Why does a cat go to the toilet. What to do if the cat goes to the toilet liquid? Causes of loose stools

Diarrhea in a cat is characterized by frequent liquid stools in small quantities. The color of the feces may be reddish or black, indicating bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
If the cat has had diarrhea only once, then there is no cause for concern, most likely the cause is a change in diet. But if severe diarrhea lasts for a long time, you should think about calling a veterinarian, because this can be a symptom of a serious infectious disease.

The composition of feces and the number of trips to the toilet in cats depend on the food and the intervals between feeding. If the cat eats exclusively dry food and all the recommendations for their use are followed, then the act of defecation is carried out once or twice a day.

To diagnose diarrhea in a cat, you should constantly monitor your pet's stool, note changes in the consistency of feces when using various foods, changing environments and stressful situations, since each cat's stool is individual.

How to treat diarrhea in a cat and should it be treated on its own?

Diarrhea can be very dangerous for cats, because the animal loses weight, weakens, and refuses to eat. Prolonged diarrhea leads to dehydration, which can even lead to death.

As a rule, diarrhea with mucus occurs in cats and after anthelmintic treatment - the worms died, digested and leave the body. Soon it passes without the use of special drugs and diets.

Another cause of diarrhea with mucous secretions is intestinal inflammation. Usually accompanied by fever, vomiting, loss of appetite, lethargy and drowsiness. In such cases, it is necessary to urgently contact a specialist and conduct an appropriate examination.

Owners of pregnant cats should be especially careful - loose stools with mucus impurities may indicate infectious diseases that are dangerous not only for the mother, but also for future kittens. In such cases, you should not treat yourself - contact your veterinarian immediately.

Features of diarrhea in kittens

In kittens, diarrhea can occur when feeding cow's milk, as their body is not yet sufficiently adapted to the breakdown of carbohydrates - there is not enough special enzyme. Also, in some cases, young animals are allergic to cow's milk protein. Therefore, it is recommended to replace this product with special mixtures.
It is not uncommon for kittens to have diarrhea when changing diets. To restore normal stools, you should return to the old diet, and introduce new foods in small portions over several days.
If diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting and degradation, it is necessary to conduct a study on viral diseases that kittens tolerate very hard.

Diarrhea in a kitten, how to treat and how?

Treatment of diarrhea in kittens begins with the first fact of excretion of liquid feces, it is impossible to start the disease, since prolonged diarrhea often causes rectal prolapse, which subsequently requires surgical intervention.

Young animals still have weak immunity, therefore diarrhea often occurs for several reasons at once. For recovery, you need to treat all diseases and diarrhea symptomatically. For this, antibiotics, antispasmodics, sorbents and probiotics are used.

Examination and diagnosis by a veterinarian

In order to prescribe the correct course of treatment, the doctor needs to determine the cause this disease. First, the veterinarian must examine the sick animal, then take an anamnesis from the owner of the cat, which includes the following:

  • How long has the cat had diarrhea?
  • loose stools are constant or alternate with normal stools;
  • what kind of event preceded the onset of diarrhea;
  • How often does the animal go to the toilet?
  • what color and amount of feces;
  • whether there is blood or mucus in the stool;
  • does the cat have false urges;
  • weight, appetite and demeanor of the cat on sick days.

The second stage of diagnosis consists in laboratory tests, which helps to identify the cause of the disease, the degree of dehydration and the stage of inflammation.

Since the causes of diarrhea in cats are different, the treatment is carried out in different ways.

Love and care for your pets, they are so defenseless, therefore, in difficult times, you need to take care of them, give them proper care. Be vigilant and your cat will be healthy, playful and affectionate.

Unfortunately, intestinal disorders can occur not only in humans, but also in cats. However, diarrhea in a cat can be a sign of serious violations the functioning of the body. Therefore, if diarrhea and vomiting appear in a cat, the owner should pay attention to this phenomenon. Of course, if loose stools in a pet are an isolated case, then nothing needs to be done, and when indigestion persists for several days, then this may already be a cause for concern.

It is not easy to understand why a pet has loose stools; for this, it is better to consult a veterinarian. Only he will reveal the true causes of the disease. Diarrhea in a cat can occur for the following reasons:

  • Changing nutrition. The occurrence of the problem is affected by a change in water quality, the transition to another type of food, for example, the introduction of a new product, the transition to dry food, the transfer of a kitten to the diet of an adult animal. Indigestion can occur when overfeeding the animal.
  • Reaction to medicine.
  • Diarrhea in a cat can occur due to a stressful situation.
  • Diarrhea in cats occurs as a result of various diseases: diabetes, liver and kidney diseases, intestinal infections, oncology, thyroid diseases.
  • If the animal has a helminth infection, then diarrhea is usually combined with mucus. It has a fetid odor. On palpation, the abdomen is painful and tight.
  • With intestinal obstruction, the cat develops vomiting, abdominal pain, and frequent diarrhea. In this case, it is necessary to start urgent treatment.
  • If the causes lie in diseases small intestine, then the pet's stool has a brown tint, with 2-3 single bowel movements. If the stool has a black tint, then this is a rather dangerous condition in which it is necessary to urgently consult a veterinarian. Because it can cause internal bleeding.
  • If a pet has a stool with mucus and blood, then the causes may lie in diseases of the large intestine.
  • If stool disorders are associated with the functioning of the pancreas, then in addition to diarrhea with a greenish tint, there is also increased appetite and dramatic weight loss.

It is impossible to treat a cat using drugs for people, because many of them can worsen the condition of the animal.

How to behave in the first day?

If the cat has diarrhea great importance has assistance to the animal provided at home:

  • Firstly, it is necessary not to feed the kitten, while observing an enhanced drinking regimen. You can drink both pure water and with the addition of glucose. You can also give the animal an infusion of oak bark, chamomile, yarrow, alder. For a fixing effect, it is recommended to give a decoction of blueberries or rice.
  • At home, you can reduce the intoxication of the body with the help of potassium permanganate. For this you need to do weak solution, slightly pinkish in color, then give the pet 1 ml.
  • For the treatment of a kitten, you can use activated carbon. Based on 1 tablet per 1 kg of animal weight.
  • You can try to stop diarrhea with starch. Why first you need to make a ball out of it, which then put on the tongue of the animal.

Feeding a kitten after an intestinal upset should be done carefully, and great care must be taken when introducing new foods. It is recommended to start feeding only with familiar and simple products:

  • It is recommended to start feeding a kitten with boiled protein, white fish, rice.
  • Children's pates have proven themselves well. The main thing is that there are no carbohydrates in the diet, because they can cause diarrhea and vomiting in a cat.

It is not necessary to treat the pet by the method of trials, while precious time is lost.

When do you need to urgently contact a veterinarian?

It is necessary to stop all actions performed at home, and urgently go to the veterinary clinic in the following cases:

  1. If the pet has eaten something from dangerous substances, for example, a poisonous house plant or household chemicals. In this case, it is necessary to do a gastric lavage.
  2. The following symptoms should cause concern: weakness, pallor of the mucous membranes, incessant thirst, a large amount of greenish stool, and it may be with mucus or blood. The kitten may have a rise in temperature, convulsions, weight loss. The pet vomits several times a day.
  3. When liquid stools with mucus are more than 5 times a day.

Medicines prescribed by a veterinarian

In the question of how to treat diarrhea in a cat, only a veterinarian will provide qualified assistance. Listed below are the most common veterinary medications that help relieve the pet's condition. Treatment using a medicine is recommended only in cases where the causes that caused such a condition are known:

  • A cat with diarrhea should be given drugs that help regulate the intestinal microflora, for example, Linex.
  • It is possible to cure intestinal and stomach disorders that have arisen due to the use of antibiotics with the help of Bifitrilak.
  • Smecta solution should be given to the animal in the appropriate dosage.

In order to help a cat with an intestinal disorder, you need to remember the correct behavior on the first day and the timely consultation of a veterinarian.

If the cat is lethargic and has loose stools, this may be a sign of a serious illness.

When loose stools began, with what interval does emptying occur, the presence of foreign or suspicious impurities in the stools, blood, mucus, unnatural color of feces, how the animal behaves, are there any accompanying symptoms:, spasms,.


The stool frequency of a healthy cat depends on the food consumed, the intervals between meals.

  1. Nutrition dry food strictly according to the regime - a chair up to 2 times a day.
  2. One meat- 1 time in three days.
  3. Balanced varied diet – two or three times within 24 hours.

Fecal masses should normally have a clear shape, soft consistency, light brown color. If boiled vegetables are added to the diet - beets, carrots - the color will acquire a color closer to the food eaten.

Loose stools are almost always problems with the intestines. From the nature of the feces, color, you can pre-set in which section of the intestine the problem is - thin or thick.

Colitis and vomiting

Loose stools, which are accompanied by vomiting with blood, may indicate severe intoxication.

The presence of mucus, sometimes with blood - possible colitis, inflammation of the large intestine. A liquid slurry with pieces of undigested food indicates an allergy. Individual intolerance to a particular product. accompanied by vomiting - intoxication.

Treatment of difficult cases only with the help of a veterinarian!

Complete clinical picture the doctor establishes through a comprehensive examination:

Sometimes a short hospitalization of the animal is required for observation and taking tests for bacterial culture.

The cat has loose stools what to do at home

Help begins with the main thing - alleviating the suffering of the animal.

In case of poisoning toxic substances provide poison neutralization. For this, an antidote is administered.

Apple cider vinegar and water can help with alkali poisoning.

In case of poisoning alkali dilute with water Apple vinegar or lemon juice and drink a sick pet.

Poisoning acid neutralized with beaten egg white.

Intoxication due to stale food , provided that the poisoning occurred no more than three hours ago, it is eliminated with a solution of sodium chloride and water: 1 part salt to four parts water. Hydrogen peroxide with water, in equal proportions, is given every ten minutes. Water is poured in a large amount to ensure vomiting.

Worm infestation

Diarrhea with blood, if you look closely, you can also see worms.

Worm infestation lends itself. The type of worms, the approximate period of infection are taken into account.

Basically, universal complex medicines are used:

  • kanikvantel plus;
  • enwire;
  • drontal;
  • milbemax;
  • pratel;
  • troncil;
  • febtal;
  • prazicide;
  • profender.

Suspensions are given with a syringe. Tablets can be given with food, crushed into powder.

cat plague

In discharge bacterial infections includes cat distemper. Unfortunately, there is no treatment that guarantees the complete recovery of the animal. The cat needs complete rest, comfortable conditions, supportive therapy.

Cat distemper is very dangerous!

Prescribe antibiotics, vitamins, immunity-supporting drugs, symptomatic treatment. The best help is good care.

Viral herpes

A complication in the form of herpes in a cat, which.

Viral herpes felines require special approach. Medical care is divided into symptomatic elimination of the problem and specific.

  • Symptomatic: immunomodulators - anandin, roncoleukin. Antibiotics: cefazolin, ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, sinulox, amoxicillin.
  • Ointments and gels: iodinol, chlorhexidine, actovegin, solcoseryl.
  • Antiviral: anandine drops. Solutions: Hartman, Ringer-Locke. Vitamins: groups C, B. Specific elimination - surgical opening of wounds, cleaning, local healing.

Help with colitis

Help with colitis depends on the causes that caused it. General therapy aimed at facilitating the general condition of the cat. Removal of inflammation - anti-inflammatory. Normalization of the pathogenic environment of a bacteriological nature - antibiotics. Restoration of the body as a whole - fortifying, vitamins.


Cancer in a cat.

Neoplasms - tumors - are mostly removed surgically, followed by restorative therapy.


Stressful situations do not require medical assistance. It is enough to provide your pet with favorable conditions: peace, a balanced diet.

Treatment with traditional medicine

Solution on pomegranate peels.

A good aid will be ethnoscience. It is allowed to use pomegranate peel for diarrhea, which should be brewed, insisted for an hour, watered the cat 3-4 times a day. You can use the walls of chicken stomachs, which are dried, ground into powder. Mixed with food at every feeding.

Medicinal collection from oak bark, chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, fruits and flowers of bird cherry, blueberries in equal proportions pour boiling water, insist. Give 30 ml four times a day.


The first day when loose stools occur, the cat needs a complete refusal to eat.

Food must be removed, but water should be left and monitored for its freshness.

Since during the illness occurs, drink plenty of water . Water must be fresh and clean.

On the second day light low-fat food is gradually introduced into the diet: boiled chicken breast, lean broth, rice, liquid enveloping cereals. Specialized therapeutic food for sensitive digestive system. Continue this diet throughout the entire period of illness and rehabilitation.

After recovery, you can return to the previous regimen and eat the same food, but with caution.

Preventive measures

The most important component of prevention is love for the animal. Pay special attention to nutrition, make sure that foods that irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines do not get into the animal's food. Change the water in the drinker in time, do not mix fresh food and yesterday's food. Prevent stressful situations, eliminate access to the trash can.

When a cat urinates fluidly, this may be due to temporary indigestion, stress, or a sign of serious illnesses. When a cat has diarrhea, it is important to pay attention to the color of the feces, whether or not there are blood blotches.

Causes of loose stools

Loose and frequent stools are one of the main signs of diarrhea. Moreover, the feces can be of different colors, with mucus or blood. Diarrhea does not always become a harbinger of disease. Diarrhea can last from a few hours to months or occur intermittently. Sometimes this indicates an infectious disease.

Also, if a cat goes to the toilet in a liquid way, it can be a sign of intoxication of the body, a cancerous tumor, a reaction to unusual food. Diarrhea is a symptom of almost everyone infectious diseases, often indicates a violation in the body. Loose stools can be the result of a change in food. For example, when switching from natural to dry food and vice versa.

If the kitten goes to the toilet with loose stools for a couple of days, then you should not worry. However, when diarrhea lasts longer, this is already an alarming sign. In kittens, loose stools can be caused by unusual foods, the transition to new foods. In some cases, stress (from moving, a new home, meeting a dog, etc.).

Features of liquid stool

Loose stools appear unexpectedly and often end the same way. If this was an isolated case and the stool was of a normal color and the diarrhea disappeared after a day or two, then there is no reason to worry. This is only a temporary disorder and most likely due to the food eaten.

Diarrhea of ​​a long or different color can be a sign of a serious pathology. An urgent need to contact a veterinarian. Sometimes any delay can lead to the death of a cat. Features of the color scheme when the pet goes to the toilet liquidly:

In a normal state, the color of feces in cats can be from light to dark brown. The reason for the change in shade may lie in vitamin supplements containing iron, eaten raw meat, beets, blood meal. If the owner is sure that the color of the feces has changed due to the reasons listed, then there is no reason for concern.

However, urgent veterinary care is required if other symptoms appear simultaneously with frequent liquid stools - vomiting, lethargy, heat and pain in the abdomen. There may be a sharp decrease in appetite, weight loss, feverish conditions.

Help the cat

The owner is only able to provide minimal assistance. He himself can try to help the cat if:

  • diarrhea in a cat of a standard color;
  • feces come out a little;
  • stool frequency no more than four times a day;
  • there is no mucus or blood in the stool.

In this case, you can provide the cat with plenty of fluids and put the animal on a daily starvation diet. If an improvement is seen the next day, then the recommendations are repeated.

Urgent veterinary care is required if loose stools in a cat are accompanied by other alarming symptoms:

  • vomiting;
  • great weakness;
  • refusal of food;
  • frequency of bowel movements more than five times a day;
  • change in stool color;
  • in the presence of blood, mucus in the feces;
  • if every time the cat comes out a lot of feces.

Why not delay contacting the veterinarian? The cat will lose everything every minute more strength, and the disease - to progress, and this is a lost time when proper medical care can be provided.

In these cases, you can not do anything to try to help your pet on your own, you can do more harm. Some medications that are intended for humans are very toxic to animals, and even half a pill can kill a cat.

Before going to the veterinarian, it is important to remember exactly when and after which loose stools began, whether its color changed during this time, whether there was blood or mucus in the feces. It is important to pay attention to how the animal feels - whether there is any deterioration with every hour.

Laboratory tests and diagnostic methods may be required to make an accurate diagnosis. For example, X-ray, ultrasound. If there is a threat to life, the cat should be in the hospital for some time, under the supervision of doctors.