My color has changed. What changes eye color? How the color of the eyes of people "chameleons" changes

Each person is unique and unrepeatable in their own way. This applies to the figure, face, hair structure, temperament and much more. Women often strive to change something in their appearance, for example, eye color. Such a desire may be caused by the desire not to be like others. Have you met people whose eye color is very difficult to determine? Chameleon eyes are not a myth or fiction. They can be blue, gray, blue, and sometimes there is a mixture of all these shades.

Generally this interesting phenomenon, which is still considered something unusual and mystical. Scientists still have not given a clear definition of this phenomenon and cannot fully explain the reasons that provoke its origin. Experts only suggest that the change in the iris is affected by the endocrine and central nervous system. So, let's look at why the eyes change color. We will find out what it really is: a serious pathology or a unique feature. But first, let's talk about the significance of this phenomenon.

What does this mean?

The chameleon is able to change its color and adapt to the environment. This is a successful camouflage mechanism that can save the life of an animal.

In general, the specific color of the eyes depends on the melanin pigment. The iris has five layers, and the color is affected by the level of melanin in each of the layers. For example, if there is more melanin in the outer layer, then the eyes will be brown. And if the pigment is completely absent there, then the color turns blue.

It has been observed that the owners of chameleon eyes are rather impulsive and contradictory people. They are dependent on personal experiences and feelings. In the same situation, these people can behave radically opposite. The mood changes very often, just like the color of the iris. This character trait is very disturbing for men, because, according to society, the representative of the stronger sex should be constant and stable. But they have the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, they are not afraid of change.

The same can be said about women who set goals with such temperament and give up the task halfway. Often girls with chameleon eyes are vulnerable natures. They love to do everything at once. On the one hand, this is good, because it is possible to acquire diverse skills, but on the other hand, this affects the quality of performance. Girls are characterized by spontaneity and impulsiveness in words and deeds. Thanks to this, life becomes bright and interesting, but new problems also appear.

Such a change in the color of the iris is not a pathology or a manifestation of any disease. There is no cause for concern if the color changes evenly, gradually and under certain conditions. If this was not observed before and the eyes began to change their color dramatically, then this should alert and encourage you to contact an ophthalmologist.

The photo shows the change in one eye.

Eye color can change in different ways:

  • changes in one eye;
  • color heterogeneity. In this case, the dominant color is difficult to determine;
  • cardinal changes. For example, Blue eyes become brown.


The color of the iris can change under the influence of certain factors, namely:

  • emotional condition. Joy, anger, love, excitement, fear, overwork - all this and much more can cause a change in the color of the iris;
  • influence environment. Changes in weather conditions or light levels can provoke a change in eye color. Changes in air temperature and atmospheric pressure can also affect the color of the organs of vision;
  • age indicators. Have you noticed that babies often have fair skin and blue eyes? This is due to the fact that melanin is produced in small amounts before birth, since there is no need for protection from ultraviolet rays. And only by half a year the real color of the eyes is formed. As we age, the iris thickens, which can cause the color to darken.

Important! It is believed that eye color can change due to hormonal changes in the body.

Chameleon eyes in humans are a unique phenomenon that is not a pathology.

No wonder they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Eye color can change depending on mood. So, blue and gray can turn black with anger. Browns take on a green or amber hue when a person is overwhelmed with joy. For unfamiliar people, these changes will be invisible, but close people will not be able to ignore this.

Makeup for chameleon eyes

A chameleon is a color of the eyes that changes depending on the color of the shadows, the mood or the light. What shadow is best to use in order to emphasize a certain eye color? You can change the color of chameleon eyes without resorting to the use of contact lenses:

  • it is possible to emphasize the blueness of the eyes with the help of cold shades: gray, silver, dark blue;
  • to achieve a swamp green hue, dark tones of brown and all tones of beige are used;
  • for owners of green eyes, it is better to use warm shades: copper, gold, turquoise, hot pink;
  • the color of bright turquoise will turn out when using emerald and blue shadows;
  • to give a gray tint, it is better to use cold shades of gray: graphite, ash silver, steel gray.

With the selection of makeup, the owners of chameleon eyes may have some difficulties. It is generally difficult to choose shadows, because the eyes can change their color at any time. Do not risk choosing bright and saturated shades. It is better to choose natural tones.

It is better to use several shades of shadows with a smooth transition of color. The main color is first applied to the entire eyelid. A darker shade is applied to the outer corner of the eye and carefully shaded. To create a more open look, paint the space above the eye and up to the eyebrows with a light beige shade of shadows. If you want to create an evening make-up, line the upper eyelid with a black pencil or draw an arrow.

Eyes can change color due to makeup

When should you worry?

It is worth worrying when the eyes have dramatically changed their color. Some diseases can cause changes in the pigmentation of the iris:

  • lymphoma. This is a rare malignancy that affects the area inside the eye or its appendages. Pathology usually manifests itself in the form of visual impairment, which is why the diagnosis of the disease is difficult;
  • pigmentary glaucoma. The disease usually manifests itself in people over forty years of age. The release of pigment may be associated with active motor reactions of the pupil or physical activity. This causes an increase in intraocular pressure, corneal edema and the appearance of iridescent circles;
  • iris melanoma. Represents malignant tumor, which, as a rule, has a dark brown color;
  • inflammatory processes in the iris;
  • leukemia.

Melanoma of the iris can cause a change in its color

Eye color correction methods

Let's talk about the most popular ways to change colors.

Chameleon Contact Lenses

Contact lenses, which change their color depending on the illumination, are not inventions, but a modern invention of scientists. The composition of these lenses includes special chemicals with a complex structure, which change under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. To put it simply, the lens becomes dark in the sun, and transparent in the dark. Such changes occur within a few seconds. Currently, such a development can be purchased via the Internet.

Laser correction

With the help of a laser, excess pigment in the iris is removed, which leads to a change in eye color. The procedure itself will take no more than half an hour. It is worth noting that with the help of a laser it is possible to change a dark color to a lighter one, but if you, for example, have a blue tint and want to make it darker, then this will not work. Concerning side effects, then double vision and increased sensitivity to light may appear. Moreover, the removal of melanin can lead to excessive light penetration. It is also associated with the risks of closing the channel for the outflow of intraocular fluid, which is fraught with the development of glaucoma, which increases intraocular pressure.

The result will be obvious in about a month. But you should not forget that this is an irreversible effect, so before you decide on this technique, you should think carefully.

Laser correction will help change the color of the eyes

Implant use

Through an incision that is made on the cornea, a silicone implant of any color is inserted. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and lasts no more than thirty minutes. The rehabilitation period lasts several months. Later, if desired, the implant can be replaced with a different color. The technique is associated with risks of complications: detachment and inflammation of the cornea, cataracts, secondary glaucoma, visual impairment up to blindness.

Hormonal drops

The composition of these eye drops includes a special substance, which in its properties is similar to prostaglandin. Such products can turn a light shade into a darker one, but not vice versa. The effect will be noticeable somewhere in three weeks. Also, these drops enhance the growth of eyelashes. Nevertheless, they should be used strictly on the recommendation of a specialist.

famous representatives this group are such means: Travoprost, Latanoprost, Bimatoprost, Unoprost. Prolonged use can lead to trophic disorders eyeball and visual impairment.

It is also known that you can change the color of the eyes by introducing certain foods into the diet. So, honey gives the eyes a lighter shade. Regular use of spinach makes the color of the iris more saturated, and the look - expressive. Usage olive oil in cooking makes the color softer and more delicate. Ginger also makes the color of the iris more saturated and dark.

So, chameleon eyes are a rather rare phenomenon. The owners of such eyes are able to influence the color change and this is still a big mystery to scientists.

Incredible Facts

Almost every one of us thought about how we would look with a different eye color.

As crazy as it sounds, our eyes can change color.

But first, let's deal with the basics.

First, it is worth knowing that melanin in the iris gives the color to the eye. When exposed to bright light, the iris can expand, and contract in the dark, which regulates the size of the pupil.

When pupil size changes, the pigment in the iris also shrinks or diffuses, which can slightly change perceived eye color.

But this is not the only reason why your eyes may change color. Here are a few more factors that can make your eyes appear lighter or darker.

How to change eye color

1. Age

Children are usually born with blue or gray eyes. However, with age, many children's eyes become darker. This is due to the fact that eye color is determined by genes and the level of melanin in the body.

As you age, the amount of melanin around the pupil increases, making your eyes darker. However, in about 10-15 percent of Caucasians, eyes become lighter with age as the amount of pigment in the iris decreases or changes.

2. Exposure to the Sun

Melanin production is also affected by exposure to sunlight. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can make your eyes darken.

3. Emotions

Certain emotions change the size of the pupils and the color of the iris.

When you are happy, angry, or sad, your body releases a hormone that changes the size of your pupils.

When you are happy or angry, your eye color may become clearer, and when you cry, your eyes take on a reddish tint, which makes them appear brighter.

Is it possible to change eye color

4. Clothes and makeup

Dark-colored clothing, as well as colored eye makeup or white eyeliner, make the eye color brighter.

While it's just a matter of perception and your eyes don't change color, they definitely start to stand out and look different than usual.

5. Your nutrition

They say that we are what we eat, and this phrase is quite applicable to our eyes. The type of food we are used to can affect the color of our eyes.

Here are a few foods that can change the color of your eyes if you eat them often:

Spinach: This iron rich product helps keep eyes youthful and bright.

Honey: Regular consumption of honey gives the eyes a light shade and brightness.

A fish: Eating fish enhances eye color and, depending on the frequency of intake, may cause permanent changes.

Olive oil: Many people believe that olive oil can change the color of the eyes when consumed regularly.

Onion: If you are very fond of onions, the color of your eyes, as well as skin tone, may change over time.

nuts: Add various nuts to your diet and your eye color will become lighter. However, it is worth remembering that roasted nuts do not affect eye color, as some nutrients are destroyed at high temperatures.

Chamomile tea: With regular consumption of chamomile tea, the eyes relax and the size of the pupils changes, which can make the eyes appear warmer.

6. Your health

Eye color can also change and take on a yellowish or greenish tint when you are unwell or suffering from eye conditions such as.

The color of the eyes, skin and hair depends on the content of the dye in them. melanin. If it is produced little, then the eyes are blue, the hair is light, the skin is white. If there is a lot of melanin, then the eyes are brown, the hair is black, the skin is dark.

Change in eye color with age

Our newborns usually have blue eyes.(and the skin and hair are light). This is due to the fact that melanin is produced to a minimum before birth - after all, it is needed not for beauty, but for protection from the ultraviolet rays of the Sun, which, thank God, are not in the mother’s stomach.

By about six months the iris acquires any color due to the gradual accumulation of melanin.

In childhood the iris gradually becomes thicker (the eyes darken).

In adults pigmented (darker) spots, analogues of skin freckles, may appear in the iris.

To old age the production of melanin is gradually disturbed: the hair turns gray, the dark iris becomes lighter. Light eyes in old age, on the contrary, darken a little due to compaction and a decrease in the transparency of the iris.

Change in eye color during the day

Depends on different lighting and contrast: the same object on a different background and in different lighting seems to us a different color.

Depends on the color perception of different people. Distinguishing blue and green from each other is not so easy. Try to find some aquamarine or turquoise device and pester people with the question of whether it is blue or green - get 50/50 (in some languages, blue and green are the same word).

Depends on pupil width(in bright light, the pupils are constricted, and in the dark [as well as with excitement, rage] - dilated).

  • With a narrow pupil, the entire iris is visible, and with a wide one, only part of it (the color of the iris is uneven, you can check for yourself).
  • The wider the black pupil, the brighter the surrounding iris appears (this is the “different background” from the first paragraph).
  • With the expansion-contraction of the iris, the thickness of the anterior pigment layer may change (for details, see the article

The human iris is as unique as a fingerprint. In addition, the iris is a very important structure of the eye in terms of functionality and aesthetics. As a result of external influences and internal processes in the body, eye color may change. Sometimes the reason for this is a serious pathology.

Can eyes change color? How does is called?

In some people, the eyes have a unique ability to change their color, for example, from hazel to green, depending on external factors and internal state. This happens most often due to the unique pattern on the iris. Such changes do not indicate ophthalmic pathology. The eyes of such people are called "chameleons".

This is a very unusual phenomenon that has not been thoroughly studied by scientists and is associated mainly with the functioning of the central nervous system and the endocrine system. However, a change in eye color can be pathological when the iris becomes completely black or, on the contrary, turns white. These symptoms are indicative of serious illnesses. Consider the causes of eye color changes in children and adults and find out in which cases it is necessary to see a doctor.

Why do eyes change color in childhood?

The eyes begin to change their color immediately after the birth of a person. This process is natural. In the first days after birth, a baby's eyes are usually cloudy gray or light green. After six months, the shade changes. The body accumulates melanin, which is responsible for the color of the iris. She becomes darker.

By about one year of age, the eyes acquire the color laid down by the genes. In this case, the final shade of the iris is formed by 5-10 years.

Throughout this life span, melanin continues to accumulate and influence the intensity of eye color.

Three factors influence eye color:

  1. The amount of pigment (melanin). At birth, it is absent from the iris and begins to be produced after a few days. The shade of the iris depends on its quantity: the more melanin, the darker the color of the eyes.
  2. Racial signs. The color of skin, hair, eyes directly depends on what race a person belongs to.
  3. Genetics. Genes play a significant role in what kind of eyes a child will have, but it is impossible to 100% predict eye color using genetics. There are only approximate data that parents can be guided by. So, for example, the probability that a light-eyed mom and dad will have a baby with bright eyes is 75%. If one of the parents has dark eyes, chances are their child will have brown eyes.

Scientists have created a special table that allows parents to determine what color eyes their child will have. With its help, you can predict how the original color changes by the age of one. Gray eyes at birth can change their shade from light to dark, blue eyes of a newborn can darken a little and become a beautiful celestial shade or lighter. Green eyes at birth become light brown or bluish-green. If the child's eyes are genetically brown, then the baby will be born with a dark gray iris.

Why do eyes change color as adults?

It is conditionally possible to distinguish two groups of reasons that lead to a change in eye color in adulthood:

  1. External.
  2. Internal (physiological).

External factors include weather conditions, changes in light levels and temperature, clothing color, environment. Moreover, the lighter the eyes, the greater their ability to color fluctuations. An object reflected from the eyes leads to an external change in its shade. However, all these reasons are relative, and the result of their influence on the eyes is almost imperceptible.

Physiological factors can be divided into natural, which do not pose a danger to human health, and pathological. The first ones include:

  • Emotions. Eyes change color with mood. Stress, joy, anger can lead to a change in the shade of the iris. Scientists attribute this process to the hormonal background.
  • Tears. When a person cries, the shade of the iris becomes more saturated. Protein, receiving excess moisture, seems even lighter and sets off the color of the iris.

All these reasons are not associated with diseases. There are several diseases that manifest themselves in a change in the shade of the iris. All of them are very dangerous and require long-term treatment. Let's take a closer look at their symptoms.

Eyes change color: what is the name of the disease?

Let us analyze in more detail the symptoms of each pathologyaccompanied by a change in eye color. You will be able to distinguish the pathological process from the natural one and consult a doctor in time. So, the diseases leading to a change in the color of the iris include:

1. Dahlen-Fuchs syndrome. It is also called chronic nongranulomatous uveitis. It is a degenerative process that predominantly affects one eye, but may also affect the other. The symptoms of the syndrome are as follows:

  • clouding of the lens, which occurs due to changes in the composition of the fluid in the eye;
    the iris brightens on the outside due to its thinning, as a result of which the affected eye becomes darker than the healthy one (iris lacunae
  • expand - the pigment begins to shine through them);
  • lack of creeps (drawings) of the iris.

This is part of the symptoms that relate to eye color. At the same time, some signs of the disease may disappear for a while, and therefore it is difficult to diagnose. Fuchs syndrome almost always leads to secondary glaucoma or cataracts with all their symptoms. In any case, the syndrome is accompanied by heterochromia - a different eye color (one is duller, and the color of the other is more intense).

2. Posner-Schlossmann Syndrome (glaucoma-cyclitic crisis) is a type of uveitis that affects the condition of the iris. The syndrome is manifested by pain, blurred vision, a feeling of heaviness in the eyes, photophobia and the appearance of multi-colored circles. This pathology is not accompanied by a decrease in vision. As for the state of the iris, it noticeably darkens. In addition, mydriasis of the pupil of the affected eye is observed.

3. Horner's syndrome is a disease associated with damage to the nervous system. Most often, pathology manifests itself in the eyes. The pupil of the diseased eye reacts slowly to changes in light levels. It does not adapt to external conditions and is almost always narrowed. The patient has heterochromia, especially if the disease develops in a child. The easiest way to diagnose the disease is by drooping of the upper eyelid (ptosis). Also, with this syndrome, the eyeball sinks, and sweating (dyshidrosis) is disturbed on the affected part of the face.

4. Pigmentary glaucoma is an ophthalmic disease in which pigment separates from the back surface of the iris and enters other structures of the eye. The main difference between pigmentary glaucoma and its other forms is the depigmentation of the iris: melanin is washed out of the cells of the surface layer of the iris and enters the anterior chamber. In a person with pigmentary glaucoma, part of the protein coat becomes the color of the iris. Other symptoms of pathology:

  • swelling of the cornea;
  • floating circles, "flies" before the eyes;
  • blurred vision;
  • reduced ability to see clearly at different distances;
  • sharp jumps in intraocular pressure.

5. Melanoma of the iris is a malignant tumor that often has a dark brown color. The first sign of the disease is the appearance of a brown mushroom-shaped bump in the anterior chamber of the eye. The borders of the iris become fuzzy, they seem to be smeared, the cornea becomes cloudy. The patient complains of blurred vision, flashes before the eyes, narrowing of the visual fields. There is usually no pain in the eye. All of these features are characteristic of initial stage diseases. Late symptoms include:

  • weight loss;
  • rapid pulse;
  • fast fatiguability.

6. Lymphoma is another malignant disease, the symptoms of which are reflected in the shade of the iris. With lymphoma of the eye, the area inside the visual organ is affected, which leads to a decrease in visual acuity. The color of the iris also changes. She becomes dimmer. However, the disease can behave differently in each case.

All of these pathologies are quite rare. This makes them harder to diagnose.

Eyes began to change color: what to do?

So, the eyes change color from mood, under the influence of external circumstances and due to illness. What should a person do if he finds that his eyes began to change color? If earlier your iris retained its shade regardless of external conditions and other reasons, then you should contact an ophthalmologist.

Changing the shade of the iris in children is a natural process. It should cause alarm if the eyes change color unevenly or the shade of only one eye has changed, that is, heterochromia is observed.

Each person is unique and unrepeatable in their own way. This applies to the figure, face, hair structure, temperament and much more. Women often strive to change something in their appearance, for example, eye color. Such a desire may be caused by the desire not to be like others. Have you met people whose eye color is very difficult to determine? Chameleon eyes are not a myth or fiction. They can be blue, gray, blue, and sometimes there is a mixture of all these shades.

In general, this is an interesting phenomenon, which is still considered something unusual and mystical. Scientists still have not given a clear definition of this phenomenon and cannot fully explain the reasons that provoke its origin. Experts only suggest that the endocrine and central nervous systems affect the change in the iris. So, let's look at why the eyes change color. We will find out what it really is: a serious pathology or a unique feature. But first, let's talk about the significance of this phenomenon.

What does this mean?

The chameleon is able to change its color and adapt to the environment. This is a successful camouflage mechanism that can save the life of an animal.

In general, the specific color of the eyes depends on the melanin pigment. The iris has five layers, and the color is affected by the level of melanin in each of the layers. For example, if there is more melanin in the outer layer, then the eyes will be brown. And if the pigment is completely absent there, then the color turns blue.

It has been observed that the owners of chameleon eyes are rather impulsive and contradictory people. They are dependent on personal experiences and feelings. In the same situation, these people can behave radically opposite. The mood changes very often, just like the color of the iris. This character trait is very disturbing for men, because, according to society, the representative of the stronger sex should be constant and stable. But they have the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, they are not afraid of change.

The same can be said about women who set goals with such temperament and give up the task halfway. Often girls with chameleon eyes are vulnerable natures. They love to do everything at once. On the one hand, this is good, because it is possible to acquire diverse skills, but on the other hand, this affects the quality of performance. Girls are characterized by spontaneity and impulsiveness in words and deeds. Thanks to this, life becomes bright and interesting, but new problems also appear.

Such a change in the color of the iris is not a pathology or a manifestation of any disease. There is no cause for concern if the color changes evenly, gradually and under certain conditions. If this was not observed before and the eyes began to change their color dramatically, then this should alert and encourage you to contact an ophthalmologist.

The photo shows the change in one eye.

Eye color can change in different ways:

  • changes in one eye;
  • color heterogeneity. In this case, the dominant color is difficult to determine;
  • cardinal changes. For example, blue eyes turn brown.


The color of the iris can change under the influence of certain factors, namely:

  • emotional condition. Joy, anger, love, excitement, fear, overwork - all this and much more can cause a change in the color of the iris;
  • environmental influence. Changes in weather conditions or light levels can provoke a change in eye color. Changes in air temperature and atmospheric pressure can also affect the color of the organs of vision;
  • age indicators. Have you noticed that babies often have fair skin and blue eyes? This is due to the fact that melanin is produced in small amounts before birth, since there is no need for protection from ultraviolet rays. And only by half a year the real color of the eyes is formed. As we age, the iris thickens, which can cause the color to darken.

Important! It is believed that eye color can change due to hormonal changes in the body.

Chameleon eyes in humans are a unique phenomenon that is not a pathology.

No wonder they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Eye color can change depending on mood. So, blue and gray can turn black with anger. Browns take on a green or amber hue when a person is overwhelmed with joy. For unfamiliar people, these changes will be invisible, but close people will not be able to ignore this.

Makeup for chameleon eyes

A chameleon is a color of the eyes that changes depending on the color of the shadows, the mood or the light. What shadow is best to use in order to emphasize a certain eye color? You can change the color of chameleon eyes without resorting to the use of contact lenses:

  • it is possible to emphasize the blueness of the eyes with the help of cold shades: gray, silver, dark blue;
  • to achieve a swamp green hue, dark tones of brown and all tones of beige are used;
  • for owners of green eyes, it is better to use warm shades: copper, gold, turquoise, hot pink;
  • the color of bright turquoise will turn out when using emerald and blue shadows;
  • to give a gray tint, it is better to use cold shades of gray: graphite, ash silver, steel gray.

With the selection of makeup, the owners of chameleon eyes may have some difficulties. It is generally difficult to choose shadows, because the eyes can change their color at any time. Do not risk choosing bright and saturated shades. It is better to choose natural tones.

It is better to use several shades of shadows with a smooth transition of color. The main color is first applied to the entire eyelid. A darker shade is applied to the outer corner of the eye and carefully shaded. To create a more open look, paint the space above the eye and up to the eyebrows with a light beige shade of shadows. If you want to create an evening make-up, line the upper eyelid with a black pencil or draw an arrow.

Eyes can change color due to makeup

When should you worry?

It is worth worrying when the eyes have dramatically changed their color. Some diseases can cause changes in the pigmentation of the iris:

  • lymphoma. This is a rare malignancy that affects the area inside the eye or its appendages. Pathology usually manifests itself in the form of visual impairment, which is why the diagnosis of the disease is difficult;
  • pigmentary glaucoma. The disease usually manifests itself in people over forty years of age. The release of pigment may be associated with active motor reactions of the pupil or physical activity. This causes an increase in intraocular pressure, corneal edema and the appearance of iridescent circles;
  • iris melanoma. It is a malignant tumor, which, as a rule, has a dark brown color;
  • inflammatory processes in the iris;
  • leukemia.

Melanoma of the iris can cause a change in its color

Eye color correction methods

Let's talk about the most popular ways to change colors.

Chameleon Contact Lenses

Contact lenses that change color depending on the light are not inventions, but a modern invention of scientists. The composition of these lenses includes special chemicals with a complex structure, which change under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. To put it simply, the lens becomes dark in the sun, and transparent in the dark. Such changes occur within a few seconds. Currently, such a development can be purchased via the Internet.

Laser correction

With the help of a laser, excess pigment in the iris is removed, which leads to a change in eye color. The procedure itself will take no more than half an hour. It is worth noting that with the help of a laser it is possible to change a dark color to a lighter one, but if you, for example, have a blue tint and want to make it darker, then this will not work. As for side effects, double vision and increased sensitivity to light may appear. Moreover, the removal of melanin can lead to excessive light penetration. It is also associated with the risks of closing the channel for the outflow of intraocular fluid, which is fraught with the development of glaucoma, in which intraocular pressure rises.

The result will be obvious in about a month. But you should not forget that this is an irreversible effect, so before you decide on this technique, you should think carefully.

Laser correction will help change the color of the eyes

Implant use

Through an incision that is made on the cornea, a silicone implant of any color is inserted. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and lasts no more than thirty minutes. The rehabilitation period lasts several months. Later, if desired, the implant can be replaced with a different color. The technique is associated with risks of complications: detachment and inflammation of the cornea, cataracts, secondary glaucoma, visual impairment up to blindness.

Hormonal drops

The composition of these eye drops includes a special substance, which in its properties is similar to prostaglandin. Such products can turn a light shade into a darker one, but not vice versa. The effect will be noticeable somewhere in three weeks. Also, these drops enhance the growth of eyelashes. Nevertheless, they should be used strictly on the recommendation of a specialist.

Well-known representatives of this group are such means: Travoprost, Latanoprost, Bimatoprost, Unoprost. Their prolonged use can lead to a violation of the trophism of the eyeball and visual impairment.

It is also known that you can change the color of the eyes by introducing certain foods into the diet. So, honey gives the eyes a lighter shade. Regular use of spinach makes the color of the iris more saturated, and the look - expressive. The use of olive oil in cooking makes the color softer and more delicate. Ginger also makes the color of the iris more saturated and dark.

So, chameleon eyes are a rather rare phenomenon. The owners of such eyes are able to influence the color change and this is still a big mystery to scientists.