How to increase testosterone in a husband. Is it possible to increase testosterone production and how to do it? Ensure adequate intake of vitamins A, B and E

Testosterone is the main androgenic male hormone. This hormone is responsible for reproductive functions, increase muscle mass, increases endurance. Testosterone helps to resist stress. With a lack of this hormone in the body, serious violations. Therefore, it is very important to know and understand how you can increase testosterone in men.

What is testosterone for?

The hormone is produced (synthesized) from cholesterol in the testicles, as well as in the adrenal cortex in an amount of 11 to 33 nanomoles / l. This is an indicator of the norm for a healthy man. Everyone knows that testosterone is very important for male health. To make it clear how important it is, consider how testosterone affects the male body, what it is for.

Here is what testosterone is responsible for in men:

  1. The hormone regulates the development of the reproductive system. This direction is called androgenic. For example, sexual characteristics and boys begin to develop thanks to testosterone.
  2. An increase in muscle mass, the production of insulin and endorphins, proteins also occur without the participation of testosterone. This direction is called anabolic.

What else regulates the hormone testosterone:

  • forms the body of a man;
  • participates in the regulation of body weight;
  • affects metabolism;
  • helps to resist stress;
  • lowers or increases sexual activity (libido).

How does testosterone affect the body?

Testosterone has synthetic analogues. They are not as safe for the body as the natural hormone. By the age of 18, the guy reaches the maximum level of testosterone. This level is kept at high values ​​up to 26 years. After 26, the concentration of the hormone begins to gradually decrease. After age 34, testosterone production in the body declines by 2 percent annually. This is an absolutely normal natural process, with age, beauty and strength leave a person.

Below is a table of the influence of testosterone by time of development:

Table of the influence of testosterone on the body at different stages of male development.

What can interfere with the normal production of the hormone:

  1. A sedentary lifestyle, in this case, the concentration of testosterone begins to decline faster.
  2. Alcohol and cigarettes also contribute to lowering the hormone.
  3. Bad ecology.
  4. Taking medication.
  5. Latent and chronic diseases.
  6. Stress.
  7. The presence of obesity.

Obesity is a symptom of low testosterone.

Normal testosterone levels

By the age of 60, testosterone levels can be reduced to half of the original maximum level at 18 years old. Let's start with normal. In order to read the readings correctly, you need to understand general composition testosterone. The hormone itself consists of 2 parts. The first part is approximately 2% of the total mass - this is the so-called free part. The second part of testosterone is the part that is associated with proteins and this is already 98% of the total mass. Now let's move on to normal indicators.

Normal level testosterone by age.

If there is a deviation from the norm in the amount of the hormone in the body, and such a deviation reaches at least 6-12%, symptoms begin to appear.

Symptoms of testosterone deficiency in men:

  1. Memory problems may begin.
  2. Erectile dysfunction.
  3. Overweight and obesity.
  4. premature ejaculation.
  5. Pulling and aching in the joints.
  6. Muscle mass is reduced.
  7. Libido is decreasing.
  8. There is insomnia.
  9. Enlargement of the mammary glands.
  10. Hair falls out, hairline becomes thinner.

Natural decline in testosterone with age.

Elevated testosterone

Here are the main signs elevated hormone in a man:

  • strong hairiness;
  • very developed muscles;
  • unnaturally strong sexual desire;
  • excessive impulsiveness and aggression;
  • bald patches on the head, the rest of the body with abundant hair.

Consequences of high value

If the testosterone level is too high, above 33 nanomoles/liter, bad consequences can occur. One of these consequences can be male infertility and testicular tumors.

Why is the rate higher than normal?

There are several reasons for high testosterone levels, here are the main ones:

  1. Long-term course of taking hormonal drugs.
  2. Diseases of the prostate.
  3. Bad heredity.
  4. Violation of the adrenal glands.
  5. Tumors in testicles.
  6. Too much physical activity.

Why might it go down?

In total, there are two reasons for the decrease in testosterone. The primary cause is damage to the testicles. The secondary cause is diseases of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Today, the phenomenon of premature decline and testosterone deficiency is quite common.

Hormone deficiency leads to obesity. A man is more likely to become depressed, more difficult to experience stress. With testosterone deficiency, a man becomes very irritable. Due to the low concentration of the hormone, other diseases can develop.

Here are a few reasons leading to a decrease in testosterone:

  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • improper, unbalanced diet;
  • alcohol and smoking;
  • inactive, sedentary lifestyle;
  • taking certain types of drugs;
  • lack of regular sex;
  • damage (injury) of the genital organs;
  • bad ecology.

Be sure to know how you can increase testosterone levels in men. There are drugs that can do this. However, only a doctor can prescribe them after examination and tests. It is also possible to increase the level of this hormone naturally.

How to increase testosterone levels without drugs?

The synthesis of such a hormone as testosterone requires the coordinated work of the whole organism. Therefore, you can increase the concentration of the male hormone in the body by bringing your lifestyle, routine and nutrition in order. We present to your attention the TOP 9 ways to increase testosterone without the use of drugs.

Proper nutrition

healthy and proper nutrition will help to normalize the level of the male hormone.

You need to figure out what foods can increase testosterone in a man. Switching to proper nutrition will ensure the intake of nutrients. These beneficial substances are able to stimulate the production of androgenic hormones.

Proper nutrition for men with testosterone deficiency.
  1. Dried fruits (contain lutein).
  2. Greens (dill, parsley, green onion, spinach). Greens contain vegetable testosterone.
  3. Soy products are recommended to be excluded.
  4. You can not drink beer, soda.
  5. Don't eat fast food.
  6. Do not abuse such a drink as coffee. You can drink no more than one cup per day. In this case, you can drink only natural coffee.
  7. Exclude pastries.
  8. Avoid sweets.
  9. Salt intake should be reduced.

It is also very important to drink enough water every day, at least 2 liters of clean water for an adult.

The fight against excess weight

Remember, all products must be natural. If the products are not natural, eating them can cause the opposite effect. For example, for a quick weight gain, animals are fed compound feeds with a high content of female hormones. Estrogens ( female hormones) are added to feed for poultry, pigs, and cattle.

The bird is fed with female growth hormones.

Did you know that in a poultry farm, a chicken grows in just 32 days. The birds are fed female growth hormones and antibiotics.

With an increase in the female hormone in the body of a man, his chest increases and sags, his sides hang. From an excess of the female hormone in the body of a man, a hormonal imbalance occurs, testosterone decreases.

We need to fight overweight.

The fight against excess weight, here's how you can significantly increase the production of testosterone in men. Get rid of excess weight is a must. If a man has extra pounds, testosterone production is greatly reduced. This happens due to the fact that testosterone is converted into a female hormone in adipose tissue.

Sport is life, proper nutrition is health. Therefore, it is so important to lead a sports lifestyle and eat right.

Physical education for men

A man must be in good physical shape. For normal testosterone production, you need to exercise regularly. Here are the basic training rules:

  • do two to three workouts a week;
  • the duration of the training is at least one hour;
  • train the muscles of the chest, as well as the legs and back;
  • the number of repetitions is from 7 to 12, and the last one, with some effort. You shouldn't get overwhelmed. Repeat the exercise for several sets.

If you play sports, testosterone will be normal.

Bad habits

With the abuse of alcohol, testosterone, in the body of a man, is able to convert into the female hormone estrogen. Moreover, any alcohol affects the production of male hormones. For example, beer is high in estrogen. However, the strength of the phytohormone (plant hormone) is much less than that of the animal. Their ratio is approximately 1 to 5000. This does not mean that beer can be drunk in unlimited quantities. Abuse is the main danger.

Give up bad habits.

If you want to drink, drink red wine. It must be of high quality. Just don't abuse it. In small quantities, red wine is useful.

less sugar

If sugar is elevated in a man’s body, this will lead to a decrease in testosterone by reducing its production. Sugar is a high-calorie food product, the abuse of which leads to rapid weight gain. That is why it is so important to control the intake of sugary foods.

Proper sleep

Proper and healthy sleep is the key to good health. If you did not know, then the most significant amount of hormones is produced when a person sleeps. And not just asleep, but in a phase of deep sleep. This leads to the conclusion that proper sleep is extremely important for the full production of testosterone. Sleep deprivation is very dangerous.

You need to sleep at least 8 hours, and only at night.

The duration of sleep should be at least 8-9 hours. The sleep hormone melatonin is produced most actively from 12 am to 02:00 am. Melatonin is produced only in the dark, so you need to sleep in the dark. When a person tries to “sleep his 8 hour norm” during the day, the production of the sleep hormone does not occur. Thus, sleep is not complete.

Regular sexual relations

Regular sex contributes to the production of testosterone in men. An active sex life has a beneficial effect on men's health, the production of testosterone increases significantly.

Don't forget about safety. If a man does not have a permanent sexual partner, be sure to use protection. Infections that are sexually transmitted are very dangerous and can significantly reduce the concentration of testosterone.

It has been proven that even simple communication with a woman can favorably affect the production of male hormones.


Vitamin D and testosterone concentrations reach their maximum levels in the summer. Accordingly, in winter, these figures are reduced. Studies have shown that sunlight has a positive effect on testosterone production in men by stimulating the endocrine glands.

UV rays help produce testosterone and vitamin D.

Sunlight is extremely beneficial for the body - sunbathe, but in moderation. For fair-skinned people, 15 minutes of exposure to the sun is enough. If the skin is darker, then the time of solar procedures should be increased.


You don't have to be sad all the time. You need to be able to enjoy life, enjoy it. Reach new heights in life, rejoice in your achievements, strive for new ones. Remember testosterone is the hormone of winners.

Be sure to watch this video

Ecology of health: Let's try to figure out how to increase testosterone in men and what affects its level.

How to increase testosterone levels in men

Very often you can hear words from the fair sex, the meaning of which boils down to the fact that “men have recently become some kind of inactive, weak-willed ... They are waiting for everything to be brought to them on a silver platter, but they themselves do not strive and do nothing...” Is this assertion so groundless? Let's try to figure it out.

Causes of Decreased Testosterone Levels

Why is testosterone so important?

In the body of a man, this is, without exaggeration, the most important element that actually makes a man a Man.

It enhances the ability to withstand stress, promotes a set of muscle mass, determines sexual activity and physical endurance, and in addition, it has a huge impact on the psyche of a man, his ambition.

Well, probably the most "unpleasant" for any man is the fact that the lack of testosterone leads to a decrease in libido and the fading of potency.

Let's try to figure out how to increase testosterone in men and what affects its level.

What defines testosterone?

1. Stress resistance.

2. Anatomical features

3. Muscle mass

4. Resistance to physical and mental stress

5. Energy strength as an ability for all types of work

6. Endurance, the ability to perform any work for a long time

7. Aggression (moderate to severe)

8. Feeling the value of friendship

9. Loads, quality of loads

10. Fitness

11. Lack of tearfulness

12. General energy level

13. Sexual activity

14. Healthy ambition

15. Weight

Causes that reduce testosterone in men

    Psychological. Stress, problems (including financial ones, especially such as having a bank loan). Constant mental stress has a detrimental effect on the production of testosterone

    Food. Ecologically unfriendly food, which now makes up a large part of our diet, as it consists mainly of unnatural products.

    Beverages. With small doses of alcohol, the first five minutes, the testosterone level rises slightly, but after 20 minutes it begins to fall steadily. In order for its production to practically stop, it is necessary to "drink" for 3 months and gain weight by 20 kg.

    The medicine(most drugs, especially antiulcers). Sometimes a healed ulcer causes complete absence libido


    Injuries(injuries to the testicles and reproductive organs and other injuries)

    Lack of movement(minimum physical activity)

    Bad habits (overweight, overeating, irregular sex)

    Bioenergetic natural factors and radiation(Cell phones, computers, TVs, etc.)

    Time(decreases with age)


Deviation from the norm of the so-called "human constants" entails an inevitable decrease in testosterone levels, the norm of which should be within: men: from 10 to 40 nmol / l, women: 0.25-2.6 nmol / l.

These are the constants:

1. Increased arterial pressure (HELL). Any increase in blood pressure by 15 ... 20 units (naturally at rest). If you are overweight, then you have 100% high blood pressure.

2. Increased respiratory rate(dyspnea). Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) with shortness of breath leads to a decrease in testosterone levels

3. Elevated heart rate(heart rate over 80 beats per minute at rest) reduces testosterone levels by 25%

4. The amount of hemoglobin. Both low and high RBC counts

5. Bilirubin. When exceeding the norm, it reduces testosterone, as the liver, struggling with excess bilirubin, is distracted from removing aromatase from the body, which converts testosterone into estrogen (female sex hormone)

6. Poor kidney function reduces testosterone levels by 20...25%, due to the fact that other hormones are poorly excreted (for example, adrenaline, which is an implacable enemy of testosterone). On the day of the passage of urine for a man should be at least 2 liters.

7. Norm of weight. In a man, fat theoretically should not be deposited, since testosterone should burn fat. The extra weight of a man clearly indicates a hormonal failure, not in favor of testosterone. The most dangerous fat for a man is on his stomach. It secretes enzymes that lower testosterone levels. For more information about the dangers of overweight and obesity, see the article "Obesity is a disease"

8. Blood sugar(norm 5.5). Increasing the level of sugar over 7 sharply reduces the level, which contributes to the development diabetes because testosterone controls blood sugar levels. Developing diabetes, in turn, lowers the level and it turns out a vicious circle with a very sad end.

9. Cholesterol(norm 6.5)

10. Acidity of the body(normal pH 7.4). In an acidic environment, testosterone is converted to estrogen. Acidification of the body is very harmful.

11. Leukocytes 4000...5000. The presence of leukocytes is an indicator of infections. At increased value leukocyte testosterone drops. This is a protective mechanism of nature, so that there are no offspring from a sick organism.

12. Body temperature and testicular temperature. Sperm and testosterone are produced in the testicles. The temperature in the testicles should be 3.3 degrees below body temperature (no more than 34 degrees). At temperatures above this, spermatozoa die, testosterone is not produced. Panties, especially tight ones, are death for testosterone. Pants should be loose and not tighten the testicles. A man is not recommended to sleep in pajamas, cover the bottom of the body when he sleeps, preferably only with a sheet. Bath and sauna excellent facilities for weight loss and healing of the body (you can read about this in the article "10 tips on how to lose weight in the bath"), but, unfortunately, they destroy testosterone and sperm production for several months, so if a couple decides to plan a pregnancy, it is better for a man to refrain from visiting these places.

Detrimental effect on the production of testosterone: heated seats in the car and leather seats in the summer. Incorrect cycling when the artery is pinched, cell phone on the belt, laptop on the lap, synthetic underwear (temperature is 2 degrees higher than in cotton underwear), tight jeans.

Our whole life seems to be specifically aimed at the destruction of testosterone. Take care of yourself, lead a healthy lifestyle and you can increase testosterone levels and you will not have cancer, diabetes or heart problems.

And now let's talk about products that reduce and increase testosterone levels in men:

1. Salt very sharply reduces the production of testosterone. Men love salty because of the acidity of the body. The fact is that sodium, which is part of the salt, lowers the overall acidity of the body. But sodium has an unpleasant property: with a large amount of salt consumed, it reduces testosterone levels.

It is permissible to consume no more than 3 grams of salt per day. Due to low testosterone levels, when preparing meals, women usually add more salt to them than required if they are guided by “taste”, and completely unpredictably when added “by eye”. It is necessary to under-salt them a little when cooking. If necessary, the man himself will decide whether to add salt or not.

2. Sugar. When sugar is consumed, blood sugar levels rise and thereby increase the production of insulin, which suppresses testosterone. Men love sweets because they need them for normal sperm motility. But the body needs glucose, but sugar contains mainly sucrose, and this is a slightly different carbohydrate, which seems to be sweet, but has a detrimental effect on testosterone production. A large amount of glucose in honey, sweet fruits and potatoes. Eat them regularly and everything will be fine with sperm motility and testosterone. By the way, an acidic environment also has a strong effect on sperm motility. In it, spermatozoa die very quickly.

If a man wants to increase testosterone, he needs to almost completely abandon the use of sugar and salt. Men, on average, eat 12 tablespoons of sugar a day. In fizzy drinks like Sprite and Coca-Cola, there are 55 tablespoons of sugar per 1 liter of drink, despite the fact that 6 teaspoons of sugar is the upper allowable limit per day for a man. Women, unlike men, are more fortunate: they can not limit themselves in the amount of sweets.

3. Caffeine. While it is present in the body, it practically stops the production of testosterone and sperm. In fact, caffeine entering the bloodstream destroys testosterone molecules. It is permissible for a man to drink no more than 1 cup of coffee per day, and it is natural coffee. By the way, instant coffee it is strictly forbidden for a man to drink, since the effect of this coffee is such that the testosterone contained in the body of a man, under the influence of instant coffee, instantly turns into estrogen (the female sex hormone). If you don't want your (I mean men) breasts to grow, your face to become more feminine, and your facial hair to stop growing, don't drink instant coffee. Tea, unlike coffee, does not affect testosterone and you can drink it as much as you like.

4. Meat with hormones. All imported meat (beef, pork, poultry) is now produced with hormones. In order for cattle to increase their mass and amount of fat faster, they are literally stuffed with hormones. 80% of the hormones that are given to pigs so that they increase their fat faster are “female” hormones. Normal meat in our time can probably be found only in the market or in the village.

An excess of hormones in meat negatively affects women as well. Girls who eat such meat begin to develop according to the female type a little earlier, already at the age of 10, this is the so-called estrogenic sexual debut.

Estrogen has one very bad property: it is practically indestructible. All human waste eventually ends up in rivers and lakes. As a result, the males of some fish species began ... to spawn due to the fact that there was a lot of this hormone in the reservoirs. If a man every day will eat meat (including sausages) with estrogen, then he begins to gradually become a woman.

As a rule, there are no estrogens in lamb and fish, so they can be eaten without fear.

5. High Cholesterol(fat meat). Fat in small quantities can be considered harmless.

6. Soy and soy products dramatically lowers testosterone levels due to the fact that it contains phytoestrogens. It is not recommended to use it for boys during puberty.

7. Fast food. If a man wants to be a Man, he should not eat in the system fast food. Fast food contains mainly the products mentioned in the previous paragraphs of this article and other harmful ingredients. There is such a wonderful film called "Double Portion". Look, and you will no longer desire to visit fast food.

8. Full fat milk contains an external estrogen factor, especially natural. Milk contains estrogens, which are intended for the growing body of the calf. Drinking about a liter or more of milk a day, a man lowers his testosterone levels.

9. White yeast bread and pastries, since it contains acids, yeast and sugar.

10. Vegetable oil(with the exception of olive and nut, which do not reduce testosterone levels). Sunflower oil can also be consumed, but we must remember that it slightly reduces testosterone levels. It all depends on the combination of polyunsaturated acids that make up the oil. Men are not recommended to eat a lot of mayonnaise, as it consists mainly of vegetable oil.

11. Effervescent drinks(with carbon dioxide) ranging from mineral water to Coca-Cola and energy drinks. They contain substances that “acidify” the body, sugar, thirst enhancers (such drinks, oddly enough, dehydrate the body !!!), caffeine.

12. Smoked products due to liquid smoke. Smoked meats directly affect the tissues of the testicles, which actually produce testosterone. Smoking should be natural, it is better if it is hot.

Fortunately, there are many more testosterone-boosting foods:

1. Fish. Especially useful for men are anchovies, perch, trout, halibut, herring, saury, salmon, sardines and shrimp.

2. Fruits (raw) especially orange, yellow and green due to the high content of lutein in them, which stimulates growth hormone: apricot, melon, carrot, raisins, lemon, especially mango!!!, orange, papaya, peaches, pear, pineapple, pumpkin (restores the prostate gland), yellow pepper, zucchini, persimmon

3. Vegetables. Chinese and Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, avocados, tomatoes. Cabbage has a wonderful property, it reduces the likelihood of prostate cancer. Cabbage is best consumed fresh.

4. Greens. Mustard, parsley, spinach, onion, cilantro, arugula, watercress, wild garlic. A man needs to consume greens 3 times more than a woman. Greens must be fresh. Greens are the so-called "male" plants that contribute to the production of testosterone

5. Berries. Cherry, cranberry, raspberry, watermelon, strawberry, blueberry, blackcurrant, pomegranate, plum and prunes

6. Fiber and grains. Kashi (barley, buckwheat, millet). Fiber helps to increase peristalsis, which in turn enhances blood microcirculation in the pelvic area, prostate and testicles

7. Clams and oysters. They contain zinc, which can increase testosterone levels.

8. Spices Suppress External Xenoesterone(phytohormones). Cardamom, red pepper, curry, garlic, onion, turmeric. Spices are the basis of Indian cuisine. Studies show that the level of spermatogenesis (development of spermatozoa) in Indians is orders of magnitude higher than in Europeans. Spices play a huge role in this.

9. Vegetable oils of the first cold pressing, unrefined(olive, sesame, walnut).

10. Moderate doses of cholesterol. Testosterone is synthesized from cholesterol. A couple of glasses of milk or spoons of sour cream a day will not hurt.

11. Post. The first three days reduces testosterone levels, and then its level increases by 45%. Fasting in this case does not mean a refusal to eat, but food formed in a special way: less animal products and reduced portions.

In order to get the maximum effect from the above products. They must be used under several conditions:

    It is undesirable for products to be processed at temperatures above 60 degrees.

    Vegetables, fruits, herbs should be as raw as possible. And in general, if you want to be full of strength and energy, you must try to use everything in your life in its raw form, or with minimal heat treatment. Heat treatment destroys energy or prana ( vital energy universe), as the Indians call it

    Eat natural foods whenever possible.

    You can not eat a large amount of food at a time

    You can’t drink water while eating what you ate (only sour drinks are acceptable)

Testosterone is a hormone associated with big muscles, strength, and sexual drive. It's no surprise that boosting this male hormone is a perennial topic in the world of fitness and bodybuilding.

In this article, we will understand what natural ways to increase testosterone exist in nature. And, as always, we rely only on scientifically proven data.

Brief information about testosterone

Androgens are a group of steroid hormones that regulate anabolic processes and are responsible for masculinization in men and women. Testosterone is the main androgen in the human body, regulating libido, immune function, energy, bone health, and muscle growth.

Normal testosterone levels vary from person to person, but men have much more testosterone than women. The US National Library of Medicine lists the following testosterone norms:

Men - 300-1000 ng / dl,

Women - 15-70 ng / dl.

It is precisely because of low testosterone levels that women need not worry that weight training with barbells and dumbbells will make them big and masculine (unless, of course, taking testosterone as part of illegal drugs).

In addition, in men, testosterone levels naturally decline over the years.

As men age, natural testosterone production decreases. But this process can be intervened. For example, iHerb sells at the time of writing the article - 78 items of drugs in the Testosterone section.

Causes of low testosterone

There are a number of factors besides age that can cause low testosterone production. Among them are:

o Chronic calorie deficiency (below 20% of basal metabolic rate).

o Chronic overeating that leads to weight gain.

o Unbalanced diet with deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

o Low fat intake.

o Depression, stress.

o Taking medication.

o Overtraining.

o Low sexual activity.

o Obesity and other metabolic disorders.

o Excessive use of hormonal contraceptives (in women).

o chronic diseases, infections.

o Lack of sleep, sleep apnea (stopping breathing during sleep).

o Alcohol consumption (especially excessive).

How to recognize low testosterone

Symptoms of low testosterone include:

o Low energy levels, constant fatigue and feeling sluggish.

o Decrease muscle strength and work capacity.

o Low sex drive.

o Loss of muscle mass and bone density.

o Increased body fat.

o Increase in blood pressure.

I would especially like to touch on the topic of body fat. A well-known US doctor and medical editor for, Spencer Nadolsky, notes that adipose tissue performs an endocrine function, transforming male testosterone into female estrogens. This explains why in overweight men, the chest often becomes similar to the female mammary gland.

Anyone who is even slightly interested in the topic of bodybuilding and fitness knows how important testosterone is for muscle growth and strength performance. However, not everyone realizes that “keeping” testosterone in the normal range also means having better health.

You can choose one of the testosterone boosters on some iHerb, or try to solve problems locally with drugs based on sildenafil(following the link - what is in the pharmacy "36.6" for this active substance) or tadalafil, or even choose something from the section “Drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction“.

Below we look at several scientifically proven ways to help increase testosterone without drugs.

Natural methods to increase testosterone

Power training

Strength training is one of the main ways to increase testosterone. American professor William Kremer, in his article in the journal Sports Medicine, notes that weight training causes a significant increase in testosterone and growth hormone up to 30 minutes after training.

But how exactly to train to increase testosterone production? In 2010, fitness expert Brad Schoenefeld presented a scientific paper entitled “The mechanism of muscle hypertrophy and its application to strength training”, in which he touched on the specifics of strength training to increase anabolic hormones, including testosterone. In order not to bore you with scientific data on each individual item, we will provide the final summary.

The main components of training aimed at increasing testosterone:

o Exercises - mostly multi-joint.

o The number of approaches is at least 4.

o Rep range - 6-12.

o Rest intervals between sets - 60-90 seconds.

o The pace of the exercises is medium, with a longer eccentric phase of movement (lowering the weight should last 2-4 seconds).

o The duration of the training session is no more than 1 hour.

o Do not train to failure.

"Setting" power

Slight calorie surplus

According to sports physiologist Jim Stoppani, the first step to increasing testosterone should be to ensure adequate calorie intake.

following low calorie diet can lead to a decrease in the activity of testosterone-catalyzing enzymes in the testes, resulting in a decrease in hormone production. But it is important not to overdo it, because with a set of fat, the aromatase enzyme is activated, which converts testosterone into estrogen.

More meat

Studies show that vegan diets lead to a decrease in testosterone production.

In 1985, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published an article by American scientists who investigated whether there is a hormonal connection between the diets of vegetarians and omnivores. As a result, experts found that vegetarians had lower testosterone levels than those who consumed meat.

Be sure to include poultry, pork, beef, and fish dishes in your diet.

Enough Fat

According to Jim Stoppani, fat should make up to 30% of the caloric intake of the diet, but you should not overdo it with polyunsaturated fats, which are found in fatty fish, as well as in corn and sunflower oils. Focus on monounsaturated fats (olive and peanut oils, nuts, avocados) and saturated fats (red meat, egg yolks, dairy products).

This advice is backed up by research that confirms that monounsaturated and saturated fats increase male hormone production, while polyunsaturated fats decrease it. In an experiment by specialists from the University of Pennsylvania, they tested how different diets affect testosterone levels in healthy men. As a result, it was found that diets high in saturated and monounsaturated fats significantly increase testosterone levels. At the same time, diets high in polyunsaturated fatty acids reduce hormone production.

In addition, data from a study conducted in State University Ball (USA), testify that meals with a high fat content in 1 sitting instantly reduce the production of free testosterone by 23%, respectively. At the same time, it will take as much as 8 hours for the hormone to return to its norm.

o Fat should make up about 30% of your total calorie intake.

o The main focus should be on saturated and monounsaturated fat intake.

o Avoid excessive consumption of polyunsaturated fats.

o Do not consume a lot of fat at one meal, it is better to distribute them evenly.

More "right" vegetables

Eat more cruciferous vegetables (cabbage family): broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, curly cabbage, kohlrabi, arugula, daikon. All of them contain in their composition the substance indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which lowers the production of estrogens and thus reduces their negative impact on testosterone levels. This fact was proven by scientists from the Institute of Hormonal Research (Michnoviczetal) in New York in 1991.

enough liquid

Back in 1985, a group of scientists from the University of California conducted a study that showed that dehydration significantly interferes with the release of testosterone after strength training, and also increases the concentration of cortisol and impairs the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.

Adequate intake of vitamins and minerals (macro- and micronutrients)

Your diet should include not only an adequate amount of CBJ, but also a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. It is essential to make sure that you are consuming enough zinc, vitamin ADand magnesium.


According to researchers at, zinc deficiency can stunt testosterone production. Include meat in your diet to meet your zinc needs.

Vitamin D

Like zinc, vitamin D is also involved in the regulation of testosterone levels. Taking this vitamin for one year can increase male hormone levels by affecting the aromatase enzyme, which converts testosterone into estrogen.

The National Dietetic Association of Canada provides a list of foods containing vitamin D, among which we highlight:

o Fatty fish.

o Egg yolk.

o Beef liver.

o Pork.

o Oatmeal.

As says, if you spend most of your day indoors, vitamin D is essential, as dietary sources can provide a relatively low intake of this vitamin.

In 2012, Dr. Lonnie Lowry at the National Conference of the NSCA (National Sport and Conditioning Association) in a report on vitamin D also emphasized that the lack of this element negatively affects testosterone levels. The scientist advises to take additional vitamin D in the form of supplements, because the recommended daily allowance a 600 IU (international unit) vitamin intake is nearly impossible to obtain from food alone.


In 2009, French scientists proved that magnesium has the ability to increase the level of bioavailable testosterone (which we need) by reducing the production of sex hormone binding globulin (SHGB). When this same SHGB decreases, free testosterone levels increase.

List of Foods Containing the Most Magnesium:

o Jacket potatoes.

o Legumes.

o Pumpkin seeds.

o Almonds, cashews, peanuts, hazelnuts.



The main surge in the production of the male hormone occurs in a dream, so it is very important to give a good and healthy sleep 7-9 hours a day.

Brazilian scientists (Andersenetal) emphasize that sleep restriction leads to a decrease in the level of circulating androgens in healthy men, which indicates the biological significance of sleep for the regulation of homeostasis in the endocrine system.

A study by scientists at the University of Chicago also showed that lack of sleep reduces testosterone production. In the course of their experiment, healthy young men spent no more than 5 hours a day sleeping for 1 week. As a result, it was found that the level of hormone secretion of the subjects decreased by 10-15%.


To combat stress, you need to use meditation and all kinds of relaxation techniques.

A study by American (MacLeanetal) scientists showed that regular meditation can reduce the secretion of the catabolic hormone cortisol and increase testosterone (as well as growth hormone).

More love

It turns out that sex does not lower testosterone levels (as many assume), but increases.

Scientists from the University of Georgia in 1992 studied the sexual activity of 4 couples and found that on the nights when they had sex, both women and men experienced an increase in testosterone. At the same time, on those evenings when couples abstained from intimate relationships, testosterone levels were lower.


Apply the recommendations received in combination, only in this way you can feel the effect, which will manifest itself in the form of a stronger, more muscular and embossed body. Give your muscles regular strength training, adjust your diet to provide your body with all the vitamins and minerals you need, and remember to pay attention to rest and stress management.

And by the way, each of the presented natural ways to increase the secretion of the male hormone, even individually, is more effective than taking most of the so-called.

Scientific sources:

  • All about testosterone: what you need to know about the king of male hormones, Precision Nutrition.
  • 6 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Testosterone Production,
  • Testosterone, U.S. National Library of Medicine,
  • B. Schoenfeld, The mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy and their application to resistance training, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
  • The Vitamin D and Testosterone Connection, NSCA.
  • The Testosterone Diet: The Ultimate Meal Plan To Ramp Up Your Body's Levels Of Testosterone,
  • Ten Rules for Raising Testosterone for a Stronger, Leaner Body,
  • Food Sources of Magnesium, Dietitians of Canada.
  • Food Sources of Vitamin D, Dietitians of Canada.
  • How can I increase testosterone naturally,
  • L. Alvidrez, L. Kravitz, Hormonal Responses to Resistance Exercise Variables,
  • Volek J.S., Gómez A.L., Effects of a high-fat diet on postabsorptive and postprandial testosterone responses to a fat-rich meal, Human Performance Laboratory, Ball State University.
  • Kraemer W.J., Ratamess N.A., Hormonal responses and adaptations to resistance exercise and training, Human Performance Laboratory, University of Connecticut.
  • Andersen M.L., The effects of testosterone on sleep and sleep-disordered breathing in men: its bidirectional interaction with erectile function, Department of Psychobiology, Universidade Federal de São Paulo.
  • R. Leproult, Effect of 1 Week of Sleep Restriction on Testosterone Levels in Young Healthy Men, Department of Medicine, University of Chicago.
  • MacLean C.R., Walton K.G., Effects of the Transcendental Meditation program on adaptive mechanisms: changes in hormone levels and responses to stress after 4 months of practice, Maharishi University of Management.
  • Dabbs J.M. Jr., Male and female salivary testosterone concentrations before and after sexual activity, Department of Psychology, Georgia State University.
  • Judelson D.A., Effect of hydration state on resistance exercise-induced endocrine markers of anabolism, catabolism, and metabolism, Dept. of Kinesiology, California State University.
  • Michnovicz J.J., Bradlow H.L., Altered estrogen metabolism and excretion in humans following consumption of indole-3-carbinol, Institute for Hormone Research.
  • Howie B.J., Shultz T.D., Dietary and hormonal interrelationships among vegetarian Seventh-Day Adventists and nonvegetarian men, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
  • Volek J.S., Kraemer W.J., Testosterone and cortisol in relationship to dietary nutrients and resistance exercise, Department of Kinesiology, Pennsylvania State University.
  • Excoffon L., Guillaume Y.C., Magnesium effect on testosterone-SHBG association studied by a novel molecular chromatography approach, Université de Franche-Comté.

To increase testosterone in men, if it has decreased due to an unhealthy lifestyle and / or the presence of a number of diseases, you can either naturally in a medical way. In the first case, it is necessary to change the lifestyle, including the diet. If it was not possible to normalize the level of the hormone on your own, you should seek the advice of a doctor.

How to prevent low testosterone levels in men

To prevent a decrease in testosterone levels in men, the following measures are recommended:

  • maintaining a normal body weight;
  • balanced diet;
  • avoidance of stressful situations;
  • avoidance of excessive physical exertion, while sufficient physical activity;
  • a rational mode of work and rest, a good night's sleep;
  • adequate sexual activity;
  • refusal to self-administer hormonal drugs, including testosterone preparations in order to increase its level in the blood or build muscle mass;
  • strengthening immunity (hardening by dousing with cold water is especially effective, since short-term exposure cold water increases the synthesis of testosterone);
  • avoiding exposure to the body of adverse environmental factors.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

It is often believed that the higher the testosterone level in men, the better. However, it is important to understand that high testosterone does not always mean improved health or any indicators of the body. In addition, testosterone-boosting drugs often have a long list. side effects- and they are always prescribed by a doctor only after a blood test.

Being one of the key hormones, testosterone is closely related to the entire work of the body - before trying to increase it, you need to understand why you need it and why you think you have it. Plus, at home, it is impossible to accurately measure whether a certain drug or a certain diet really affected testosterone and raised its level.

High testosterone and health

It should be noted that a lack of zinc is extremely typical for urban residents (zinc sources are primarily seafood, offal and nuts), just like a lack of vitamin D in the winter season (for the synthesis of this vitamin, you need to be in the sun for at least 30-40 minutes per week). That is why it is often possible to raise testosterone without taking pills.

Drugs to increase testosterone

Only anabolic steroids have a real evidence base as drugs to increase testosterone levels. However, they do not increase testosterone at all, but, in fact, replace it, sharply reducing natural production. In addition, synthetic testosterone preparations are strictly controlled drugs and are prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Speaking about over-the-counter supplements and dietary supplements to increase testosterone levels, it should be noted that most of these drugs, even theoretically, cannot affect the body - neither ginseng nor eleutherococcus extract is able to raise the level of this hormone. Unfortunately, even the controversial evidence base is available only for the following three drugs:

  • D-aspartic acid(Eng. D-Aspartic acid) - an amino acid contained in small doses in food. Studies show that supplementation with D-aspartic acid can increase testosterone, prolactin, and growth hormone levels (1) . effective dosage is to take 2-3 grams per day for several weeks.
  • (lat. Tribulus terréstris) - used in Ayurveda and traditional medicine as a means to increase libido and "male power". It is important to note that the recommended dosage (of the order of 1-3 g per day) requires tribulus to be taken in powder, and not at all in tablets, where it is contained in significantly lower doses.
  • Eurycoma longifolia or Malaysian ginseng (Eng. Eurycoma longifolia) - used in traditional medicine as an aphrodisiac and a means to increase potency, but has a controversial evidence base for effects on testosterone. An effective dosage is considered to be 1-3 g per day, however, most supplements contain significantly lower doses.

Normal testosterone levels

In conclusion, we recall that the final opinion about whether your testosterone is high or low should be taken by a doctor based on a laboratory blood test. To assess the level of testosterone, the content of free (that is, unbound to plasma proteins) testosterone is used. Free testosterone represents approximately 1-3% of the total testosterone levels in the body.

Blood for analysis of testosterone levels is taken from a vein, preferably in the morning or after 10-12 hours following the last meal. Separately, it should be noted that there is no unambiguous figure for a “normal” or “high” level of testosterone - in the same man, the indicators of this hormone can vary significantly even within a day.


Vitamin D, magnesium and zinc (in case of deficiency) have a strong evidence base as drugs to increase testosterone levels. Of the hundreds of plant extracts available as testosterone boosting supplements, very few have been researched - and only a few of them have even a controversial evidence base in their ability to increase the most important male hormone.

Scientific sources:

  1. The role and molecular mechanism of D-aspartic acid in the release and synthesis of LH and testosterone in humans and rats,
  2. d-Aspartic acid supplementation combined with 28 days of heavy resistance training has no effect on body composition, muscle strength, and serum hormones associated with the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis in resistance-trained men,
  3. Clinical study of Tribulus terrestris Linn. in Oligozoospermia: A double blind study,