What to do if a mole appears. Why do moles appear on the body and face - what is their danger? Why moles become inflamed, redden, itch, increase in size

Age moles are pigmented formations on the skin. Spots on the body are present in almost all people, regardless of race or gender. The tendency for more moles to appear with age depends on genetic causes, skin sensitivity to ultraviolet light. Age-related nevi can be benign changes in the epidermis and dermis or a signal of the manifestation pathological changes in the internal organs of man.

The appearance of age spots on the body with age is a natural process of changes in the skin when metabolism is disturbed. With the accumulation of melanin (pigment that colors the skin), new benign formations are formed. Elements appear singly, in groups of several formations or multiple, with localization throughout the body.

In shape, rounded formations are more common, in the form of hyperpigmented plaques, up to several millimeters in size. Rarely appear on the palms, feet due to the structural features of the skin in these areas, less exposure to direct sunlight. A favorite place is the head, face, décolleté. Less commonly neck, hands and back, forearm area.

There are huge birthmarks, nevi. They can take on a bizarre appearance (stars, fish, triangles).

By their nature, genetic characteristics, living in latitudes with intense year-round insolation, the risk of acquiring a large number of moles on the body increases. Under the influence of constant solar radiation, lack of protection (special creams with a high level of protection, underwear) and trauma, modifications of nevi with malignant degeneration are possible.

Senile moles on the body are the result of an excess of melanin. There are types:

  • black nevus - a large accumulation of melanin or papilloma germination (human papillomavirus, keratoma);
  • browner flat round plaques. The appearance is associated with darkening of freckles or a burn of thin skin with the formation of a defect in the form of a nevus;
  • flat lentigo tend to manifest itself in groups of plaques under the influence of endocrine disorders in the body;
  • senile senile hemangioma. Formations are red. The basis is a vascular defect under the skin: dilated vessels, close to the epidermis, become visible with age due to thinning of the skin.

Causes of pigment spots with age

Among the factors provoking the appearance of moles on the skin with age, there are:

  1. A common cause is hereditary predisposition. In the womb, the features of skin development are laid. With age, the effect of accumulation of pigment plaques increases.
  2. A direct provocateur of the formation of moles is sunlight. The damaging factor of the sun, acting on the deep dermal layers, enhances the production of melanin. Pigment cells mutate, dividing too quickly and spreading throughout the body.
  3. Under oppression immune protection organism, especially against the background infectious diseases and the aggressive influence of HPV (papillomavirus). Formations (skin horn) have a solid core, during treatment they can fall off.
  4. Hormonal changes weaken the protective reaction against skin pigmentation. During pregnancy, in puberty and in violation of the endocrine glands (thyroid and pancreas), the number of moles on the body increases.
  5. Neoplasia and metastatic components initially look like harmless nevi. With the addition of symptoms of malignant tumors (suppuration, pain, bleeding) require treatment under the supervision of a physician.
  6. With skin defects with age-related violation of surface renewal, senile pigmentation occurs - chloasma.
  7. With the loss of elasticity and the protective lipid barrier due to the frequent use of chemicals (washing dishes, floors), the papillomavirus can enter the body and, accordingly, the formation of moles.
  8. With the appearance of red nevi, we can talk about a violation of internal systems - of cardio-vascular system, the work of venous valves, diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Individual hypersensitivity to ultraviolet and pale marble color type of human skin.

Can a mole get bigger with age?

Enlargement of a mole or any modifications (bulge, discoloration) require consultation with a specialist doctor. An increase in the number of moles with age can be absolutely safe or a sign of disorders in the body. There is an increase with stretching and loss of elasticity of the skin, in the presence of inflammatory reactions of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. It may be a sign of the degeneration of a benign neoplasm into a malignant tumor (melanoma).

Among the signs of malignancy are:

  • a rapid increase in size without prior provoking factors;
  • asymmetry of the plaque with surface roughness, the effect of a torn edge with a blurred rim;
  • surface bulge, roughness or excessive softness, peeling, bumps or furrows, cracks;
  • color indicators with the appearance of unevenness, redness, lightening, blackening;
  • the surface bleeds, cracks, crusts, purulent contents or ichor appear;
  • attachment of unpleasant sensations, pain, it may itch.

The presence of one of the symptoms does not necessarily indicate malignancy, but it is not worth starting the process due to a weak immune response, deterioration of skin metabolism. With age, the likelihood of rebirth increases.

Can a mole fade

Do not worry if the mole brightens with age. A normal process, during the age-related hormonal adjustment, hormonal protection decreases, especially in women after the onset of menopause. Sometimes the neoplasm disappears completely. It happens in the absence of stimulation of the sebaceous subcutaneous glands, the impact on melanocytes (melanin production is blocked).

With age, the skin loses its full nutrition from the blood vessels, becomes thinner and does not release lipid substances, sweat. It entails susceptibility to dryness and desquamation, removal of the outer keratinized layer of the nevus with its subsequent fading. Large and dark spots become pale, hanging or protruding may fall off, becoming less noticeable.

How to get rid of age moles at home

Many folk methods successfully used to remove or lighten a mole. Women often use homemade recipes for getting rid of nevi for aesthetic purposes: with localization on the face, with huge sizes that cause inconvenience to the owner of education.

You should consult with your doctor before treatment. The danger of self-disposal lies in the provocation of wounds at the site of moles, the stimulation of malignant oncological processes. High risk of scar formation at the site of the eliminated pigment plaque. The application of certain substances causes burns to superficial tissues.

  1. Use of tincture of willow bark in vinegar. The wood is burned, the resulting ash is mixed in equal parts with table vinegar. Treat the nevus with gruel 2-3 times a day.
  2. Chalky solution with hemp oil dries, scrubs the surface of the birthmark. Apply in a ratio of 1:4. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  3. The juice of plants that have the ability to eliminate pigment formations is applied to the plaque area: fresh milkweed juice, round-leaved sundew juice, crushed leaves of calendula, field celandine. It should be used with caution due to the risk of burns.
  4. The use of lotions of ammonia. Disinfects, cauterizes formations. Do not apply to adjacent areas to avoid irritation or burns. Apply pointwise to condyloma.
  5. A compress from propolis tincture has a strong anti-pigment, softening, antiseptic property, gently removes formations.
  6. A compress of young aloe leaves, previously crushed and allowed juice. Apply for 30 minutes and wash off. The course of therapy is 1 month.
  7. A slurry of castor oil and baking soda. Apply under a bandage at night, has an exfoliating effect.
  8. Butter and dandelion root ointment. Rub the mixture twice a day.
  9. Lotions from a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. Apply for 30 days.
  10. Finely grated garlic mixed with apple or table vinegar. Rub into the area of ​​pigmentation, tightly seal with a plaster, leave for a day.

When using alternative medicine, it is important to monitor the condition of the skin and at the slightest sign of damage (inflammation, pustules, bleeding), consult a doctor to clarify the condition of the skin.

Moles are called benign formations on the body, resulting from the accumulation of melanocytes in the epidermis. This special cages containing the pigment melanin, which all people have in the deep layers of the skin, but under certain circumstances they appear on the surface.

Nevi (the medical name for moles) can be congenital or acquired, which means they can occur throughout life. They differ in color, shape, size and origin. Read more about. Before the age of 10, moles rarely appear. In an adult, their number changes all the time. At the same time, up to a hundred different nevi can be counted on the body.

Here are the reasons for the appearance of these "uninvited guests":

  1. Genetic predisposition - information about the tendency to form moles is embedded in human DNA and is inherited.
  2. Exposure to solar radiation - excessive sun exposure contributes to excess production of melanin, which is the basis of moles. This is one of the most dangerous factors that in fair-skinned people can lead to malignancy (malignant degeneration of cells) into melanoma.
  3. Hormonal imbalance (pregnancy, childbirth, puberty, menopause) - at this time, old moles can disappear, and new ones appear, small ones sometimes become large and vice versa. All this happens under the action of melanotropic hormone produced by the pituitary gland.
  4. Radiation exposure, x-rays, radio waves - can give impetus to the accelerated formation of melanocytes and their release to the surface of the skin.
  5. Mechanical and chemical damage skin- can promote the movement of pigment cells from the thickness of the dermis to the epidermis. Especially often this happens in places subject to constant friction or irritation.
  6. stress, chronic diseases internal organs, foci of infection in the body - they weaken the immune system, can not only contribute to the formation of new elements, but also the malignant transformation of "old" nevi.

Important! The appearance of new moles does not need to be afraid, although it is worth considering why they began to appear. It is necessary to consult a doctor if the nevus began to hurt, bleed, increase sharply in size, change color, become dense, bumpy and asymmetric. Dry and rough formations, which were not originally so, should alert.

- the most common type of moles in people of different ages. They are brown in color, flat or slightly convex in appearance, round in shape. Elevated formations can be covered with hairs, they are more likely to be damaged, cause discomfort to a person, so it is better to remove them.

Most moles are on the face, back, neck. They can form not only on the skin, but also in the oral cavity, on the inside of the eyelids, on the genital mucosa in women. By origin, moles are not only pigmented, but also vascular. The latter appear due to mechanical damage or too rapid growth capillaries, they are red or bright pink. Such blood formations do not degenerate into melanoma, but they must also be monitored so as not to injure.

How to stop the appearance of moles on the body

Ordinary pigmented moles, even in large numbers, are not capable of harming the body. However, they must be constantly monitored. are characterized by rapid development, so if you find any suspicious symptom, you should immediately consult a doctor. What are these symptoms:

  • nevus growth - a sharp increase in size in a short time is considered a bad sign;
  • the appearance of asymmetry of convex formations;
  • color change - for example, from light brown to black or brown;
  • the appearance of pain or itching;
  • the presence of signs of inflammation - redness, swelling, compaction;
  • hair loss and cessation of their growth from the nevus, if this happened before.

It is difficult to prevent the formation of new moles. To do this, you need to completely eliminate all provoking factors. What does it mean:

  • protect yourself from direct sunlight, limit tanning time to morning hours (before 10 am) and evening hours (after 5 pm), use sunscreen, wipe dry with a towel after swimming in open water;
  • do not visit the solarium, which is especially important for fair-skinned people (blonds, redheads);
  • avoid stress, injury, burns, abrasions and other damage to the skin;
  • if necessary, adjust your hormonal background with the help of a doctor (during menopause, with endocrine diseases);
  • treat all the focus of infection in the body, chronic diseases.

With a genetic predisposition, it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid the appearance of moles throughout a person’s life.

The opinion of doctors about the most effective methods of treating warts and papillomas

Describes his vision on this subject chief physician Moscow City Hospital No. 62. Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson
Medical practice: more than 40 years.

“I have been treating papillomas and warts in people for many years. I tell you as a doctor, papillomas along with HPV and warts can lead to really serious consequences if they are not dealt with.

Everyone has human papillomavirus on whose body there are papillomas, moles, warts and other pigmented formations. According to rough estimates, 80-85% of the world's population has it. By themselves, they are not dangerous. The problem is that an ordinary papilloma can become melanoma at any time.

It's incurable malignant tumors, which kill a person in just a few months and from which there is no salvation.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmacy corporations sell expensive drugs that only relieve symptoms, thereby putting people on one drug or another. That is why in these countries there is such a high percentage of cancer and so many people suffer from "non-working" drugs.

The only one medicinal product, which I want to advise, and it is also officially recommended by WHO for the treatment of papillomas and warts, this is Papinol. This drug is the only remedy that has an effect not only on external factors (that is, it removes papillomas), but also acts on the virus itself. On the this moment the manufacturer managed not only to create a highly effective tool, but also to make it available to everyone. In addition, within the framework of the federal program, every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can receive it for 149 rubles.

Why does a child have moles on the body

In children, the causes of nevi are the same as in adults. Newborns do not have pigmented moles or they are so small that they are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. Great importance for early appearance has a hereditary predisposition. During puberty, moles become larger, the most active formation occurs in the period from 12 to 18 years. With age, all nevi present from birth in a child can increase in size in proportion to the overall growth of the body. At the end of puberty, some of them may disappear. What moles can be on the skin of babies:

  1. Pigmented formations of a light brownish color - they are not very noticeable, most often remain for life and do not pose a danger. However, if their number is constantly growing, you need to contact a specialist and find out the reason.
  2. Dark birthmarks - they can have a different shape and form on any part of the body, they are also not considered dangerous, but with obvious changes in appearance, these moles should be shown to the doctor.
  3. on the face, head, neck or other parts of the child's body - the appearance of these vascular formations is explained by a sharp expansion of the capillaries during childbirth. Single large moles may remain forever, and small mirror red nevi usually disappear within the first year of life.
  4. Blue spots - appear in children with black and swarthy skin. Such a Mongoloid spot is usually located in the region of the sacrum and on the buttocks of the child, does not need treatment, disappears by adolescence.
  5. Hemangiomas - formations from overgrown capillaries, are convex or flat. The latter are not dangerous, they do not grow over the years, they are not reborn. The first can increase, be injured, so it is better to remove them.

be careful

The presence of papillomas, warts, warts, moles and spines on the body is the first sign of malignant melanoma!

We hasten to warn you, most medicines "treat" warts, papillomas, moles, etc. - this is a complete deception of marketers who wind up hundreds of percent on drugs whose effectiveness is zero. They do not cure the disease, but only mask the symptoms.

The pharmacy mafia earns a lot of money by deceiving sick people.

But what to do? How to be treated if there is deceit everywhere? Doctor of Medical Sciences Anatoly Makhson conducted own investigation and found a way out of this situation. IN this article The doctor also told how to 100% protect yourself from melanoma, for only 149 rubles!
Read the article in the official source on

Have you seen people with total absence moles? Where do moles on the body come from or what do they come from? Someone has a prohibitive number of them, others can be counted on the fingers, but these benign formations are present in everyone.

Nevi are on the skin of every person

More about the concept

Moles or nevi (the scientific name for a mole) come in two varieties.

  • Congenital. The appearance of moles on the body occurs in the first months of a person's life. In this case, people do not show interest in them, which cannot be said about the next species.
  • Acquired. Sooner or later, a person discovers marks that have not been seen before. New moles on the body can raise the question of what the body is signaling, but often this does not portend any signs.

The reason why new moles appear is melanin.

Melanin is a coloring element, with an increase in which new marks can appear on the body. Now let's move on to the analysis of factors that can affect the increase in this hormone.

Factors affecting the appearance of moles

The reasons for the appearance of moles can be very different.

  1. Hereditary information is also reflected in the transmission of moles. Children borrow the exact or approximate location of nevi from their parents. Moms and dads consider this an additional sign of belonging and similarity of the child with his family. A funny phenomenon that can be passed on for several generations in a row, most often the identity with the child is present in women.
  2. Hormonal surge. With age, several dozen new moles may appear. This does not bother an adult anymore, because there is nothing surprising in this, but why do moles appear on the body of an adult? Most of them occur during puberty. A person goes through this stage and, in addition to the main changes in his body, notices that nevi of different colors have begun to appear, mostly brown, black or red. When moles form, you can notice an increased concentration of melanin, which causes two types of moles: flat and raised. Hormonal surges occur not only in adolescents, but also in pregnant women. Moles can not only form, but also disappear, it all depends on the individual human body. The number of these changes is rather unpredictable.
  3. Nevi on the body - the cause may be ultraviolet radiation. This is another reason why a new mole will see the light of day. Ultraviolet radiation is ordinary sunlight, which most often provokes the appearance of new moles on the body. Skin cells are activated when light hits them, hence the result. This is often witnessed by clients of solariums.
  4. Infection. Insect bites, physical damage to the skin can result in serious health problems. Especially if these injuries do not heal for a long time. Even an elementary mosquito bite can serve as this trigger.

This is where moles come from. There is one interesting, but unconfirmed theory that a large number of nevi speaks of a person's long life. Yes, this has not been proven by anyone, but there was a study that new formations in 50% are harbingers of cancer. This applies only to people with a predisposition.

Therefore, if you are concerned about the question of why moles appear on the body, then if you wish, just consult a specialist and develop all your fears.

UV exposure is one of the causes of nevi

What if there are too many moles

Some people experience a large number of nevi in ​​a short period of time. Where can they come from? They arise for a number of natural reasons, described above, and are divided into two types:

  • flat - the type that appears is at the level of the epidermis and signals itself on the body only by a slight change in the color of the skin pigment;
  • protruding growths can, unlike flat ones, form a little deeper in the skin, where there is more free space, so these nevi may protrude slightly.

In fact, it doesn’t matter what kind of education, how much and for what period of time you have acquired. Only factors that affect any particular mole matter. An increase in education, discoloration, bleeding - this is when you need to worry and see a doctor right away. Such nevi can develop and form into malignant tumors. They are called melanomas. If this happens, then show the resulting abscess to the doctor, although these tumors are not treatable, it is imperative to start it, since no one uses the phrase “it’s never too late to start” in medicine.

If the size and color of the formation changes, it should be shown to the doctor

Signs of melanoma formation

This is possible only with a person's predisposition to cancer or with repeated damage to a particular type. How can you damage the same mole several times? This is indeed faced by many people with nevi located on the palms, feet and other unfavorable places. To be able to quickly see a doctor, check out the signs of melanoma formation:

  • education or several can be deformed (increase, decrease, change shape);
  • fuzzy boundaries - they tend to blur and become inexpressive;
  • education constantly bleeds;
  • color changes: why a mole on the body changes color, becomes lighter or darker - this is one of the reasons for the growth of melanoma;
  • it can become covered with a crust, not only a nevus can become covered - it can already have the status of melanoma, so immediately call the clinic and get the necessary advice;
  • one of the moles may hurt or itch.

No one can say for sure why red moles appear. Some associate this phenomenon with the disruption of certain elements. digestive system, although no one could find confirmation of this. The easiest way is to attribute everything to a kind of dermatological pathology or lipid metabolism. When such a mole appears or there are too many of them, then do not worry if they do not cause discomfort.

Red nevi usually do not cause problems

Removal of moles

We have already dealt with the question “why moles appear”. Because of these benign formations, people may experience complexes and other discomfort. Therefore, many think about removal.

Is it dangerous? We live in modern world, during removal, appropriate technologies are used that minimize the risk from the operation. The very existence of education carries a much greater risk if it is located in an unfavorable and uncomfortable place where it can be easily damaged. Many people around the world seek help to remove moles on the palms, feet, neck and other places where they cause discomfort. Also, the reason for removal may be aesthetic motives.

Can the operation provoke the appearance of new nevi? No, this is not related in any way, besides, do not worry about benign formations, seek help only when something bothers you.

What changes or inconveniences can be considered grounds for removal? Above in the article, signs of the development of a nevus into melanoma were described. If you notice and are worried about any sign, have surgery to remove it to eliminate the possibility of an oncological disease, such as skin cancer. Moles on the body, the reasons why people are worried can be considered very significant.

Removing education modern technologies quite safe

Preparation for removal of nevi

On the removal of a mole, the causes of appearance have a direct impact. If you have an ugly mole on your face or other prominent place, and you want to get rid of it just for beauty, then you do not need to carry out any preparatory activities. Just choose the removal method you think is appropriate and proceed with the operation. All options will be listed below.

If you suspect the onset of melanoma, then before the mandatory removal, you will be told to take the following tests: blood for tumor markers, a blood test for clotting index and general analysis blood.

Ways to remove moles:

  • laser removal;
  • liquid nitrogen removal;
  • surgical removal;
  • radio wave removal;
  • removal by electrocoagulation.

Prevention of moles

How to prevent the appearance of moles? To begin with, understand that new moles are normal and there is nothing supernatural about it. Many are worried that a mole may appear on the face, so you need to know the list of preventive measures.

  • Sunbathe while relaxing. This is the main rule, because ultraviolet radiation is most often the cause of new moles. Use a sunblock and in the hot period, carry out this procedure either before ten in the morning or after four in the afternoon. If you need to go out on business in unbearable heat, use panama hats to keep your face in the shade.
  • Girls, take note. As described above, there are many hormonal surges during pregnancy. During this period, try to monitor your health much more carefully. It will be useful not only for the child, but also for you.

It is almost impossible to meet a person who does not have moles. On the body of an adult there can be up to 100 spots of various sizes and shapes. From this article we will learn why moles appear and whether they pose a health hazard.

From birth, moles appear on different parts of the body, although initially a person is born without them. A mole (nevus) is a benign pigmented formation on the skin. It is formed from pigment cells that are located between the upper and inner layers of the skin. The main amount of nevus falls on teenage years when an organism is formed. They can appear and disappear, grow and die, change color and size.

It is customary to classify moles according to the following criteria:

  1. By type of formation - non-vascular and vascular.
  2. According to the degree of danger - non-hazardous and melanoma hazardous.

There is another, more convenient classification:

  1. Flat nevi. They can appear absolutely anywhere and practically do not change over time.
  2. Large moles. They are congenital, appear after birth or at an early age. They can gradually increase in size as a person grows older.
  3. Convex nevi. They form in the deep layers of the dermis, are small in size and often have short hairs growing on them. Sometimes such a nevus can have a hanging appearance.
  4. Purple or blue moles. They look like a hemisphere and are not attractive in appearance.

Causes of moles

The causes of moles are divided into congenital and acquired. Let's take a look at each of them in more detail:

1. Congenital (hereditary) nevi appear on the body of the child in the first years of life. This is because the melanin pigment produced by the body of a pregnant woman penetrates the developing epithelium of the fetus, thereby forming small and large clusters of dark cells.

2. Acquired nevi may appear at any age. Their formation can be provoked by the following factors:

  • excess sunlight. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, melanin begins to be produced much faster. "Sunny" moles are always potentially dangerous, they often degenerate into malignant tumors.
  • hormonal surges. The pituitary gland secretes a hormone that strongly influences the release and appearance of melanin. Because of this, any change in the hormonal background can provoke the multiple appearance of nevi. This explains moles during puberty and in pregnant women;
  • mechanical injury. Insect bites, cuts and bruises damage the skin. If at the same time the pigment layer is touched, then melanocyte cells are grouped into a small association and come to the surface of the skin.

There is also an interesting opinion that new moles appear due to the release of internal energy. Such energy accumulates at the site of inflammation, concentrates and provokes the formation of nevi. However, this hypothesis is not scientifically substantiated and is not supported by anything.

Are moles dangerous or not?

Some moles can develop over time into malignant tumors called melanoma, or skin cancer. Be sure to consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • if a dark or pinkish halo appears around the mole;
  • the nevus itches, the skin around it tingles and itches;
  • there was a noticeable seal around the formation;
  • mole hurts;
  • the nevus begins to grow very rapidly, and it happens suddenly and becomes noticeable after a few days;
  • the mole begins to change its color;
  • fluid is released from the mole, blood is especially dangerous;
  • dry scales formed on the mole or the nevus cracked.

Skin cancer develops rapidly. If you find any of the above symptoms, you should immediately contact a dermatologist or oncologist. Every year, the number of melanoma cases increases. It is this type of cancer that is very dangerous, as it is characterized by metastases and reappearances.

If a large number of vascular moles appear on the body, then you should not worry. Such neoplasms will never degenerate into melanoma. Vascular nevi are red and pinkish in color. Their appearance is associated with a dense accumulation in the upper layer of the skin of the processes of the circulatory systems.

Prevention of the appearance of nevi

To prevent the formation of new moles on the body in an adult, you can not stay in the sun for a long time. Beach activities should be dosed, part of the rest should be spent in the shade. You also need to use sunscreen. Very often it is necessary to work in the open air (for example, in a garden, a garden), in these cases it is advisable to do this in the morning before 10 o'clock or in the evening after 18:00.

In addition, the appearance of moles can provoke a solarium. It is contraindicated for people with a large number of nevus.

The skin should be protected from mechanical and chemical damage, so when working with cutting objects, chemicals, open fire, use protective gloves. If a cut suddenly occurs, then it should be treated properly and sutured. This can prevent the appearance of new formations.

Moles on the body are quite common. Their formation can be triggered by many factors. Do not worry if you suddenly notice a new mole. Over time, it may disappear. However, if the mole begins to itch, grow rapidly and hurt, then you should not postpone a visit to a specialist. This is fraught with serious health problems.

A person has at least one mole, but some up to 600. Is it good or bad, and why did many moles appear on the body completely unexpectedly? Researchers have found that people with multiple moles have younger skin and better density. bone tissue leading to delayed aging. People think that a fly-shaped birthmark can be very beautiful, but it turns out that it may very well keep you looking younger for longer, because the skin cells with moles have properties that allow them to renew themselves more often, and this is a proven fact.

But there is a price that may have to be paid for this delayed aging. A large number of moles is significantly associated with a higher incidence of cancer compared to other types of skin. In people with cell divisions, younger appearance may increase the risk of developing cancer.

Dr. Bataille, a senior researcher who presented his findings on the issue to the Royal Society of Medicine, said: “When a patient comes to me with multiple birthmarks, I automatically start looking into their family history of cancer, and I immediately start thinking about prevention. It's not just melanoma, but more common cancers like breast cancer and colon cancer."

But there is good news too!

And it is that people with birthmarks have been shown to be less vulnerable to some of the effects of skin aging, such as wrinkles and age spots. Also, a recent study of 1,200 twins found that a large number of moles on the body means that these people are less prone to age-related decline in bone density, which may mean a lower risk of developing bone fragility and fractures in old age. People with more than 100 birthmarks on their body are half as likely to develop osteoporosis as those with 25 birthmarks or fewer.

The reason for this is not fully understood, but researchers have noticed that people with birthmarks have differences in the strands of DNA that carry the genetic code in the cells of the body. The sections at the ends of these filaments are called telomeres, and are an effective countdown timer that regulates how many times a cell can divide and produce new cells. The longer the telomeres, the more cell divisions can occur throughout life. And a large number of birthmarks are always associated with longer telomeres. Perhaps or can help in solving this problem.

Based on this study and the results, Dr. Bataille suggested that birthmarks are an external manifestation of the system that controls the aging process. When you look at people who have a lot of birthmarks, you will notice that they look better with age.

The nevus is mostly harmless

Most moles are harmless and there is no reason to remove them, but many people who have birthmarks on their face find them unattractive and want to remove them for cosmetic reasons. Facial moles tend to get more attention than moles elsewhere on the body. In the 1950s, a dark mole on the cheek was considered a very attractive attribute, and girls often drew artificial nevi on their faces with a pencil. They were called flies in the Middle Ages, and the fashion for them either goes away or comes again. Cindy Crawford is back in style again with her signature birthmark on her face near her mouth.

A birthmark is a small, dark skin growth that develops from pigment cells that produce melanin in the skin, but they can be flesh-colored or yellow-brown in color, they can also be raised above the skin and are very noticeable, and they can also grow dark hair. In general, hair on a mole does not make it more dangerous. It is the content of the melanin pigment that causes the brown color of most birthmarks. And if you began to have a lot of moles on your body, it means that the process of intensive reproduction of these cells that produce and accumulate melanin has started in your skin.

Check out these formations

All birthmarks should be checked regularly. While it's easy to spot nevi on the face (because we tend to look at our faces regularly in the mirror), moles elsewhere can be easy to forget or overlook. If you are interested in maintaining your health and prolonging your life, then if you have a lot of moles on your body, immediately go to a dermatologist or personal doctor for a full evaluation and screening. This will be an examination of the whole body, without ignoring areas that you are unable to check regularly.

What causes moles and what are the risk factors for them?

The genes we inherit from our parents, and along with the intensity of sun exposure we are exposed to (especially during childhood), this is the main two factors in the number of moles on our body. Skin exposed to intense sun exposure as a child tends to have more moles. However, birthmarks can also occur in areas protected from the sun, such as the palms, soles of the feet, or genitals.

Both pigmented formations - birthmarks and freckles (in medical terms they are called the same - Ephelides) are always darker than the surrounding skin. Nevi may be raised or completely flat, while freckles are always flat. Freckles and "sun spots" (medically called lentigines) are also caused by an increase in the dark pigment melanin within the skin. Birthmarks in large numbers are more common in people prone to freckles.

Freckles are flat, tan-like spots that are slightly reddish or light brown in color. And they, as a rule, appear with the onset of the solar months. They are most common in people with fair skin. Many people with blond or red hair and green or blue eyes more prone to these types of skin spots. Avoiding direct sunlight and using sun protection, including regular use of sunscreen, can suppress the appearance of some types of moles and freckles.

Are babies born with moles

Yes. Moles may be present at birth or gradually appear later in the postpartum period. In many children, moles continue to appear during adolescence and at a young age. But they grow very weakly relative to the general growth of the body. Congenital moles are already present at birth, and they form during fetal development. Other moles may occur later, as a result of the influence of factors that are not genetic, but are factors environment such as the sun.

Can new moles appear in adults

Yes. Although many moles appear in the first years of life, total number they usually peak in the second or third decade of life, on average by age 35. In humans, new moles do not develop after the age of 30. But adults often develop pigmented spots and growths such as freckles, lentigines, liver spots, and seborrheic keratosis patches.

What else could it be

There are many skin growths that look like moles or freckles, such as:

  • Lentigo,
  • liver spots,
  • seborrheic keratosis,
  • Melanoma,
  • neurofibroma,
  • hemangioma,
  • skin scars,
  • Dyes embedded in the skin
  • Pigmented cancerous basal cells, etc.

The best way to carry out differential diagnosis between these and other growths is a consultation with a dermatologist. Sometimes moles may appear near or on top of another skin lesion, such as a freckle or an area of ​​seborrheic keratosis. When in doubt, a skin biopsy can be very helpful in diagnosis. Therefore, in case of the slightest suspicion, immediately go to a specialist. Remember that malignant skin neoplasms develop at lightning speed, and are practically not treated in advanced stages. Therefore, time cannot be missed, not a single day!