What does the MCV indicator in the blood mean and what is its norm. Features of the mcv indicator in a blood test and the causes of its violation Increase in mcv in a blood test

General study blood can include up to 20 indicators. During the analysis, not only quantitative, but also qualitative parameters are established. So, MCV in a blood test (what it is - often unknown to patients) reflects the average volume of red blood cells in the blood.

What does MCV mean in a blood test?

To understand what the average volume of red blood cells means, you need to know what kind of cells they are, how they look. These red blood discs are shaped like lenses concave on both sides. Thus, the maximum absorption capacity of cells that carry oxygen to tissues is achieved. A change in shape (ovalocyte, macrocyte) disrupts the failure of oxygen transport.

In order to establish the quality of the cells, an analysis is carried out for MCV. This abbreviation from English Mean Cell Volume is the average volume of red blood cells in the blood. With the help of this indicator, the doctor receives information about how much blood is occupied by one red blood cell. It is calculated by dividing the total number of all cells by the total number of red blood cells.

MCV in a blood test is normal

The average volume of erythrocytes MCV, the norm in the results of the analysis is expressed in femtoliters (fl or fl). Less commonly, values ​​​​are indicated in cubic micrometers (μm3). As surveys of patients of different age groups show, the values ​​of this parameter change with age. Taking into account this feature, the average volume of erythrocytes, the norm of values ​​is set for each age. In addition, the following factors can have some effect on MCV:

  • meal before the study;
  • the use of alcoholic beverages;
  • acceptance .

In order to correctly interpret the result of the analysis, to compare the value with the norm, only a specialist can evaluate the MCV. In children with an increase in height and body weight as they grow older, a decrease in the average volume of erythrocytes is observed. In addition to physiological changes in the indicator, there are also pathological ones associated with the development of the disease.

MCV blood test - transcript, norm in children

In the first days after birth in infants, the average volume of erythrocytes, MCV, is greater than in adults. As the baby develops and grows, the indicator gradually decreases. A significant difference is noted closer to the year of the child's life. Only by the age of 16–18 years is the indicator set at a level characteristic of healthy adults. How the average volume of erythrocytes in children changes, the norm of this indicator, the table shows.

MCV blood test - transcript, norm in men

Having figured out how MCV changes in a children's blood test, what kind of indicator it is, let's consider the norms for men. Due to the physiological characteristics of the male body, more muscle mass, in men, the volume of circulating blood prevails over women. This explains the slightly lower value of the average volume of erythrocytes in men, since the indicator is the ratio of the volume of erythrocytes to the volume of blood. How MCV changes with age, the rate of the indicator - all this is shown in the table.

MCV blood test - transcript, norm in women

With the onset of puberty, ovulation occurs every month in the body of a woman. Moreover, if the egg is not fertilized, then after a few days it leaves the uterus along with the endometrium and blood. Abundant bloody issues, lasting longer than normal, provoke a decrease in circulating blood volume. This explains the situation when the MCV in women exceeds that in men. How MCV changes in a blood test, the norm for women - all this is reflected in the table.

The average volume of erythrocytes is reduced - what does this mean?

When the average volume of red blood cells is below normal, doctors order additional tests to determine the cause. A similar phenomenon can be triggered by a violation of the water-electrolyte balance, hypertonic hydration of the body. With this violation, all fluid spaces are sharply reduced due to an acute lack of fluid in the body.

The situation when the MCV in the analysis is below the established norm may be due to the intake of certain medications. Antibacterial drugs, antiviral agents are able to reduce blood concentration, which is reflected in the MCV values. The decrease in the indicator in some cases is associated with a decrease in the size or number of normal red blood cells in the bloodstream.

MCV in a blood test is lowered - causes

To determine why the average volume of red blood cells is low, doctors conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient. In most cases, a decrease in MCV values ​​is associated with the presence of pathology in the body. Hyperchromic and microcytic anemias are associated with impaired hemoglobin production. It has been found that this protein affects the size of red blood cells, so a decrease in its concentration leads to the formation of smaller red blood cells. This negatively affects the MCV values. Among other diseases in which the average volume of red blood cells is reduced:

A low concentration of MCV is reflected in the overall well-being. Patients with this disease complain to doctors about:

  • increased irritability;
  • distraction;
  • memory impairment;
  • problems with concentration.

A complete blood count determines a variety of blood indicators, with the help of which the doctor assesses the patient's health status. One of these important indicators is the MCV in a blood test. Consider what is hidden under this designation and why this characteristic of blood is determined.

What is MCV

MCV (mean volume of erythrocytes) is called the erythrocyte index. This is a calculated value by which the state of red blood cells is determined.

Erythrocytes are the bodies of blood that give it a red color. These blood cells are shaped like a biconcave disc and do not have a nucleus. On the surface of red blood cells is hemoglobin, which transports oxygen from the lungs to all organs and tissues of the body, taking carbon dioxide from them back to the lungs.

The role of erythrocytes is very important for all processes occurring in the human body. A change in their indicators indicates the development of inflammatory processes, allergic reactions, weakness, deficiency of substances necessary for a person.

The body of a healthy person has a constant composition of blood cells, the same number, parameters, sizes and ratios between them. Deviations of such characteristics from the norm occurs in the presence of any pathology in the body.

Analysis Methods

MCV is usually determined in a general (clinical) blood test, but sometimes a separate analysis is performed to determine this indicator.

The average erythrocyte volume is calculated by dividing the hematocrit value (the sum of cell volumes) by the total content of erythrocytes in the blood. The unit of MCV is femtoliters (fl, fl) or µm 3 .

This characteristic of blood is used to differentiate different types of anemia (decrease in hemoglobin content in the blood), since a specific therapy must be selected for each type of anemia.

Deciphering the analysis


Normal values ​​​​of the average volume of erythrocytes depend on the age of the person. Here are the values ​​of the MCV norm in a blood test, in fl:

  • children up to two weeks of life - 87–140;
  • children under one month - 90-112;
  • children under two months - 83–106;
  • children under four months - 75–97;
  • children under six months - 67–85;
  • children under nine months - 68-85;
  • children under one year old - 71–84;
  • children under five years old - 72-85;
  • children under ten years old - 73–87;
  • children under twelve years old - 75–94;
  • children under 15 - 74–95;
  • girls under 18 - 77-98;
  • boys under 18 - 76-94;
  • women under 45 - 82-100;
  • men under 45 - 81–98;
  • women under 65 - 80-101;
  • men under 65 - 80-101;
  • women after 65 years - 80–102;
  • men after 65 years - 81–103.

Depending on the abnormalities of the MCV in the blood test, microcytic, normocytic and macrocytic anemia are distinguished.

Normocytic anemias are of the following types:

  • hemolytic;
  • posthemorrhagic;
  • hepatic;
  • renal;
  • caused by diseases of the endocrine system;
  • aplastic.

Reduced values

A low MCV indicates the development of microcytic anemia. Their occurrence is due to the following reasons:

  • iron deficiency in the blood;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • development of malignant neoplasms;
  • thalassemia - a disease in which the production of hemoglobin is reduced in the blood;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • lead poisoning;
  • taking certain medications;
  • alcoholism.

Increased values

An increase in MCV in a blood test occurs with macrocytic types of anemia and other disorders:

  • megaloblastic anemia resulting from protein deficiency in phenylketonuria, strict vegetarianism;
  • malignant hereditary anemia;
  • pancreatic insufficiency;
  • malabsorption of vitamin B12;
  • bowel diseases - inflammatory processes, celiac disease, infiltrative diseases;
  • toxic or drug poisoning;
  • liver disease;
  • hypothyroidism.

In addition to the possibility of determining the type of anemia, the MCV indicator provides information on the development of water and electrolyte imbalance in the body. A decrease in MCV in a blood test indicates the hypertensive nature of such disorders. The increase in this indicator is associated with the hypotonic nature of water and electrolyte balance disorders.

Erythrocytes are blood cells that give the blood a red color due to the iron they contain. They carry hemoglobin to the tissues of all organs and remove carbon dioxide from them. The characteristics of red blood cells can tell about possible disorders in the field of hematopoiesis, oxygen saturation of the body, and bone marrow functionality.

The normal shape of an erythrocyte is a biconcave disc.

The value of the average volume is one of the most common in the analysis of blood. It can be calculated both during routine diagnostics and to identify possible anemia and its causes.

There are red blood cells in the bloodstream of various sizes, but most of them should be of a normal, correct size. This suggests that the cells are able to perform their functions optimally. Under the pressure of various factors, the percentage of abnormally large or small volumes can increase significantly. An analysis of the average volume will show which cell sizes predominate and allow you to prescribe a treatment regimen.

Normal values ​​by age

In the neonatal period, large erythrocytes predominate

Mean red blood cell volume (MCV) varies with age. In newborns, larger blood cells predominate, gradually their volume decreases, approaching those of adults.

AgeMCV rate (fl)
17 days95 - 121
7 - 14 days88 - 126
14 - 30 days88 - 124
1 - 3 months77 - 115
3 - 12 months77 - 108
15 years73 - 85
5 - 10 years75 - 87
10 - 15 years76 - 95
15 - 20 years old78 - 98
20 - 40 years old80 - 98
40 - 65 years old80 - 100
Over 65 years78 - 103

How to Determine Mean Red Cell Volume (MCV)

The average volume of an erythrocyte is determined by a general blood test

The mean volume of erythrocytes is diagnosed on the basis of the total clinical analysis blood. Special preparation for the analysis is not required, but it is recommended not to eat 4 hours before the blood sample is taken, and to exclude alcohol the day before. A hematology analyzer helps to determine the exact size of a blood cell, which allows you to reduce the percentage of test errors to almost zero.

Mean Cell Volume (MCV) is calculated using the formula:


HCT is the total volume of red blood cells in a patient's blood unit (hematocrit);
RBC is the total number of red blood cells in 1 microliter of blood;
fl (femtoliter) - a unit of measurement of the average volume of an erythrocyte.

For example, if Hct = 41% and RBC = 4.54 ppm (4,540,000/µl), then:
MCV = 0.41 / 4,540,000 = 9.03 * 10^-15 = 90.3 fl.

What is anisocytosis?

Anisocytosis on a blood smear

Red blood cells are disc-shaped blood cells that can contract and bend to move through the thinnest capillaries. When their size exceeds the norm, they can no longer carry oxygen to all tissues, when the size is smaller than usual, oxygen is delivered, respectively, less. Depending on the size, they are divided into 4 groups:

  • microcytes -< 6,2 мкм;
  • normocytes - 6.2 - 8.2 microns;
  • macrocytes - 8.2 - 12 microns;
  • megalocytes -> 12 microns.

At the same time, normocytes, that is, cells of the correct size, should be about 70% of total number erythrocytes. About 15% separate cells of large and small sizes. When an increase in the ratio of cells of abnormal size to normal is diagnosed in the patient's blood, anisocytosis is detected.

Anisocytosis is the general name for a high number of cells that are different in size from normocytes. There are 3 types of anisocytosis:

  • microcytosis - the predominance of microcytes;
  • macrocytosis - the predominance of macrocytes;
  • mixed - exceed the allowable ratio of both large and small cells.

The level of distribution of blood cells of the wrong size is recorded in the analysis by the RDW value. The RDW norm (in%) is:

  • for adults - 11.5 - 14.5;
  • for newborns - 14.9 - 18.7;
  • for children from 6 months - 11.6 - 14.8.

Causes of deviation from the norm

Splenic dysfunction may cause anisocytosis

The results of the tests can be affected by the use of various medications, especially antidepressants, as well as the use of alcohol. If the factors contributing to the error in the results are excluded, and the indicators deviate from the norm, it is necessary to look for the cause. Factors causing deviations:

Erythrocyte indices correlate with each other

The MCV index correlates with other indexes for an accurate assessment of the condition of red blood cells. The definition of several characteristics at once allows you to understand the form of the disease, most often used to separate anemia according to their etiology. Above we talked about such values ​​as: RBC, HCT, MCV and RDW. A complete examination of red blood cells suggests additional values.

MCH - erythrocyte index, calculated by dividing total hemoglobin by the number of erythrocytes in the blood volume: MCH = HGB / RBC. The index value reflects the average content of hemoglobin in the erythrocyte. Some diseases, such as anemia with hyperchromia, are accompanied by an increase in MCH and MCV.

MCHC is an index indicating the concentration of hemoglobin in the mass of red blood cells. Unlike MSN, it determines not the quantity, but the density of hemoglobin filling of erythrocytes. It is calculated by dividing total hemoglobin by hematocrit: MCHC = HBG / HCT * 100. High MCV and low MCHC will indicate a disproportionate saturation of red blood cells with hemoglobin due to their abnormally large volume.

Not always the presence of the disease is reflected by a shift from the norm at once in all indicators. The practice of diagnosing shows that for various pathologies, one of the values ​​\u200b\u200bmay be normal, while the other indicates a disease. Moreover, it is the presence of a difference in the combination of indicators that is the reason for the diagnosis of certain diseases.

For example, with anemia caused by impaired hemoglobin synthesis, the RDW will be within the normal range, and the MCV will be lowered. Liver damage is shown as normal level RDW but increased MCV.

MCV correction

Determining the cause is the first step in resolving the issue

Anisocytosis is formed as a result of negative factors that provoked an increase in the ratio of macrocytes or microcytes in the total number of red blood cells. Therefore, initially it is necessary to establish the cause of anisocytosis. If the MCV is not corrected, anemia develops. various kinds and forms, which leads to oxygen starvation of all organs.

If the reason lies in intoxication with chemicals, drugs, alcohol, the first thing to do is to exclude them. Additionally, antioxidant therapy may be prescribed.

Chronic infections causing anisocytosis require complex treatment based on antiviral or antibacterial drugs.

A common cause is a deficiency of iron or vitamins of group B. The main factor in the correction will be the optimization of the content of trace elements in food, a course of vitamins and iron-containing preparations can be prescribed.

Restoring the normal state and ratio of red blood cells is not only medications. daily stress, bad habits, malnutrition cause the risk of anisocytosis. By adjusting your lifestyle, you will help your blood cells always perform their functions at the proper level.

It's no secret that ours is from a liquid medium - plasma and from the formed elements of blood in it, in other words - blood cells. These cells include leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets. The tasks of these elements in the body are varied. For example, leukocytes are responsible for immunity and fight harmful agents (bacteria, viruses and poisons) that enter the body. Platelets control blood clotting, and red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the body, taking carbon dioxide from them in reverse order.

Regulation of the level of MCV in the blood.

What is MCV and how is it calculated

For any illness, a competent doctor will always prescribe a general (general clinical) test first. IN general analysis includes the following indicators:

  • Hemoglobin (HGB);
  • Red blood cells (RBC), also called "red blood cells";
  • Leukocytes (WBC), also called "white blood cells";
  • Platelets (PLT);
  • ESR or ROE;
  • Stab (p / I) neutrophils;
  • Segmented (s / I) neutrophils.

The analysis is prepared quickly - no more than one day. And before passing, you should prepare a little, namely:

  1. It should be given in the morning and on an empty stomach.
  2. It is not allowed within 8 hours (preferably 12) before the test, eating, drinking non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages.
  3. You can drink clean water.

One of the erythrocyte indices is MCV. This is the average volume of erythrocytes and is measured in femtoliters (fl.) or cubic micrometers (µm³). This index is one of the indicators of the state of erythrocytes. With it, you can get more accurate and correct results regarding the volume of red cells in the blood. This index is calculated by dividing the total volume of cells that fall on erythrocytes in 1 mm³ by the total number of erythrocytes. It should be noted that, with a large number of red cells with different sizes and different shapes, the average volume indicator will not be reliable.

The norms of this indicator are very different for men, women, and also separately for children. They also differ based on age. Let's consider in more detail:

  • Up to 1 year - the norm is 71-112 fl.;
  • 1-5 years - the norm is 73-85 fl.;
  • 5-10 years - the norm is 75-87 fl.;
  • 10-12 years - the norm is 76-94 fl.
  • At 12-15 years old - the norm is 73-95 fl.;
  • At 15-18 years old - the norm is 78-98 fl.;
  • At 18-45 years old - the norm is 81-100 fl.;
  • At 12-15 years old - the norm is 77-94 fl.;
  • At 15-18 years old - the norm is 79-95 fl.;
  • At 18-45 years old - the norm is 80-99 fl.;
  • from 45 years and older - the norm is 81-102 fl.

In the interpretation of the results, the MCV is below 80 fl. refer to microcinosis, and the MCV is above 100 fl. - macrocynosis.

Causes of deviations and methods of their treatment

Causes of a reduced mean volume of erythrocytes

The factors that reduce the MCV rate include the intake of certain medications (antiviral, antimicrobial, sedatives), when the human body suffers from a lack of nutrients during internal organs and fabrics. The main reasons for the decrease in values ​​include:

  • Lack of iron ions in blood plasma.
  • The presence of chronic or hereditary diseases.
  • The presence of cancer.
  • Lead poisoning.
  • Hyperthyroidism.

In order to bring the level of the average volume of red blood cells back to normal, doctors individually prescribe drugs with iron content. Also needed strictest diet at which the necessary vitamins and minerals will be introduced into the diet. Also, when dieting, it is very important to exclude from the diet foods that slow down the absorption of iron, such as cow's milk.

Causes of an increased mean volume of erythrocytes

MCV can serve as methanol poisoning. The main reasons for the increase in values ​​include:

  • Lack of vitamin B12;
  • a lack of folic acid;
  • Development of macrocytic anemia;
  • Pathology of the liver, bone marrow, renal failure;
  • Hypothyroidism.

In order to lower the level of MCV and bring it back to normal, doctors prescribe an appointment medicines increasing vitamin B12 levels. In some difficult cases, the appointment is prescribed on an individual basis.

What is anisocytosis

Anisocytosis is a change normal sizes blood cells, their pathological condition. Anisocytosis of erythrocytes is divided into several levels:

  • The first degree includes a condition in which micro and macrocytes make up 30-50% of the total number of red cells;
  • To the second degree - 50-70% falls on erythrocytes with a changed diameter;
  • Third degree - pathological red cells occupy more than 70% of their total volume.

Treatment of anisocytosis involves the identification and elimination of the underlying disease of the body.

Do not put off going to the doctor on the back burner for any uncomfortable condition, and even more so for certain symptoms - first of all, consult a doctor and go through all the necessary tests.

When referring to a blood test, its particularly important component is the quantity and quality of red blood cells found in the blood of each person. Erythrocytes, in turn, perform the function of transporting carbon dioxide and oxygen with the help of and are called red blood cells, which do not contain a nucleus. Thus, the abbreviation MCV is one of the indicators of erythrocyte indices. MCV in a blood test allows you to diagnose hematological diseases in time.

What is MCV in a blood test? MCV "Mean Cell Volume" is an erythrocyte index that allows you to get information about and their size.


The MCV value is measured in micrometers (µm) and femtoliters (fl). This analysis does not allow the examination of red blood cells and is an important test that doctors resort to to determine the diseases that the patient comes to them with. , from a vein.

A procedure such as blood for MCV can be donated from a finger, but this is a rare exception and is done mainly for children who are inconvenient to take blood from a vein. Blood taken in this way can be stored at room temperature for thirty-six hours. Therefore, it can only come in two days, so it is recommended to undergo the procedure in advance, a few days before visiting your doctor.

For a more accurate result, it is preferable that the analysis for the number and size of red blood cells is carried out in the same laboratory where blood is taken.

But, if this is not possible, then it should be within forty-eight hours in a dark, cool room, the temperature of which should not exceed +8 degrees Celsius.


Many patients are interested in what is the MCV rate in a blood test? Doctors warn that it varies depending on the sex and age of the person seeking medical help.

The norm of MCV in a blood test in children is:

  • if the age of the child is from four months to four years, then this is 72-115 fl, if the age of the child is from five to seven years, then this is 77-108 fl, for children aged eight to fourteen years it is 76- 96 fl.

The norm of MCV in a blood test for men and women is the indicator:

  • from 79 to 99 fl, but this is only for men under the age of 45. The normal MCV in a blood test in women is from 78 to 100 fl, but in women under the age of 45.

If a man or woman is between the ages of 45 and 65, then, respectively, MCV norm for them the result will be from 81 to 101 fl.

You should also take into account the age of men and women up to 65 years and older, when the result, recognized as the norm, can be from 81 to 103 fl.

If you, on the contrary, have elevated MCV levels, then there is megaloblastic anemia (a person has a lack of folic acid and vitamin B12), various malignant tumors (with metastases), diseases of the brain and liver. Also, such a pathology occurs with severe alcoholism, hyperglycemia, methanol poisoning and taking various drugs prescribed by a doctor from antitumor to hormonal.

It happens that an increase in or in the blood indicates a violation of the water-salt balance in the body. With an increase, they speak of its hypotonic character, and with a decrease in hypertonicity.

It should be remembered that your attending physician will deal with the decoding of the blood test for MCV, so all of the above pathologies are only possible, but will not necessarily be detected in you. A specialist for a more accurate diagnosis can be sent for re-analysis.