What causes clouding of the vitreous body. Vitreous diseases

Flies, small dots, lightning, darkening, flying spots and flashes before the eyes - all these are symptoms of the appearance of destruction. vitreous body eyes. They occur in approximately 60% of people over the age of 60. The appearance of this disease in old age is considered a natural age-related change. But, as noted by doctors, various opacities can appear at a young age.

The main functions of the vitreous body

The structure of the vitreous body is a non-vascular gelatinous transparent substance that fills the cavity eyeball between retina and lens. Its presence ensures the correct shape and preservation of the turgor of the eyeball, conducts light impulses to the retina of the eye, and also compensates for sudden changes in intraocular pressure.

In a healthy person, this substance is absolutely transparent and does not contain any inclusions in its composition. It is made up of salt., whey proteins, ascorbic and hyaluronic acid and other substances. Supported by a scaffold, which consists of protein fibrils. Destruction processes are manifested by liquefaction of the vitreous body, its flaking and wrinkling.

Liquefaction can be partial or complete. Most often, this pathology is noted in the central part of the eyeball, much less often - along its periphery. On the initial stage diseases, cavities are formed that are filled with gel coagulation products, liquid, and fragments of fibers. The separation of the gelatinous substance into liquid and thick fractions begins due to the breakdown of the hyaluronic acid-collagen complex.

In addition to the “flies” characteristic of destruction, “flashes” or “lightning” appear in the field of view, this indicates the presence of “optical cavities” in the eyeball. So the brain begins to perceive the abnormal reaction of the optic nerve to the presence of voids. Cloudy particles are quite difficult to see, as they move with the movement of the eyes.

Opacities are best seen when looking at a bright clean surface (snow, white ceiling, clear sky) in coherent beams or when squinting the eyes. Under poor lighting conditions environment and during its heterogeneity, opacities are usually invisible.

Destruction can be expressed in the form of a silver or golden rain. This phenomenon is noted during the presence of crystalline inclusions of cholesterol, tyrosine, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus compounds. . Typical for the elderly who suffer from diabetes mellitus or impaired cholesterol metabolism.

The vitreous body is located between the lens and the retina. During certain reasons, the molecules that are in the intraocular globe break down and change the color permeability. As a result, it seems to the patient that he sees before his eyes dots, asterisks, flies, dark spots or cobwebs.

As a rule, these processes occur due to aging. human body person. Doctors say that detachment can be observed at a young age under such circumstances:

At an early age, mechanical injuries of the eye often lead to this pathology. As a result of these injuries, various parts of the eye are destroyed, microscopic ruptured particles form clots of bodies and begin to float freely in the space of the eyeball, causing destruction.

Symptoms of the disease

Main clinical symptom the presence of destruction is the swimming of all kinds of visual effects directly in front of the eyes - "cobwebs", "flies", "turbidity", "spots". These optical elements can differ significantly from the effects that appear when lifting heavy weights, blows to the head, due to a sharp jump in blood pressure.

The main signs of destruction:

  • visual effects are noted only under the condition of good lighting (especially on a white surface);
  • visual effects all the time have a constant shape and size;
  • the presence of various opacities and "spots" is permanent, not temporary.

The more clearly and thicker the floating elements are visible, the more difficult the stage of destruction is. With the appearance of opacities of the filamentous structure, the patient may be diagnosed with a severe form of hypertension or atherosclerosis.

The presence of all kinds of "flashes" and "lightning" is the main symptom of the disease. When diagnosing filamentous destruction, the floating of fibrils begins to disperse over the entire surface of the eyeball, however, in this case, they twist and stick together, begin formed education like balls of yarn.

In the case of tumor neoplasms, trauma to the eye, or as a result of an illness, destruction is often expressed in the form of small clusters of small grains.

If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, then ophthalmologists do not exclude partial or complete loss of vision.

Treatment Methods

Specific ways to treat this pathology have not yet been developed to date. The main tactics of the ophthalmologist will depend on the degree of vision loss and damage to the colloidal gel. During a slight violation of the functions of the eye and the diagnosis of partial destruction, lifestyle correction and conservative treatment are recommended. Patients need to normalize the mode of work and rest, with prolonged reading or working at a computer, perform eye exercises.

The indication for vitrectomy under general or local anesthesia is total destruction. During a surgical operation, the vitreous body is removed or replaced using microsurgical techniques. At the initial stage, the colloidal gel is divided into small sections, which are subsequently subjected to aspiration. The pressure inside the cavity of the eyeball is normalized by introducing gas, silicone oil or balanced salt solution.

Folk methods of treatment

Treatment folk remedies during a disease of the posterior ophthalmic segment, it is used quite rarely due to its inefficiency and low penetration into the deep layers.

One of these natural remedies is aloe, a plant many people have in their homes. One tablespoon of juice should be drained and mixed with a tablespoon of boiled water. It is necessary to drip into the eyes three times a day. If these drops after the first use cause redness of the eyes, burning, itching, then the treatment must be completed and consult an ophthalmologist.

Prevention of destruction

There are no special measures to prevent this disease. But first of all, it is necessary not to forget that visual acuity is significantly affected by the lifestyle of the patient himself. So, the abuse of alcohol, smoking or the predominance of refined foods in the daily diet inevitably begins to worsen the functioning of blood vessels, which also affects the function of the visual organs.

Sports activities in this case are not prohibited, but they can be resorted to only if there are no dystrophic and dangerous changes in the retina. If a patient with destruction leads an active lifestyle, he should not forget to periodically visit an ophthalmologist so that the doctor examines the retina and, if necessary, dilates the pupil.

Compliance with the rules of working in front of a computer is very important, since most professions today are associated with working behind a monitor screen. Your eyes should definitely be given time to rest, so you need to make it a habit to switch your gaze from the monitor, or just relax for a few minutes with your eyes closed. , experts recommended to perform this break while working at the computer every hour.

Patients with mandatory need to periodically visit a doctor to monitor the state of the visual system.

Destruction in a mild form today is increasingly noted among schoolchildren due to increased eye strain: students at school write and read a lot, and at home they are used to playing computer games or watching TV. Therefore, parents are obliged to control the pastime of their children near the monitor, and, if necessary, limit it.

In order to prevent destruction, you just need to try to avoid any eye injuries, and also be very attentive to your health.

Destruction treatment prognosis

The prognosis for the development of the disease is most often favorable. Destruction, which manifests itself in a mild form, does not significantly affect the ability to work and is not the cause of any complications. Severe forms of the disease can significantly impair the patient's quality of life. Permanent floating elements interfere with the examination of various objects and the performance of work duties.

Due to the constant visual strain during the examination of the environment, it becomes necessary to free the field of vision from opacities with the help of head and eye movements. This behavior leads to an overload of the cervical spine and eyes. As a result, a person develops psychological problems, and stable depressive or stressful conditions can develop, manifesting themselves in the form of sociopathy and constant anxiety. But not only this destruction is dangerous, in advanced cases there is a high probability of complete loss of vision.

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The vitreous humor is a clear gel that fills the cavity of the eyeball and is located behind the lens. Outside, it is surrounded by a membrane, inside it is divided into channels (tracts). If liquefaction, wrinkling or detachment of this gel is observed, then they speak of DST of the eye.

What it is?

The appearance of different in shape, size or degree of opacities in the vitreous indicates degenerative processes. Most often, pathologies are diagnosed in which the properties of this environment change.

Normally, it is transparent, but contains special threads - fibrils. With age-related changes or due to certain diseases, they become less elastic and can break, which leads to visual impairment. In this case, the destruction of the vitreous body of the eye develops. It should be noted that such disorders are difficult to treat, and destructive changes in old age are practically not treated (with appropriate therapy, they can only be slowed down).


As a rule, the destruction of the vitreous body of the eye, the causes of which can be very diverse, is the result of mechanical damage to the eyes, smoking, drug use, or certain medicines. There are also pathological changes associated with the natural aging process of the body. In addition, in the presence of myopia, when exposed to prolonged and frequent stress on the organs of vision, nervous shocks, destruction of the vitreous body of the eye can also develop.

If etiological factors are indicated, then dystrophy or inflammation in the retina, physical exhaustion, retinopathy, lesions should also be mentioned. choroid, metabolic changes in the eyeball.

It is important to remember that abrupt destructive changes can be precursors of retinal detachment, in which there is a complete and irreversible loss of vision, so timely consultation with an ophthalmologist is mandatory.

Characteristics of destructive changes in the vitreous body

When its liquefaction develops, then, as a rule, pathological changes are observed in the central areas. The periphery of the vitreous body does not change. In most cases, voids are formed, which are filled with fiber particles and coagulation products. Also, strands or films can be observed that float freely in a liquefied medium or attach to the fundus of the eye, which leads to sharp pathological changes in vision.

Destruction of the vitreous body of the eye in the most severe manifestation is its wrinkling. It is accompanied by tension of the vitreoretinal joints, which, when severe course leads to photopsia, rupture of the retina, the appearance of hemorrhages in the vitreous body.

It should be noted that such destructive changes are easier to detect on microscopic preparations. Diagnosing a problem using clinical research methods is very difficult and requires a lot of medical experience.

Clinical manifestations

When vitreous destruction develops, symptoms this violation may include the appearance before the eyes of various kinds of floating elements that become more noticeable when considering a monochrome space - a white wall, snow or sky. Patients may also notice cloudiness. It occurs due to changes in the refraction of light passing through the optical system of the eye and is associated with shadow casting on the retina, which reduces the quality of vision and may indicate more serious eye damage. Untimely access to a doctor can lead to complete loss of vision.

Destroyed fibrils of the vitreous body appear to the patient as grains, spots, threads or films, which significantly impair visibility and move following eye movements.

It should be noted that one of the most common reasons for visiting an ophthalmologist is a complaint about the appearance of “flying flies” before the eyes, which cannot be eliminated. After appropriate examinations, it is the destruction of the vitreous body that is detected.

Symptom of "golden rain"

Sometimes patients who turn to an ophthalmologist complain about the appearance of golden sparks during eye movements. Where do they come from?

Functional pathologies various bodies(for example, kidneys, liver or endocrine glands) lead to impaired metabolic processes and cause changes in the colloidal environments of the body and their mineral composition. This also applies to the vitreous body, in which pathological local changes develop and the processes of precipitation and coagulation take place, as well as the deposition of crystals, the dimensions of which are insignificant - no more than 0.05 mm.

Such deposits are called synchisis scinlillans. They consist mainly of cholesterol or tyrosine, accumulate in a liquefied vitreous body in a significant amount, and when the eyes move, they swing like a pendulum, begin to shimmer and glow, which predetermines the symptom of "golden rain", which is a rare form of destruction and makes the patient seek medical attention. help.


Destruction of the vitreous body of the eye is detected using a technically simple manipulation - ophthalmoscopy. With filamentous destructive changes, optically empty cavities are revealed, which look like vertical slits or various shapes. The anterior border plate of the vitreous body is without specific changes, but gray-white fibers can be seen immediately behind it. They can have different thicknesses and sag in the form of garlands.

If the pathological process progresses, then the mentioned voids merge, forming a single cavity. This is accompanied by the destruction of the structure of the vitreous body. With ophthalmoscopy, fragments of fibril threads can be seen. If the opacity is located near the retina, then it is quite difficult to see it (even at large sizes).

It must be said that such changes are most often found in the elderly, as well as in patients who are simultaneously diagnosed with high myopia or dystrophic lesions of the inner membranes of the eye.

Pharmacological therapy

Despite the fact that medicine (including ophthalmology) is at a fairly high level, today there is no effective means, which would prevent the destruction of fibrils of the vitreous body or contribute to the disappearance of already destroyed ones. Most pharmacological drugs that are prescribed for destruction only prevent progression pathological changes. That is why you should be careful with medicines, whose manufacturers claim that their products can cure DST.

As a rule, locally applied instillations of 2% or 3% "Emoxipin", which is administered parabulbarno. For oral administration, absorbable drugs are prescribed, for example, Wobenzym or Traumeel S. In addition, patients are advised to take a course of vitamin therapy. Thus, the treatment of DST of the eye should include the intake of ascorbic acid and B vitamins.

If necessary, physiotherapy procedures and ultrasound therapy can be prescribed.

Laser treatment

To date, laser manipulations are becoming increasingly popular, which, with DST, are the most effective for the destruction of floating opacities. Such treatment is minimally invasive, but requires high qualification and professionalism of the doctor. It involves laser destruction of opaque fragments in the vitreous body, which break up into smaller particles that do not affect vision.

Laser intervention on the vitreous body is called vitreolysis. It may include dissection of vitreo-corneal adhesions. If local hernias of the vitreous body develop, which cause deformation of the pupil and incorrect placement of the intraocular lens, the corresponding part of the ST is excised. In this case, a YAG laser is used. The pulse energy is selected individually (from 1.5 to 8.0 mJ). The success of the operation depends on the viscosity and transparency of the vitreous body, as well as on the size of the opacities.

Surgical treatment

Treatment of the destruction of the vitreous body of the eye with a surgical method is called vitrectomy. Such therapy involves partial or complete removal of the CT, which is carried out using a vitrectomy system consisting of a vitreotome (cutting instrument) and an endo-illuminator.

When is vitrectomy used? As a rule, it is carried out with damage to the vitreous body due to open injuries, with its clouding, as well as with hemorrhages and retinopathy.

The duration of the operation is from 30 to 90 minutes. It is carried out under the local or general anesthesia, may have one or more stages, depending on the stage and type of pathology.

To replace the vitreous, artificial polymers are used, as well as balanced salt solutions. Most often, liquid perfluoroorganic substances, gases or silicone oil are taken. Any vitreous substitute should be as transparent as possible, with appropriate viscosity and refractive power. It must also not be resorbable or cause a toxic, inflammatory or allergic reaction.

After surgery, patients are advised to observe an ophthalmologist, limit physical and visual stress, and sudden changes in temperature. Otherwise, the risk of inflammatory complications, repeated hemorrhages, cataracts, high intraocular pressure or occlusion of retinal vessels increases.

"Floaters" are deposits or condensation in the vitreous body of small particles . Such opacities, which seem to float before the eyes, can be both in one eye and in both at once.

Why floaters appear

The main refractive structures of the eye - the cornea and lens - concentrate the beam of light directly on the retina. This provides us with a clear vision.

But while the light reaches the retina, it passes through another transparent medium of the eye - the vitreous body. It is a jelly-like substance that occupies almost the back of 2/3 of the eye.

At the birth of a child and in childhood, the vitreous body is completely transparent. Over time, some deposits, liquid pockets, form in it.

Each such deposit casts a shadow on the retina, which is perceived by a person as a floating cloud. These opacities become "floating" because with each movement of the eye in the orbit, these deposits also shift.

Floating opacities of the vitreous body

People describe floaters as spots, curved stripes, and C or O shapes. Some may think they only see one floater, while others may see as many as a hundred.

These floating lines can be either thick or thin, and sometimes branched. In most cases, patients describe them as brown or black. The density of floating particles may be different in each case.

In some situations, these opacities are more visible, and in some, for example, when the patient looks at a bright sky, they can become transparent.

Like fingerprints, floating opacities are “own” for each person, that is, identical “spots” cannot be found. Moreover, if these opacities occur in a patient in both eyes, then in each eye they can be different. In addition, over time, these opacities can change. Floating opacities of the vitreous body are always darker than the background and cannot be seen in the dark or with closed eyes.

Causes of floaters in the vitreous body

Any condition in which the transparency of the moisture of the vitreous body is disturbed can cause the appearance of floating opacities in the vitreous body.

With age, natural changes occur in the vitreous body. At the same time, small pockets are formed in it, in which the “jelly” of the vitreous body turns into a liquid. This is the so-called syneresis (collapse) of the vitreous.

Ligaments between each such liquid pocket and vitreous jelly can be perceived as a floater. In addition, with age, the collagen fibers that are contained in the vitreous body become denser and thicker, which also leads to the appearance of floaters. In any person over 50 years of age, changes are observed in the substance of the vitreous body, but their degree may be different.

As a person ages, the structure of the vitreous body also ages, which is manifested in its wrinkling in the space that it occupies. This wrinkling leads to a displacement of the posterior surface of the vitreous body forward.

Normally, the vitreous body is attached to the edges of the optic disc. As the vitreous corrugates, this connection weakens and it begins to "float" in the cavity of the eye, which leads to a sensation of opacities, which can sometimes be quite extensive in size. In addition, the posterior surface of the vitreous itself, which "floats" in the cavity of the eye, also casts a shadow on the retina, resulting in the sensation of opacities.

Wrinkling and detachment of the posterior surface of the vitreous is called posterior vitreous detachment. This is not the same as retinal detachment. Approximately 50% of people over 65 years of age have a posterior vitreous detachment. It is noted that if a patient has developed a posterior vitreous detachment in one eye, then it will occur within 1.5 years in the other.

In addition to vitreous syneresis and posterior vitreous detachment, which are natural causes of floaters, there are many diseases that can lead to floaters.

Any cellular material in the vitreous can lead to opacities. For example, erythrocytes during hemorrhage and leukocytes during inflammation are most often used as such material.

In this case, hemorrhage into the vitreous body can be as a result of an eye injury, diabetic retinopathy, retinal rupture through a blood vessel, or surgery on the eye. Vitreous inflammation can be caused by uveitis, trauma, infection, or surgery.

How common are opacities in the vitreous body

Floating opacities in the vitreous body are quite common and are the leading symptom, about which people turn to an ophthalmologist.

Nearly everyone has floaters by the age of 70, although some people are more likely to have them than others. In children under 16 years of age, floaters are very rare.

Eye diseases with floaters

Vitreous floaters are associated with diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, retinal tear, retinal detachment, and high degrees of myopia.

This condition is more common in people who have had an eye injury, surgery cataracts, YAG laser surgery. In addition, opacities can also occur when the eye is affected by tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, syphilis and toxoplasmosis.

Another cause of floaters is a condition called asteroid hyalosis. Rare causes of opacities in the vitreous can be primary and secondary tumors such as leukemia and lymphoma.

Risk Factors for Floaters

The earliest risk factor for floating opacities is myopia. With myopia, syneresis of the vitreous body is much more common, as well as posterior detachment of the vitreous body.

Another risk factor is diabetes mellitus, which can be the cause of diabetic retinopathy. Other risk factors include eye injury.

Are vitreous opacities dangerous?

Floating opacities can irritate the patient, but in principle, they are not dangerous to the eye. Most floating opacities are associated primarily with aging and natural processes occurring in the eye.

However, if you have floaters, you should have regular check-ups with an ophthalmologist to check for early stage conditions that may be associated with the appearance of these opacities.

The sudden appearance of many opacities or their combination with “flashes” of light may indicate a retinal tear and in this case urgent treatment is needed to avoid retinal detachment. The disappearance of the visual fields may be an additional sign of retinal detachment.

Diagnosis of turbidity of the vitreous body

When consulting an ophthalmologist about floaters, the doctor will first ask you about them. In addition, he will test your visual acuity, examine your iris with a slit lamp, and then perform an ophthalmoscopy.

Can floaters go away?

Most vitreous floaters decrease in size and become darker over time. In some cases, this is due to the natural process of resorption of deposits inside the eye.

In addition, sometimes these deposits can shift in such a way that it causes a significant reduction in their shadow casting on the retina. Also, over time, the brain itself can adapt to these cloudings and already, as it were, do not notice them.

How to get rid of floaters

Currently, there are no methods in ophthalmology to remove vitreous floaters caused by syneresis or posterior vitreous detachment. Most of them with time will pass on their own or just stop bothering.

Preparations that allow you to remove turbidity

Although some vitamins, herbs and iodine preparations are considered effective in reducing the severity of floaters, clinical research there is no evidence that they are effective.

IN rare cases When the opacities are caused by an inflammatory reaction in the eye, the use of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents may be effective in eliminating the opacities. There are no pills or eye drops that eliminate cloudiness.

Approximately ⅔ of the volume of the eyeball is occupied by the vitreous body. It is located between the retina and the lens, filling this space. Due to age-related changes, injuries of the head, nose, prolonged eye strain, various pathologies of vision, stress, destruction of the vitreous body can begin, which is manifested by a loss of transparency.

The vitreous body consists of water, hyaluronic and ascorbic acids, whey proteins, salts. In a healthy person, its structure is absolutely transparent. Due to the influence of some factors that trigger the process of decomposition of organic components, opaque areas appear in the substance. One of the important symptoms of the destruction of the vitreous body is persistent "flies" before the eyes, similar topics that occur during overwork, sudden movements, heavy lifting, high blood pressure.

How do turbidity affect the quality of life? Unlike the cases described, the appearance of "flies", "strings", "caterpillars" in the destruction of the vitreous body is in no way associated with any conditions. They never disappear and are permanent. Therefore, having noticed such symptoms in yourself, you should not hesitate - you need to promptly contact a specialist for a complete diagnosis and obtain an optimal pathology treatment plan. Because this ailment, at least at first, does not impair vision, but then it can cause persistent discomfort. Also quite often this disease is accompanied by various pathologies of the retina.

Opacification of the vitreous body - the causes of the development of the disease

What is the cause of clouding and are there people who are initially prone to the appearance of this disease? The disease can suddenly manifest itself both in absolutely healthy people and in those who have experienced stress, suffered helminthic invasions in the eyes, infection if there was a toxic, radiological effect on the body. Also, among patients who have been diagnosed with destruction of the vitreous body, there are often physically exhausted people with vegetovascular dystonia, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, who have suffered head and nose injuries. Sometimes the disease occurs due to a violation of the metabolic processes of the body during diabetes, during puberty, pregnancy, lactation.

What are the main causes of vitreous clouding?

Increased visual loads can cause the development of the disease: work with small details, a long stay at the computer, at the instrument panel, etc.

Opacities during the destruction of the vitreous body appear in the form of foreign optical objects: "strings", "flies". The vitreous body is one of the most important structures of the optical system of the eye, therefore the pathology that has arisen can lead to other disorders.

What processes occur during clouding of the vitreous body?

The destruction of the vitreous body is a complex process in which a change in the consistency of the formation predominates. Individual fibers become thicker and less transparent. In the vitreous body, necrotic masses, cavities can form, fragmentation of fibers occurs. Sometimes there are membranous inclusions, adhesions of various densities. Such pathological inclusions become a serious problem if they adhere to the bottom of the eye, as this often leads to retinal detachment.

It is impossible to ignore such a pathology; it is necessary to obtain a competent treatment plan as soon as possible.

With the destruction of the vitreous body, crystallization can also be observed, in which grains appear in the gel of the vitreous body. In older people, as well as in diabetic patients, there are often "flies" of various forms of a whitish-yellow color. This is due to inclusions of cholesterol, calcium salt, as a consequence of lipid and cholesterol metabolism in the body. Of the frequent symptoms in the destruction of the vitreous body, “flashes”, “lightnings” before the eyes are also noted - this is how the optic nerve reacts to the appearance of a space that should not be.

Opacification of the vitreous body - diagnosis, treatment of the disease and prevention

How is vitreous destruction diagnosed? Usually, the first symptoms do not prompt people to visit an ophthalmologist, because the eyes do not hurt or itch. It seems that this is all from fatigue, overwork and will soon pass. Due to the fact that objects in front of the eyes do not disappear, but continue to move, preventing them from concentrating, people become irritable, psychological comfort is disturbed. At this stage, most patients decide to undergo a complete ophthalmological examination. If the "flies" before the eyes do not pass and are clearly visible when looking at a plain surface, consult a doctor, do not hesitate.

The destruction of the vitreous body is diagnosed when viewed with a slit lamp, it will also be necessary to conduct a microscopic examination of the living tissues of the eye.

Detailed diagnostics will help to identify concomitant diseases, to determine the degree of destructive processes. If turbidity is insignificant, choose methods conservative treatment: eye drops"Taufon" with taurine, which improves metabolism, "Emoxipin" drops to improve blood circulation, as well as vitamins A, B and C.

With a large number of opacities, if they occupy the entire field of view, surgical intervention may be recommended. The operation to completely or partially remove the cloudy vitreous body - vitrectomy - is performed only in exceptional cases, when conservative methods of treatment are ineffective, and the patient experiences significant discomfort.

What is the danger of the disease and is it possible to quickly get rid of clouding of the vitreous body of the eye?

Often the cause of clouding of the vitreous body of the eye is age-related changes. The disease usually occurs after forty years, as well as in people with myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism. These pathologies often lead to disruption of the normal blood flow of the organs of vision, so the rate of destruction increases. When the vitreous body is clouded, the substance liquefies, shrinks, and films of different densities can form in it. The most dangerous consequence of the destruction of the vitreous body for eye health is rupture, retinal detachment, which occurs when the gelatinous substance is wrinkled, its shape and volume change. The more clearly floating fibers are visible, the stronger the degree of destruction and the sooner it is necessary to start treatment.

Negative effects of clouding of the vitreous body:

  • "Flies", "strings" before the eyes - it is difficult to get rid of them, addiction is necessary;
  • intraocular fluid accumulates in the formed voids, dystrophic and necrotic processes begin;
  • exfoliating vitreous can cause retinal detachment;
  • deterioration of vision and general well-being.

How to treat damage to the vitreous body of the eye? It will not be possible to quickly get rid of the disease, but by following all the instructions of a specialist, you can slow down the destructive processes. If they are associated with age-related changes, then specialists prescribe supportive treatment. Unfortunately, with age-related destruction, the processes are irreversible. In the case of a situation where the clouding of the vitreous body is caused by a violation of the blood flow of the tissues of the eye, the progression of the disease can be prevented if the therapy is competent. It should include a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures.

How to treat cloudy vitreous eye

Treatment of such a pathology as clouding of the vitreous body of the eye is complex and specific. After receiving a diagnosis from an ophthalmologist, you should immediately go to a neurologist. Very often, the cause of destruction is problems with the spine, blood circulation and various pathologies of the brain. If problems are identified, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate them - this will reduce the likelihood of progression of the process of vitreous clouding.

How and how to treat such an ailment? To do this, be sure to follow the following recommendations:

  • nutritious food enriched with vitamins;
  • healthy lifestyle - it is necessary to exclude bad habits, increase physical activity;
  • massages of the cervical spine, special exercises for the eyes - useful exercises aimed at
  • restoration of blood flow in the organs of vision, it is necessary to perform several times a day;
  • mode of visual stress, breaks in work.

Unfortunately, the listed methods of treatment, although important, are not very effective. Minor fibers can dissolve and disappear, but large inclusions of fiber fragments and crystal deposits remain.

The treatment plan in each case is individual. It depends on the cause that caused the appearance of the pathology, the area of ​​​​damage to the vitreous body, the type of optical effects.

Laser treatment - vitreolysis procedure

With the destruction of the vitreous body, a laser treatment procedure - vitreolysis can be recommended. With this method of eye treatment, the opacities present in the vitreous body are split using a YAG laser. Laser treatment is painless and quite effective, as a functional improvement is achieved, allowing the patient to return to a normal lifestyle. During a session of laser therapy, floating fibers are exposed to short pulses, as a result of which the molecules of the substance evaporate.

Features of the procedure:

  • drops are used that expand the pupil, as well as painkillers;
  • the laser beam is focused on the lenses, the procedure is accompanied by characteristic clicks;
  • the patient sees dark spots, which are a sign that the opacities are resolving;
  • after the session, you need to spend some time at rest and after examination by an ophthalmologist, you can go home;
  • if necessary, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs.

The procedure is effective against large opacities that are reduced in size, which improves the clarity of the patient's vision. To obtain optimal results, high precision laser equipment and the participation of an experienced, qualified specialist are required.

Usually the problem can be solved in one session. In some cases, up to four laser treatments may be needed (for cloudy and filamentous forms). The procedure does not require hospitalization of the patient and is performed on an outpatient basis.

This method is effective, but it has contraindications. The procedure is not recommended for people with lens luxation, detachment of the vascular, retinal membrane of the eye, if vascular proliferation in the tissues of the eye is diagnosed, and also if there are obstacles to the passage of the laser beam.

Surgical intervention for clouding of the vitreous body

Severe forms of the disease affect the quality of human life. In this case, surgery may be recommended. Operations for partial or complete removal of the vitreous body are not prescribed for elderly patients due to the high risk of complications. People of working age undergo a thorough examination before the operation and are informed about the possible negative consequences of such an intervention. Among postoperative complications: retinal detachment, hypotension, cataract.

Surgery is resorted to if laser treatment has proven ineffective or additional circumstances have arisen that require a prompt solution. Vitrectomy is an operation to replace the vitreous body with an artificial medium. To do this, choose safe materials with the required degree of viscosity. Usually these are saline solutions, oil bubbles, synthetic polymers. Such an operation is necessary if breaks are found on the retina, there is hemorrhage into the vitreous body and the hematoma does not resolve. IN recovery period the patient needs to use the eye drops prescribed by the doctor, the action of which is aimed at regeneration, to control intraocular pressure, avoid for a month thermal effect on the eyes (exclude baths, saunas, hot kitchens).

Treatment of the vitreous body of the eye with folk remedies

Diagnosed with clouding of the vitreous body of the eye? Treatment with folk remedies can help in solving this problem. If the opacities of the vitreous body occupy a small area, then you can stop the progression of the disease using experience traditional medicine, taking into account the individual intolerance of individual components. As well as preliminary recommendations from an ophthalmologist. Without them, such methods should not be resorted to. So, for the treatment of destruction of the vitreous body with folk remedies, components such as honey, aloe, geranium, and cloves are often used. Compresses, drops are prepared from them, which saturate the tissues of the eye with useful substances.

With the destruction of the vitreous body, treatment with folk remedies and massages is quite effective if the disease is at an early stage. A daily eyelid massage gives a tonic effect. In addition to the traditional massage of the eyelids, which increases the blood flow of the organs of vision, it is necessary to perform useful exercises, among which: focusing the gaze at different distances, frequent blinking, closing the eyelids, moving the eyes up and down, right-left and diagonally are the most effective.

The prognosis for a disease such as the destruction of the vitreous body depends on the age of the patient and on the stage at which the pathology was diagnosed.

With a slight turbidity, the prognosis is favorable if a person reconsiders his lifestyle and follows all the doctor's instructions.

conservative and folk treatment, aimed at resorption of deposits and fibrillar formations inside the eye, can reduce the manifestations of the disease and stop the destructive processes. If the damage covers a large area and there are a number of concomitant diseases, then the treatment of the vitreous body of the eye with folk remedies may be ineffective and surgery or laser procedures will be required.

Processes that cause the appearance in the field of view of objects of various shapes and sizes that move smoothly with the movement of the eyes - (destruction of the vitreous body of the eye). You can find various designations for this condition: “floating opacities”, “flies before the eyes”, etc.

The vitreous body is a transparent gelatinous substance devoid of blood vessels. It fills the area between the lens and the retina, giving the eye a spherical shape. The special structure and composition of the substance that makes up the vitreous body determine its complete transparency.

Disease Definition

Under the influence of a number of factors, changes occur in the vitreous body. The homogeneous structure of the substance is destroyed: it is divided into thicker and more liquid fractions. The mesh structure of the vitreous body changes, as well as the volume and qualitative composition of its constituent substance. Some fibers become thicker and lose their transparency. From this they stick together, forming weaves of various shapes. Also, opaque fragments appear in the vitreous body: insoluble particles of protein, cholesterol, phosphorus, magnesium or calcium salts, cellular elements.

All these inclusions - fibers, particles - are displaced in the vitreous body when the eyes move, "displaying" on the retina, casting "floating" shadows of various shapes and degrees of density on it. In some cases, a person simply "sees" more or less transparent objects.

But sometimes the destruction of the vitreous body can lead to mechanical irritation of the photoreceptors of the retina. In this case, a person perceives the process as lightning or sparks. It is important to know that floaters are not always explained by the DST process. In some cases, blood, drugs and other substances can enter the vitreous body. This causes visual impressions similar to those that a person perceives during the destruction of the vitreous body.

The symptoms of DST do not include temporary optical effects: "" that occur when you hit the head or lift a heavy object, "negative" that remains in the eyes when looking at a bright light source. The manifestation of visual effects similar to DST can also be caused by an increase in blood pressure.


The reasons causing changes in the structure and composition of the vitreous body are quite numerous:

The destruction of the vitreous body is often a natural consequence of the physiological process of aging. However, the exact age limit after which this process can begin cannot be named. For each person it is individual.


The changes occurring in the vitreous body have a different degree of severity. The causes of DST also affect the nature of the manifestation of these changes. The main sign of the development of the destruction of the vitreous body is the "swimming" of various not too dense objects in front of the eyes. The shape and degree of transparency of these objects can be different. A person sees "spots", "fibers", flies,. In the scientific world, this phenomenon is called.

Silver or golden "rain" is visible in the presence of crystalline inclusions of cholesterol, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus salts in the vitreous body of the eye. These “raindrops” or “snowflakes”, as patients describe them, come in different sizes and shapes. The color of the observed "rain" can also be different: golden, snow-white and even brown.

"Floaters" are best seen against a bright and light surface or when squinting. In other cases, the effects of DST may not be felt.

Possible Complications

Ophthalmologists believe that DST in many cases does not cause health-threatening complications. However, the development of opaque opacities can impair a person's quality of life. Objects constantly "floating" in the field of view interfere with normal visual perception. To perform work or household duties, constant eye strain becomes necessary. A person tries to clear the field of view from “flies”, which can result in overloading not only the eyes, but also the cervical spine. In connection with serious visual discomfort, psycho-emotional disorders are sometimes manifested: stressful and depressive conditions, anxiety, sociopathy.

Multiple opacities in the vitreous body can cause fatigue, decreased reading speed, and contrast sensitivity. The more clearly visible floating objects, and the denser and more voluminous they are, the stronger the degree of destruction.

If the opacities acquire a clear filamentous structure, this may be a sign of atherosclerosis or a severe form of hypertension. "Flashes" or "lightning" are a symptom of vitreous detachment or other dangerous complications. In the process of destruction, films of varying degrees of density sometimes appear in the vitreous body. It is possible to attach these films in the area of ​​the fundus. This causes a number of pathological changes. Find out about vitreous detachment at.

The most severe form of destruction is the "wrinkling" of part or all of the vitreous body. Its volume decreases and its shape changes. This process leads to tension of the vitreoretinal joints, which are torn in case of a serious degree of pathology. This causes vitreous detachment, photopsy,. In especially severe cases, there is a high probability of developing blindness.


Despite the fact that many patients seek to get rid of the "flies" through surgery, ophthalmologists are very careful. This is due to the fact that the consequences of existing types of treatment - retinal detachment, hypotension - can be much more dangerous than the manifestations of CTD. The use of surgical methods is often not the solution to the problem. This is especially true of destruction in the elderly.

In a medical way

Treatment of DST with the help of drugs most often does not bring the desired results. Doctors offer patients treatment methods that can help eliminate the causes that call for destruction and help reduce the load on the organs of vision.

Symptomatic drug therapy is also used.

With the development of the destruction of the vitreous body in a patient, the following are prescribed:

Means that improve the patency of blood vessels are also used. They contribute to the normalization of blood circulation in the brain.


Currently, there are two methods of surgical intervention. But such treatments are recommended for patients with an existing risk of developing blindness. Surgical methods of treatment of DST:

But even after a successful intervention due to age-related changes, the problems of the organs of vision continue to worsen.

Folk remedies

Self-medication for diseases of the organs of vision is unacceptable. The use of traditional medicine methods should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.


To prevent the development of destruction of the vitreous body, it is necessary to develop the habit of a healthy lifestyle: get rid of bad habits, normalize the diet, avoiding the use of harmful products. This will protect the vessels from the progression of atherosclerosis.

It is advisable to avoid prolonged visual stress. Prevents the development of DST timely treatment of diseases of the organs of vision, as well as ailments affecting the internal organs. It is necessary to correct vision in time in case of development of nearsightedness or farsightedness.



The number of people who feel the presence of "floating flies" before their eyes is huge. And although experts say that in most cases this condition is harmless, patients feel significant discomfort. The question of treatment various kinds, not caused by other diseases of the eye, no doubt. A visit to the doctor is necessary in order to exclude the presence of concomitant diseases, both ophthalmic and related to the work of internal organs. But this condition often does not pose a threat.

Questions about how to treat the destruction of the vitreous body of the eye and whether it should be done are decided in each case individually. The need for one or another type of treatment depends on the characteristics of the optical effects, the presence or absence of a violation. visual functions, the degree of damage to the vitreous body. The influence of DST on the psycho-emotional state of a person and his ability to work is also taken into account. But it's important to remember that drug treatment this pathology is under development, and surgical methods fraught with the development of dangerous complications.