Fibroadenoma disease. Everything you need to know about fibroadenoma

Girls should know what breast fibroadenoma is, what to do, and where it hurts.

Fibroadenoma is a tumor-like formation of a non-malignant nature that occurs in the upper region of the mammary gland, which is considered as one of the forms of nodular mastopathy of the mammary glands.

Often, diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands (manifested in areas of growths of the stroma and parenchyma, soreness, swelling, discharge from the nipples) is confused with fibroadenoma.

Diagnosis involves an external examination of the breast by a mammologist, X-ray and ultrasound procedure, a biopsy for the likelihood of cancerous degeneration.

In women, fibroadenoma of the left mammary gland, right or both sides at once is possible. Moreover, a bilateral lesion doubles the likelihood of tumor transformation into a malignant one.

During periods of hormonal instability, which include pregnancy, feeding, abortion, menopause, the behavior of fibroadenoma is unpredictable. It can rapidly progress and be reborn.

Early diagnosis is the key to a possible inoperable treatment of this neoplasm.

When breast fibroadenoma is diagnosed, they ask not only what it is, but also what are the causes of the pathology.
Doctors identify the most common causes of fibroadenoma:

  • violation of the delicate hormonal balance in the female body;
  • increased production of estrogens, which activate tumor growth;
  • prolonged negative emotional overstrain;
  • ovarian dysfunction, formations in the ovaries and.

Basic forms, features of treatment

There are four types of fibroadenomas.


Intracanalicular fibroadenoma of the mammary gland is considered as a formation formed during the germination of the stroma (connective tissue) and parenchyma directly into the cavity of the milk ducts or between them.

On palpation, such a tumor is characterized by:

  • allocation of individual shares;
  • heterogeneous loose structure;
  • fuzzy boundaries.

Adenous mastopathy of this type does not respond to drug treatment, so it is removed surgically. Malignancy (malignant degeneration) of this type of formation is a rare phenomenon.


Pericanalicular fibroadenoma is a fibro-glandular formation of a homogeneous structure in which the stroma grows around the milk ducts.

In women during menopause, there is often an accumulation of salt deposits (microcalcifications) in the fibrous-adipose tissue of the tumor, which are considered as potential foci of cancerous degeneration. But often fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland of this type decreases on its own, disappearing against the background of drug treatment.


Mixed fibrocystic adenoma is the most common form among those patients who are concerned about breast fibroadenomatosis, combining features of intracanalicular and pericanalicular structures. Fibrous-glandular tissue covers the internal cavity of the duct and the area around it.

Symptoms of such a fibroadenoma in the mammary gland are absent in most cases, sometimes mild pain is observed.

Phylloid (leaf-shaped) fibroadenoma

The first two forms of fibroadenomas, if they grow slowly or are not active at all, do not pose a serious threat to health. But when a phyllodes fibroadenoma occurs in the breast, the course and consequences are fundamentally different from other types of breast fibroadenomatosis. Education is considered the most unfavorable according to the prognosis, since it is particularly aggressive, often reaching huge sizes of 15–25 cm.

If adenous mastopathy is diagnosed in women at any age, then phyllodes are more often detected at the stage of premenopause and directly during the period of hormonal adjustment (40-55 years).

At a certain stage, it begins to acquire a leaf-like structure, which is considered as a borderline between a safe benign tumor of the connective tissue and a formidable malignant process. This form is rare, but requires immediate surgical correction.

Fibroadenoma of the mammary gland with a leaf-shaped structure is distinguished by the following features:

  • has a lobed structure of several nodular plexuses, similar to leaves - fibrous-glandular cavities with a jelly-like mass, on the walls of which polyps form;
  • the structure is heterogeneous;
  • as the skin grows over a similar fibroadenoma, it becomes thinner, stretched, becomes blue-purple with a noticeable vascular pattern.

If the seal grows significantly in 12-16 weeks, starts to hurt, then the diagnosis - fibroadenoma of the mammary gland with a leaf-shaped structure - is not in doubt with the specialist.

Since in 10 women out of a hundred, a fibroadenoma of a leaf-shaped structure degenerates into a cancerous one (sarcoma), experts insist on its immediate and complete removal, which is especially advisable at an early stage.

Fibroadenoma with a leaf-shaped structure, detected during pregnancy, does not affect the embryo or fetus. But such an adenoma is also necessarily removed, since during the period of bearing a baby, significant changes in the hormonal status provoke its growth. Breastfeeding is impossible due to the complete blockage of the milk ducts, which leads to stagnation of milk and inflammation (mastitis).

General characteristics

The general symptoms of breast fibroadenoma are expressed in the special structure and form of the neoplasm, which can even be detected independently.

You should know that fibroadenoma is characterized by:

  • development of one or more seals;
  • structural homogeneity;
  • elasticity, rounded shape, smooth surface, clear contours;
  • size 1 - 70 mm;
  • mobility, slight displacement, which distinguishes it from a malignant formation that grows together with the stroma, parenchyma and skin, has uneven boundaries, a solid structure.

As a rule, the intracanalicular and pericanalicular form of fibroadenoma does not give severe symptoms. Additional signs in the advanced state of breast fibroadenoma:

  • weight loss or gain without changing the calorie content of the diet;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • menstrual disorders.

Signs of fibroadenoma of the mammary gland of the phylloid type are more pronounced:

  • the structure is not smooth, but nodular-lobed;
  • the size reaches 200 mm or more, deforming the shape of one or both mammary glands;
  • soreness, especially during menstruation;
  • discoloration of the skin over the tumor to cyanotic or purple.

It must be remembered that the development and symptoms of fibroadenoma can occur against the background of diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands, since the causes of their appearance are largely similar. Therefore, it is possible to attach such signs of fibro-glandular growths:

  • pulling pain, fullness, heaviness in the mammary gland;
  • discharge from the nipples, skin retraction;
  • soreness and enlargement lymph nodes in the armpit.

Do you use folk remedies?



How to treat breast fibroadenoma? Treatment depends on the type of mass, its response to conservative treatments, and the likelihood of transformation into malignancy.

Only the identification of the main cause-provocateur of the development of fibroadenoma and its elimination guarantees a cure. As a rule, this is an internal disease. Surgical intervention prevents malignancy of the tumor, but does not promise that it will not reappear.


Medical practice shows that medicines in rare cases able to cause resorption of the fibronodular formation, if it is not active and has dimensions up to 10 mm. In such cases, the following is carried out:

  1. Fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland implies constant monitoring of tumor growth with regular examinations by a mammologist, ultrasound.
  2. Drug treatment of fibroadenoma, which involves the use of:
  • drugs containing progesterone (Dufaston, Utrozhestan, Norkolut, Pregnin in the second phase of the monthly cycle);
  • contraceptives (Jess, Diana 35, Janine, Yarina, Marvelon) up to 35 years in the absence of ovulation, menstruation and violation of the second phase of the cycle;
  • multivitamin complexes with the obligatory presence folic acid, vitamin E, which activates the action of progesterone, vitamin B6, which reduces prolactin, as well as vitamins C, PP, P in order to strengthen blood vessels, normalize microcirculation and reduce swelling of the mammary glands;
  • homeopathic preparations;
  • doses of iodine calculated by the endocrinologist (Iodomarin, Iodine-active) after the examination thyroid gland and taking blood for hormones - with symptoms of iodine deficiency;
  • phytopreparations: Mastodinone, Cyclodinone, Remens, which have a beneficial effect on hormonal balance, suppress pathological processes in the mammary glands.

When multiple fibroadenomas are found, complex treatment drugs with antiestrogen action, vitamin A, which enhances the effect of inhibition of these hormones, choleretic agents that suppress the production of estrogens and have a beneficial effect on mammary gland tissues are administered.

Many schemes drug therapy with fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland, the use of immunostimulants is excluded. Many women drink adaptogens on their own (Eleutherococcus, ginseng, Rhodiola rosea), but this cannot be done, since active biological products stimulate the growth of neoplasms.

In general, fibroadenoma therapy is aimed at stabilizing hormonal balance and body weight, which is directly related to disorders in this area.


If the ultrasound reveals that the fibrous node continues to grow, and even more so if it hurts, then the attending physician will prescribe surgical removal.

Fibrous adenoma of the breast implies surgery if:

  • there is a suspicion of oncology;
  • fibroadenoma of the breast is of the leaf-shaped type;
  • the size of the neoplasm is over 20 mm;
  • the tumor is actively growing;
  • the conception and birth of a child is planned;
  • the patient's desire to have the tumor removed.

Types of surgical interventions

Enucleation is the most common solution if cancer is not suspected. The affected tissue is exfoliated under local anesthesia. The scars are almost invisible.

Sectoral resection is performed in the case of leaf-shaped adenoma and cancerous degeneration. The tumor is excised under general anesthesia together with adjacent tissues lying within 1 - 3 cm from it.

After the operation, a histological examination is mandatory to exclude or confirm cancerous tissue transformation. The sutures are cosmetic, a certain cicatricial defect remains, but lends itself to special treatment for resorption.

Both operations last from 30 to 60 minutes. The patient stays in the hospital for 2 to 24 hours (respectively). The stitches are removed on the 6th - 10th day. Recovery period practically painless.

Non-operable treatment of fibroadenoma

Treatment of breast fibroadenoma without surgery is possible if the disease is diagnosed at an early stage.

Non-operable methods of treatment of breast fibroadenoma include:

  1. Laser ablation, in which the fibroadenoma is destroyed by a narrow beam of ultrasonic range. Skin defects are not observed. No anesthesia or hospital stay required. The procedure is less traumatic, bloodless and more appropriate in terms of aesthetics.
  2. Cryodestruction. Rapid deep freezing of diseased tissue, which is subsequently replaced with healthy tissue. A thin scar is almost invisible.
  3. Thermal removal of fibroadenoma using high frequencies. A surgical instrument is inserted into a tiny incision above the adenoma, which, after rapidly heating the tissue with high-frequency radiation, captures the tumor and removes it from the chest. Blood loss is minimal and no scarring remains.
  4. Mammoth biopsy. A mammoth probe is inserted into the incision above the fibroadenoma (6 mm), sucking out diseased cells. The procedure, which lasts about an hour, is performed under local anesthesia. The external defect is limited to a tiny scar, recovery is fast.

Fibroadenomas are often discovered by chance during self-examination of the mammary glands or during ultrasound, mammography. These are small dense nodules that are located in the thickness of the breast tissues. In the ICD-10 classification, the disease goes under the code D24.

Reasons for the development of pathology

Until now, the exact reasons for the emergence and development of such formations have not been identified. But it is known that this is the result of hormonal disorders. Estrogens are responsible for the growth of breast tissue, the formation of new lobules. Progesterone is a kind of estrogen blocker, it stimulates the differentiation of the resulting tissues. Normally, these processes are in balance. When the level of estrogens is increased, and progesterone is lowered, foci of hyperplasia are formed, which later form fibroadenomas.

An imbalance of hormones occurs against the background of problems with the thyroid gland, malfunctions of the pituitary gland, ovaries, adrenal glands. Such disorders are the result of pathologies of the kidneys and liver, failures in menstrual cycle, diabetes, obesity, the influence of adverse external factors.

With the onset of pregnancy, cardinal hormonal changes begin in the body, which contributes to an increase in neoplasms in size and quantity. This process can interfere with normal lactation.

There are periods of risk:

  • teenage years;
  • the use of contraceptives;
  • recovery after miscarriage or abortion.


The following types of pathology are distinguished.

  • Phylloid (leaf-shaped). It is a limited seal, which consists of separate knots woven together. Often accompanied by painful sensations, which is uncharacteristic of other forms. It grows slowly, so it can go unnoticed for a long time. Increased growth is accompanied by mild discharge from the nipples. With a large size of the tumor, the skin on the chest acquires a purple-cyanotic hue, stretches, becomes thin, the vascular and venous networks are visible through it. Such a tumor is capable of acquiring a malignant course, but is quite rare.
  • Intracanalicular. Connective tissue penetrates into the lumen of the ducts and adheres tightly to the walls. The tumor has no clear boundaries, is characterized by a lobed structure and a heterogeneous structure. Medical treatment does not lend itself. Difficult to identify.
  • Pericanalicular. Plots fibrous tissue grow around the milk ducts. Education is limited from other tissues, has a clear contour and dense structure. Calcium salts can settle in it (especially in older women), calcified fibroadenoma occurs.
  • Combined. The signs of intracanalicular and pericanalicular are combined. Such a neoplasm grows around the duct and inside it, has a lobed structure and heterogeneous structure. It does not differ in obvious symptoms, it is very rarely manifested by soreness. As it grows, it changes shape and appearance surface of the chest. Most often localized in the upper quadrants.

According to the degree of maturity, the following types of fibroadenoma are distinguished.

  • Mature . The neoplasm has a clearly defined capsule of dense consistency. It grows slowly, practically does not increase. Typical for women 20-45 years old.
  • Immature. The neoplasm has a soft-elastic consistency, prone to rapid growth. Most often occurs in girls during puberty. It can dissolve on its own as the hormonal levels are regulated or the menstrual cycle is established.

According to the number of foci of tumor growth, single and multiple fibroadenomas are distinguished. They can be found in one or both mammary glands, combined with other types of mastopathy - cystic, diffuse.


Can an adenoma hurt? Pathology has no characteristic symptoms. You can recognize it by its shape and density during self-examination and palpation of the chest. Most often, the formation is localized in the upper part. It can appear both on the right and on the left breast.

A single neoplasm is represented by an elastic ball with clear boundaries with a diameter of 1-7 cm. Such fibroadenomas do not change the appearance of the breast. The seal can increase up to 20 cm, in which case it will be noticeable as a bulge on the surface of the breast.

Since the pathology is associated with hormonal disorders, it is often accompanied by:

  • acyclicity of menstruation;
  • sudden loss or weight gain;
  • blurred vision;
  • increased fatigue.

In phyllodes fibroadenoma, the symptoms are more pronounced:

  • chest pain - worse during menstruation;
  • enlargement, change in the shape of the glands- one or both.


Considering that the first sign is most often a modification of the breast tissue or the presence of a seal, pathology can be detected during self-examination. Characteristics of the neoplasm on palpation:

  • resembles an elastic ball;
  • has clear contours;
  • mobile;
  • is located more often in the upper part of the mammary gland;
  • when pressed, does not cause pain;
  • at large sizes, it changes the appearance of the breast.

If the fibroadenoma has just begun to develop and is of small size, it is difficult to detect it on its own. Especially when the breasts are medium and large.

Methods of diagnosis in young women and in menopause

The probability of formation of a neoplasm depends on fluctuations in the hormonal background. For this reason, pathology is often found in young women and in those who have approached the threshold of menopause. The earlier a fibroadenoma is detected, the easier it is to get rid of it. It is important to visit a mammologist regularly. For any changes in the mammary gland that are visible visually and to the touch, report this to a specialist.

The following diagnostic methods are used to confirm the diagnosis.

  • Inspection. Careful palpation of each area of ​​the mammary gland reveals formations of even small sizes. The smaller the breast size, the easier and more informative it is to conduct an examination. It is also easy to detect nodes located near the nipple.
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands. It is most informative to perform in women of reproductive age - up to 45-50 years. Allows you to differentiate the neoplasm and gives an idea of ​​those areas and tissues that cannot be seen on x-ray. But it does not reflect the nature of the tumor - malignant or benign.
  • Mammography. Suitable for menopausal women. In the reproductive period, glandular tissue will not give an informative picture, and in menopause, the mammary glands are represented by adipose tissue that does not absorb x-rays. Mammography is also informative in tumor calcification, since calcium salts are X-ray positive.
  • Biopsy. With fibroadenoma, a puncture biopsy is performed, in the presence of a cyst - aspiration. A certain amount of tissue is taken for the purpose of further histological examination. This allows you to establish the nature of the tumor, the degree of tissue damage. It is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. In fact, this is an “injection” into the breast tissue. Ultrasound is used for the accuracy of the “hit”. If the results of the sampling are doubtful, an additional trephine biopsy is performed using special thin needles that have a thread. They are "screwed" into the tissue, after which they are sharply removed. As a result, larger particles remain on the thread than with a conventional biopsy.
  • MRI and CT. They help to differentiate with cysts, malignant tumors, to study regional lymph nodes.

It is necessary to study on tumor markers for the mammary glands - CA 15.3. With their increase, the likelihood of malignant growth in fibroadenoma "at first glance" increases. With a burdened heredity for breast cancer, an analysis should be made for mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.

Types of conservative treatment

Treatment without surgery is acceptable in the following cases:

  • the size of the formation does not exceed 2 cm;
  • there is no upward trend;
  • no complaints from the woman;
  • the tumor is found at puberty;
  • type of fibroadenoma is not leaf-shaped.

A woman should be regularly observed by a mammologist. It is recommended to normalize body weight and adhere to a healthy diet.

Hormone replacement therapy is mainly prescribed. Homeopathic remedies, preparations with a high content of iodine and immunostimulants are also used for a complex effect on the problem.


Radical removal is possible only by surgery. This does not affect subsequent breastfeeding. However, even after such treatment, a woman is not immune from tumor recurrence, but in another place. The indications for the operation are as follows:

  • the size of the tumor is more than 2 cm;
  • phylloidal type (absolute indication);
  • pregnancy planning, including IVF.

During gestation, surgical interventions are not performed.

Remove the tumor in several ways.

  • Sectoral resection. The tumor is removed along with a fragment of the glandular tissue of the lobule where it is located. Such an operation does not lead to asymmetry and deformation of the breast. It is usually performed under general anesthesia. The method is used for suspected malignant degeneration, diffuse fibromatosis, large tumor sizes.
  • Enucleation. By husking, only fibroadenoma is eliminated without removing the surrounding tissues. During such an operative intervention (using a scalpel), tissues are taken for subsequent histological examination. The treatment is easily tolerated, the postoperative and rehabilitation periods are fast, the sutures are almost invisible.
  • Laser removal of knots. A special conductor is brought aiming at the fibroadenoma, then a laser is fed through it. Education "evaporates". Cosmetic defect and consequences are minimal.
  • Cryoablation. Provides for the supply of liquid nitrogen to the tumor and "freezing". After that, within a few weeks, the destruction of the nodes occurs.

Flaw laser removal and cryoablation - the absence of tumor tissue for subsequent histological examination. Therefore, the possibility of malignant growth must be ruled out.

Folk remedies

Treatment folk remedies can only be used in combination with conservative methods or during the rehabilitation period. Below are some recipes.

  • Decoction. Used to correct estrogen and androgen levels. Fennel fruits, flowers, couch grass roots, and marshmallow are combined in equal parts. One tablespoon of this mixture must be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 15 minutes. It is taken in strained form three times a day for three weeks. A new decoction is prepared daily.
  • Infusion. Used to slow the growth of neoplasms. Three teaspoons of wormwood herb must be poured with a glass of boiling water, placed in a thermos and insisted for three hours. Pass through cheesecloth and drink a teaspoon twice a day. From the third day of admission, increase the dose to one tablespoon twice a day. The course of such therapy is ten days.
  • Ointment. It is used to reduce the size of education. 200 ml refined sunflower oil you need to combine with a small piece of yellow wax in a metal ladle and put on fire. After the wax has melted, add the pre-cooked and chopped chicken egg. Cook until foam forms. Then remove from the stove, wait until it subsides, and then again keep it on low heat for 30 minutes. Strain the mixture and let it brew for several hours. Apply to the chest with light movements twice a day.

Signs of cancer

Only a specialist can differentiate a benign neoplasm from a malignant one. But there are signs by which fibroadenoma can be distinguished from cancer. The main criteria are presented in the table.

Table - Signs by which fibroadenoma can be distinguished from cancer

tumor growthSlowFast
Relation to surrounding tissuesisolatedsoldered with them
MobilityEasily displacedLimited
Pain on pressureNotIs there or not
Axillary lymph nodesnot enlargedCan be enlarged


Measures that prevent the occurrence of pathology are aimed at creating conditions that maintain a normal hormonal background. For this you need:

  • live a healthy life- as well as eat right, maintain immunity;
  • protect yourself from overload- physical and emotional;
  • treat on time endocrine diseases - and periodically examine your body for changes.

Fibroadenoma is always associated with hormonal imbalance. Most often, it is removed, followed by histological examination fabrics. Conservative treatment effective only with small sizes and subject to regular monitoring by a doctor. You can see education in the photo on the Internet.

Fibroadenoma of the breast is a very common benign disease of the breast.

This pathology is diagnosed mainly in the reproductive age of a woman, but sometimes it can also occur during menopause.

For a long time, fibroadenoma may not bother a woman in any way, and if a woman does not examine the breast on her own and visits a mammologist irregularly, the pathology may not be diagnosed immediately.

Such neglect of one's own health is dangerous because a neglected fibroadenoma can lead to various complications, including the development of oncology.

Essence of pathology

Breast health is directly dependent on the balance of hormones. When the balance of estrogens, progesterone and prolactin is disturbed, the gland tissues begin to grow pathologically. This phenomenon leads to the formation of seals and knots.

Fibroadenoma is a variant of the nodular form of mastopathy, in which a benign tumor forms in the tissues of the gland.

The tumor is covered with a dense capsule and is not attached to the skin.

The size of the neoplasm can vary from a few mm to several cm.. If the formation is multiple, then the size of the fibroadenoma will be small, large tumors are most often single.

Fibroadenomas are classified as follows:

  • intracanalicular- the tumor is located inside the milk ducts;
  • pericanalicular- the tumor is located around the milk ducts;
  • mixed- has signs of the two previous forms;
  • foliate- a rapidly proliferating large tumor that has a heterogeneous structure and consists of several nodular formations.

The leaf-shaped form of fibroadenoma degenerates into a malignant tumor in 10% of cases, it is considered the most dangerous form of pathology.

Associated symptoms

With a self-examination of the breast, a woman may find a multiple or single seal in the upper part of the gland.

This neoplasm has a characteristic structure and shape. A single tumor is a spherical elastic seal with a smooth surface. The neoplasm easily changes its position, since it has no connection with other tissues.

The clinical picture, as a rule, is not pronounced, and indirect signs of the disease are:

  • weight loss with normal appetite;
  • weight gain;
  • vision problems;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

Such signs may have various hormonal disorders, which are the causes of the formation of fibroadenoma.

As for the leaf-shaped form of pathology, it has more pronounced signs:

  • the size of the mammary gland increases;
  • the shape of the breast changes;
  • possible pain, which intensifies before the onset of menstruation.


The difference between benign fibroadenoma and breast cancer lies in its shape - the malignant formation is more solid and has jagged edges.


As already mentioned, the causes of the formation of fibroadenoma are associated with a violation of the hormonal background of a woman.

The following factors can also provoke the disease:

  • frequent abortions;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • the absence of pregnancies and childbirth in a woman of the reproductive period;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland, ovaries or disorders of the pituitary gland.

In the risk group are women from 14 to 30 years old.

What is the danger of neoplasms?

By itself, fibroadenoma is not dangerous to the health and life of a woman. However, this does not apply to all forms.

In addition, the active growth of the neoplasm can lead to an increase in the size of the mammary gland, which, in turn, will provoke:

  • breast enlargement and asymmetry. This phenomenon leaves a negative imprint on psychological condition women, therefore, requires surgical correction;
  • the occurrence of pain symptoms in the sternum. Large neoplasms can put pressure on the nerve endings, which will lead to pain and discomfort;
  • deterioration of the mammary glands. By pinching blood and lymphatic vessels, fibroadenoma can contribute to malnutrition of breast tissue, which will negatively affect breast health.

However, the biggest danger of fibroadenoma is its possible degeneration into oncology.

Fortunately, this does not happen often, but this possibility cannot be completely discounted. Most often, the leaf-shaped form of pathology is malignant, therefore, such a fibroadenoma is removed immediately after diagnosis, even if its size is small.

The danger of fibroadenoma during pregnancy is that the tumor can begin to grow rapidly.

It is known that during the bearing of a baby in a woman's body, significant hormonal changes occur, and the hormonal balance is disturbed. This gives impetus to the growth of the neoplasm, and can also provoke a transformation into a malignant process.

Even under the condition surgical removal fibroadenomas, it is impossible to exclude the recurrence of the disease. Relapses are especially common if the factors that provoke the disease are not eliminated. Therefore, it is very important not only to remove the neoplasm, but also to treat ailments that provoked hormonal imbalance.

Absence proper treatment fibroadenomas can lead to serious complications. The insidiousness of the disease lies in the absence clinical picture disease, as a result of which the tumor is diagnosed late and becomes the cause of oncological processes in the gland. Despite its good quality, fibroadenoma can degenerate into a malignant tumor, which poses a serious threat not only to health, but also to the life of a woman. In order to prevent the development of malignant processes, every woman should undergo preventive examinations at a mammologist at least once a year, and also regularly examine her breasts on her own.

Can fibroadenoma turn into cancer?

Leaf-shaped fibroadenoma can transform into oncology.

In this case, the signs will be as follows:

  • visible deformation and asymmetry of the breast;
  • erosion of the nipples, peeling;
  • bloody discharge from the nipples;
  • redness of the breast in the area of ​​the tumor;
  • the formation of a subcutaneous layer that resembles cellulite;
  • the presence of pain in the armpit.

The most dangerous species

The most dangerous type of fibroadenoma is leaf-shaped or phylloidal fibroadenoma.

This is a very aggressive and rapidly proliferating form, which is characterized by a very large size of the tumor. In some cases, the diameter of the neoplasm can reach 20 cm.

Most often, leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is diagnosed in the premenopausal period and during menopause.

When diagnosing leaf-shaped fibroadenoma, it is impossible to postpone surgical intervention.

Treatment Methods

Surgery to remove fibroadenoma is the only way to completely get rid of the pathology. However, in some cases, doctors choose observational tactics or recommend hormonal treatment.

If the tumor reaches 2 cm in diameter, the question arises of surgical intervention.

Without surgery, tumor growth can be slowed down, which makes it possible to postpone surgery until a later date.

For this, a woman is prescribed the following groups of medications:

  • synthetic hormones;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • if necessary, anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antiestrogen;
  • phytopreparations;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • gestagens.

If within six months such treatment does not lead to positive results, it is canceled and surgical intervention is prescribed.

There are two main surgical methods for removing fibroadenoma:

  • enucleation- removal of the tumor itself, without affecting the surrounding tissues;
  • resection- sectoral or complete - in this case, the neoplasm is removed with part of the breast tissue or the mammary gland is removed completely. Most often, a sectoral resection is performed, to radical methods resorted to the development of oncological processes.

As for other methods of removing swelling, they are as follows:

  • laser removal– removal is carried out without anesthesia, after treatment there are no scars on the skin;
  • removal by radio frequency- a tiny incision is made in the mammary gland, where a radioknife is inserted and the tumor is removed;
  • cryoablation- tumor freezing liquid nitrogen. This is the most popular breast fibroadenoma removal procedure.


With regard to funds traditional medicine, they are practically ineffective in fibroadenoma. The fact is that the neoplasm is covered with a dense capsule, therefore, it cannot dissolve.

Conclusion and Conclusions

Despite its good quality, fibroadenoma is always a potential threat. And, even if the doctor does not insist on surgical intervention, this does not mean at all that it is not necessary to treat the pathology.

In some cases, it is possible to postpone the operation, but it is necessary to eliminate the diseases that led to the violation of the hormonal level. If the leaf-shaped form of the pathology is diagnosed, then it is categorically not recommended to delay its removal, since there is a risk that a malignant tumor will develop from it.

As for prevention, there are no specific recommendations, the main preventive measure is regular self-examination and an annual visit to a mammologist.

Useful video

The video tells what is the danger of fibroadenoma and whether this pathology can develop into cancer:

In contact with

Without a doubt, breast tumors, both benign and malignant, scare women the most. Moreover, the frequency of occurrence of such diagnoses as mastopathy, in one form or another, or oncological disease (cancer is a malignant tumor) of the breast is steadily increasing every year.

Today there is no woman who would not understand that the benign nature of the tumor is much less dangerous for the patient than the malignant form of the breast neoplasm.

Naturally, those and other tumor-like processes have their own characteristic features / signs, according to which the doctor differentiates them.

As a rule, the mentality of our women is such that the curiosity of the patients knows no bounds. Of course, most of us, discovering this or that breast seal in ourselves, want to immediately determine for sure that a particular formation is not malignant in nature, and does not represent breast cancer.

Many women want to know exactly how physicians manage to distinguish fibroadenoma from one or another cancerous growth.

For most patients, it is important to understand whether or not a fibroadenoma, in their particular case, can develop into cancer. We immediately hasten to warn women who are overly independent and confident in their diagnostic abilities from rash actions and decisions.

Breast fibroadenoma, although a benign tumor that has quite characteristic symptoms and manifestations, and is relatively safe in prognosis, can still have both hidden and dangerous forms that are difficult to distinguish from other diseases. In addition, breast fibroadenoma, albeit in extremely rare cases (in some leaf-shaped forms), can still develop into cancer.

And this means that when you discover some incomprehensible seal in yourself, you should not look on the Internet for diagnoses similar in their manifestations, it would be much better to immediately consult a doctor, because it is the doctor who, with the help of the right studies, selected individually, can determine fibroadenoma and exclude breast cancer .

However, as general information, which we hope women will use correctly (having suspected something was wrong, they will turn to the doctor), we will present the main features of both benign and malignant neoplasms.

Characteristic features of benign tumors (fibroadenomas in particular)

Fibroadenoma is a benign tumor that can occur at a relatively young age in women. Fibroadenoma is characterized by:

  • Relatively slow growth. When the formation remains the same diameter for a long period, although it may be quite large.
  • Dense consistency.
  • Smoothness and limitation from surrounding tissues.
  • Moderate mobility.
  • Complete painlessness with no progressive symptoms.

The nature of fibroadenoma is usually such that the tumor is discovered by chance, during palpation or routine examination. Statistical data show that this type of tumor can be detected mainly at a young age, say from twenty years and older, up to forty years.

It is believed that most often the problem can be localized in the upper outer chest quadrants, directly in the same areas where cancer usually develops.

It is extremely rare, with such tumor-like processes, some discharge from the nipples occurs, in addition, with such a tumor, there is almost never an increase in certain regional lymph nodes, which distinguishes this tumor from a malignant one.

Note that the diagnosis fibrous tumor, unlike cancer, practically does not present difficulties. But, the treatment of such a tumor, for the most part, is surgical, which consists in removing the existing neoplasm.

Characteristic features of malignant tumors of the breast

Unfortunately, it is breast cancer, according to domestic statistics, that is the most common tumor-like process that affects this female organ. It is customary to say that almost 35% of women with breast diseases are eventually diagnosed with an oncological neoplasm.

It is believed that malignant tumors can develop from primary glandular vesicles or ducts, while the tumor is most often expressed in a single large node, somewhat less often, as two or more dense, clearly limited (separate), extremely inactive nodes.

Unlike a benign fibrous tumor, an oncological neoplasm is always closely associated with surrounding tissues, and practically cannot be displaced.

Doctors note that in advanced or advanced stages, such a malignant tumor can grow into the skin, thereby forming mushroom-shaped outgrowths with decay processes in the center. In addition, malignant tumors can also spread superficially, primarily covering the breast in dense layers (the so-called shell cancer).

But, regional metastases of malignant tumors of the breast develop, first of all, along the axillary tracts of the outflow of lymphatic fluid.

Oncological neoplasms almost always pose a huge risk to the health and even life of the patient, although with their timely detection, doctors can easily cope with this disease.

E. Malysheva: Recently, I have been receiving many letters from my regular spectators about breast problems: MASTI, LACTOSTASIS, FIBROADENOMA. To completely get rid of these problems, I advise you to familiarize yourself with my new method based on natural ingredients...

As a result, I would like to say that in order to avoid the most dangerous consequences of such diseases, doctors recommend being examined regularly, since only the timely detection of a problem allows you to deal with it in the most successful way.

Do you still think that it is completely impossible to cure your body?

How can they be identified?

  • nervousness, sleep disturbance and appetite;
  • allergies (watery eyes, rashes, runny nose);
  • frequent headaches, constipation or diarrhea;
  • frequent colds, sore throat, nasal congestion;
  • pain in the joints and muscles;
  • chronic fatigue(You get tired quickly, no matter what you do);
  • dark circles, bags under the eyes.

One type of nodular mastopathy is breast fibroadenoma. Delete or not? This question is asked by women who are given this diagnosis. In each case, the doctor chooses an individual method of treating fibroadenoma.

The essence of the disease, classification, causes

Fibroadenoma of the breast is a non-cancerous tumor that is formed due to the growth of fibrous tissue. Despite the benign nature, the neoplasm can degenerate into a cancerous tumor (sarcoma).

Most often, fibroadenoma appears in women aged 18 to 38 years. It can be localized both in one gland and in both. The tumor has a rounded shape ranging in size from 2 mm to several centimeters. Fibroadenoma is painless, there are 2 types:

  • nodular;
  • foliate.

The tumor is hormone-dependent, so the cause of the formation of breast fibroadenoma is an increase in the amount of estrogens.

This happens in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Taking hormonal contraceptives.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Obesity.
  • Pathology of the ovaries.
  • Stress.
  • Menopause.
  • Heredity.

How to treat breast fibroadenoma?

Do fibroadenomas need to be removed? Usually, education does not manifest itself in any way, so the need for an operation is called into question. The chance of a tumor transforming into cancer is negligible. The only type of fibroadenoma that has a risk of degeneration into a sarcoma is a leaf-shaped (phylloidal) tumor. This fibroadenoma is a cross between benign and malignant tumor. According to statistics, 10% of phyllodes tumors transform into cancer. That's why foliar fibroadenoma definitely removed.

The decision on the operation is made by the doctor after the diagnosis, which includes:

  • palpation;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • mammography;
  • biopsy.

Depending on the degree of development, education is divided into:

  • Immature fibroadenoma. She meets in adolescence, she is missing a capsule. Therefore, the tumor is easily amenable to conservative treatment.
  • Mature fibroadenoma. Diagnosed in adult women, has a capsule, so treatment with medication is ineffective.

If a tumor is found after childbirth, this is not a contraindication to breastfeeding. On the contrary, a change in the hormonal background during this period can have a positive effect and the fibroadenoma will decrease in size or completely disappear.

Conservative treatment of fibroadenoma

Conservative therapy consists of dynamic observation and hormonal treatment. Dynamic observation is used in the case of a small tumor size (up to 1 cm), the absence of symptoms.