot of foods rich in fiber (primarily vegetables) and drink plenty of fluids (at least 1.5 liters per day in winter and up to 3 liters in summer).

And yet, why does the stomach hurt during early pregnancy, what is the main reason? The fact is that the uterus has muscle layer, and it is he who is regularly reduced. Sometimes so much that it causes pain. This phenomenon is called uterine hypertonicity. Why are doctors so afraid of this? With regular spasms, the cervix can open, placental abruption - that is, a miscarriage begins. And pain and blood from the genital tract can be a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy.

The situation is especially alarming if it hurts a lot in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, that is, the pain is not dull, but acute. At the same time, there appeared bloody issues. In this case, you need to urgently go to the hospital.

If not much, quite tolerably hurts the stomach during pregnancy, what to do in such a situation? You should still consult a doctor, but it may not be as urgent as in the previously described situation. But what should be done is to reduce physical activity as much as possible, ideally there should be bed rest. Plus, be sure to refrain from sexual activity. To prevent miscarriage, the doctor will most likely prescribe a drug containing progesterone, the main hormone necessary for the preservation and development of pregnancy.

It makes no sense to donate blood for progesterone to diagnose its possible deficiency. Unknown what level this hormone sufficient for the development of the child. Also, you do not need to regularly donate blood for hCG or do pregnancy tests, measure basal temperature. This will only provoke unnecessary anxiety and will not help in any way. Trust the doctor.

It is very common for a woman to experience pain in the abdomen or back while waiting for a baby. Why can the stomach hurt? There are many reasons that cause these sensations.

Is it normal to feel abdominal pain during pregnancy?

Yes. Spasms and other pains in this area most often occur due to fetal pressure on the muscles, joints and veins. While you're expecting a baby, your ligaments that connect your bones will stretch. During movement, this can lead to mild pain on one side of the abdomen or on both sides at the same time. Most often, women note discomfort on the right, because the growing fetus stretches the uterus in this direction. It is quite easy to make sure that the pain occurs precisely because of the ligaments. You need to sit down, relax, and if the discomfort is gone, then the matter is just in the ligaments. When severe pain a warm bath or lying on your side helps. A gentle back massage will also relieve your condition.

If you feel unwell and your stomach hurts

Perhaps the pain has a completely different reason, not related to your position. It could be appendicitis, kidney stones, infections urinary tract, problems with gallbladder or uterine fibroids, which you previously did not suspect. It is worth asking your gynecologist for advice on what to do in this case. But go to the hospital immediately if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • burning and pain when urinating;
  • unusual;
  • spotting or bleeding;
  • vomit;
  • fever;
  • chills.

If the stomach hurts in the first trimester of pregnancy

As a rule, in the first weeks this is normal. But sometimes, in combination with other symptoms, pain may indicate. Unfortunately, this kind of thing happens a lot these days. The main reason is that the development of the fetus does not occur properly. What are the features of an early miscarriage:

  • Feel. Spasmodic pains in the center of the abdomen below, bleeding nie.
  • Timing. It can happen any time before 12 weeks of pregnancy.
  • What to do? Call your gynecologist or ambulance for a consultation. Sit or lie down. Relax. In case of severe bleeding (more than one pad per hour), you should urgently go to the hospital emergency department.

Sometimes a pregnancy can develop outside the uterus. This pathology is called an ectopic pregnancy. Unfortunately, this embryo cannot be saved in any way and an urgent termination of pregnancy is necessary. This is a serious condition and occurs in 1% of cases. Features of this pathology:

  • Feel. Pain of a cramping nature, which is localized on one side, but during a fight it spreads to the other part of the abdomen. Watery bleeding is quite dark in color.
  • Timing. Usually from 4 weeks to 10.
  • What to do? Call an ambulance immediately. Treatment in this case should be started immediately.

Pain in the second trimester

In most cases, discomfort in the abdomen at this time is not dangerous. But there is a small chance that it could be a late miscarriage. This condition is very rare, even in comparison with early miscarriage. Features of a late miscarriage:

  • Feel. Contractions and bleeding.
  • Timing. Between 12 and 23 weeks
  • What to do? If you have light-colored bleeding, call your gynecologist or ER for advice. If heavy bleeding, then urgently go to the hospital.

If abdominal pain occurs in the 3rd trimester

3rd trimester for a pregnant woman - the finish line before meeting with her baby. Pain in the abdomen can mean training contractions before childbirth. But very rarely it can indicate premature birth. Even if premature birth has begun, this does not mean that the child is now necessarily born. Sometimes, until the water breaks, it's just a false alarm. Peculiarities :

  • Feel. Pain in the pelvic region, lower abdomen, back. Cramping sensations. There may be diarrhea, leakage of amniotic fluid.
  • Timing. Between 32 and 37 weeks.
  • What to do? Call your doctor, an ambulance, or someone in your family. If the amniotic fluid has broken or started to leak a little, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

If you have stomach pains after 37 weeks of pregnancy, this means that you are on early stage childbirth. At this stage, contractions should not cause you concern, because the body is preparing for the upcoming birth.

Attention! This article contains general information only and is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified professional.

Many women complain of pain at the beginning of pregnancy. They are quite understandable: with the birth of a new life, the body of the future mother begins to gradually rebuild. Muscle fibers are stretched, ligaments swell. A woman usually experiences this kind of discomfort in the first trimester.

Pain is not always the result of the described changes. Any discomfort should alert the future woman in labor, because sometimes they signal pathological problems. This article discusses the main causes of pain in the lower abdomen on the left during pregnancy. It also provides information on methods for diagnosing and treating this condition.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left during pregnancy

In the left part of the abdominal cavity there are organs, each of which plays a certain functional role. Any discomfort during pregnancy should alert and become a reason for a visit to the doctor.

There are many causes of pain, and not all of them are due to pregnancy itself:

  1. Physiological (do not require treatment).
  2. pathological course of pregnancy.
  3. Diseases not associated with the birth of a new life.

Pain is usually caused by stretching of the walls of the uterus. Such discomfort can be called physiological, and specific treatment in this case is not required. When a fetal egg is attached, some women feel a slight tingling sensation in the lower abdomen. It goes away on its own in about a day.

From the third month, the uterus begins to gradually go beyond the boundaries of the pelvis. As a result, the ligaments that fix it are stretched. Usually during pregnancy, the stomach hurts, like during menstruation. Discomfort disappears during rest and increases with physical activity. This condition also does not require therapy.

In the third trimester, discomfort occurs due to squeezing of the bladder by the uterus. Future women in labor note the appearance of a sharp pain that radiates to the perineum. However, the discomfort disappears immediately after emptying the bladder.

Now consider the main causes of pain in the lower abdomen on the left during pregnancy, which can threaten the life of the child. Otherwise, such pains are called obstetric.


A large percentage of spontaneous abortion is recorded for up to 12 weeks. A miscarriage is usually preceded by certain signs that every woman should be aware of. If you recognize the pathology in a timely manner and consult a doctor, in most cases it is possible to save the baby.

Brownish discharge with blood from the vagina, side pain during pregnancy - these signs indicate a miscarriage. A woman with these symptoms should be hospitalized immediately. In the hospital, after a physical examination, the doctor prescribes a series of tests to determine the cause of the pathology. Then they start treatment.

At the same time, a small hematoma often remains behind the fetal egg, which causes pulling pains in the abdomen during pregnancy. When it resolves, the discomfort should pass, so you should not worry. If once there has already been a woman, she should be especially careful and attentive to her position. It is necessary to do ultrasound regularly to exclude various pathologies. An intrauterine anomaly often causes spontaneous abortion or, conversely, develops as a result of a lack of blood supply.

Ectopic pregnancy

Why does my stomach hurt during pregnancy? In the early stages, doctors often diagnose an ectopic pregnancy. This is a condition in which it does not have time to reach the uterus and is attached in the fallopian tube. The rupture of the latter can lead to profuse bleeding. Sometimes an ectopic pregnancy results in spontaneous abortion.

The first symptoms of pathology appear at 7-8 weeks, when the growing ovum begins to gradually stretch the tube. An ectopic pregnancy is characterized not only by unpleasant sensations, but also by a whole set of signs:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the anus or legs;
  • unpleasant sensations appear suddenly, intensify with movement;
  • bleeding from the vagina.

This condition is considered extremely dangerous and requires immediate hospitalization of the patient for surgical care.

Detachment of the placenta

In some cases, the placenta exfoliates from the walls of the uterus prematurely. Among the main causes of the development of pathology, doctors include strong blows in the abdomen, hypertension, overexertion. Detachment can be partial and complete. In the first case, the problem is signaled by discomfort in the lower abdomen. In the second case, there is profuse bleeding from the vagina. There may also be weakness, headaches.

In early pregnancy, placental abruption is treated with medication. In the third trimester, if doctors detect a lack of oxygen in the fetus, they usually decide on a premature birth.

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency

This pathology is often diagnosed in women with a complicated obstetric and gynecological history. It is characterized by weakness of the internal os of the cervix, due to which it gradually opens outside of delivery. This condition is very dangerous because it threatens to infect the fetus. The main signs are characteristic pains in the lower abdomen on the left. During pregnancy in the later stages, vaginal discharge appears, and there are no contractions. A woman with suspected isthmic-cervical insufficiency is hospitalized. Treatment involves a complex operation, during which circular sutures are placed on the cervix.

Uterine hypertonicity

Many women complain that during pregnancy, the stomach hurts, like during menstruation. This is a common phenomenon, which in medical practice is called uterine tone. Pathology implies an involuntary contraction of its muscles, characterized by the appearance of pain. She can give to the lower back.

Normally, the uterus is constantly relaxed and calm. That is why when discomfort occurs, it is necessary to visit a doctor. The tone of the uterus in the first trimester often signals the onset of spontaneous abortion. In the later stages, pathology can lead to premature birth. In fact, the problem is not as terrible as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to determine the cause in a timely manner and begin treatment.

Training bouts

Training contractions usually start after 30 weeks. Thus, the uterus "prepares" for the upcoming birth. If the stomach is already ending and characteristic vaginal discharge is noticeable, you should call a brigade medical workers and calmly go to meet the baby.

It is very important for every woman to be able to distinguish training fights from true ones. The first are characterized by irregularity, short duration. More details about this are on preparatory courses for future mothers.

Non-Obstetric Causes

Given that in addition to the uterus, there are other organs in the small pelvis, pain in the lower abdomen on the left during pregnancy does not always signal a threat to the fetus. Common causes of discomfort are diseases and functional disorders. For example, women are often diagnosed with the so-called neurogenic bladder. This is a pathology characterized by frequent urination, but without obvious signs of inflammation. This phenomenon is due to hormonal changes, it disappears immediately after the body adapts to a new status.

Some women are diagnosed with ordinary cystitis. This beginning of pregnancy is considered unfavorable, since the treatment of the disease is associated with the use of antibiotics. It is especially bad if a woman did not know about her interesting position and used illegal drugs for therapy. In such cases, pregnant women are supposed to drink plenty of water, treatment medicinal herbs and antispasmodics.

In addition to the bladder, hormonal changes can affect the intestines. Constipation, bloating, liquid stool. All this leads to discomfort in the left side of the abdominal cavity, because it is there that the rectum is localized. If this is in the early stages, it is necessary to monitor the regularity of the stool and nutrition. The thing is that frequent constipation can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

medical examination

In order to identify which particular organ provoked the occurrence of unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to detail as much as possible. pain syndrome. This procedure involves an assessment of the severity and nature of discomfort, as well as its relationship with the position of the body.

Then, during a medical interview, the doctor determines the presence of concomitant symptoms (fever, vaginal discharge, stool disturbance). For example, if the side hurts during pregnancy, we are most often talking about spontaneous abortion. With isthmic-cervical insufficiency, in addition to discomfort, characteristic vaginal discharge appears.

After examining and collecting anamnesis for the final diagnosis, the woman is prescribed a comprehensive examination, which includes laboratory and instrumental methods.

Why is pain during pregnancy not treated?

After determining the cause of discomfort in the lower abdomen, a woman is prescribed treatment. If there is a risk of spontaneous abortion, drugs are prescribed to prevent uterine tone. With an ectopic pregnancy, surgery is mandatory. In case of placental abruption, treatment is carried out in a hospital. The woman is prescribed antispasmodics ("Papaverine", "Metacin") and hemostatic agents.

When and why pain during pregnancy is not treated? If the discomfort is due to physiological causes, specific therapy is not needed. This is discussed in detail at the beginning of the article. When pain in the lower abdomen is due to non-obstetric causes, treatment is also not prescribed in most cases. The exception is cystitis. A disorder such as a neurogenic bubble resolves on its own after the body adapts to a new life inside the womb. From constipation, diarrhea, bloating, diet correction helps. Pregnant women are advised to give up products that contribute to increased gas formation, choose healthy and natural food.


Pain in the abdominal area during pregnancy can have a different etiology. In order not to risk the health of the baby, you should not self-medicate and try to diagnose yourself. It is better to contact a gynecologist who can determine the cause of discomfort and draw up a treatment regimen. Be healthy!