Oral hygiene message. Rules for maintaining oral hygiene

Snow-white healthy teeth are one of the external attributes of health, in light of this, oral hygiene becomes a daily necessity. In addition, dental health has a great impact on health and internal organs particularly on the heart and stomach.

The pursuit of healthy teeth has not started today, it has been known since antiquity. In the 30th century BC. The Chinese used special flattened sticks, various scrapers and metal toothpicks for brushing their teeth. Hippocrates in his writings recommended the composition of the powder to eliminate bad breath. Wealthy Roman women had separate slaves to take care of their teeth, and tooth powders were made from burnt horn, corals.

Today, pastes, water are fluoridated and anti-caries diets are being created. Unfortunately, some people simply ignore this. 90% of people in the world suffer from caries, and in some countries even 100%. But there are places on the map where they have not heard of caries at all: the natives of the southern Pamirs and the Eskimos. Perhaps this is due to the fact that they do not eat sweets.

More than 300 types of microbes live in the human mouth, and it is their activity that “ensures” the flourishing of diseases. They are silent when the mouth ecosystem is balanced. Regular brushing of the teeth, the use of SGPR (oral hygiene products) - all this helps to solve problems.

Proper dental care cuts the incidence of caries in schoolchildren and young children by half. After eating, there are always acids in the mouth that corrode the enamel, it becomes thinner, cracks appear on it, and the teeth are destroyed. Acids must be cleaned from the surface, because when they accumulate, tartar is formed, safely loosening the teeth and causing gum disease.

Much depends on the diet: the predominance of carbohydrates and sour - this is what is most harmful to the teeth. Oral hygiene is individual, it is carried out regularly and daily at home and professional - periodic, in the dentist's office.

Proper brushing of teeth

The most common methods of individual oral hygiene:

  1. Charter - the movements of the brush are circular, vibrating and shaking, it is held at an angle of 45º to the tooth. It is mainly used for gum massage.
  2. Stilamana - strongly press on the gum until it turns pale and then restore its blood flow with rotational movements of the brush.
  3. Leonardo - the brush is perpendicular, moves vertically with closed teeth.
  4. Bassa - cleaning the labial, then the inner surface of the teeth, the molars from above. The brush is located at an angle of 45º to the tooth; moving from red to white. They move rotationally in 10 movements for each tooth. Unfold the brush and move in the opposite direction. The inner and outer surface is cleaned with a sweeping motion. The upper surfaces of the molars are brushed progressively horizontally.
  5. Reite - the brush is parallel to the axis of the tooth. Spiral movements are made from the gums, chewing surfaces are cleaned in the direction back and forth, progressively. This method allows you to massage the gums and is most often recommended for periodontitis and periodontal disease.
  6. A new method of brushing teeth - Solo. The Solo technique is based on the use of a brush with one round tuft of soft bristles. At the same time, the teeth are cleaned sequentially one by one, and any of their surfaces and even contact ones, but this does not exclude the mandatory use of SGPR.

The rules of oral care imply, with healthy gums, to complete cleaning by massaging the gums for 3 minutes with a separate soft brush, followed by disinfection. Brushing your teeth in time should take at least 3-3.5 minutes.

The paste is squeezed onto the brush not with a pea, but with a full-length strip. You should always brush your teeth 2 times a day: in the morning - after the first meal and in the evening - before going to bed. A prerequisite for smokers - cleaning should be carried out 3 times. After cleaning, the brush is placed in a cup with the bristles down. You cannot boil them.

V modern world a beautiful healthy smile is an indicator of the general culture of a person, part of the image. But first of all, it is an attitude to one's own health. Fortunately, more and more people are now realizing this.

Poor hygiene leads to the accumulation of a huge amount of bacteria and their metabolic products (toxins). Plaque is formed after each meal, accumulates on all surfaces of the teeth and in the gingival sulcus, causing bad smell from mouth.

If the plaque is not removed in time, then under the influence of saliva and the mineral substances contained in it, the soft plaque turns into a hard one and tartar is formed. Tartar and the bacteria contained in it constantly injure the gums, as it is located above and below the gum, causing inflammation, gum bleeding, and as a result, the formation of periodontal pockets and tooth mobility, and subsequently their loss.

It is impossible to completely remove supragingival and subgingival deposits on your own. Therefore, professional hygiene should be carried out at least 2 times a year.

What is professional oral hygiene?

This is a complex of special dental preventive or therapeutic measures, which is carried out by a periodontist or dental hygienist. The activities are aimed at improving the organs and tissues of the oral cavity, as well as taking preventive measures for the occurrence and progression of dental diseases. After professional oral hygiene, the microflora improves, the number of pathogenic bacteria decreases sharply, and immunity in the oral cavity increases.

What is included in professional oral hygiene?

At the beginning of each professional hygienic cleaning of the teeth, the specialist determines the presence of supragingival and subgingival deposits, the presence of caries, gum disease and other possible oral diseases.

Then the gums are treated with an anesthetic gel, if necessary, the doctor can perform anesthesia.

First of all, dental plaque is removed using ultrasound or an ultrasonic scaler. When dental deposits are removed in a similar way, then hard and soft supragingival dental deposits seem to “exfoliate” or “knock off” without damaging the enamel. Soft plaque refers to food debris that accumulates along the edge of the gum or goes under the gum.

To remove subgingival plaque, as well as in the presence of periodontal pockets, a manual method is used to remove hard dental deposits using instruments. Special Gracey curettes are used, which, without damaging the tooth enamel, effectively remove tartar.

Pigmented plaque, which is formed under the influence of food dyes (coffee, tea), nicotine, is effectively removed using the “ Air flow» is an aerosol jet containing water and sodium bicarbonate powder. After treatment, a clear clinical and cosmetic effect is achieved. The enamel is quickly cleaned, acquires a natural color and a healthy shine. As a result of the procedure, the teeth become clean and their natural color is visible.

A very important step is the polishing of the teeth. Without thorough polishing, all previous steps are ineffective. This is done to ensure that the surface of the teeth is as smooth as possible, since microorganisms are more difficult to attach to a smooth surface. This manipulation is carried out with the help of brushes and rubber bands, using polishing pastes, and on the contact surfaces of the teeth - with the help of special strips - strips.

The process of covering the teeth with fluorine-containing varnish completes the process. This is another additional protection of the teeth from the penetration of microorganisms, which, among other things, prevents the formation of caries. Fluorine-containing varnishes will help remove excessive sensitivity of tooth enamel, which may appear after such a professional cleaning. This can happen because the stone has been acting on the tooth for too long.

After brushing your teeth, the doctor will tell you in detail how to properly care for your teeth, how to minimize the formation of plaque, caries and other dental diseases. Individually selects oral hygiene products, which includes toothpaste, toothbrush, dental floss, tongue scraper, etc.

It is recommended to carry out hygienic cleaning of teeth once every six months, but the frequency of the procedure depends on the characteristics of the human body and its lifestyle. In some cases, cleaning every three to four months is recommended. For example, if you are a heavy smoker or drink a lot of coffee, tea.

Everyone wants to have a snow-white, healthy smile, but not everyone knows what needs to be done for this. Some limit themselves to buying advertising paste and an expensive brush. However, this is often not enough. To keep your teeth healthy, your breath fresh, and gum problems never overtake you, simple but proper oral hygiene should become a daily ritual for you. What should be the care of the oral cavity, what means for this exist today and the rules for brushing teeth that everyone needs to know can be found in the article.

Basics of oral hygiene

Even in ancient times, doctors insisted that a person is healthy as long as his teeth are healthy. By taking good care of your teeth, taking care of your gums, and choosing your oral products carefully, you can keep your mouth healthy, keep everyone from going to the dentist they don't like, and save a lot of money on dental care. Oral hygiene should be exercised regularly and correctly. It should consist of:

  1. Teeth brushing and toothpaste.
  2. Oral care after every meal.
  3. Cleansing of interdental spaces.

Oral Care Rules

Any girl should know the following rules and put them into practice. If you haven't done them all before, it's never too late to introduce them into your life. You will be surprised how easy it is to provide teeth and gums with proper care, which will quickly become a habit for you:

  • Rule number 1: teeth should be brushed 2 times a day, before going to bed in the evening and after waking up in the morning.
  • Rule number 2: do not forget about preventive examinations at the dentist every six months. If you follow this rule, you will be able to prevent gum and tooth disease in the early stages of development.
  • Rule number 3: the choice of means for cleaning teeth is a serious matter. You should not buy the first paste that comes across, and the brush should be changed at least once every 3 months.
  • Rule number 4: oral care does not end with brushing your teeth: do not forget about the tongue, cheeks and gums.
  • Rule number 5: after each meal, you must remove the remnants of food. Ideally, you should clean your teeth with a paste and a brush, but in practice this is most often not feasible. Therefore, you can use an affordable alternative: rinses for oral cavity cope with this task with a bang, removing food particles and freshening your breath. And at work or school, chewing gum will come to the rescue.
  • Rule number 6: use dental floss to clean the gaps between the teeth.
  • Rule number 7: fluoride substances in the paste begin to "work" 3 minutes after hitting the tooth. You need to brush your teeth for at least this time, because you want to not only clean, but also strengthen the enamel.

Step-by-step instructions for daily cleaning of the oral cavity

Teeth need to be cleaned properly, then oral care will be of high quality. By removing all plaque, you protect your teeth from caries, and your gums from gingivitis, periodontitis and other diseases. The step-by-step scheme for cleaning the oral cavity is as follows:

  1. The procedure begins with a traditional toothbrush and toothpaste. Position the brush so that the bristles cover the outer surface of the teeth. Move the brush from the gum to the edge of the teeth in a sweeping motion.
  2. The inner surface of the teeth must be cleaned with exactly the same sweeping movements according to the same pattern.
  3. Then position the brush so that the bristles cover the chewing surface. Reciprocating movements will help clean the chewing surface.
  4. Repeat this for the top and mandible. Do not press the brush too hard.
  5. Close your jaw and gently massage your gums with a brush.
  6. We clean the tongue: you can use a special scraper for cleaning the tongue or a brush if it has a special cleaning surface. Make a couple of movements from the root to the tip of the tongue.
  7. We clean the inner surface of the cheeks: repeat the procedure similar to cleaning the tongue now for the inner surface of the cheeks. Rinse your mouth with clean water.
  8. Let's move on to thread floss. Take about 30 cm of dental floss and wind its ends around your index fingers, leaving a gap of 10 centimeters between them. Pulling the floss firmly between your fingers, slide it into the gap between your teeth, and then press it against the surface of one of your teeth and move it up and down. To clean the adjacent gap, use a clean section of thread. When using floss, do not touch the gums. It is forbidden to use dental floss with periodontitis.
  9. The final step is the conditioner. You don't need to fill your mouth with mouthwash, about 2 teaspoons is enough. Rinse your mouth thoroughly for a minute.

Oral hygiene will not take you more than 10 minutes in the morning and evening. Do everything right and your teeth and gums will be healthy. Now let's learn more about oral hygiene products.

Choosing oral care products

Important in quality care are oral hygiene products. We will help you make the right choice by telling you what to look for when buying.

Choosing a pasta

Forget all the commercials you've seen on TV. When choosing toothpaste, it is not at all necessary to buy the most expensive one available in the store. Domestic it will be a manufacturer or foreign, also does not play a major role. The compositions of the pastes are most often identical. What you need to pay attention to is the fluorine content. Means with fluoride are suitable only for the prevention of caries, but if this misfortune has already befallen you, fluoride-containing pastes will only worsen the condition of your teeth. Pay attention to the purpose of the tool. For daily use you need a treatment-and-prophylactic or complex paste, but be careful with whitening. When choosing a whitening paste, it is better to consult a dentist.

Choosing a brush

Toothbrushes are primarily divided into electric and manual toothbrushes. The former do the job better, but are also more expensive. It is recommended to change nozzles as often as a regular brush, so the choice often comes down to finances. An electric toothbrush can easily clean the furthest teeth and you don't have to make any effort: just move the brush from tooth to tooth. When choosing an electric brush, pay attention to the nozzle itself. It can be simply cleansing or whitening. The type of power supply is also important: battery-powered brushes are cheaper, and battery-powered ones are more convenient.

An ordinary manual brush comes in 3 degrees of hardness: soft, medium and hard. Soft bristles gently act on the teeth and gums, but do not clean well, and hard bristles are too aggressive. Dentists advise choosing the golden mean - bristles of medium hardness.

Choosing floss threads

All dental flosses are thin fibers twisted together. The choice of this oral care product is quite large. More expensive threads are made from silk fibers, while cheaper options are made from synthetic fibers. Floss threads are lubricated, non-lubricated, fluorinated, flat, round, embossed, flavored. Dentists recommend choosing a flat lubricated floss - it is more comfortable to use and reduces the risk of gum injury. For beginners, waxed threads are suitable, they are more durable, and therefore ideal for the first attempts. If you want to provide your teeth with additional protection against caries, use fluorinated floss threads.

Choosing a conditioner

The rinse aid has a wide spectrum of action: it removes plaque, kills bacteria, freshens breath, heals wounds, and prevents caries. For different purposes, different types of rinses are intended: therapeutic and prophylactic. The main purpose of prophylactic rinses is to freshen your breath. But therapeutic can be intended to combat inflammation, bleeding gums, and tooth sensitivity. Initially, you need to decide on the task that the rinse aid will have to perform. For daily use, preventive measures are suitable.

In conclusion, I would like to note the importance of regular visits to the dentist. For example, if you have such a problem as bleeding gums, rinsing with decoctions of herbs and using special pastes will not solve the problem completely, but if you turn to a specialist, it will correct the situation in half an hour. Take care of your oral cavity and be healthy!

The contingent of dental clinics mainly consists of people who are little educated in oral hygiene. Numerous studies show that most dental patients do not have a complete understanding of the importance of oral hygiene, the principles of daily dental care, the rules for choosing hygiene products and other components of preventive dental culture. The result of low awareness of oral hygiene is the development of numerous dental diseases.

Consequences of improper dental care

Microorganisms multiply in conditions with a favorable temperature regime and in the presence of carbohydrates, therefore The mouth is the site of the greatest accumulation of bacteria. Their constant impact on tooth enamel can destroy the tooth and cause diseases such as:

  • caries and pulpitis. Symptoms of such pathologies are expressed in painful sensations in the area of ​​​​the teeth and gums. With caries, pain occurs as a reaction to external stimuli, with pulpitis - spontaneously.
  • periodontitis and gingivitis. Most often, the etiology of such diseases is explained by neglected caries or pulpitis. Symptomatic pathologies are manifested by bleeding and inflammation of the gums, loosening of the teeth and their partial edentulism (loss).
  • Stomatitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, in which sores with pus, spots or extensive foci of redness form on the gums, cheeks, palate or tongue. The mucous membranes of the tongue and cheeks are covered with a characteristic plaque, the gums swell and bleed.
  • Glossitis is an inflammation of the tongue that occurs as a result of stomatitis. It is manifested by burning, coloring and pigmentation, uncharacteristic for the tongue, hypersalivation.
  • Halitosis, which is due to the pathological growth of anaerobic bacteria. Pathology is expressed by an unpleasant smell from the mouth.

An indifferent attitude to the state of the oral cavity is fraught with the development of diseases of the stomach, heart, endocrine, nervous system and other complications. For the treatment of emerging dental and common diseases you will have to undergo a complex and expensive therapeutic course, which can be avoided by following the simplest basic rules of oral hygiene.

Principles of oral hygiene and dental care

The concept of hygiene is laid from early childhood on the example of parental sanitary behavior. And hygiene habits are formed in accordance with knowledge about the daily routine, diet, and the technique of carrying out therapeutic and preventive measures. Therefore, it is necessary to teach the child the elementary rules of hygiene from infancy.

Most patients with dental pathologies believe that twice daily cleaning of the surface of the teeth is a sufficient measure to prevent caries and other diseases. However, the daily procedure for cleaning the enamel from food debris is one of the components of an extensive oral care system. In addition to it, it is necessary to carry out the following preventive measures:

  • Rinsing the mouth after eating to remove food debris.
  • Use of aids: irrigator, tooth powder, floss, brush.
  • Compliance with the diet. Dentists advise to exclude sweet and sour foods, carbonated drinks from the diet.
  • Regular visits to the dentist. Starting from the age of one year, monitoring of the oral cavity should be carried out by a specialist at least once every six months.
  • Professional teeth cleaning.
The basis of proper oral hygiene is a competent approach to the choice of tools for dental care and adherence to the technique of cleaning the tooth surface.

Teeth brushing technique

Carbohydrates in food particles that accumulate in the oral cavity after a meal provoke the growth of pathogenic bacteria and the development of caries, so the removal of food debris is the most important aspect in the prevention of dental diseases. The effectiveness of preventive measures is affected not only by the regularity of hygiene procedures, but also by the quality of brushing your teeth.

Enamel cleaning from plaque should be carried out twice a day and according to the requirements of oral and dental hygiene:

  • you should brush your teeth both from the outside and the inside, you need to start the procedure from the upper molars;
  • the toothbrush must be directed from the gum edge to the top of the tooth;
  • chewing teeth require cleaning with reciprocating movements;
  • clean the tongue correctly from root to tip, cleaning the inner surface of the cheeks is carried out in a similar way;
  • removal of food deposits between the teeth is carried out by dental floss;
  • finish the procedure by rinsing the mouth with a special agent - rinse aid.

The duration of brushing should be no more than 3-5 minutes - 10 seconds for each tooth. A longer procedure can provoke a thinning of the tooth enamel.

Criteria for the selection of basic oral care products

The leading sanitary and hygienic products include toothbrushes, floss, pastes and rinses. Their choice should be made taking into account the structure of the jaw, the sensitivity of the teeth and other individual parameters.

The main criteria for the quality of toothbrushes are:

  • head design and size. For kids preschool age toothbrushes with straight and equal-sized tufts of bristles are selected, the number of tufts usually does not exceed 23. Toothbrushes for teenagers and adults consist of more tufts - from 30, their location and length may be different.
  • Rigidity of the villi. Toothbrushes with soft bristles are preferable for children under 10 years of age and people suffering from periodontal disease. High hardness bristles are designed for patients with installed dental structures.
  • Handle length. Preference should be given to brushes with comfortable and non-slip handles. For babies, brushes with long handles are selected, as their parents will clean their teeth.

There are also electric toothbrushes on the market for hygiene products. Their advantage lies in the increased cleaning power, which is achieved through intensive automated movements of the brush head.

The use of an electric brush by young children is not recommended due to their undeveloped brushing skills.

Toothpastes are divided into hygienic and treatment-and-prophylactic. The former have a cleansing effect and freshen the breath. The purpose of the second is the directed fight against diseases of the oral cavity.

Rinses are classified according to their purpose: freshening breath, anti-inflammatory, reducing tooth sensitivity, preventive. In the absence of dental pathologies, it is recommended to use products that eliminate bad breath.

Additional hygiene products

Basic oral care products reduce the likelihood of dental disease, but ideally, additional products should be used. The selection of auxiliary hygiene devices and means should be carried out in accordance with the direction of their action.

To improve the quality of daily hygiene procedures, the following products are produced:

  • Tooth powders. They serve as an analogue of toothpastes, but they can not be used more than twice a week.
  • Irrigators are devices whose main functions are cleaning hard-to-reach areas from food debris and hydromassage of the gums.
  • Toothbrushes. Used to remove plaque under orthopedic structures.
  • Scrapers. Designed to cleanse the tongue.
Informing about the advantages and disadvantages of a particular hygiene product, the correct methods and the regularity of its use is carried out by a hygienist.

Professional hygiene

The set of activities carried out by a dental hygienist during sanitation (preventive examination) is aimed at analyzing the condition of the teeth and gums, informing the patient about the rules and methods of hygiene procedures, and preventing tartar and caries. Professional oral hygiene includes several stages:

  1. An examination during which the condition of the oral cavity is assessed, a strategy for preventive treatment is being worked out.
  2. Removal of dental deposits. For this purpose, ultrasonic or laser devices are used, which effectively remove plaque from the teeth, interdental space, and gum pockets.
  3. Enamel polishing and grinding. The procedure allows you to slow down the appearance of dental plaque.
  4. Remineralization is the saturation of dental tissues with minerals that help prevent caries and restore tooth sensitivity.
  5. Implantation and whitening are considered as additional components of professional hygiene, the need for which depends on the condition of the teeth.

It is recommended to resort to professional hygiene twice a year, however, for some categories of people (smokers, coffee abusers), more frequent visits to a specialist are recommended - once a quarter. Professional teeth cleaning is an expensive event (from 4 thousand rubles in Moscow), however, irregular visits to a specialist increase the risk of late detection of sluggishly developing dental diseases, the treatment of which can be more expensive than professional dental and oral hygiene.

Needless to say, how important oral hygiene is. After eating, acids are always formed in the mouth, which negatively affect the enamel of the teeth - they corrode it. If acids are not cleaned in time, they form raids and accumulations, as a result, one can expect the formation of stones and holes. And against the background of weakened and bleeding gums, the situation is even aggravated. To avoid this, you must follow the rules of hygiene.

General rules for oral hygiene

Brushing your teeth is not everything. Hygiene starts with proper nutrition and only then you can think about the means of prevention. Here are some important rules, failure to follow which can put you at risk:
  • Minimize the use of lemons and acidic foods in pure form. You can drink tea with lemon, but do not eat fruit slices.
  • Avoid sticky sweets like toffee. Such sweets are difficult to clean from teeth. And they often hurt their teeth:.
  • Do light brushing and rinsing after every snack. It is not necessary to use toothpaste every time - just rub your teeth with a soft brush.

It is equally important to know that you need to brush your teeth 2 times a day: the first time after the first meal, and the second time at night.

After you have had a snack, use the following modern remedies as a preventive measure:
  • Chewing gum without sugar (it can be used to additionally clean your teeth);
  • Tooth rinse (cleanses plaque and food debris);
  • Plain water (for rinsing in the absence of other means).

Choice of toothpaste and brush

So that a visit to the dentist does not turn into a gum treatment or tooth extraction for you, choose a good toothpaste. They are usually divided into two types:
  • Hygienic . They serve only to clean the teeth from plaque. Some of them additionally freshen the breath. But that's where their benefits end.
  • Preventive . More extensive in their action - save from caries, protect enamel, strengthen gums. There are a number of herbal anti-inflammatory toothpastes available. There are a series of pastes with a whitening effect, it is better to use them rarely so as not to damage the enamel. You can also read an article about .

Powder can also be used instead of toothpaste. Its effect is not worse, and often better, because natural ingredients are used in the composition. By the way, the cost of the powder is an order of magnitude less.

Choosing a quality toothbrush is another way to keep your teeth perfectly clean. All brushes differ in the degree of hardness:

The toothbrush is changed every 2 months and is used by only one person. If you want a more serious approach, you can also purchase an electric toothbrush, but even in this case, it is not so much the brush that matters as the brushing technique.

Proper brushing of teeth

How to brush your teeth properly? This has been written about in detail. In short, the training is simple: for this, the brush must move from the gum to the edge of the tooth with a sweeping movement.

If food is stuck in your teeth, use dental floss. This the best remedy to get rid of food particles in the interdental spaces. Sometimes only after the floss does it feel like the teeth are brushed, so well does it cope with the remnants of food.

In the absence of dental floss, try using a toothpick. With its help, you can remove point accumulations of food debris. Its only negative is that it can damage the gums, so proceed with extreme caution.

Hold the toothpick at a 45-degree angle to your tooth to remove food debris.

If there are problems with the gums, dentists advise using irrigators - devices for removing food debris using jets of water. The irrigator removes plaque and massages the gums.

Once every six months, it is recommended to visit a dentist to consult about the condition of your teeth and detect problems in time. Don't wait for pain to set in - see your doctor if you have a stone, plaque, cavities, or bad smell. It is better to deal with diseases in the early stages. Especially if it is.

Oral hygiene in a child

There is no fundamental difference between brushing the teeth of children and adults, but there are still subtleties and some nuances.

In the very first months of a baby's life, parents should monitor the gums. After feeding, the gums are wiped with napkins soaked in soda solution or fingertips with the same composition.

When the baby teeth appear, it's time for learning. Buy a baby toothpaste and brush for your child. The first samples should be short - 20 seconds each. Subsequent cleanings should be increased in duration.

In order for a child to have an interest in brushing their teeth, they use special games, calendars and fairy tales.

What kind of dentifrices to choose for a child, the manufacturer will tell you. Typically, a baby brush has a short handle and soft bristles, and toothpaste has a pleasant taste.

Teach your child to take toothpaste no more than a fingernail of his little finger. So he will learn to dose the paste correctly.

As additional care for babies, you can use special napkins. They contain xylitol, which kills bacteria that multiply on the gums and tooth enamel. Such napkins should be kept in the refrigerator so that their cold relieves possible pain.

Over time, the child is accustomed to flossing, having learned to use it between meals.

How to monitor the oral cavity with a removable denture?

When the patient is fitted with a prosthesis, the rules for caring for the oral cavity change slightly. You can not neglect the recommendations of doctors, otherwise the prosthesis will not last as long as it can, and will very quickly lose its aesthetic appearance.

The main problem with removable dentures is that you still need to get used to them. At first, while getting used to, you can get protection from irritation in the oral cavity. Special preparations help to clean the oral cavity additionally. As soon as the unpleasant sensations of addiction pass, the aids can be canceled.

The use of removable structures has its drawbacks. Because of the prosthesis:

  • the natural cleansing of the oral cavity is disturbed;
  • the circulation of the mucosa in the mouth changes;
  • thermal exchange is disturbed, even diction and taste properties of products.
The gums are the first to suffer from improper oral hygiene with dentures. Due to bacterial plaque, the gums become inflamed, hence the unpleasant odor. About the reasons bad smell because of the mouth, you can read . To prevent this from happening, on your shelf in the bathroom should always be:
  • Fixing creams and pads (special products for artificial teeth);
  • Powders with a cleansing effect (can also be purchased in the form of tablets);
  • Cleansing brush for cleaning the prosthesis;
  • Additional tools for cleaning artificial teeth.
You must also purchase:
  • A special paste that cleans the interdental spaces;
  • Brush for cleaning interdental spaces;
  • A toothbrush with the softest bristles;
  • dental floss;
  • Rinse aid to strengthen the gums;
  • Tablets to determine plaque.

Good care of the prosthesis is the absence of plaque on it, as well as particles of food. To achieve this, do the following:
  • Clean your denture 2 times a day;
  • Rinse your mouth after each meal, and rinse the denture under running water;
  • Clean removable teeth in a disinfectant solution;
  • Remove your dentures at night.
Be especially careful with the inner surface of the prosthesis - in the place where it comes into contact with the gums.

When the prosthesis needs to be transported, use a special container for this.

What are Oral Hygiene Indexes?

Why do you need to know the index of oral hygiene? This information is important for the dentist to reflect the picture of the patient's treatment. There are a lot of such indices, each is needed to determine a narrower direction in the treatment, for example, periodontal disease.

The most common index reflects the defeat of teeth by caries. It takes into account:

  • carious teeth;
  • Filled teeth;
  • Extracted or to be removed teeth.
The assessments of the teeth are summed up, and then the indicator gives an idea of ​​the intensity of the development of caries in a particular patient.

The level of intensity of development of caries is expressed as a percentage, where from 80% the intensity is high, and up to 30% is the lowest.

To evaluate the effectiveness of oral hygiene, a special test is carried out - staining the teeth. The index is calculated for each tooth in a special code, and then the data is displayed in the total. In the same way, bite, gum condition, aesthetic index, etc. are evaluated.

How can you use hygiene index at home and why is it necessary? You will be able to evaluate for yourself how well you take care of your teeth. For the test and objective evaluation, you need to purchase a special dye. It stains deposits on the teeth. The more intense the staining, the lower the assessment of the hygienic condition of the teeth.

What causes poor oral hygiene?

Even if you think that you take good care of your teeth and brush them thoroughly every day, reconsider your rules. An indicator of the quality of hygiene is always the absence of problems with teeth, healthy gums and a pleasant smell from the mouth. If at least one of the conditions is absent, then care is carried out poorly or incorrectly.

Most dental diseases are solely due to poor hygiene.

Caries and calculus are the result of the accumulation of plaque on the teeth. It is located even in non-obvious places:

  • In the pits of the incisors;
  • between teeth;
  • Under the gum in the neck of the tooth;
  • On the gums
If you do not monitor the plaque and do not clean it off in time, the accumulations form a microbial environment that has a destructive effect on the upper tissues of the tooth. Hence the caries.

Even if you regularly visit a dentist who treats caries for you, prolonged untimely oral care threatens to relapse the development of dental disease. Filled teeth will have to be retreated, and with them thoroughly deal with gum disease - periodontitis and gingivitis.

The accumulation of microbes in the oral cavity is not only an aesthetic problem. Bad teeth affect the work of the whole organism, causing stomach diseases and allergic reactions.

What is required to properly brush your teeth? (video)

Watch an informative video about what constitutes good oral hygiene.