What to do to get pregnant. How to get pregnant: folk ways and signs to conceive a child

Doctors give the couple two whole years to have offspring without the help of medicine.

Of course, if the spouses really want a child, they will not wait for this period, but will look for ways to get pregnant quickly. At the end of the next menstruation, the woman's body is already beginning to prepare to conceive a baby. At this stage, the girl needs not to miss the most favorable days - ovulation. There are several methods to find out when it will happen. The most common way to determine ovulation at home is based on a regular assessment of basal temperature. Ovulation can also be recognized by the nature of the mucus that is secreted by the cervix. However, it can take up to a month to master these methods.

If the goal is to get pregnant quickly, tests to determine ovulation will help. Their ease of use will allow you to calculate ovulation with a high degree of accuracy in the very first planning cycle.

For those who want to get pregnant quickly, it is important to know that in terms of the ability to conceive a child, sexual intercourse is especially effective during the day and on the day of ovulation.

The days preceding the release of the egg are also fertile, so it happens that a woman becomes pregnant from intercourse that occurred shortly after menstruation. When ovulation is a fait accompli, the ability to conceive in this cycle disappears. This means that the couple should try after menstruation and up to and including the day of ovulation.

It is important not only when to make love for the purpose of conception, but also how much and with what frequency.

The sperm maturation cycle is 48 hours. A couple who makes love every other day is more likely to get pregnant quickly - too frequent contact worsens the quality of sperm. If a woman dreams of getting pregnant quickly, she should also pay attention to the position in which the act of love is performed. It is worth choosing positions in which the male seed gets as deep as possible into the vagina and remains there. This is the classic "missionary" position; a man behind or on his side. From the "rider" at the decisive moment it is better to refuse. You can also try to stand as a “birch tree” immediately after the act of love in order to direct the seed in the right direction.

What increases the chances of a quick conception

The birth of a new life is called a sacrament not by chance - there are too many factors that affect whether this miracle will happen now or have to wait. However, here are some tips for those who don't know how to get pregnant fast.

  • Lead a healthy and active lifestyle. This is true for both women and men. Alcohol, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle inhibit sexual function. Having decided to become parents as soon as possible, walk more, be more active physically. It is worth making your diet healthier, drinking a course of multivitamins. Just do not overdo it - too much physical activity, if they are not familiar to you, will not benefit. Men should also give up for a while, it would seem, such wellness procedures like taking hot baths, visiting saunas and baths. The fact is that overheating is detrimental to spermatozoa.
  • Use hormonal birth control pills. Usually after taking birth control pills pregnancy comes quickly enough. Some ladies specifically a few months before the desired conception begin to take pills, and then become pregnant on their cancellation. In addition, the use of hormonal contraceptives allows a woman to maintain a supply of eggs - during their intake, ovulation does not occur in the body, it rests. This means that a woman prolongs her fertility and will be able to conceive longer.

What Not to Do to Get Pregnant Quickly

  • “Obsess” with thoughts of pregnancy . Many doctors recommend to their patients who complain that they can not get pregnant, try to let go of their thoughts about conception. Psychological clamps, constant tension, the inability to make love just for fun, the inability to relax - all this can prevent the rapid onset of pregnancy.
  • Experiment with your health. Folk remedies described on the Internet are not at all as harmless as they seem. The use of herbs, such as, for example, sage, hogweed, red brush and others, in order to change the hormonal background of the body, douching with soda to create a sperm-friendly environment in the vagina, can harm women's health and postpone the timing of such a desired pregnancy indefinitely.

In order to get pregnant as quickly as possible, you need to approach this process with optimism, easily and without excessive fanaticism. And also, understanding your own physiology, follow simple rules.

Conceiving on the first try is a stroke of luck that happens to 1 out of 4-5 couples, others have to try again. But there are times when pregnancy cannot be delayed because the chances of having sex again are minimal. It is important to know how to get pregnant quickly, from the first time, when the preservation of the family depends on a joint child. In these cases, any methods are used - physiological, folk, astrological and magical. Not all are effective, but it is desirable to know one by one and be able to use them.

Consider the physiological prerequisites for conception

The concept of "get pregnant quickly" is quite relative. Not every couple in the first half of the year after the wedding comes to the desired result. In young girls, the egg is more viable, but the hormonal background is not always favorable for conception. In women after 30, these components are often in order. After 40, reproductive functions fade, men know this, so couples are in a hurry to have children while they can. But young women are often interested in what to do to get pregnant the first time.

Each girl or mature lady has her own circumstances:

  • a long break between the first and second marriage in the absence of intimate relationships;
  • minimum repeated chances for sexual intercourse;
  • couples work separately on a rotational basis or on long business trips in different geographical locations;
  • guest marriage (spouses visit each other while living in different countries or remote areas)
  • difficulties in persuading your lover to marry, or even spending one night with him for the sake of a child from a loved one;
  • a successful man can only marry a woman who is able to give him a son, etc.
Each option is a good reason to know how to get pregnant right away. Sometimes couples wish to give birth after a long period of hormonal contraception. The female reproductive system at the same time "rested". Some time is needed for the ovaries to produce full-fledged material again on the set days (ovulation).

Is it possible to get pregnant after the first time and the role of a man in achieving results

If the chances of getting pregnant the first time are reduced, the couple can turn to family planning specialists. It is impossible not to take into account that the reality of getting pregnant is only at ovulation and with an active seed.
Advice: It is useful for a man to examine sperm if the couple does not become pregnant. It is important to give up bad habits during the preparation to eat protein and fortified food.

If you manage to do this in the first 2-3 months, the result is achieved, even if there was a minimal chance of getting pregnant after the first time.

Some statistics:

  • the reproductive cycle of a woman is 28-30 days, of which only 2-3 days are allotted for ovulation, after which the egg is destroyed;
  • seminal fluid that has entered the internal female organs remains viable for 2-5 days;
  • the seed remaining in the vagina dies much faster than the one that penetrated the fallopian tubes - up to 2-3 hours;
  • in healthy couples, the chances of getting pregnant in 6 months are up to 60-70%, in the first year - up to 30-40%, if it doesn’t work out;
  • get pregnant on the first try (with all favorable factors) - no more than 10-15%.
Calculating the options, it turns out that conception is real these days - the middle of the cycle from the onset of menstruation. If intercourse was before ovulation, the surviving sperm may reach the target. Accordingly, if it was not possible to get pregnant the first time before the days of ovulation, the chances double when you try again, but after ovulation, the probability is up to 10%. This is possible with delayed (late) ovulation and very active "gum".
Attention: Older men retain their reproductive abilities, unlike women. But lifestyle, alcohol, smoking and unhealthy diet reduce the quality of sperm and genetic material.

Hypothetically, it can also be assumed that “misses” are possible at the cellular level. When a sperm meets an egg, the membrane must be permeable. Perhaps the seed, weakened by a long journey, cannot take root. That is why the first time you can not get pregnant, if there are no other reasons.

Some couples turn to artificial insemination laboratories and resort to the services of surrogate motherhood. You have to borrow donor sperm if the male seed is not viable, and there is no point in postponing after the birth of a child.

For men, this is a difficult step purely psychologically. If there are problems with this, it is better to make such a proposition on behalf of a specialist, and not say it directly to your wife or relatives. Initially, both partners will still have to undergo a course of treatment.

Hormonal background and the probability of pregnancy from the first time

Oral contraceptives control the ratio female hormones so that there are no natural prerequisites for conception. When you stop taking birth control pills, the chance of getting pregnant the first time increases, but the body needs a period to recover.

If the fulfillment of marital duty happens from time to time, then it is better to prepare a “surprise” in advance, canceling all methods of protection at least a month in advance. This is the recovery period.

Also important is the psychological restructuring of the importance of conception and the birth of a baby. The subconscious continues to carry out the "command" for the cancellation of fertilization for some time. Sometimes women ask questions on the forums like “after the first child I can’t get pregnant, what’s wrong?” Most likely, the body has not yet "not tuned in" to the birth of a second child.

The age of a woman directly affects the hormonal background:

  • after the abolition of oral contraceptives up to 23 years, reproductive function is restored in 1-2 months;
  • after 30 years, the hormonal background can return to normal in 4-8 months;
  • in women over 35, conception occurs in 1-2 years;
  • over 40 years of age, hormonal correction is required, which is prescribed by a doctor;
  • in premenopausal age after prolonged contraception, it is almost impossible to restore the hormonal background and ovarian function;
  • at an older age, pregnancy sometimes occurs if the woman was considered infertile and was not protected.
Hormonal correction is used for various purposes, but if you didn’t get pregnant the first time, these points should be discussed with your doctor.

Ways to increase your chances if you didn't get pregnant the first time

  1. Folk remedies. Rarely used in countries with developed and advanced medicine, but their effectiveness has been proven by the statistics of "unexplained" or "pseudo-scientific" methods of treating infertility. Among many peoples, the most popular was the use of herbs, fruits and roots. Sections of the Bible mention that the barren women of the Mediterranean were eager to buy mandrake roots at any cost. Their use before the performance of conjugal duty led to conception. In our latitudes, other plants are used to stimulate ovulation and normalize hormonal levels. These are wintergreen, sage, boron uterus and rhodiola, the tinctures of which are taken in a course according to the scheme.
  2. Before sexual intercourse, "knowledgeable people" recommend improving the environment in the vagina with a solution of soda. This reduces the "acidification" of the bacterial environment and shifts the balance towards the alkaline side. There are no statistics on the effectiveness of soda douching for conception, but it helps to get rid of fungal diseases and viruses that indirectly prevent this. Sometimes such advice is given to the question “what to do to get pregnant the first time?”
  3. The lunar calendar is the oldest way to calculate the days of ovulation. But binding to the lunar phases makes sense when the first day of menstruation (where the name came from) coincides with the new moon. Probably, in the days of ancient civilizations it was so, then the relationship between man and nature was broken. But when calculating the days of conception by lunar calendar remains the middle between the first days spotting- previous and next.
  4. The influence of the planets is also used for successful conception. Adherents of some cults do not recommend entering into a marital relationship during the day and night of Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday. In Islamic tradition, Friday night is considered blessed, regardless of ovulation. Astrologers consider the most "prolific" signs such as Libra, Leo, Virgo, Cancer, Gemini and Taurus. And the influence of the Sun, Mars and Saturn are considered unfavorable for fertilization.
  5. The physiological characteristics of some peoples led to the extinction of entire civilizations, while others reach billions in number. Whether they are able to stimulate the birth rate is not known for sure, but each people had its own abortion methods. In some places, fruit and cereal crops grow, from which the birth rate increases. It has been observed that one can become pregnant after the first time during the harvest of legumes, after eating bamboo and fern sprouts. Today it is impossible to say exactly what kind of varieties they were, there are poisonous seeds, cereals and legumes.
  6. Delaying the moment for conception may be associated with female or male pathologies. For example, there is obstruction of the fallopian tubes, adhesions, bending of the uterus, chronic inflammatory and tumor processes. In men, the immobility of spermatozoa or the environment inside the female body is detrimental to them. Posture during intercourse also matters. Some women were advised to roll over on their stomach after ejaculation, others managed to get pregnant only on their backs, while raising their hips high (the “birch” pose). A banal change of position during intimacy, as well as not rushing to wash yourself after intercourse, is how to get pregnant for sure.
It is also worth being thoroughly examined if you did not manage to get pregnant the first time. There are specialists who deal with this issue closely, they have calculated all possible options. Do not shy away from uncomfortable questions and offers to get tested for ovulation. Psychological attitude is important, not only physiology.

If you answer the question: how to get pregnant quickly is to have an excellently healthy reproductive system, as well as a stable hormonal background, which is extremely rare.

conception and ovulation

In order for fertilization to occur, a series of complex biochemical reactions must go through in the female body. The fastest way to get pregnant is to accurately calculate,. The egg is released from the ruptured follicle into the fallopian tube and is ready for fertilization in the middle of the menstrual cycle, which is approximately the 14th day of the 28-day menstrual cycle. The egg cell does not live long, so the sperm must have time to fertilize a mature egg within a day after ovulation, no more.

Why, when calculating ovulation, in many cases, conception does not occur? Firstly, the state of health and various factors contribute to the shift of ovulation for several days in one direction or another. Particularly detrimental in this regard are stress, physical overstrain, acute infection. A shift in the ovulatory period for several days in any direction is considered normal and does not require specific therapy. Secondly, the egg does not necessarily go into the fallopian tube every month. Thirdly, a woman does not physically feel the process of ovulation itself, hence the errors in the calculations.

If you managed to correctly calculate the moment of ovulation, then you need to skillfully use this moment. There is no need to “work” on the issue of conception daily and turn the dream of having a child into a duty. Keep in mind that daily intimate relationships in men lead to a deterioration in the quality of sperm.

It is better if the partner will rest 3-4 times a week from "marital debt". If this method, if you want to get pregnant faster, does not work for you, then you do not need to apply it from month to month. There are many reliable ways to determine the ovulatory period so that the egg is fertilized.

Even for a perfectly healthy couple, it sometimes takes a long time to conceive a child. And not the onset of pregnancy in a woman does not mean the presence of any pathologies. Some couples take six months to a year to have a baby.

Lifestyle partners

It is no secret that the onset of pregnancy depends on the lifestyle of a man and a woman who wants to have a baby.

Your allies to get pregnant fast

  • Balanced Diet providing adequate intake of trace elements and vitamins. This is a step on the way to the desired pregnancy, which should not be neglected by future parents. Cancel diets and hunger strikes - they negatively affect the hormonal background. There is an opinion that certain foods will help you get pregnant faster, but this is not true. The main thing is a balanced ratio of nutrients in your diet (proteins, fats, carbohydrates).
  • Physical activity Everything here should be in moderation. You can not do sports too often and for a long time. Distribute the load correctly, strengthen the muscular corset, spine, abdominal muscles. Strong muscles will help you carry and give birth to a baby normally.
  • Calmness - in a house where replenishment is expected, there should be a benevolent atmosphere. We need to take care of each other's nervous system and, if possible, avoid stressful situations. If work is associated with an endless waste of nerves, decide what is more important for you: work or the opportunity to become happy parents.
  • Competent specialist- one of the most important allies of a woman if she wants to get pregnant faster. The doctor will tell you all about proper nutrition, about mental and physical stress, about preparing for pregnancy. The future dad should take an active part in the preparation. A visit to the doctor will not take long, but you will gain confidence in your health and ability to conceive.

Your opponents in the desire to get pregnant faster

  • Heavy sports training that depletes the body. Forget about it, otherwise the body will not have the strength to conceive and / or bear. Let yourself relax. Replace strength exercises with swimming, aerobics, walking. Do no more than half an hour a day.
  • The same goes for mental stress. When planning a pregnancy, it is important to learn how to enjoy seemingly insignificant things. The ability to perceive or do some little things with pleasure will help a woman during pregnancy and will be useful for the healthy intrauterine development of the baby.
  • If you decide to get pregnant faster, then bad habits definitely not for you. Of course, heavy smokers or women who drink alcohol can get pregnant, but what kind of children will they get? The same applies to the future father. Nicotine and alcohol negatively affect spermatogenesis and sexual function. In addition, a man needs to refuse to wear tight synthetic underwear, not to wear mobile phone in your trouser pocket, less visit saunas, baths.
  • Also, your opponent is the uncontrolled intake of medications and caffeine. It is better to give up coffee altogether, and replace medications taken on an ongoing basis with safer ones.
  • Excess weight in many cases is an obstacle to pregnancy. Moreover, in a pregnant woman, weight is inevitably added. Getting rid of extra pounds is not an easy task. strict diets and sudden weight loss also does not contribute to conception. Therefore, it is better to discuss the weight loss strategy with a leading specialist. But it should be remembered that as excess weight, and underweight significantly reduce the chances of pregnancy.
  • Stress, psycho-emotional tension is the enemy of health and a double enemy for the expectant mother. A woman who is constantly in stressful situations is unlikely to be able to quickly become pregnant. It will be doubly difficult if you do get pregnant, but do not learn to cope with your own nervous system. So communication with a psychologist in this case is inevitable, so is it worth delaying? After all, the consequences of stress will negatively affect not only your health, but also the development of your baby. A healthy psyche and a calm, benevolent disposition of the spirit, among other things, are the key to the successful bearing and birth of a healthy child. In addition, in stressful situations, blood from the genitals is redirected to lower limbs. And for successful conception and gestation, the blood supply to the reproductive organs must be complete.

Ways to get pregnant fast

To get pregnant faster, you need to start with preparation and planning. The couple should definitely consult a specialist. In addition to a gynecologist and a urologist, it can be a reproductologist, endocrinologist, therapist and other doctors. Do not neglect professional opinion and listen to medical advice. Go through all the prescribed examinations, because the doctor will not be able to help you until you find out the reason why you cannot conceive a child.

Three months before the expected conception, start taking folic acid. The lack of this element is a common reason that pregnancy does not occur. Folic acid plays a huge role in the formation of the placenta and the nervous system of the unborn child.

In order to determine the ovulatory period and get pregnant faster, the following methods will help:

  • Folliculometry- using ultrasound diagnostics, the day of ovulation is determined. This is a real way to get pregnant, allowing you to determine the optimal day for conceiving a child.
  • calendar method- the onset of ovulation is calculated, counting the days starting from the first day of menstruation. This technique is suitable for women with a regular cycle.
  • Basal temperature- Another effective way to quickly get pregnant is to measure rectal temperature every morning (in the rectum), this should be done upon waking up, without getting out of bed. Basal - the lowest temperature of the body, which during ovulation rises by 0.23-0.5 degrees. The main thing is that there are no inflammatory processes.
  • Tests - doctors often hear a question from women: I want to get pregnant quickly, what should I do? Experts advise using a pharmacy test for determining ovulation, which does not respond to hCG, like a pregnancy test, but to luteinizing hormone, the level of which rises during ovulation.

If you are looking for a real way to get pregnant quickly, your best bet is to contact good clinic to qualified professionals. An integrated approach, consultation of diversified specialists and high-quality diagnostics will quickly solve the problem.

Why pregnancy does not occur

In addition to somatic diseases that prevent ovulation and conception, the psycho-emotional state of a woman plays an important role in preventing pregnancy. Sometimes pregnancy becomes an obsession. And, when once again a woman is convinced that she is not pregnant again, the psychological disorder worsens, nervousness and even depression appear. In turn, the state of mind affects the work internal organs.

If the psyche is unstable, then this is reflected in the worst way on the functions of the reproductive system. After all, the question is not only to find The best way to get pregnant quickly, and also to fully endure and give birth to a healthy baby. Do not be shy to use the services of a psychologist, he will advise how to calm down, how to get rid of the “fix” idea, which in itself prevents you from getting pregnant, how to resist stress.

Also, do not despair if you have already been diagnosed with infertility. modern medicine has highly effective methods of reproductive technologies that work in the vast majority of cases. In many cases, therapeutic measures help, the main thing is not to be shy about your problem and contact specialists who will find the cause of infertility and select the right treatment.

If we talk about the reasons for not getting pregnant, then the main ones are the following:

  • Tube obstruction is the most common cause of infertility or missing tubes.
  • Adhesions in the pelvis and/or fallopian tubes.
  • chronic inflammation reproductive organs of both the woman and her partner.
  • Frequent operations on the genitals.
  • Congenital malformations. For example, in women: a bicornuate uterus, hypoplasia (underdevelopment) of the uterus, doubling and bending of the uterus, and others. In men: ectopia, hidden or bifurcated penis, absence of the head of the penis or vas deferens, hypospadias, others.
  • Endometriosis is the overgrowth of endometrial cells.
  • Benign and malignant tumors on the genitals or cancer of any localization.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Ejaculatory disorders in men.
  • Poor quality sperm.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Violation of spermatogenesis.
  • Radiation or hormone therapy.
  • Injuries of the reproductive organs, including during surgical procedures.
  • Genetic disorders.

There are many reasons why pregnancy does not occur, so the trial is carried out in each case individually.

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Here are the top ways to get pregnant fast

  • “Letting go” of the obsession with becoming a mother - this issue needs to be worked out with a psychologist.
  • To escape from routine affairs - the best thing is to rest in a sanatorium or resort. A change of scenery improves the psycho-emotional state.
  • Undergo a full diagnosis to cure the identified diseases, if possible. If not, then in case of chronic pathological processes, it is necessary to undergo a therapeutic course in advance in order to achieve stable remission.
  • Vitamin therapy and short-term (2-3 months) non-hormonal contraception - these measures give rest to the reproductive system.
  • "Take care of yourself" - be like a massage, go to the pool, go to school, do yoga or whatever you like.
  • Adoption is a super-sensitive issue, but experts have long traced the connection between pregnancy after adoption.
  • Intimacy should be at least twice a week without contraception.
  • Stimulation of the reproductive system (fertility) - is carried out only according to indications and under medical supervision.

If a woman says: I want to get pregnant quickly, but conception does not occur in any way, contact the AltraVita clinic, where doctors with many years of experience in infertility treatment will prescribe the necessary examination and identify the cause of the problem. Perhaps you should go through IVF or a surrogacy program. Our success rate is quite high.

Many women, having decided to give birth to a child, are faced with a problem - it turns out that getting pregnant is not so easy, especially when it comes to the age of 38 or 39 years. Sometimes the attempts made for months are in vain. What to do in this case? How to quickly get pregnant at the scheduled time? Are there any methods of approaching the long-awaited moment?

If you can’t get pregnant, the first thing you need to do is visit a doctor and undergo a full examination. The reasons may lie in both partners. For a woman, an obstacle to fertilization is:

  • menstrual irregularities,
  • hormonal problems,
  • inflammatory gynecological diseases,
  • lack of ovulation
  • stress and increased physical activity, etc.

As for men, there is often reduced sperm activity, the consequences of varicocele and other ailments, and an unhealthy lifestyle.

In any case, the advice of doctors, conducting the prescribed course of treatment will help to cope with the existing problems. In most situations, conservative therapy can be dispensed with. For example, with polycystic ovaries, a woman is recommended to take oral contraceptives for a certain period of time, restoring menstrual cycle, excluding intermenstrual bleeding, normalizing hormonal levels. After hormonal pills, conception occurs very quickly, which is difficult to achieve with an irregular cycle. It also increases the chance of getting pregnant with twins. This effect is observed after Yarina, after Zhanin and other variants of OK.

With erosion and inflammation, you also need to undergo therapy. In the first case, cauterization or freezing is performed, in the latter, a conservative approach.

It is important to pay attention to the regularity and fact of the onset of ovulation. Its presence is the main condition for fertilization. It happens that ovulation does not occur, then artificial stimulation methods are used.

In order to get pregnant faster, you need to schedule ovulation by controlling your basal temperature. When the egg is ripe, ready for fertilization, the latter will be 37 degrees and a little higher. You can use a pharmacy ovulation test.

How to get pregnant the first time? This question is asked by many couples who are planning the birth of a baby. Most women and men believe that no contraception and active sex is all it takes. But is it?

In this topic, we will try to tell you whether it is possible to get pregnant the first time, what factors affect conception and how to properly approach such a delicate matter. We will also share the secrets of how to get pregnant with a boy or a girl.

Is it possible to get pregnant the first time and what affects conception?

There are a number of factors to consider when planning for conception.

  • The duration of the menstrual cycle. More often it was not possible to get pregnant the first time for women whose monthly cycle is less and more than 28 days, especially when it is not regular. This is because the fertile time is ovulation, that is, the release of the egg from the ovary, which falls in the middle of the cycle. In a 28-day cycle, the egg is released on the 14th day. But for most women, stress, excessive physical or brainwork, hormonal disorders and other reasons can lead to a cycle failure, which will affect the bottom of the egg release. Therefore, it is not always possible to predict the exact date of ovulation.
  • Lifespan of a spermatozoon in the female genital tract. On average, the sperm remains active after entering the female genital organs for 72 hours. Therefore, the chance of getting pregnant the first time will be higher when sexual intercourse is performed during ovulation. But even if you count everything up to the day and get to ovulation, then the probability of fertilizing the egg will be only 25%.
  • The health status of sexual partners. chronic diseases, age over 30, unbalanced nutrition, harmful abortions, operations on the organs of the reproductive system can be the reason why it is not possible to get pregnant the first time.
  • Sexual intercourse in the monthly cycle. Adhering to this simple rule, the percentage of conception is still low - about 10%.

You also need to understand that conception does not always end in pregnancy, since a fertilized egg simply may not penetrate into the endometrium of the uterus and come out during menstruation.

What are the chances of getting pregnant the first time? Let's figure it out. According to statistics, every sixth woman planning a child succeeds in getting pregnant the first time.

Also, experts say that if a woman failed to get pregnant from the first, then it is necessary to continue to have an active sex life and not use contraceptives further. In this case, pregnancy can be expected in the next six months.

Clinical observation of a hundred couples planning a child who had and had sexual intercourse no more than three times a week showed that efforts were crowned with success for six months in 60% of couples.

How can you get pregnant the first time quickly and what is needed for this?

To get pregnant the first time, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • plan pregnancy at the age that is most suitable for this - 20-25 years, since young girls have a regular cycle in most cases;
  • calculate the day of ovulation for several months, as this will significantly increase the chances of conceiving a child;
  • use special tests to determine ovulation;
  • measure basal temperature, an increase in which to 37.4 ° C indicates ovulation;
  • on the day of ovulation to have unprotected intercourse.

There are also other ways to help you get pregnant quickly.

Is it possible to get pregnant after the first time: poses, pictures

Can a girl get pregnant quickly by choosing certain positions for this, and which position is considered the most suitable? This opinion is shared by many, but not by those who understand this topic. Therefore, unfortunately, we will dispel this myth.

There is no magic position that guarantees 100% conception the first time. The chance of conceiving a child is only affected by the day when unprotected intercourse was performed, and this day should be ovulation.

But, perhaps, for the conception of a child, a special position will be needed for women whose uterus has a backward bend, since such a pathology prevents sperm from entering the cervix.

In this case, experts recommend having sex in positions where the man is behind the woman. This position allows for deeper penetration into the vagina and makes it easier for semen to enter the cervix. Also, after coitus, it is recommended that a woman become in the “birch” position (see photo).

Unfortunately, the only true, fast and accurate way to get pregnant has not yet been found. But given the opinion of experts and feedback from women on the forums, we have selected methods that will increase the likelihood of conceiving a child the first time.

  • Taking vitamins. A few months before the planned pregnancy, both partners need to start taking vitamin complexes, in which vitamins E and C must be present, as well as folic acid. Also, do not forget about macro- and microelements, such as calcium, iron, copper, selenium, magnesium and zinc. The listed vitamins and minerals will not only accelerate the onset of pregnancy, but will also help to give birth to a healthy child, since they contribute to the normal laying of organs and systems, primarily the neural tube.
  • Have sex no more than 2-3 times a week. It takes 8-12 weeks for a spermatozoon to mature, and with one ejaculation, 100-400 thousand spermatozoa come out. Therefore, too frequent sexual intercourse reduces the effectiveness of the seed and it will not be possible to conceive a baby quickly.
  • Folk methods and means. You can quickly conceive a child if you regularly use a decoction of ortilia. To prepare a decoction, pour three tablespoons of plant leaves with two cups of boiling water and boil over low heat for 20-30 minutes, then strain the medicine through a fine sieve. This decoction is recommended to be taken instead of tea, several cups a day. Also, traditional healers advise eating pumpkin in any form, since it is rich in vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on reproductive function.

Is it possible to get pregnant for the first time and plan the sex of the baby?

More than one women's forum is replete with the question: I specifically want a boy or a girl, what should I do? Well, we reveal the secret of what can be done and how to plan the sex of the baby.

The sex of the fetus is laid during the fusion of the egg with the sperm, and the sex depends on which chromosome is present in the male germ cell.

The X chromosome is responsible for the birth of a girl, and the Y chromosome is responsible for the birth of a boy.

The following regularities are also known:

  • "Spermatozoa-boys" live up to 24 hours in the female genital tract, but at the same time they are much more active than "sperm-girls";
  • “Girl sperm” live up to 72 hours after entering the female genital organs, but they move more slowly than “boy sperm”.

Given the above features of sperm with X and Y chromosomes, it can be said that in order to conceive a girl, unprotected intercourse must occur three days before the date of ovulation. Before the release of the egg, the sperm carrying the Y chromosome will die, and only the "girl" ones will remain.

Accordingly, first you will need to determine this date using the methods that we talked about earlier.

If you want a boy, then sexual intercourse should be on the day of ovulation, then sperm with a Y chromosome will fertilize an egg faster than sperm with an X chromosome.

More than one specialist will not undertake to answer reliably and unambiguously this question. One woman immediately got a long-awaited pregnancy, and the other did not become pregnant even after the tenth in vitro fertilization.

Experts say that after the first IVF, only 35% of women can become pregnant. It all depends on a number of factors, which include the following:

  • age of partners;
  • the nature of the disease that caused infertility;
  • duration of infertility;
  • the quantity and quality of embryos obtained during artificial insemination;
  • the woman's compliance with all recommendations for preparing for embryo implantation;
  • unsuccessful attempts at artificial insemination in history;
  • partners lifestyle.

If you cannot get pregnant on your own and decide to resort to in vitro fertilization, then you, first of all, need to choose an experienced specialist - a reproductive doctor - and strictly follow his recommendations.

As a result, we can say that, unfortunately, there is no one hundred percent method that would help you get pregnant the first time. You can only increase the chance of a quick conception of a baby with the help of the above recommendations.