What should I do if watery blisters appear on the skin? Why do watery blisters on the skin and fluid blisters occur? Reasons for the appearance of bubbles Small bubbles appeared on the neck, what to do.

Rashes on the skin in the form of blisters can be an indicator of the body's reaction to some unacceptable influence, which disappears after the removal of the unwanted agent. Otherwise, blisters may be a symptom serious illness. Such phenomena should be carefully considered.

What are skin blisters

A blister is a formation filled with fluid. Blister filling can be:

  • clear liquid,
  • pus,
  • blood.

Education manifests itself as painful sensations. There are very different sizes: from very small to quite large - the size of a palm.

The blister still has a definition as an elevation above the surface of the skin, which is characterized by clear boundaries, and its nature is. Such formations tend to appear quickly, as a result of a certain impact, and the blisters also quickly pass by themselves when it (the impact) stops.

Characteristic bulges appear on the skin surface as a result of edema, inflammatory nature, papillae of the upper layer of the dermis. Blisters cause on the skin.

Some experts believe that only formations that fit the latter description can be considered blisters. But those bulges that arise from scuffs and are bubbles with liquid inside have other names. Yet most experts combine all these phenomena with one definition - blisters.

  • Rashes on the skin, the components of which are defined as blisters, are white, pinkish in color. A pinkish or red rim is often present along the edges of the formation.
  • The shape of the blisters is, depending on the cause of their origin, an irregular or round configuration. Formations to the touch - dense bulges.

Elena Malysheva in this video will talk about blisters and corns:


Blisters appear as a result of various influences on the body of external and internal factors. The reasons that caused the formation of blisters on the skin or mucous membrane determine the classification of this phenomenon.

Blisters are:

  • symptomatic- this is when their appearance is one of the symptoms of a certain disease:
    • faces,
    • angina follicular,
    • autoimmune diseases,
    • streptoderma,
  • allergic- such a phenomenon, in turn, is initiated by:
    • medicines, if any component in their composition caused side effects;
    • food products that contain a substance perceived by the body as an allergen;
    • jewelry and low-quality or expired cosmetics,
    • household chemicals or substances with which a person comes into contact at work;
    • body reaction to insect bites,
    • contact with certain plants;
  • as a result of mechanical or physical impact:
    • burns caused different ways:
      • in contact with fire
      • from contact with liquids or objects, ;
      • from direct exposure to sunlight;
    • the appearance of blisters when rubbing the skin:
      • from the tools on the palms of the hands,
      • on the body from coarse clothing,
      • on the feet from uncomfortable shoes.

Blisters on the skin (photo)

Self diagnosis

Blisters are easily identified when they appear, because their presence is usually accompanied by such sensations:

  • discomfort,
  • may be painful.

Visually, the presence of blisters can be ascertained on the skin if the resulting formations correspond to the description given above:

  • by configuration- irregular or round outlines,
  • density- are dense formations,
  • bloom- pale color, may be red;
  • form- bulge above the surface,
  • size- come in different sizes, it happens that small blisters merge into one.

Read below about the causes of large and small watery blisters on the skin.

Possible pathologies

Blisters are a signal that a person may have one of the following problems:

  • Mycosis- the disease is associated with a fungal infection, pink blisters are accompanied by itching and begin over time.
  • Insect bites- substances that get under the skin when bitten, very quickly provoke swelling in the form of a blister and. The bite can bear potential danger side problems from insects:
    • hornets,
    • mosquitoes,
    • ticks,
    • bumblebees,
    • gadflies,
    • ticks,
    • bedbugs,
    • bees,
    • midges.
  • - blisters that appear on the skin are very similar to the reaction of the skin after contact with nettles. Urticaria or rashes similar to it indicate that one of the problems is present:
    • allergic reaction,
    • diseases associated with endocrine system:
      • hypothyroidism,
      • thyroiditis,
      • diabetes;
    • diseases from bacterial or viral infection:
      • three types of herpes infection:
        • chickenpox,
        • shingles;
      • rubella,
      • and others;
    • diseases associated with oncology:

        If the blisters do not disappear on their own during the day, then you need to contact a specialist to find out the reason that initiated them. To do this, the doctor will prescribe an examination.

        The integrity of the blisters must not be broken. It is necessary to ensure that their surface is not subject to injury. This is due to the fact that the infection of the blister does not accidentally occur if its surface loses its integrity. Rashes should not be combed.

        After establishing the cause of the blisters, the doctor prescribes therapeutic measures, this may be:

        • with allergies - the elimination of an allergic agent from one's environment, taking antihistamines, sorbents, specific immunotherapy;
        • with herpes lesions - care for rashes, lubricating them with brilliant green;
        • when establishing a diagnosis of diseases - treatment of the main cause that caused the rash.

        The video below will tell about blisters on the toes:

A blistering rash looks like linear or scattered vesicles, which are small, limited-sized formations filled with a clear, bloody, or simply cloudy liquid. Their size very rarely exceeds 5 mm in diameter. They are localized by separate elements or groups.

The rash can be severe or mild, long-term or appearing for a short time. It may occur due to inflammatory processes, infectious diseases or allergic reactions.

Causes of blister rash

Skin diseases


This disease has several varieties. A rash in contact dermatitis occurs as a result of hypersensitivity. Its external manifestations are multiple vesicles, around which redness and swelling are noted. A secret can be secreted from the vesicles, they are often accompanied by severe itching.

Herpes dermatitis young and middle-aged men are most affected. The elements of the rash in this case are vesicles, pustules, bullae and erythematous formations. They are localized mainly on the elbows, knees, buttocks, shoulders, face, neck and scalp. The blister rash caused by herpes dermatitis is accompanied by itching, tingling and burning.

Nummular dermatitis manifested by pustules, papules and vesicles. They often contain a purulent secret, there is severe itching and the appearance of crusts. Single formations occur on the palms, but other localizations are more characteristic: back, buttocks, open places of the limbs.

Mycotic dermatitis- a certain allergic reaction to fungal infection. Such a rash most often affects the palms. Pain, itching, fever, anorexia and other manifestations may also appear.

Polymorphic erythema

This disease refers to acute inflammatory pathologies of the skin, on which papules, erythematous macula appear, less often blisters and vesicles. The most characteristic localization: feet, palms, face and neck. The rash may recur. In addition, the genital area and eyes, as well as the mucous membranes of the lips and cheeks, may be affected. When the elements of the rash break through, sticky white or yellowish contents are released.


This disease begins with erythema and nodules, there is also severe throbbing pain on one side. chest. After about five days, a blistering rash develops, covering the arms, legs, and chest on both sides. Burning is added to pain. On the tenth day, the elements of the rash begin to dry out.

Blisters, or pemphigoid

It is manifested by itching and the formation of erythematous formations or ulcers. In the future, painful blisters of irregular shape and rather large size appear, affecting the lower abdomen, groin, inner thighs and forearms.


Chronic benign familial pemphigus presents as small vesicles appearing in clusters against a background of normal or erythematous skin. The elements of the rash quickly open up, after which a crust forms, accompanied by severe itching and burning. The rash in this case may spontaneously disappear, and then reappear.

leaf-shaped form pemphigus is characterized by slow development. Emerging blisters are observed on the scalp and trunk, as other places are affected, they begin to get wet, and appears bad smell. The blisters break through with the formation of severe erythema, and then crusts and scars.

ordinary pemphigus can be acute, rapidly progressive or chronic. In this case, the elements blistering rash do not have unambiguous characteristics, they can be of different sizes, accompanied by pain or be completely painless. When the blisters break, a clear, purulent or bloody secretion is released. At the first stages, the disease manifests itself as separate blisters, which eventually capture the entire surface of the body.


With this disease, symmetrical rashes occur, the elements are vesicles that turn into abscesses. The most common localization is the palms, less often the rash affects the feet.


It is characterized by individual hypersensitivity to light, most often develops at a young age of about 20 to 40 years. There are formations of a bubble rash on areas of the skin exposed to the sun, at the sites of injuries, overheating, and scuffs. After the breakthrough of the elements, deep ulcers and scars remain.


A blistering rash is formed from a fungal infection. Manifested by dry pimples and vesicles. It mainly affects the feet.

Toxic epidermal necrolysis

This is an immune response to certain drugs or toxins that results in a diffuse erythematous rash and skin necrolysis, followed by blisters and vesicles. Other symptoms of this disease are burning in the conjunctiva, fever, soreness of the skin and general malaise. The elements of the rash easily burst, after which open areas remain.

Infectious diseases


The most common manifestation of this viral infection is vesicles in the lips. In about a quarter of patients, the genital area is also affected. Before the rash appears, there is itching, burning, pain, or tingling at the site of the lesion. Elements can appear singly or in groups. Their size is about 2 mm, but fusion is often observed. After a breakthrough, a painful ulcer remains, covered with a yellow crust.

Influence of external factors


Blisters and vesicles may appear due to thermal burns. In such cases, they are characterized by soreness, accompanying erythema and edema.

Insect bites

First, a papule is formed, then in its place a vesicle, often engorged with blood.


The clinical manifestations of this disease are small vesicles in erythematous areas or at the end of the loop-shaped canal. Called by the scabies mite. In men, the groin area is often affected, and in women, the nipple area. In addition, the elements of the rash can be on the elbows, armpits, waist or wrists.

Blistering rash: Clinical indications

  • it is necessary to draw up a medical history and conduct a thorough examination of his skin;
  • for diagnosis, sowing of secretions is needed;
  • the treatment complex includes a recommendation to improve hygiene and limit contact with the affected area;
  • in most cases, antibiotics and corticosteroids are prescribed;
  • It is very important to protect the skin from possible injury.

Why do blisters itch on the body, why do they appear, what provokes the development of dermatological problems in children and adults, and also in what ways should they be eliminated? The skin is a kind of marker that instantly reacts to changes in the state of health.

Some types of rash disappear quickly, others persist for a long time. The longer the pathology proceeds, the higher the risk of having chronic disease at the patient.

Factors in the occurrence of bulging rashes

A blister is a sudden swelling that causes discomfort to the patient. Regardless of the nature of the rash, itching is felt in most clinical cases, which are associated with the appearance of spots protruding above the surface of the skin.

Occurrence factors:

  • penetration of an infection or virus;
  • thermal impact;
  • the influence of chemicals;
  • allergic reaction of the body;
  • endocrine disorders.

Patients also find large raised spots after contact with a hot object. Similar rashes also occur on the legs (when wearing tight shoes) and hands (after prolonged physical work without gloves). Prickly heat appears if a person sweats a lot and has been in this state for a long time.

In this case, rashes occur in places with the least ventilation: under the armpits, in the groin and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands (in women and plump men) and may even be. To understand how to distinguish different diseases from each other, it is enough for the reader to look at the photo with explanations and names of the causes that cause dermatological problems.

The blisters are flesh-colored and round in shape. Rashes do not lead to the appearance of foci of hyperpigmentation of the dermis and very rarely form crusts.

Small rashes often turn into large red blisters, which indicate the development of a serious dermatological disease.

Causes of the formation of a bulging rash:

  • - the attachment of a fungus, often carried from the legs, leads to the appearance of a convex rash on any part of the skin and even. It always itches, swells, then bursts. After this stage, there are foci of inflammation and erosion.
  • Scabies - when the mite gets on the skin of the victim, it multiplies in it. New individuals make subcutaneous passages, which cause itching. Favorite habitats on the skin are the bending surfaces of the limbs. Danger: The disease is contagious.
  • Erysipelas - develops mainly in middle-aged and older people. After a streptococcal infection enters the dermis, a red spot grows. Feels like it burns, sometimes it releases blood. The disease without treatment leads to an abscess.
  • - starting or in the groin, rashes filled with turbid liquid spread to the back area. Symptoms: dizziness, malaise, crusting at the site of skin changes.

Giardiasis also affects the liver and causes dermatosis.

Allergic reaction

Urticaria often appears as a reaction to taking medications that are not suitable for the patient. Spots that appear abruptly also grow when the patient has taken drugs that are incompatible with each other.

Other causes of body covering with a raised rash:

  • food allergy;
  • reaction to washing powder, hygiene products;
  • skin irritation from clothing (usually synthetic);
  • cold urticaria;
  • photodermatitis (reaction to sunlight).

Allergic rashes often appear suddenly and disappear just as quickly. If the urticaria lasts for several months, then doctors put an idiopathic - chronic - form. It is the focus of infection in the body that leads to an unpleasant reaction of the body. Causes: carious teeth, sinusitis, tonsillitis, infections of the pulmonary tract.

Advanced forms of allergies are manifested not only by itching, but also by lacrimation, nasal congestion and paroxysmal sneezing.

Spots with wet contents: the cause is herpes

Usually this type of skin rash is dense - there is no bubble with liquid inside it. However, if the manifestations are associated with a herpes infection, then this form just indicates the viral nature of the pathological phenomenon.

In a patient, blisters on the body with liquid occur mainly where there is thin skin: lips, genitals, armpits, folds between the fingers and toes. Less commonly, a dermatological disorder is formed on the back, forehead, arms.

The blister turns into an abscess if pathogenic microflora enters it when damaged.

Manifestations in children: high risk of infection

Weak the immune system of the younger generation leads to a high risk of contracting so-called childhood diseases.

Diseases that children often suffer from:

  • measles (spots resemble mosquito bites, the temperature rises to 40 g);
  • rubella (rash appears a week after infection);
  • chickenpox (watery blisters form on the entire surface of the body):
  • baby roseola (papular small rash accompanied by high fever).

You can also find blisters on the body of a child after visiting a garden or garden, if the baby has come into contact with nettles.

How to get rid

Doctors are advised to refuse to enter the allergen into the body, as well as take allergy remedies (Tavegil, Zodak), and for chemical and traumatic burns, apply wound-healing drugs with panthenol.

Mycotic lesions are eliminated by applying ointments from the fungus (Clotrimazole, Lamisil). Scabies disappears after the application of Wilkinson's ointments and Benzyl benzoate, and herpes zoster and herpes - Acyclovir and Famvir.

Blisters, which are calluses, are not pierced, but wait until they disappear spontaneously.

A rash on the skin of a child makes parents worried. Some try to cope with the problem on their own, others immediately go to the doctor. However, it is necessary to navigate the causes and types of rashes, since they appear both with sweating and with a contagious infection. Watery blisters are very dangerous, since when opened, a purulent wound may form in their place.

Types of rashes and localization on the child's body

  • patches of red, pink or white;
  • pimples with a clear liquid inside;
  • blisters filled with pus or pustules;
  • subcutaneous bumps;
  • dry flaky spots;
  • small bumps or papules;
  • blue or red asterisks resembling subcutaneous hemorrhages.

Pimples can be accompanied by itching, flaking and inflammation. In some cases, the skin at the site of the rash begins to crack and flake off. In babies, pimples and blisters occur on the legs, arms, fingers, back, abdomen, neck, face, pope (we recommend reading:). Localization of rashes depends on the cause that caused them, and the severity of the disease.

Blisters on the skin caused by infectious diseases

Blisters on the body of a child are often a symptom of various infectious diseases. In this case, the rash is accompanied by other manifestations. An infectious rash may look like single vesicles or grouped pimples. By appearance blisters and localization sites can be judged on the causative agent of the disease. Types of infectious rash with explanations:

Herpes 1 and 2 types

  • The nature of the rash: individual watery pimples or grouped rash. At the beginning of the disease, they are filled with a clear liquid, after 1-2 days they are filled with pus. They open spontaneously, in their place long non-healing wounds and crusts form. Pimples are painful and itchy.
  • Localization: most often in the mouth, genitals and lips, but other areas can also be affected.
  • Additional symptoms: fever, headache, inflammation of the lymph nodes, general malaise.


  • The nature of the rashes: a group of bubbles with transparent contents, which becomes cloudy for 3-4 days. Accompanied by severe burning and soreness of the affected areas. Crusts form in 2-3 weeks.
  • Localization: nerve nodes on the face and head, back, neck, shoulders, neck, arms and legs.
  • Additional symptoms: headache, temperature up to 39 degrees, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the lymph nodes, weakness.
  • Treatment: antiviral drugs, antihistamines and antipyretics.


  • Character of rashes: the small bubbles filled with light liquid. They itch a lot. They burst quickly, in their place a small wound appears.
  • Localization: all over the body.
  • Additional symptoms: fever, rarely - cough.
  • Treatment: the bubbles are treated with an antiseptic, anti-allergic drugs are prescribed.


  • The nature of the rash: purulent dots or blisters up to 10 centimeters. The rash causes burning and itching.
  • Localization: first on the face, then spread throughout the body.
  • Additional symptoms: body intoxication, temperature up to 38-39 degrees, lymphadenitis.
  • Treatment: antibacterial ointments, antibiotics, antipyretics, hypoallergenic diet, rash treatment with brilliant green, boric alcohol.


  • The nature of the rash: blistering rash with a clear liquid.
  • Localization: on different parts of the body and mucous membranes.
  • Additional symptoms: headache, nausea, vomiting, fever.
  • Treatment: immunomodulators, antibiotics, drugs aimed at eliminating symptoms.


  • The nature of the rash: transparent watery blisters with a red rim.
  • Localization: at the beginning of the disease - in oral cavity, then - arms, legs, stomach.
  • Additional symptoms: weakness, fever.
  • Treatment: antiviral drugs, glucocorticosteroids, antihistamines, antipyretic drugs.


  • The nature of the rash: blisters with a small crust. appear at the site of infection.
  • Localization: in place of cat scratches.
  • Additional symptoms: inflammation of the lymph nodes, intoxication of the body.
  • Treatment: anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents, antiallergic drugs.

Foot fungus can present as small, watery blisters on the feet and heels. A fungal infection can enter the body when visiting public pools or a gym. It is often accompanied by itching and flaking of the skin. An infection on the leg is treated with antifungal ointments and gels, sometimes tablets are used.

Rashes of a non-infectious nature

  • Small watery pimples in newborns and infants are caused by prickly heat. It occurs as a result of overheating and improper skin care for the baby. At an older age, this phenomenon is less common. Sweating is eliminated with the help of drying agents (decoctions of medicinal plants, powders, ointments).
  • Allergic blistering rash is accompanied by swelling, itching, redness and peeling of the skin. The disease can be caused by food, household chemicals, cosmetical tools And medications. A distinctive feature of an allergic rash is that it disappears after the cause of the rash is eliminated. Treat allergies with antihistamines.

  • Urticaria on the body of a child is one of the types of an allergic reaction of the body. It manifests itself as white, watery vesicles resembling insect bites. The rash is localized on different parts of the body. Its appearance can also be caused by nervous shocks, a reaction to a blood transfusion, contact with chemical vapors.
  • Half of newborns on the 2nd day of life are affected by toxic erythema. One of the elements of the disease is a watery blister with purulent contents. The reasons for this phenomenon are not fully understood. The neoplasm disappears on its own a few days after the appearance. It does not require additional treatment and does not cause complications.
  • When the ducts of the sweat glands are blocked, small, itchy blisters form. Blisters in a child are localized on the hands, feet, palms and fingertips (we recommend reading:). In medicine, this phenomenon is known as dyshidrosis or eczema. Various factors lead to the development of the disease: mental and physical overload, nervous shocks, immune disorders, allergies, diseases of the endocrine system.

Water pimples, as a result of external influences

Watery blisters on various parts of the child's skin may appear due to a burn. A distinctive feature of such formations is that they appear in places of direct contact with the stimulus. The area of ​​damage and the degree of severity depends on the type of burn.

Burns are divided into the following types:

  • Solar. They appear after prolonged exposure to the sun on uncovered areas of the skin. The blisters burst a few days after they appear. May be accompanied by fever and itching.
  • Thermal. They are the result of skin contact with hot surfaces. In places of the burn, a sharp pain is felt.
  • Chemical. Occur when a person is exposed to toxic substances. Symptoms include: pain at the site of the lesion, swelling, pain shock, large watery blisters. Upon contact with poisonous gases and radiation, intoxication of the whole organism is possible.
  • Plant burns. Blisters appear after a person touches a plant (for example, nettle, cow parsnip, castor bean, kupena berries, foxglove leaves, dope).

If the child is wearing uncomfortable shoes, he may develop calluses and blisters on his feet. They occur in places where there is intense friction. To prevent corns, it is necessary to choose the right shoes for children.

Sometimes, with prolonged friction on hard objects, corns and chafing appear on the fingers and palms, similar to blisters.

Other causes of a rash

IN adolescence the formation of a rash with purulent contents is due to hormonal changes in the body. For the same reason, newborns have milia, which eventually disappear. Adolescent girls sometimes develop watery blisters on the scalp of the arms, legs, and bikini area due to mechanical hair removal. Other causes of a rash also include:

  • insect bites;
  • long-term medication;
  • hypothermia;
  • nervous disorders (neurodermatitis);
  • dysfunction of the organs of internal secretion;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • diseases of the functional systems of the body;
  • metabolic disease.

Many parents confuse water acne with a disease that has a similar name - dropsy. However, this disease is not classified as a skin pathology. Dropsy is expressed in the form of swelling due to excessive accumulation of fluid that does not leave the body on its own. The cause of the disease is a violation of the lymphatic system.

Preventive measures

It is impossible to predict the appearance of rashes in children. However, you can reduce their chances of appearing to a minimum. Strengthening the immune system and timely preventive vaccinations will help to avoid many infectious diseases.

Proper hygiene, good nutrition and a favorable atmosphere in the home also prevent the appearance of many types of rashes in a child.

Babies should be explained as early as possible that they can’t eat and drink from someone else’s dishes, wear things that aren’t their own, eat one candy “for two”. Children's shoes and clothes should be made of natural materials, appropriate for age and weather conditions. The sun has a detrimental effect on many pathogenic microorganisms, but children should take sunbathing dosed.

If a rash appears on the body of a child, you should contact a specialist for advice as soon as possible. It is impossible to squeeze out the contents of the blisters, it is necessary to control that the child does not comb the pimples. If the infectious nature of the rash is suspected, it is necessary to limit the communication of the patient with others.

Skin defects do not always lead to serious consequences. If the watery blisters on the skin itch, many attribute this to a banal allergic reaction. In fact, such defects can be signs of serious diseases.

What are water blisters

First, they immediately catch the eye and are noticeable. Since they are located in the upper layer of the skin. The fluid in the blisters may contain pus, blood. But it can also be completely transparent. Secondly, as a rule, the defect does not exceed 1 centimeter in diameter. Thirdly, the bubbles can be not only scattered over the area of ​​the skin, but also connected.

In no case should you try to open the bubbles yourself. This can lead to new breakouts. Because the liquid contains bacteria, viruses. They can infect other areas of the skin. And the wound, especially if poorly treated, is easily susceptible to infection.

What causes water blisters:

The occurrence of an allergic reaction

The body is able to react in this way even due to a long stay in a dusty environment. Diet has a huge impact on the body. Harmful substances are allergens. An allergic reaction is characterized by itching, swelling may occur, the skin instantly becomes red. If you were in nature, then there is a high probability of skin defects due to bites. It should not be assumed that the absence of mosquitoes is a guarantee of the absence of bites. Bites from other insects often form small, watery blisters on the skin.

If an allergic reaction occurs, and the allergen itself is no longer there, within a few days the bubbles will dry up and disappear on their own (if no manipulations are carried out with them).

Prickly heat

Very young children face this problem more often. When the child overheats, wore too tight and tight clothes, transparent bubbles may appear. In diameter, they are no more than two millimeters. You can notice prickly heat on the face and torso. Moreover, the child himself does not experience discomfort from the disease. Over time, the bubbles themselves "explode", the liquid comes out. It's not scary. But small wounds remain. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a doctor for advice on the treatment of wounds.

Adults may also experience prickly heat. In adults, the disease is noticeable precisely on the trunk. The shade of the bubbles is close to the flesh. If you ignore a visit to the doctor, the bubbles will fester, blood will be noticeable in them. Watery vesicles on the skin in adults are less noticeable at first than in children.

The most common diseases are scabies and felinosis. In the first case, it was guaranteed to have been bitten by a scabies mite. Due to its interaction with skin the person is itchy. There are watery blisters on the skin of the hands. Most often they can be seen between the fingers, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrists. In no case should you try to scratch defects. An autopsy is prohibited, as this will only spread the area of ​​​​infection of the skin.

Felinosis is most often encountered by pet owners. Because, for example, cats are excellent carriers of the disease. Even a small scratch on a cat can cause felinosis. At first, a simple redness is noticeable. After bubbles begin to emerge (they may be characterized by a barely noticeable crust). After a few days, the rash becomes almost invisible. However, weeks later, a large number of lymph nodes- they are visible in the area of ​​the neck, elbows, under the armpits. Body temperature may rise.

Autoimmune diseases

Faced with such diseases in the event that the immune system begins to "fight" with its tissues. If the rash belongs to this category of diseases, it is likely that a person has encountered one of three diseases - pemphigus, dermatitis herpetiformis, or bullous pemphigoid.

There is not a high probability of encountering pemphigus. Today the disease is rare. However, if a rash is noticeable on the body, in the oral cavity, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Since in the future the bubbles will become ulcers.

Pemphigoid occurs in older people. Outwardly, the rash resembles a common urticaria. Redness is noticeable, followed by swelling. The bubbles are clearly visible and tactilely perceptible.

In the case of dermatitis, the rash first appears on the elbows. There may be watery blisters on the skin of the legs, but only on the knees. Further, the rash can reach the back, buttocks. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe disease, blisters will be clearly visible. In addition to obvious visual symptoms, a person has a fever, problems with sleep, and the intestines begin to disturb with normal nutrition.

Fungal infections

In this case, it is almost impossible to visually determine, without professional knowledge, which fungus the organism encountered.

But common problem- Fungi such as Candida. If the body suffers from candidiasis, then defects are formed on the skin folds. May appear on mucous membranes.

Video best practices treatment of watery blisters on the skin of the body:

Regardless of the symptoms, if watery blisters appear on the skin and itch, you should consult a doctor. Even if everything points to a common allergic reaction.

Sources of facts, photos, videos: Goole.ru, Youtube.com, Yandex.ru.