Enterobiasis in children: how to rid the child's body of pinworms. Enterobiasis (pinworms)

Enterobiasis in children is provoked by pinworms. These are small roundworms that have one host - a person. Male pinworms are small, their body length does not exceed 3 mm. Females are larger, they can reach a length of 10 mm. The worms are white in color and have an elongated body with a pointed end.

Adult individuals are attached to the small and large intestines of the child, for this they have special vesicles located on the head. Worms of both sexes are needed for fertilization. When the eggs mature inside the body of the female, she moves into the lower sections of the large intestine, overcomes the resistance of the sphincter and crawls out. In the perianal folds, the female lays her eggs in groups and then dies.

During the movement of the worm in the perianal region, the patient experiences itching. He begins to scratch his anus, as a result of which the eggs attach to his hands, get under his nails and spread to surrounding household items, clothes, skin, etc.

If the eggs enter the mouth, they travel down the esophagus to the stomach and intestines, where, under the action of digestive enzymes, their shell is destroyed. A larva emerges from the egg, which reaches puberty in the intestine and the development cycle repeats again.

Once the eggs have been laid in the perianal area, they take 4 to 6 hours to become infective. When a child swallows such eggs, he becomes infected with enterobiasis. Outside the human body, eggs remain viable for up to 25 days.

Thus, the mechanism of transmission of enterobiosis is fecal-oral, and this mechanism is realized by food and household means. Children with enterobiasis pose a danger not only to themselves, but also to those around them, as they are sources of the spread of the disease.

Promote transmission of infection the following factors:

    The child's habit of licking and sucking his fingers, putting various objects into his mouth. Often this happens when the baby is passionate about something.

    Nail biting habit.

    Low level of hygiene skills. It is important from childhood to teach a child to wash their hands after going to the toilet, after visiting public places, before every meal.

    Often, infection occurs during the change of milk teeth to molars. The teeth begin to loosen, and so the child puts his hands in his mouth to touch them.

    Use of personal hygiene items that do not belong to the child. This is especially true for kindergartens.

    Poor sanitary conditions in which the child lives, the presence of insects in the house. It has been established that eggs that cause enterobiasis in children are able to carry cockroaches and flies on their paws. In addition, they can be in the dust for almost a month without losing viability.

Infection can occur in circles, children's clubs, swimming pools and other organized institutions.

Symptoms of enterobiasis in children are directly related to how massive the helminthic invasion is and how long it lasts. Equally important is the age of the child and the individual characteristics of his body.

Generally, clinical picture enterobiasis in children is as follows:

    The child's appetite suffers, it worsens, as a result of which the patient begins to lose weight.

    The stool with enterobiasis is almost always unstable, constipation alternates with diarrhea. In parallel, there is bloating, flatulence, false urge to empty the intestines.

    Metabolic disorders, pathological vital activity of worms, their use of nutrients from food for their own needs - all this leads to a delay in the physical growth and development of the child, to the formation of beriberi and iron deficiency anemia.

    violated normal microflora intestines, which eventually leads to the development of dysbacteriosis.

    It has been proven that intestinal infections in children with helminthic invasions are much more difficult and longer than their healthy peers. The longer the mechanical irritation of the intestinal wall by worms is observed, the stronger the inflammation of the intestine, the more infiltrates, erosions, petechial hemorrhages, granulomas appear in it. As a result, such children are observed by a gastroenterologist for enteritis, gastroduodenitis.

    Nausea, abdominal cramps, indigestion - all these symptoms are not associated with food intake and occur even with a rational and adequate diet.

Diagnosis of enterobiasis in children, as a rule, is not difficult. Attentive parents can independently notice the itching of a child that disturbs at night, and sometimes see pinworms on the skin around the anus, or in its feces.

So that efforts are not in vain, it should be borne in mind that pinworm eggs are laid at regular intervals. Therefore, a single or double scraping for enterobiasis is uninformative. It must be performed 3-4 times with an interval of 2-3 days.

Indirect laboratory signs of enterobiasis can be such blood parameters as: eosinophilia, basophilia,.

The doctor should suspect enterobiasis in a child by allergic, asthenic and abdominal symptoms, which are present on an ongoing basis. Therefore, it is so important to take into account the indirect signs of enterobiasis and be persistent in the diagnosis of invasion.

Before starting therapy, it should be noted that a prerequisite for the successful treatment of enterobiasis is the involvement in this process of all family members and the team in which the child is constantly present. In addition, it is important to observe strict hygiene rules during therapy to avoid reinvasion.

These conditions include:

    Daily wet cleaning. There is evidence that eggs can exist in dust particles that are at a height of 1.5 meters.

    Every morning it is necessary to carry out high-quality hygienic intimate hygiene. Underwear should be changed twice a day. It must not only be washed, but also ironed.

    It is important to keep your hands clean, especially before every meal.

    The child's nails should be cut short.

    All toys with which the child comes into contact should be disinfected.

For the treatment of enterobiasis in children, the following drugs can be used:

    Mebendazole (Vermox). The child is offered 100 mg of the drug once.

    Pirantel is prescribed once at a dose of 10 mg/kg of body weight.

    Albendazole (Nemozol). The drug is taken once at 400 mg.

Mebendazole and Albendazole are approved for use in children older than 2 years. All family members should be dewormed.

Medical treatment combined with general rules getting rid of enterobiasis gives a positive result in 95% of cases. However, it is important to eliminate all contact of the child with the source of infection.

Education: Diploma in the specialty "General Medicine" received at the Volgograd State Medical University. He also received a certificate of a specialist in 2014.

Causes of pathology

Studies have shown that pinworm eggs are not very adapted to life in conditions external environment. They die equally quickly both at low temperatures and at high ones. Eggs need moisture and heat to mature. That is why the spreaders of the disease are most often:

  • home clothes;
  • underwear and bed linen;
  • Houseware;
  • Kids toys;
  • tableware.

The main source of infection is a sick person - someone from the immediate environment of the child.

The greatest danger to a healthy baby is the hands and skin of the carrier of the disease. With direct contact with the anus, pinworm eggs stick to the fingers and palms of a person. As a result, the patient instantly becomes a source of infection for the people around him.

There are a number of symptoms of enterobiasis characteristic of adults and children. Treatment of the disease is usually quite successful. Nevertheless, observance of elementary hygiene rules is mandatory both during therapy and after recovery.

Symptoms of enterobiasis in children

It is possible to assume that a child has become infected with pinworms even before laboratory tests are carried out. The disease is accompanied by severe itching in the anus and genitals, which is especially intensified in the second half of the night. This is due to the fact that female pinworms crawl out of the intestines closer to the anus, where eggs are laid in the folds of the skin. The child begins to intensively comb the places of itching. This is the first symptom. Treatment of enterobiasis in children is also required if there are other signs of infection with pinworms. These include:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • damage to the skin in itchy places;
  • pain and discomfort in the abdomen - it can be colic, cramps, and unpleasant rumbling in the abdomen;
  • nausea - usually malaise occurs in the morning;
  • frequent urge to defecate, liquid stool- this is due to irritation with pinworms of the rectum;
  • allergic skin rash.

These are the main symptoms of enterobiasis in children. Treatment and prevention of the disease are carried out simultaneously with the therapy determined by the doctor. Since the disease is a contact-household method of transmission, a therapeutic course will be assigned to all family members living together in the same house. After taking the medication, the analysis will need to be repeated.

Why is enterobiasis dangerous?

This disease responds well to therapy and usually does not cause any complications. But there are exceptions. To avoid complications, you need to consult a doctor as soon as it is revealed that the scraping for enterobiosis is positive. How to treat a child, you can learn from your pediatrician. He must also warn parents what can happen if therapy is abandoned:

  1. Vulvovaginitis. Pinworm eggs deposited in the anus can move into the genital tract, causing unpleasant itching. Constant combing of these areas leads to the growth of pathogens on the vaginal mucosa, the development of the inflammatory process and the appearance of secretions on the underwear.
  2. Pinworms living in the small intestine impair its motility and secretion. They can cause organ inflammation digestive system, provoking the development of gastritis, gastroduodenitis, enteritis.
  3. With untimely treatment, pinworms can be transferred by hand to the ears, eyes, nose, causing infection of these organs. And it will be much more difficult to remove them, for example, from the eye sclera than from the rectum. That is why it is necessary to cure enterobiasis as soon as possible.

Diagnosis of the disease

There are several methods to detect enterobiasis in children. And the better to treat a child infected with helminths, the doctor should determine, given his age, the presence chronic diseases and other factors.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by one of the following ways:

  1. Scraping. This method is the most accurate and it is recommended to perform it if enterobiasis is suspected in a child. The analysis consists in taking a smear from the perianal folds and examining it under a microscope.
  2. Analysis of feces. In the process of diagnosis, the presence or absence of helminth eggs in the child's feces is determined.
  3. Blood test. When the child's body is affected by worms, the number of eosinophils in the blood increases.

If the analysis does not reveal pinworm eggs, but the symptoms persist, the doctor may prescribe prophylactic treatment.

Therapeutic regimens, depending on the age of the patient and the form of release of the drug, may differ. Young children are most often recommended to give a suspension in which the content of the active substance is reduced. In addition, in this form it will be easier for the child to take the drug.

The most popular drugs for the treatment of enterobiasis in children are:

  1. "Albendazole". Tablets are taken orally after meals once, not chewed. Daily rate for a child is calculated individually: 6 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Intended for children over 1 year old.
  2. "Wormil". The drug is available in the form of a suspension and tablets. daily dose the doctor determines, taking into account the fact that the norm for an adult is 0.4 g for 24 hours. The medicine is taken for 3-5 days. The drug is contraindicated for children under the age of 2 years.
  3. "Pirantel". The drug that causes neuromuscular blockade of helminths is taken once in the morning after meals at the rate of 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight.
  4. "Nemozol". medical device on the basis of albendazole is taken with meals in an amount of 20 ml (suspension) or 400 mg (tablets) for children over two years old and in a volume of 10 ml for babies under 2 years old. Treatment is prescribed simultaneously for all family members.
  5. "Helminthox". Active substance drugs - pyrantel. It is prescribed at a dosage of 10 ml / kg. Relatively safe for children over 6 months of age.
  6. "Vermox". The drug based on mebendazole is available only in the form of tablets. It should be taken in the amount of 100 ml once, in the morning after meals. After that, the reception should be repeated 2 more times, each time with a two-week interval. The medicine is contraindicated for children under 2 years of age.

It is difficult to say which drug for the treatment of enterobiasis in children is most effective. Pyrantel-based drugs are considered less toxic and safe, but they do not always allow you to get rid of pinworms the first time. Therefore, in the process of therapy, one should strictly adhere to the recommendations of the doctor and not self-medicate.

Traditional medicine methods

When parents are faced with the question of how to treat enterobiasis in a child at 7 years old, moms and dads usually choose one of the drugs presented above. Firstly, most of them are taken once, and secondly, for children of this age, all of the listed drugs are relatively harmless. As for the question of how to treat enterobiasis in children preschool age, then here some parents prefer the means traditional medicine, assuming they are safer:

  1. Pour a teaspoon of chopped garlic with a glass of milk and boil on the stove for 5 minutes. Take in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before bed for a week.
  2. Prepare a decoction of wormwood by pouring a tablespoon of dry mass with a glass of boiling water. Once cool, use the herbal solution to perform the enema.
  3. A decoction of tansy is used orally or to perform an anthelmintic enema. As in the case of wormwood, 2-3 procedures are required for a complete cure.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment

To achieve the desired result, therapy is carried out in relation to all family members. Otherwise, treatment is inappropriate. If we talk about the effectiveness and how to treat enterobiosis in children quickly, in this case it is recommended to give preference to anthelmintic drugs specially designed for this purpose. As a rule, they are taken 1 time, act instantly, and to consolidate the result, the procedure should be repeated after 14 days.

Traditional medicine is not always effective. In addition, vegetable decoctions can also be called toxic to some extent. And the absorption by the intestinal walls of toxins contained in the same garlic or wormwood is much higher than in pyrantel. In addition, herbal anthelmintics do not always work the first time. Most likely, it will take more than one day to take them.

It can be concluded that the most effective in the treatment of enterobiosis in children are official medicine preparations. Folk remedies for pinworms can be treated for a very long time and not get the desired result.

Treatment and prevention of enterobiasis in children

Therapy for pinworms involves not only taking the drugs prescribed by the doctor, but also observing the rules of personal hygiene. The same recommendations should be followed for the prevention of infection with helminths:

  • wash hands thoroughly after the street, before eating, before and after going to the toilet;
  • wash with soap twice a day (in the morning after sleep and in the evening before bedtime);
  • iron underwear with a hot iron on both sides;
  • to carry out a change of underwear after each washing (2 times a day);
  • during treatment, change bed linen every day, and after it 1 time in 14 days;
  • wash bed linen at 90 ° and be sure to iron it on both sides.

Such measures are necessary in order to destroy the eggs of pinworms and prevent re-infection with them.

At the end of treatment, a control scraping is performed. The complete recovery of a child or an adult can only be judged by the results of three negative tests.

gallbladder- is a hollow organ located in the abdominal cavity on the right side under the liver. Stores bile, which then enters small intestine and participates in the process of digestion.

Being active and able to move well, pinworms can move not towards the anus, but, on the contrary, towards the initial sections of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, through the small intestine, along the bile ducts, they can penetrate into gallbladder, causing irritation, and subsequently inflammation of the inner lining of the gallbladder (cholecystitis).

Diagnosis of enterobiasis

It does not present any special difficulties and consists of several stages.

The first of these is a general patient survey. which includes:

  • Finding out the main complaints
  • When did the first signs appear?
  • Does anyone else in the family have similar symptoms?
  • Are the basic rules of hygiene observed (washing hands: after using the toilet, before eating, etc.)
The second point is microscopic examination fecal masses, scrapings from the area located around the anus. Scrapings or simply removing the contents on the surface of the skin in the indicated places is done by resorting to the use of a plastic oilcloth, which is applied to the skin. On the surface of the plastic film, microscopy reveals helminth eggs of a characteristic shape and size.

For detailed information on the analysis of feces for worm eggs - on how to collect material, how to prepare for analysis, read the article:Analysis of feces for worm eggs .

The third point is a laboratory blood test. Blood is taken from a finger and a general blood test is done and the presence of changes characteristic of the presence of helminths in the body is detected.

The basis of the treatment of helminthiases is the so-called deworming, that is, the removal of helminths from the body. The effectiveness of deworming increases if you follow simple hygiene rules. For example:

  • Dressing for the night tight shorts with a tight elastic band around the edges
  • Daily washing in the anus
  • Daily change of underwear
  • Boil washing and ironing, etc.
For treatment, anthelmintic drugs with various mechanisms of action are used. The most common of them are:
Vermox (mebendazole)- available in the form of tablets of 0.1g

Pyrantel (combatrin helmintox) - tablets 125-250 mg

The anthelmintic drug affects individuals of both sexes and is active regardless of the stage of development of helminths.
Assign reception during meals:
Children 125 mg to 250 mg depending on age
Children from 15 years old and adults are prescribed 500 mg
The drug is administered once or twice a day. Course dose up to 500 mg

Despite the high effectiveness of antihelminthic drugs, in some cases a second course of deworming is recommended 2-3 weeks after treatment.

1. Mandatory treatment of persons who have been diagnosed with enterobiasis. This is necessary to prevent infection of others.

The genus of primary cavity worms, pinworms, can exist only in the human body, causing a general infection of the body, which is called enterobiasis in medicine. At the same time, a child's organism is often affected by this ailment, enterobiasis is also possible in a small baby due to non-observance of elementary hygiene rules by his parents.

The main danger of such a diagnosis lies in the complexity of its determination, since in 80% of cases in the first stages no symptoms of infection are observed. This is especially true for the child's body.

Pinworms look like white worms round shape. The color makes them very visible in the feces - this is how it is usually possible to detect the presence of helminths in the body of a child and an adult. Male pinworms in the feces of a child can reach a length of up to 3 mm, females up to 10 and even up to 15 mm.

Enterobiasis in children usually occurs due to non-compliance with basic hygiene standards. Doctors call the main method of transmission of such an infection oral-fecal, since female worms lay their eggs directly on the walls of the intestine. Then they easily get on the bed linen, through which another person can become infected.

The contact-household way of transmission of pinworms from an adult to a child has many options. In a similar way, it is possible to transfer helminth eggs from a child to an adult. The female helminth usually lays eggs in the anus at night, causing itching. Combing the focus of the spread of infection leads to the entry of helminth eggs under the nails of a person whose body is affected by worms. If the hands were not washed with soap, then it is with their help that the infection spreads to all objects in the house and beyond.

Pinworms in a child most often occur precisely through the transfer of it from other children or from adults through any objects, ranging from clothing to furniture. Also a great place for them to "move" is the hair of pets.

Getting rid of worms is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The most important thing is to follow the correct course of treatment prescribed by the doctor, and do not forget about hygiene standards. If the second condition is not met, even the most potent and expensive medicines will not help.

Types of infections

Pinworms in children have symptoms that do not allow them to be confused with other diseases. However, often the defeat of the baby's body occurs without any symptoms, except for the appearance of white worms in the feces. The ability to timely identify the danger that threatens the child's body depends entirely on parental attention to their child.

It is not difficult to recognize the presence of helminths in the body of a child who can speak. It is enough to observe the reaction of the baby, as well as ask him about his feelings. We can safely say about the presence of damage to the body by helminths, if there are the following signs pinworms in children:

  • itching and discomfort in the anus;
  • even if initially the itching was not pronounced, it intensifies over time;
  • if the invasion is significant, against the background of itching and burning, intestinal upset is observed;
  • the appearance in the anus of inflamed small wounds, which are formed as a result of constant scratching, which leads to dermatitis and vulvitis;
  • allergic foci on the skin may indicate infection;
  • in the absence of proper treatment, there is a lack of appetite, apathy, failure of the digestive system.

In addition, a direct indicator of infection of the child's body is the presence of white worms in the feces. Seeing a doctor for an accurate diagnosis is mandatory and immediate.

Breast symptoms

  • weakened immunity, weight loss and general weakness; the baby is malnourished due to lack of appetite;
  • itching in the perineum and around the anus; strengthening it at night and in the evening;
  • pain in the gastrointestinal tract, which the newborn will tell with his endless crying.

Fundamentals of treatment

In addition to taking medication important point is the prevention of enterobiasis in children in the form of compliance with hygiene standards. Parents should ensure that the baby eats only well-washed vegetables and fruits, always wash their hands with soap, especially after the street and contact with animals. It is also necessary to carry out disinfecting measures at home - wash with high temperature bed linen, disinfect all toys in a special solution, and carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Child under one year old

The doctor will be able to answer the question of how to treat enterobiasis in children only after receiving a general picture of the child's condition. Next, the doctor prescribes a therapy regimen that will be most effective for the stage of infection, but at the same time safe for a child up to a year old. To completely get rid of worms at this age, it is sufficient to take the medicine 1-2 times, long-term treatment not required.

The most common drugs for combating worms in infancy are Vermox, Wormil or Helmitox. Dosage and frequency of administration can only be prescribed by the attending doctor.

In addition to taking the drug, it is important to observe hygiene standards in the daily life of the baby:

  • regular diaper change;
  • regular change of bed linen;
  • regular washing, especially carefully in the anus.

Two years and older

In any childhood, even if the child has already reached the mark of two years, it is necessary to carry out deworming of the body. However, a certain dosage of the medicine should be observed, which only a doctor can suggest. In addition, medicines are selected depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, taking into account the intolerance of certain components of medicines by the child's body.

Medical treatment

An obligatory moment before taking medicines for helminths is the correct preparation of the body. This requires soft and even liquid nutrition, as well as taking a laxative in the evening on the day of taking the medicine for worms. In the morning after the day of taking the medication, you need to do an enema. After treatment, prevention of pinworms in children is important.

Folk remedies

Pinworms in childhood are a very common problem, which must be dealt with with the help of special medications and folk remedies. The prescription of drugs and their dosage should be determined only by a doctor after examining the child and establishing an accurate diagnosis.

Pinworm is one of the representatives of the worm species that affects all age generations. Outwardly, it looks like a white worm with pointed ends from 5 mm (males) to 1.5 cm (females) long, and its egg looks like a small oval grain.

Pinworms in children - symptoms and treatment

The pinworm in children belongs to the type of roundworms, as it looks like a small worm, the females of which reach a length of up to 12 mm, and males up to 5-6 mm. The pinworm has a whitish color. In the female, the end is pointed and slightly swollen, while in the male it is twisted spirally.

Also, when examining the body of a female in detail, one can see a translucent uterus, in which there is not one egg, but several dozen, with the help of which it reproduces.

The pinworm produces a colorless egg with a thin shell. The egg is unpretentious, it can live well in almost any conditions, ripening in environment and, can wait for a child on the floor, on the paws and hair of animals, in carpets, on clothes and in other places.

The egg matures after 4–5 hours and a larva appears in it. The larva can live up to 20 days from the moment it leaves children's body, comes out and begins to ripen. An egg with a larva perfectly tolerates all detergents and temperatures up to 24% heat.

The pinworm reproduces quickly, it is able to lay not one egg per night, but from 5 to 15 thousand, for this it migrates to the anus of the child, where it lays them. In girls, the worm is able to make its way into the genitals, where it also lays an egg or several dozen of them.

Helminths can enter the child's body in several ways:

  1. A baby can become infected while passing through the birth canal of an infected mother.
  2. During contact with adults from their hands or clothing.
  3. Through toys seeded with eggs of worms.
  4. With unboiled water while bathing.

A child, no matter what year it is, playing on the street, going to a kindergarten, school or other public places is at risk of infection, because someone can leave an egg in the sandbox or on the doorknob, etc.

In this regard, a child is more likely than an adult to be infected with pinworms, since he plays more on the floor, often taking other people's toys and other things in public places, after which he involuntarily introduces the worm into his body, eating candy, opening it on the street with dirty hands, on which there is an egg, transferring it with it into the body.

Although the pinworm does not live for a year or more, but only about 1.5–2 months, it is dangerous because it multiplies rapidly, increasing its number tenfold. Males die immediately after fertilization of females. The egg can live outside of a person for up to 1 month. Once in the body, it can cause damage to health, so it is necessary to be able to recognize in time that an infection has occurred and take measures to start treating the baby in time.

Adults, in order for the child not to become infected, must take measures to prevent his infection and ensure that he knows these measures and does not neglect them.

The risk of pinworms is highest in the following cases:

  • if the mother suffered from toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • when artificial feeding occurs, in which the body does not get the immunoglobulins contained in breast milk, which leads to a weakening of the immune system;
  • frequent illnesses of the child;
  • deviation in development;
  • lack of conditions for proper and constant hygiene;
  • the child bites his nails and puts his hands in his mouth.

Pinworm damages the intestinal lining gastric tract, therefore, the elements of food through the damaged areas often penetrate into the blood, in addition, they secrete substances of their activity, than the pinworm in the child provokes severe intoxication, as a result of which the body can no longer function normally and various complications appear.

The disease has several manifestations, including:

Parents should be alert and consult a doctor if they notice the following symptoms in their child:

  • periodic cramping pain in the abdomen;
  • decrease or lack of appetite;
  • lethargy of the child, lag in proper development and growth;
  • irritability, distraction, constant whims and tears;
  • sleep problems, crying and screaming when waking up;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • itching of the anus;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • recurring conjunctivitis;
  • allergic skin manifestations;
  • prolonged runny nose;
  • persistent cough without reason;
  • frequent acute respiratory viral infections of a complicated form.

Determining helminthic invasion in infants is difficult, but possible. Signs of the appearance of pinworms in the body are direct and indirect. Direct manifestations include the most noticeable changes.

  1. Young children always gain weight well. A small weight gain or its unreasonable loss should alert parents and cause the baby to be checked by a specialist.
  2. Intense salivation during sleep. This can be seen from the damp pillow near the mouth.
  3. Frequent profuse regurgitation of food after eating. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation are replaced by diarrhea.
  4. Pain in the umbilical region.
  5. Pale skin covering of the whole body. Thighs with constant small eruption.
  6. Dark circles under the eyes.

Indirect signs:

  • Persistent allergic reactions.
  • Susceptibility to diseases caused by weak immunity.

If an allergy, diathesis, neurodermatitis or dermatitis appears in a baby, it is necessary to check it for the presence of worms. Getting rid of them will normalize the work of all organs and restore immune system.

In this regard, outbreaks of pinworms are often observed in kindergartens and schools. Infection of the baby is carried out through non-observance of proper hygiene by parents.

Pets are not carriers of the disease. Enterobiasis is transmitted only to humans from humans.

Diagnosis of enterobiasis

To make a correct diagnosis, you often need to consult some doctors:

  • gynecologist - if there is severe itching in the anus;
  • surgeon - for pain in the abdomen;
  • gastroenterologist - intestinal disorders.

most faithful laboratory method definition of pinworms is the microscopic analysis of scrapings obtained from the anus of the child. PCR of feces, a study of feces in order to detect eggs of the pathogen, and ultrasound of the abdominal organs can also be performed.

Scraping can be done at home to save the child from unnecessary worries and discomfort. To do this, use a cotton swab or adhesive tape. A cotton swab is soaked in water and passed over the skin around the anus. Adhesive tape is glued in the morning or evening to the anus. Pinworm eggs should stick to it. The sample is then sent to the laboratory.

Also, an analysis for the detection of infection is carried out in the following cases:

  1. Getting to the hospital;
  2. A trip on a ticket to a sanatorium;
  3. If the child enters a kindergarten, school or is enrolled in a pool.

Pinworms in children - treatment

In alternative medicine, there are also remedies for how to treat, garlic is used here, used in the morning on an empty stomach or at night, sung with plenty of water, onions, consumed for 5 days, pumpkin seeds are also recommended for treatment, eat in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before meals and many others .

However, treatment folk therapy most experts have recognized it as ineffective, and many do not recommend using it, believing that under its influence the pinworm, and even more so its egg, will not die, but it will begin to move to other organs, which will further harm the body.

Before you treat, you need to prepare, namely, one day before taking the medicine, you must abandon the products that fix the action, but there are easily digestible liquid ones. Take medication the best in the morning(if the instructions for use do not contradict this), and in the evening take a relaxing remedy.

The child, due to physical and psychological characteristics, has its own specifics of the body, given this, it is advisable not to treat yourself, but to seek help from a doctor. You should not give medicines without reading the instructions for the drug.

In addition, minors may be allergic to the components of the preparations, then they cannot use the medicine. Especially if a child who is not yet a year old has become infected, since his body and immunity have not yet been established.

After treatment for about 2 weeks, it is necessary to use probiotics to restore the intestinal microflora and a multivitamin complex. Such a symptom as itching disappears almost immediately like a pinworm, or rather, all individuals left the body, and zinc ointment is recommended for wound healing.

The child ceases to be a carrier within 1 day after taking the medicine. After treatment, gradually all other signs of pinworms in children disappear and the children's body is restored.

After 2 weeks after the treatment has passed, it is necessary to re-test in order to reliably establish whether there is still a pinworm or at least one of its eggs or to use a medicine for them. It is desirable to do this, since the pinworm could divorce again if at least one egg remained.

Treatment of enterobiasis in children takes place on an outpatient basis, subject to the following conditions:

  • limit contact with adults and children;
  • following the doctor's recommendations and taking the prescribed pills;
  • preventive actions to prevent re-infection;
  • examination of people who have been in contact with the patient, the use of the necessary means.

Mandatory observance of hygiene rules for pinworms is required:

Drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor, based on the age and weight of the patient. Self-medication is prohibited, as some drugs have contraindications.
After productive therapy, observation of 1-1.5 months is necessary. Retests are scheduled after 21 days.

For the period of treatment and observation after it, the child should not go to kindergarten, school and other educational institutions.

The safest among medicines are considered:

  • taken once after meals;
  • the dose is calculated in strict dependence on the weight of the patient;
  • approved for admission to children over the age of one year;
  • an overdose can cause a severe allergic reaction.
  • Wormil is produced in the form of chewable plates.

    • the medication is taken once after a meal;
    • the use of laxatives is not required;
    • the drug is strictly prohibited for children under 2 years of age.
  • Decaris is available in tablets.

    • the drug is taken once after dinner;
    • the dosage should be calculated according to the weight of the patient;
    • during treatment, a preventive reception is necessary for the entire close environment;
    • not to be taken by children under 3 years of age;
    • has a large number of contraindications and side effects.
  • Mebendazole form of release in tablets

    • quickly excreted from the body;
    • no concomitant use of laxatives is required;
    • it is taken once, but a repeat is necessary after 21 days;
    • admission to children under 2 years of age is strictly prohibited;
    • can cause serious poisoning when combined with alcohol.
  • Piperazine is available in tablets.

    • it is necessary to conduct a course of treatment;
    • the interval between taking the medicine and eating should be at least an hour;
    • during treatment it is necessary to carry out enemas;
    • there are a large number of contraindications;
    • infants are given under the supervision of specialists in a hospital.
  • Pyrantel is available in tablets, chewable plates, suspensions.

    • taken once after a meal;
    • the dose is calculated in strict accordance with the weight of the patient;
    • during treatment, a preventive reception is necessary for the entire environment of the patient;
    • approved for use in infants;
    • possible overdose.

    After the course reception, it is necessary to conduct an additional analysis for pinworms and make sure that the child does not have enterobiasis. If necessary, repeat the medication.

    Pinworm eggs - treatment in children

    It is possible to get rid of pinworms under the condition of a course of treatment by simultaneously taking medications and preventing the further spread of pinworms, blocking the possibility of further stages of egg development.

    Scraping for enterobiasis - how to take it from children

    After contacting a doctor with a suspicion that the baby has pinworms, you will need to undergo a scraping for enterobiasis. This is the most effective way to determine the presence of helminths. The method of carrying out the procedure depends on the age of the subject.

    1. Using sticks with cotton swabs:
    • a cotton swab is moistened in glycerin ointment;
    • the subject is placed on his side and the buttocks are pushed apart with the first and second fingers of the left hand;
    • take a stick with a tampon in the right hand;
    • gently swab the area of ​​the perianal folds and anus with a swab;
    • the stick with the collected smear is removed into a sterile special container with a tight lid.
  • With special adhesive tape:
    • cut a piece 5-7 cm long from the adhesive tape;
    • put the subject on his side, push the buttocks apart;
    • press the tape with the sticky side to the perianal folds and the anus area;
    • it is necessary to apply the tape several times;
    • press the tape to a sterile glass for analysis;
    • straighten to get rid of air bubbles.

    Material is suitable for analysis short term, so it is not taken on its own. It must be remembered that before passing the test, the baby does not need to be washed away.

    Pinworms in children - treatment at home

    He needs treatment, due to the fact that children are at risk of the following complications and pinworm:

    In order to prevent, you must first follow the rules of personal hygiene, which will help protect against the spread and development of pinworms in children. From an early age, children should be taught to wash their hands after going to the toilet and before eating.

    Wet cleaning should be carried out in the room, all surfaces are wiped with water and detergent or soda solution. Cleaning equipment must be replaced with a new one after each use.

    Toys must be washed or laundered. Bed and underwear should be changed daily. Towels should be washed at 90°C and ironed after drying. Panties should fit snugly to the body, which will delay the pinworms and prevent them from penetrating to other parts of the body. A sick child should drink and eat from separate dishes. Wash your baby with warm water before going to bed.

    Family members must undergo a mandatory examination and, if pinworms are found, drink the necessary medicines at the same time. This is done to avoid the spread of eggs or reinfection.