Dermatomycosis treatment drugs. Fungal skin lesions: ringworm and aspergillosis

In contact with


Currently, the incidence of fungal skin diseases is very high. Almost every fifth person on the planet has some kind of skin lesion or its appendages. With age, these numbers increase, and upon reaching 60-70 years, 80% of people are diagnosed with fungal diseases.

First of all, this is due to concomitant internal diseases, endocrine pathology, which greatly weakens the immune system and negatively affects blood circulation. Dermatomycosis of smooth skin in this pathology ranks third, giving way to onychomycosis (damage to the nail plate) and mycosis of the feet.

Types of dermatomycosis

Dermatomycosis (superficial lesion of smooth skin) can be a separate disease, but quite often it accompanies other skin diseases, for example, pyoderma, herpes, scabies, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, lichen planus, acne, eczema.

The source of infection of superficial mycosis are fungi that feed on skin keratin. There are several varieties of them that pose a danger to humans:

  1. microsporum;
  2. Trichophyton;
  3. epidermophyton.

These mushrooms are divided into several types, depending on their favorite habitat. So, they can live on animals, humans or be in the soil, while the transmission of the pathogen occurs both from the animal and through the soil or from person to person. Dermatophytes are highly contagious, but anthropophilic fungi pose the greatest danger to humans, i.e. transmitted from sick to healthy. Fungi, affecting the skin, can cause diseases such as epidermophytosis, trichophytosis, microsporia, rubromycosis, favus.

Despite its contagiousness, fungal diseases do not develop in all people. An important role is played by the contact of mycetes with damaged areas of the skin, but if there are no microtraumas, a person may not get sick, but at the same time be a carrier of infection. Also an important role in the development of symptoms of dermatomycosis of smooth skin is the dose of fungi that has fallen on the skin surface and the degree of activity of the body's protective function. Thus, the presence in the blood of sufficient serum factors for suppressing fungal flora, active leukocytes, can prevent the development of the disease.

The main manifestations of dermatomycosis

According to the generally accepted classification, all fungal diseases are divided into:

  • Mycosis of the feet;
  • Dermatomycosis of the face;
  • Dermatomycosis of the body;
  • Dermatomycosis of the hands;
  • inguinal mycosis;
  • Mycosis of the scalp;
  • Onychomycosis.

Dermatomycosis of the trunk, first of all, is manifested by spots. They can be brown to milky in color, with well-defined contours and a raised ridge around the periphery. The center of the spots is often flattened and scaly. Favorite localization - chest, back, neck and shoulders. The foci tend to enlarge and coalesce by expanding laterally, with the growth of the lesion looking like an expanding ring.

If mycosis was detected on early stages, then therapy can be limited only to external means. When using medications, you need to keep in mind that they are all divided into two large groups - fungicidal and fungistatic drugs. Fungicidal agents cause the death of the mycelium, and fungistatics prevent further reproduction of new fungi.

Dermatomycosis is a fungal skin disease caused by a certain pathogenic microflora. This form of epidermal lesion is characterized by a high degree of contagiousness and requires timely treatment. Ringworm can affect any part of the body and is equally common in people of all age groups.

Dermatomycosis of smooth skin is a lesion of the epidermis of the body by a fungal infection. A feature of the disease is a high degree of contagiousness. Pathology is caused by dermatophyte fungi that enter the skin from the outside, but are not part of the normal microflora.

Ringworm can affect only one area, but in the absence of timely treatment, it quickly spreads to healthy areas of the epidermis. Fungal spores can remain viable for a long time environment which greatly complicates the treatment of this disease.

Often, patients experience a relapse of the disease just a few weeks after the end of the therapeutic course. This is due to the fact that the fungi remained on clothes and other household items and again got on the skin, causing damage to the epidermis.

Dermatomycosis is classified according to localization, causative agent and degree of damage. This disease refers to superficial mycoses, as dermatophytes feed on keratin. Not a single person is immune from the disease. Various ringworms are found in both children and adults.

Dermatomycosis are highly contagious diseases

Classification of dermatomycosis

The disease is caused by dermatophyte fungi. This type includes:

  • microsporum;
  • Trichophyton;
  • epidermophyton.

Depending on the pathogen, there are three types of dermatomycosis:

  • microsporia;
  • trichophytosis;
  • epidermophytosis.

Microsporia is ringworm. It affects the upper layer of the epidermis and hair follicles, causing alopecia in the zone of activity of the fungus. Trichophytosis is also a lichen, manifested by small lesions on the body. Both of these diseases are highly contagious. Epidermophytosis is a type of dermatomycosis in which only the stratum corneum of the epidermis is affected. All three diseases have a similar mechanism of development and are treated with the same drugs.

According to localization, they distinguish:

  • inguinal ringworm;
  • onychomycosis;
  • tinea pedis;
  • damage to the scalp;
  • damage to the smooth skin of the body.

All these diseases are caused by the same pathogens of dermatomycosis. The symptoms of these diseases are almost the same. The exceptions are microsporia and onychomycosis. In the first case, there is abundant hair loss in the affected area and severe itching, in the second case, the nail plates are affected. Dermatophytes feed on keratin, which is the building block of nails. Onychomycosis leads to deformation, delamination and exfoliation of the nail plates. Due to the peculiarities of localization, this form of the disease is quite difficult to treat, compared with other types of dermatomycosis.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Children often become infected with mycosis from animals.

Unlike other forms of fungal skin lesions, ringworm is a contagious disease. The pathogen is transmitted from person to person and from animal to person. However, ringworm does not always develop after contact with an infected person. Immunity plays an important role in the development of the disease. With strong immune protection, even if the fungus enters the body, ringworm will not occur, since the immune system will independently defeat the pathogenic microflora.

Factors that increase the risk of developing dermatomycosis:

  • non-compliance with personal hygiene;
  • weak immune system;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • excess weight;
  • profuse sweating;
  • stress;
  • taking antibiotics and glucocorticosteroids.

Fungal flora can enter the body through any damage to the skin. With weak immunity, it is enough for the spores of the fungus to get on the epidermis so that this disease develops after a while.

Dermatophytes, like other pathogenic fungi, prefer a humid environment with high temperatures. An acidic environment is detrimental to them. You can get infected with ringworm when you visit public showers, pools and saunas with an average air temperature.

Children most often suffer from microsporia. Ringworm is the result of excessive contact with stray animals, which are so fond of stroking small children.

The risk of developing dermatomycosis increases with non-compliance with personal hygiene and profuse sweating. This reduces the local immunity of the skin and creates favorable conditions for the active reproduction of fungi.

Symptoms of ringworm

Common symptoms of dermatomycosis are reddening of the skin, peeling, severe itching. Specific symptoms depend on the exact location of the lesion.

Any ringworm in the photo can be recognized at a glance. The skin looks unhealthy, flaky, inflamed. The severity of symptoms depends on various factors.

Microsporia and trichophytosis are a small spot of regular shape. In this case, the spot has clearly defined boundaries, the skin in the affected area becomes inflamed. The surface of the affected epidermis becomes gray, itchy and flaky. When separating scales that look like dandruff, no discomfort is felt. In the affected area, first break off, and then all the hair falls out. Ringworm on the head is especially dangerous, as it can lead to alopecia areata. After treating the fungus, the hair will grow back, but this will take a long time.

Ringworm in the groin

Fungal infection loves a warm and humid environment, so it often settles in the inguinal folds

Inguinal ringworm develops due to profuse sweating in this area. In this case, the pathogen can get on the skin in any way, since the spores of the fungus remain viable in the air for a long time. Symptoms of inguinal ringworm - redness of the inguinal folds, peeling of the skin, severe itching. This form of the disease is dangerous by the risk of infection. This is due to rubbing of the inguinal folds with clothing. In the hot season, diaper rash may appear. Since sweat acts as a favorable environment for the reproduction of various bacteria, inguinal ringworm is often accompanied by the addition of a secondary infection, which is manifested by the formation of a small pustular rash.

The main causes of this disease are overweight, wearing synthetic underwear, poor personal hygiene and excessive sweating. Ringworm in the groin is more common in men.

Smooth skin lesions

The spots are itchy and swollen

Smooth skin dermatophytosis is a common disease that most often occurs in people living in hot climates. Exactly heat air and profuse sweating increase the risk of contracting dermatophytosis.

Dermatomycosis of smooth skin is also called epidermophytosis. This fungus infects the stratum corneum of the epidermis, but does not affect the hair follicles. The disease is characterized by the formation of red spots on the skin of the body. Spots can be localized in any area. Mycosis of smooth skin is a lesion of the back, abdomen, area under the mammary glands in women and the area chest in men.

Typical symptoms:

  • large areas of reddening of the epidermis;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • severe itching and peeling;
  • the appearance of cracks and erosion;
  • small rash on the border of the affected skin.

When large areas of the skin are affected by ringworm, the symptoms and treatment are complicated, since it is necessary to comprehensively influence the causative agent of the disease. Due to severe itching, a person becomes irritable and nervous, the quality of sleep and working capacity suffer, so we can say that ringworm of smooth skin negatively affects the weight of the body.

Dermatophytosis or mycosis of smooth skin must be treated in a timely manner, as the disease quickly affects healthy areas of the epidermis. Such dermatomycosis in humans is easily recognizable from the photo due to the characteristic symptoms, so there are no problems with diagnosis.

Scalp injury

Cutaneous ringworm can spread to the scalp. In this case, two types of the disease are distinguished - ringworm or epidermophytosis. In the first case, a focal skin lesion appears on the head with severe peeling and hair loss. Alopecia develops at the site of the lesion.

In the second case, red scaly spots are observed on the scalp and on the border of the scalp with the neck or forehead skin. The earlier therapy of epidermophytosis is started, which should be treated immediately, the less the risk of spreading ringworm to the neck and skin on the face.

Onychomycosis and ringworm of the feet

Dermatomycosis of the feet progresses rapidly

The most common types of dermatomycosis are lesions of the skin of the feet and toenails. This is accompanied by:

  • thickening of the skin of the feet;
  • the formation of cracks;
  • redness between the toes;
  • severe itching and peeling;
  • destruction of the nail plates.

Treatment of ringworm on the legs in humans is complicated by the specifics of this part of the body. Feet are always covered with shoes, sweat a lot, so the disease progresses rapidly. Having noticed the first signs and symptoms of tinea pedis or onychomycosis of the nails, treatment should be started immediately, otherwise therapy may take several months.

The fungus usually affects one nail first.


The diagnosis is made on the basis of an external examination and microscopic examination of the scraping of the affected skin. Detection of the mycelium of the fungus is the basis for the diagnosis. Additionally, bacterial culture is carried out to determine the type of fungus and analysis for the sensitivity of pathogenic microflora to various antibiotics.

Principle of treatment

With dermatomycosis, treatment includes the appointment of topical agents and systemic antimycotics in tablets.

Topical preparations based on terbinafine are effective against dermatophytes:

  • Lamisil;
  • Lamiderm;
  • Mycofin;
  • Terbinox.

These drugs are available in the form of a cream, ointment, gel or spray. They are suitable for the treatment of skin lesions of the body, groin and feet. In case of damage to the nails, the same drugs are used, as well as Exoderil solution.

With ringworm, an antiseptic is additionally used, most often an iodine solution. This is necessary in order to prevent the spread of infection.

When the scalp is affected, shampoos and solutions based on terbinafine are used. In this case, the administration of systemic antimycotics in tablets, in particular Terbinafine and Itraconazole, is also indicated.

The exact treatment regimen is selected by a specialist. The main thing to remember is that mycosis must be treated for a long time. On average, therapy takes about two weeks, but it is recommended to continue using the remedy prescribed by the doctor for another week after the symptoms disappear.

To prevent the development of dermatomycosis, it is necessary:

  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • maintain immunity;
  • do not contact with stray animals;
  • use personal hygiene items in public places.

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should consult a dermatologist. The sooner treatment is started, the sooner it will be possible to get rid of the fungus.

Dermatomycosis is a fungal disease of the skin. The second name is trichophatia. It is caused by fungal bacteria Microsporum or Trichophyton. It is very important to cure the disease in time, otherwise a complication may develop.

Fungi prefer to develop in an alkaline or neutral environment at a temperature of 25 - 30 degrees. That is why ringworm often appears in warm weather.

Infection associated with the intensity of sweating, metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalance.

Ringworm usually develops on:

  1. smooth skin;
  2. in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhair growth on the head;
  3. genitals;
  4. foot skin.

Trichophytosis mainly children are ill, and adults are susceptible to inguinal dermatomycosis. It is characterized by the appearance of plaques and severe itching.

Methods of infection with dermatomycosis

The disease can be acquired with:

  • close contact with the carrier of the fungus;
  • touching his things;
  • contact with stray animals;
  • in public transport when touching the walls of the seats.

Trichophytosis of smooth areas of the skin is quite rare, only with direct contact with the patient. Chronic form of ringworm develops with a weakened immune system and is not completely cured. Infected people constantly peel off the skin in the back of the head and temples.

Disease classification

Dermatomycosis is of the following types:

  1. foot mycosis;
  2. smooth skin;
  3. inguinal;
  4. onychomycosis (affects the nail plates).


The first symptoms of ringworm begin to appear 7 days after contact. Them manifestation depends on the location of the lesion. For smooth skin and head, a superficial skin lesion is characteristic. Plaques appear with round shape. There is a gray streak on the hair. This is a fungal plaque (the main symptom).

Plaques on smooth skin are red, very itchy. Inflammation in the groin area appears with increased sweating, wearing underwear made of synthetic material and neglecting the rules of personal hygiene.

Onychomycosis appears on the nail plates in the form of yellow and white spots.

Manifestation and treatment of the disease

If the treatment of dermatomycosis is not started in time, then infectious complications may occur. The affected areas will begin to become covered with pus, the state of health will worsen. will increase The lymph nodes, there will be a headache.

Antifungal therapy is the main treatment. The cure will come completely if the treatment of ringworm is started at the first symptoms.

The dermatologist prescribes an ointment, gel, cream, shampoo. They contain antifungal ingredients. Hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Rubbing problem areas with iodine helps well. The entire course of treatment of a patient from ringworm is isolated from contact with healthy people.

Systemic oral medications:

  1. Mycozoral;
  2. Ketoconazole;
  3. Oronazole;
  4. Fluconazole;
  5. Itraconazole;
  6. Fungavis;
  7. Pimafucin;
  8. Nizoral;
  9. Medoflucon;
  10. Levorin;
  11. Nystatin.


Local medicines:

  • Exoderil;
  • Miconazole;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Econazole;
  • Ketoconazole;
  • Thermikon;
  • Lamisil.

Folk remedies for the treatment of ringworm

Alternative methods of treatment also have sufficient effectiveness. They are Great for relieving irritation and itching. But without the permission of a specialist, you should not use them.

The following recipes help:

For the treatment of ringworm you can use: tea tree oil (essential), calendula decoction, infusion of chamomile flowers, a solution of any natural vinegar diluted with water beforehand. Freshly squeezed lingonberry juice, fresh honey.

Healing plants and products are only an auxiliary therapy for fungal infections. For a complete cure of dermatomycosis, a person needs conservative therapy.

Factors contributing to the disease

Skin disease can be triggered by the following factors:

Listed factors may not cause the appearance of dermatomycosis, but the likelihood of getting sick will increase several times.

Laboratory diagnostics

Ringworm is recognized taking into account the symptoms, microscopic examination of tissues and isolation of pathogens. Accurate Only a specialist can make a diagnosis based on the results of the research. First, the human skin will be carefully examined. Next, they will take the biomaterial for examination under a microscope (microsporia) or cultivation on a nutrient medium. The affected areas of the skin will be examined under a Wood's ultraviolet lamp. They glow green.

Having found out which fungus is to blame for the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, a treatment regimen for ringworm is being developed.


To avoid an unpleasant illness, you must follow the precautions:

  • do not use other people's items (combs, towels, shoes);
  • wear clothes only from natural fabrics;
  • summer shoes should be as open as possible;
  • no need to caress homeless animals;
  • strengthen immunity (take vitamins);
  • vaccinate pets;
  • visit a dermatologist periodically.

Fungal infection is a very insidious enemy. If a person starts treatment, then the deep integuments of the skin of the body and even organs will be affected. Scars and scars will be visible on the body. Subject to the recommendations of a dermatologist, hygiene rules and a balanced diet, a favorable prognosis can be expected.


The appearance of various pathologies on the legs associated with rashes is called tinea pedis or tinea pedis. In medical practice, the disease is divided into three types, which differ in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bappearance and symptoms. Due to the fact that athletes suffer from the disease, it is called "athlete's foot".

Factors affecting d ringworm stop

This disease is caused by a fungus. different type, one of them appears between the fingers of a person, and this happens very quickly and unexpectedly. Pleases only one treatment of this type is simple and fast. But the second type of fungus appears on the foot, its sides, it has a chronic form, the treatment is long and hard.

This disease occurs when a person stands barefoot on the surface of the fungus, its spores remain on the surface of the foot and begin to multiply in the layers of the epidermis. Almost all fungi grow on the skin or in its upper layer. The best place for them - the area between the fingers, it is warm and humid there.

Ringworm of the feet is a contagious disease that can be easily picked up in saunas, baths, public showers, or after touching the skin of a sick person. But, despite this, many people have good immunity, and where some can become infected, the latter will not catch the infection. Scientists have not yet established why this happens. But they can confidently assert the fact that if a person has already had this disease at least once in his life, then the risk that he can become infected again increases. It must be said that the disease affects the elderly.

But, besides the fact that a person can catch this disease, he can simply turn out to be its carrier. He himself will not get sick, but he will infect others.

This problem is considered the most common, almost seventy percent of the world's population suffers from it, but most often the male half. Until puberty, a person practically cannot get sick, but then, every year, the risk will increase.

How does the fungus show up?

  • Interdigital fungus, multiplies and lives between the fingers. The skin in these places changes its color, becomes white or green, small but deep cracks appear on it. If the disease is of the dry type, then the skin will peel off, and when wet, there will be inflammation and swelling of this area.
  • During the moccasin form, scales appear all over the foot, except for the toes.
  • With the vesicular form, bubbles form on the feet.
  • Ulcerative ringworm of the legs is manifested by ulcers, erosions between the toes. Against this background, another infection develops, this condition can cause the formation of cellulitis or lymphangitis.
  • There may be a response of the body to this disease, which manifests itself as a fungal infection on the hands.
  • Examine the foot to look for onychomycosis. Because the nails affected by the fungus change their color and become yellow, gray, in especially severe cases, even green.

Dangerous infection factors

As already mentioned, this is a contagious fungal disease that can be contracted anywhere with high humidity. There are factors that cannot be influenced to prevent infection, and there are those that depend on the person.

Reasons that cannot be changed:

  • Male.
  • Fungal infections that the person has had before.
  • Weak immunity due to a serious illness.
  • The climate in which the patient lives is humid and warm.
  • Elderly age.

The causes of infection, which, if desired, can be changed:

  • Constantly moist environment in which the feet are located.
  • Tight and non-breathable shoes.
  • Going to a public toilet or shower without rubber slippers.
  • Too long swimming in the water.

Symptoms of the disease

With the same disease, the symptoms in different people may differ significantly. For example, in some it causes severe discomfort, in others only a slight rash, and still others do not notice any symptoms at all. However, there are main signs by which you can determine the disease, these are:

  • Detachment of the skin on the feet, microcracks, peeling.
  • Redness, blisters with liquid in the middle and ulcers.
  • Burning, itching and rashes.

Distinctive features of the forms of the disease

  1. Interdigital. This form is diagnosed most often and it manifests itself between the smallest toes. It all starts with the fact that the skin in this place becomes white, moist and soft. In some patients, there was bad smell, burning and severe itching. If you do not take any action, then the defeat only intensifies. In these places, cracks, roughness and, finally, peeling of scales appear. At this stage, the disease progresses and a bacterial infection is added to it. Because of it, there is more damage to the skin and an increase in putrefactive odor.
  2. Hyperkeratolytic. Dermatophytosis of the feet of this form is already considered a chronic infectious disease. The first symptoms of this form will be the exfoliation of scales, a small rash that burns and itches, and obvious dryness of the skin. As the problem develops, the skin on the foot begins to thicken, peel and crack. In advanced states, the fungus affects the toenails, they become dense, may crumble or fall off altogether. Since the patient carries out all the procedures with his hands, the fungus can also affect the palm (usually only one).
  3. Vesicular. This form is very rare, but it does happen. It is characterized by such signs as exfoliation of the skin, because there is a lot of fluid under it. Such areas can appear anywhere on the foot. At first it happens on the instep, then between the toes, sometimes even on the heel, or the top of the foot. Some patients may note that after a complete cure, the infection may reappear in the same area. This fungus almost never spreads to other parts of the body. If the disease is manifested only by a rash, then peeling can join it. Very often, against the background of this form, infection with various bacteria is manifested.

Many patients, before going to the doctor for an appointment, independently make an erroneous diagnosis. Not realizing that this is ringworm of the feet, they think that they have calluses. Although corns look like dense areas of the skin, on which there is a constant pressure of the entire weight of the human body. And Dermatomycosis looks like "wet honeycombs" that smell unpleasant.

When is specialist help needed?

You need to consult an experienced doctor if you notice:

  • Cracking and peeling of the skin of the foot.
  • Appearance of water blisters.
  • Infection bacterial infection, that is, swelling, redness, pain, fever in this area of ​​​​the foot. And also the release of pus, the appearance of red stripes, an unclear increase in body temperature.
  • Spread of fungal infection.
  • Parallel diseases in which there is a violation of blood flow or diabetes mellitus.
  • Signs of the disease are not eliminated by the method of therapy with antifungal agents after two weeks.

Diagnosis of ringworm of the feet

Most often, the disease is diagnosed by clinical signs, but the best results will be clinical research skin scrapings.

Dermatophytosis of the feet, can be confirmed, laboratory research not only scrapings of the skin, but also provided hair or nails. They are treated with alkali, and the horn structures dissolve, but parts of the fungus become visible under a microscope, very well.

Also, a special lamp is used to make an accurate diagnosis. If the material taken from the patient glows, this indicates the presence of a fungal infection.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct cultural studies. To do this, it is necessary to take a scraping from the patient from the damaged area and place the material on a nutrient medium, and then observe the growth of fungal colonies.

Treatment of the disease

Therapy of the disease can be different, it can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

  1. local treatment.
  2. Systemic.

Therapy of the disease follows the goal to get rid of the disease and its symptoms. If the fungal infection affected only the skin and did not affect the hair and nails, only external and local treatment can be applied.

Dermatophytosis of the feet is treated with lamisil, which helps against mold fungi, dimorphic and dermatophyte fungi. It is able to have a detrimental effect on the fungus, and after its use there are practically no relapses. It is used not only for the treatment of fungal infections, but also for the prevention of such diseases.

In order to save the patient from such a disease, the doctor prescribes synthetic drugs that are used not only locally, but also internally.

In addition to lamisil, clotrimazole, econazole, ketoconazole are prescribed. They must be used approximately four times a day for fourteen days.

In order to reduce sweating, you can wash the areas of the skin affected by the fungus with various decoctions, such as chamomile, burdock, oak bark.

Dermatophytosis often appears due to a mixed infection that must be treated with complex therapy. For this, diflucan, forkan, sporonox are prescribed, and a ten percent salicylic ointment is also used.

To reduce the swelling of this area, or an allergic reaction, it is necessary to make a lotion with tannin or ethacridine. And if this area is very inflamed, you need to use a combined remedy.

Very good for healing medical preparations in the form of a spray. For example, to quickly eliminate a symptom, it is necessary to spray Lamisil spray on the affected area. It is applied in a thin layer, limiting the spread of infection to other areas. After some time, the sprayed areas of the skin become pale and dry. Itching, burning and pain disappear.

Today there are many medicines aimed at combating fungal infection. Therefore, the doctor, when choosing a drug, will be able to choose effective remedy for treatment, individually for each patient. Since drugs can be local and for internal use, therapy can be carried out in a complex manner.


Prevention of ringworm can be primary and secondary.

  1. Primary. Try to use rubber slippers when visiting public baths and showers. Some experts even recommend using slippers at home. Immediately after washing your feet, treat them with benzoyl peroxide. If a patient is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, or if there have been operations on the saphenous veins, then the risk of contracting various infections increases many times over.
  2. Secondary. This prophylaxis is necessary to prevent recurrence of the disease. For this, daily foot hygiene procedures should be carried out. They should be washed every day and then benzoyl peroxide applied. In addition, other remedies for the fungus also help well, these are creams, solutions, powders.

After the treatment is completed, the disease has completely subsided, it is necessary to disinfect all shoes and it is advisable to replace all socks with new ones.

With damage to the skin, scalp, feet or nails, doctors can diagnose ringworm. There are several types of this disease, which differ from each other in symptoms and localization. Treatment of ringworm requires an integrated approach. After recovery, it is important to follow preventive measures to prevent re-infection.

Symptoms of the manifestation of dermatomycosis of the skin on the back

In medicine, there are 3 groups into which the causative agents of dermatomycosis are distributed:

  • Trichophyton;
  • epidermophyton;
  • microsporum.

They live in sand, earth, pebbles and trees. Within 2 years, pathogenic microorganisms of these species are able to maintain their vital activity. These pathogens can produce enzymes that adversely affect the structure of keratin. This is the name of a dense protein, which is part of the surface layer of the skin.

If the patient is susceptible to infectious agents, then the fungus will not be able to penetrate the epidermis for a long time. It will spread over its surface, waiting for the perfect moment to penetrate the epithelium. In this case, it cannot be said that a person is sick with dermatomycosis. He is only its carrier.

To provoke the development of ringworm can be various factors that adversely affect the condition of the skin and immune system. Stress, epidermal injury, chronic diseases and hormonal disruptions are one of the few reasons that explain the infection with this disease.


Dermatomycosis is divided into several types. Each is distinguished by its manifestation, which can be found while studying a thematic photo depicting an infected part of the body. In total, there are 2 main classifications of the pathological process.

All types of dermatomycosis have individual manifestations, by which physicians are able to preliminarily recognize a violation that worries the patient.


Dermatomycosis has certain symptoms that betray its development. When they are detected, a complete diagnosis of the patient is carried out and tests are carried out, based on the results of which an adequate treatment is selected for him. The number of signs of the disease and their severity directly depend on the form of the pathological process and the duration of its course.

Ringworm of the nails

Ringworm affects toenails more often than fingernails.

Dermatomycosis in humans can affect the surface of the nail plates. This is a common form of infectious disease. Onychomycosis is caused by trichophyton, which manages to penetrate into the zone from which the nail grows. After infection, the patient exhibits the following signs ailments:

  1. A noticeable thickening of the nail plate and a change in its usual color;
  2. Detachment, partial or complete destruction of the nail;
  3. Accumulation under the plate of a mass of dead cells.

In most cases, ringworm affects the nails on the lower nails. Hands are less prone to such infection.

Dermatomycosis of smooth skin

In their practice, dermatologists often encounter a fungal infection that affects smooth skin. Usually, pathology occurs in residents of warm countries. Professional athletes who are engaged in wrestling are subject to it.

In the classical form, dermatomycosis on the surface of smooth skin is characterized by the appearance of ring-shaped foci, inside which small vesicles are contained. They are peeling around the edges. Over time, the rashes move to healthy areas, due to which their number increases. These areas are itchy.

The possibility of attaching a secondary infection to the place where skin dermatomycosis is observed is not excluded. The foci of inflammation eventually begin to scar. After themselves, they leave a pigmented area, which is quite problematic to completely remove from your body.

Dermatomycosis of the scalp

With ringworm of the scalp, a person complains of increased fragility of the hair in the problem area. In men, the disease goes to the beard and mustache. At the same time, inflamed vesicles appear in place hair follicles. A secondary infection can join the fungus, which complicates the course of ringworm.

Dermatomycosis of the groin

Primary lesions have the appearance of pink spots of a rounded shape.

Ringworm in the groin is easily confused with other dermatological diseases that develop in the intimate area in men and women. A fungal infection affects the largest skin folds, as well as neighboring areas.

In most cases, inguinal ringworm is found in the stronger sex, who are overweight, suffer from diabetes or excessive sweating. The causative agent of the disease enters their bodies during contact with an infected patient or interaction with a foreign object on which the fungus was found.

Primary lesions have the appearance of small pink spots of a rounded shape with clear boundaries. Their surface is characterized by smoothness. She may be a little swollen. When several foci merge, a continuous spot with uneven borders appears on the body. It is characterized by a tendency to peripheral growth.

The group of additional symptoms that accompany inguinal ringworm include peeling of the skin, periodic extinction of the inflammatory process and the appearance of severe itching.

Dermatomycosis of the feet

Ringworm of the feet is one of the most common diseases of this type. It most often infects young men who regularly visit public places with increased level humidity in the room.

The fungus after infection develops an active life in the folds between the fingers. In these places, cracks and peeling occur. At first, these symptoms do not bring a person any discomfort.

After a while, in the absence of treatment, the following symptoms of ringworm in the foot area develop:

  1. Confluence of small lesions;
  2. Itching and burning;
  3. soreness;
  4. The appearance of dry rashes;
  5. Formation of blisters on the legs and erosions.

In especially advanced cases, ringworm of the feet is accompanied by a feverish state and the development of inguinal lymphadenitis.

Dermatomycosis of the hands

The fungus of the brushes has its own signs. The symptomatology of such dermatomycosis resembles clinical picture infections of smooth skin if the pathogen attacks the back of the hands. If the entire palm is affected, symptoms of a foot fungus are observed. Simultaneously with this disease, the patient may have onychomycosis.


Diagnostic methods help to distinguish ringworm from other dermatological diseases that have similar symptoms. An experienced dermatologist or mycologist can cope with this task. He will prescribe the patient a series of mandatory tests and, based on their results, make a diagnosis.

Prior to the diagnosis, it is impossible to treat infected areas with antiseptic solutions, such as iodine or brilliant green. Such actions significantly complicate the procedure for determining the cause of the disease.

The results of the analysis of skin, hair or nail scrapings help the doctor to make the correct diagnosis. Biological material is examined under a microscope. This procedure identifies the type of pathogen and helps to choose the best treatment for it.

Dermoscopy and a blood test for the presence of antibodies to mycoses help to diagnose inguinal dermatomycosis or a fungus of another type.

Treatment Methods

In pharmacies, there are many antifungal medicines intended for the treatment of ringworm.

The attending physician knows how to treat the development of ringworm for a particular patient. On an individual basis, a course of therapy is selected for him, aimed at suppressing the activity of the infectious agent and eliminating the main signs of damage to the body.

At the heart of the course of therapy, with which the treatment of dermatomycosis is carried out, there are antifungal drugs of local and systemic action. Without them, recovery is almost impossible.

In pharmacies you can find many medicines intended for the treatment of the epidermis from dermatomycosis. There are also remedies that cope with infection on the nails, mucous membranes and scalp.

At the initial stage of the development of the disease, patients manage to limit themselves to the use of local funds in the form of creams, gels, ointments and sprays. If the disease is running, then you will have to take additional capsules and tablets. Dosing and medication regimen are necessarily discussed with the attending physician.

If required, the doctor additionally prescribes to the patient with ringworm reception hormonal drugs or antibiotics. Weeping areas on the body should be treated with solutions with antiseptic properties. For these purposes, potassium permanganate, boric acid and chlorhexidine are ideal. Keratolytic preparations help to eliminate keratinized places.

Often, drugs with an immunomodulatory effect are included in the treatment regimen for dermatomycosis. This also includes vitamin complexes that increase local immunity.


Fungi, which belong to the group of dermatophytes, feel good in a humid and warm environment. Therefore, in order to avoid infection infectious disease It is highly recommended to keep your own body dry and clean. To do this, you must adhere to the basic rules of personal hygiene.

The following preventive measures help to minimize the likelihood of developing ringworm:

  1. Can't walk bare feet in public places;
  2. It is advisable to avoid wearing tight clothing and shoes;
  3. Do not use someone else's towel;
  4. It is necessary to take care of proper nutrition;
  5. It is worth choosing for yourself clothes sewn from natural fabrics;
  6. It is highly undesirable to use other people's body and hair care items;
  7. It is required to refrain from contact with stray animals.

If a person has pets in the house, then he must take care of their health. After walking, you should carefully examine the coat and skin of the animal for signs of fungal infection.