Medical diagnostics. What is an inhaler? How to choose the perfect inhaler for a child and an adult

Inhalers and nebulizers are reliable helpers in every home!

Rainy damp weather, humid air, colds, coughs, flu… How much of your precious time can you spend on effective, systematic treatment? After all, the disease now threatens with trouble at work, and you often have to endure a cold or flu “on your feet”.

The inhaler (or nebulizer) has become a faithful assistant in a quick cure for the disease. You ask - why not pills? The main advantage of inhalers over pills and even injections is the speed of the effect. The tablet, before having the desired effect, must first enter the stomach or intestines, and only then be absorbed into the blood. The drug, sprayed through an inhaler, acts instantly, within a few seconds. You instantly feel relief, breathe easier and your condition improves. Therefore, inhalers are primarily used to treat diseases that require rapid intervention - asthma, bronchitis, allergies.

Nebulizers are also good for the treatment of common respiratory diseases, laryngitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, fungal infections of the upper respiratory tract. Help inhalers and occupational diseases singers, miners, teachers. Using an inhaler, you can inhale ordinary water vapor, saline solutions, herbal infusions, essential oils.

There is another advantage of using inhalation therapy - unlike tablets and injections, medicinal aerosols do not cause complications due to their local action.

So what are inhalers? The simplest devices are metered-dose inhalers, which are ordinary cartridges into which medicine is pumped under pressure. When the valve is pressed, a strictly measured amount of medicine is sprayed. Metered dose inhalers are used mainly for patients with asthma and bronchitis. Ease of use and compactness allow you to use this inhaler without resorting to calling a doctor.

In compressor inhalers, a special electric pump is used to create a medicinal aerosol - a compressor. Such devices are also called nebulizers.

Ultrasonic inhalers are the achievement of modern inhalation technology. A medicinal aerosol is created using ultrasound and is delivered to the patient through a mouthpiece or mask. Ultrasonic nebulizers are widely used in the treatment of children due to their silent operation. The disadvantages include the restriction in the use of medicines.

Recently, inhalers designed specifically for children have appeared. They differ in the way medicines are sprayed. For very young children, special silicone masks are used, and only as much aerosol is sprayed as the baby can inhale.

When choosing an inhaler, consult a specialist!

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When treating the respiratory system, doctors sometimes advise resorting to inhalation. With bronchial asthma, this procedure is vital. At present, it is no longer relevant to carry out inhalations with the help of a blanket and a saucepan with a decoction. There is a device that will make this process easy and not burdensome even for infants - this is a nebulizer. What is it and how to choose it correctly, we will consider further.

Nebulizer - what is it?

The name of the device speaks for itself: “nebula” means fog or cloud. The nebulizer converts the drug or mineral water into a kind of fog, which is inhaled through a mask or mouthpiece. This is the principle of its work.

It is in this way that drugs can penetrate into the most distant parts of the respiratory system. A nebulizer is an inhaler, but it works much more effectively than conventional inhalations. And the process is less hassle.

When to use a nebulizer

Using a nebulizer is primarily to help yourself in the treatment of the following diseases:

Contraindications to the use of a nebulizer

It is imperative to pay attention to contraindications to the use of a nebulizer, and there are also those:

  • Pulmonary bleeding.
  • Disorders in the work of the heart muscle.
  • Spontaneous pneumothorax on the background of bullous emphysema.
  • Allergic reaction to the used medications in the nebulizer.

Using a nebulizer is to help the body, not harm, be careful. If you use the device correctly, then the positive effect will not be long in coming.

What are nebulizers

Currently, there are portable nebulizers for home use and stationary, which are used in medical institutions.

These devices have differences in the principle of converting medicine into steam. So? they are:

  • Compressor.
  • Ultrasonic.
  • Electronic mesh or membrane.

And now let's take a closer look at all types of nebulizers.

Advantages and disadvantages

Compressor nebulizer - it is also called jet. The principle of operation is as follows: the drug is converted into vapor due to the passage of air under high pressure through it.

Compressor nebulizers are also of several types:

  • Compressor nebulizers with a constant particle spray rate.
  • Adjustable, having an inhalation key.
  • Automatically activated by breath.
  • Dosimetric nebulizers.

Disadvantages of a compressor nebulizer:

  • Very noisy during operation, which can cause inconvenience.
  • It cannot be used without being connected to the mains, which means that you cannot take it with you on the road.

Positive aspects should also be noted:

  • The particle size of the sprayed substance is regulated.
  • Mineral water can be used hormonal preparations, antibiotics.
  • Not a very high price.

Ultrasonic nebulizers are more advanced. Such devices convert the medicine into vapor due to ultrasonic vibrations.

Positive factors:

  • Breathing should not be adjusted.
  • Can be used in any position.
  • The medicinal substance penetrates even into the alveoli.
  • Not very noisy.
  • Relatively low cost.
  • Can be used in the treatment of children up to 1 year.

Disadvantages of ultrasonic nebulizers:

  • Not all medicines can be used.
  • The particle size cannot be adjusted.

Membrane nebulizers or mesh nebulizers. Their working principle is as follows: medicinal substance is forced through the mesh membrane using ultrasound at a frequency of 180 kHz.

Advantages of the mesh nebulizer:

  • No noise.
  • The possibility of using any drug.
  • Works both on batteries and from the mains.
  • A large number of nozzles.

The disadvantage, perhaps, can be identified only one: the high cost.

If a nebulizer is purchased on its own, the instructions should be carefully studied. You need to know which drugs can and cannot be used. Let's talk about this further.

What tools can be used in a nebulizer

For nebulizer therapy, it is allowed to use only specially designed drugs for this purpose. Before use, they must be warmed to room temperature. You can also use high quality mineral water of brands such as Borjomi, Narzan. Before using mineral water, it is necessary that carbon dioxide does not remain in it, so you must first release it by opening the bottle.

In nebulizers, bronchodilators are used primarily. These are such as "Atrovent", "Salbutamol", "Berotek", "Berodual".

Such solutions are possible for use in any kind of nebulizer.

Hormonal preparations, antiseptics and antibiotics can only be used in compressor and mesh nebulizers. Among them, the most commonly used:

  • Pulmicort is a hormonal drug.
  • "Tobramycin", "Dioxidin", "Furacilin", "Fluimucil".

Also, mucolytics, immunomodulators and many others are used only in compressor and membrane nebulizers. Here are some of them:

  • "Lazolvan".
  • "Pulmozim".
  • "Kromoheksal".
  • "Interferon leukocyte".
  • "Lidocaine".

It is worth saying that products such as mineral water are suitable for use in any kind of nebulizer.

What is forbidden to use in nebulizers

In any case, without consulting a doctor, you can not use any drug for nebulizer therapy. The use of mineral water or saline is allowed.

  1. Medicines that do not affect the mucous membrane:
  • Eufillin.
  • "Papaverine".
  • "Dimedrol", etc.

2. Products that contain essential oils. For the lungs, such therapy is dangerous. It can also cause damage to the nebulizer.

3. home cooking decoctions, infusions. It is not possible to adjust the dose of the drug contained in the decoction or tincture. You may cause damage to the nebulizer.

4. It is forbidden to use drugs that are not intended for nebulizer therapy. It is unacceptable to use crushed tablets, as well as syrups. Breakdown in this case can not be avoided.

How to choose a nebulizer

It is very important, when choosing a nebulizer, to know for what diseases you will need inhalation.

Universal is We have already familiarized ourselves with its positive and negative sides. If it suits you, you should clarify some of its parameters:

More detailed data on the operation of the compressor nebulizer is contained in its technical data sheet. In it you can find out about the volume of the drug, about the possible size of the sprayed particles. You can consult a doctor about what else you need to know when buying.

I would also like to note if you need a nebulizer for treatment bronchial asthma or chronic lung diseases, then you should not consider buying an ultrasound machine. Its positive and negative aspects have been discussed earlier.

Even when choosing, you need to focus on the size, noise level and type of device.

The manufacturer matters. So, for example, the OMRON nebulizer of the Japanese manufacturer, NEB 10A, "manufactured by Switzerland, is popular.

Choosing a nebulizer for a child

Our children often catch colds, and a large number of babies suffer from asthma attacks. A nebulizer in such situations is just a salvation. It will make breathing easier for the child, help relieve the attack.

How to choose Take into account a few tips:

When choosing a children's nebulizer, you can pay attention to the products of the company "Little Doctor". They have an original children's design. For example, model B.WellWN-115K in the form of a children's toy.

Another reason to buy a nebulizer for a child: it can replace the unpleasant procedure for children to take bitter and tasteless medicines. Nebulizer therapy is much more effective, as the medicine penetrates into the most distant parts respiratory organs. The child is breathing and recovering. And if the nebulizer is in the form of a toy, he will do this procedure with pleasure.

Popular nebulizers

Consider some popular models of nebulizers.

So, the Omron nebulizer is popular. It is made in Japan. These devices come in several markings.

The c28 nebulizer is compressor and works noisily, has large dimensions and weighs about 2 kg. It does not work without being connected to the mains. Convenient for home use. Prost in service. It can use all permissible drugs. Working time is not limited.

The ne c24 nebulizer from Omron is small and weighs around 300 g. It works without making any noise. The duration of one approach is not more than 20 minutes. Then you need a break for 30 minutes. You can take it with you on the road due to its portability.

Nebulizer "Omron NE" Japanese manufacturer has proven itself in the market. It has a good demand from buyers, although it is not a cheap option.

The OMRON NE nebulizer with mesh membrane is a good and reliable option for relieving asthmatic attacks, both at home and on the go.

An excellent choice is the Ld nebulizer - "Little Doctor". This model is produced in Singapore. The compressor nebulizer has an attractive design for children. A bit noisy but easy to use. It has several nozzles, not very expensive. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, then you need a break for 40 minutes. Ultrasound devices are also trustworthy and last a long time if the product is used correctly.

Another manufacturer won the love of customers. This is a B.Well nebulizer from the UK. Compressor models are very easy to use. They don't make a lot of noise, they have a lot of nozzles. Can work for a long time without interruption. It is convenient to store and carry in a special bag.

The B. Well ultrasonic nebulizer is recommended for use in the treatment of chronic diseases. It works silently, but does not allow the use of many types of drugs. Lightweight, but works only in an upright position, which is not very convenient for small children.

The B.Well mesh nebulizer is very practical and lightweight. Doesn't make noise and can run on batteries. Has a storage bag, spare batteries, several attachments.

The nebulizer "Microlife NEB 10A" has gained confidence! Reviews are only good due to the high Swiss quality. This is a compressor nebulizer. It has three spray modes, can work for a long time without a break for rest. It can be used both at home and in medical institutions. Noise is not very high.It has nose wash nozzles.It can take many medicines.It is easy to use and store, as it has a carrying handle and a compartment for accessories.

How to use a nebulizer correctly

In order for the nebulizer to serve for a long time, it is necessary to use it correctly.

  • For nebulizer therapy, use only those drugs that are recommended for this model.
  • Dissolve drugs only with saline, in no case with boiled water.
  • Refuel the device before inhalation itself, for this use only sterile syringes and needles.
  • During the procedure, you need to breathe slowly and deeply.
  • If you use a mask, it must fit snugly against your face, otherwise inhalation loses its effectiveness.
  • After carrying out nebulizer therapy, the device must be thoroughly washed.
  • The usual washing consists in soaking the parts in a soapy solution, after which they must be rinsed, poured over with boiling water and dried in the open air.
  • You can boil only those parts that are subject to boiling.
  • Components that cannot be boiled can be disinfected with a special solution: hydrogen peroxide, septodor solution or chloramine solution. Be sure to remove the remnants of these solutions.

Follow these simple rules, your nebulizer will serve you for a long time. Be sure to read the instructions for the device you are going to use.

Vishnyakov Vasily Nikolaevich 224

An inhaler is a special device with which the medicine enters the respiratory system directly, while providing a preventive and therapeutic effect.

And it was invented a very, very long time ago, in ancient Greece. For the first time, in the work of Galen there is a description of such an apparatus. Of course, it had a primitive appearance, but the very fact of its existence in antiquity has been scientifically proven. This drug has been used in medicinal and preventive purposes. Most often, doctors of those times recommended that patients breathe sea air, and the means for carrying out this procedure were mint, menthol, and eucalyptus.

The prerequisites for its occurrence were frequent diseases of people's upper respiratory tract, as well as incurable tuberculosis at that time, which became a real "black death" for many. Its incidence only increased with time and occurred not only in adults, but also in children. It was not possible to cure him with ordinary herbs. Therefore, it was necessary to look for new methods of treatment. This is how the inhaler became.

You can often hear the word "nebulizer". Many begin to guess, because such a word is heard for the first time. Therefore, studying the history of the inhaler, you should know that earlier its name was just that. 200 years ago, it was quite huge and completely non-portable, but already in 1859, thanks to J. Sales, the first portable inhaler was invented in Paris. Since 1872, this apparatus has been one of the essential tools for every doctor.

From Latin, the word "nebulizer" is translated as "fog" or "cloud", which means a special tool that is designed for medicine, in order to convert liquid into an aerosol using a jet of steam. Thus, doctors could successfully treat both colds, coughs, and pneumonia, as well as tuberculosis. Over time, this device has improved. Compressor inhalers, which are still popular and in demand, have entered the sale and use. This inhaler is one of a kind.

Prices in online stores:
Med.gramix 4 599 R

Electrozon 3 650 R

First, the aerosol is formed due to rarefaction of breathing. Secondly, the drug has the ability to separate into small microparticles and easily penetrate not only into the upper Airways(mouth, nasopharynx, trachea), but also to the lower ones, thus reaching the bronchi.
There are two forms of such inhalers: stationary and portable. For the most part, stationary ones are used only in clinics, because they are bulky. But portable inhalers can always be taken with you and kept ready, as it is compact and very convenient.

At the present time of the development of science, technology, biology and medicine, old drugs become obsolete very quickly. Here it is now new stage inhaler development.
The ultrasonic inhaler is the latest machine that is used for deep treatment of the whole respiratory system. It is he who is able to treat even the lungs, and does it quickly and efficiently. It should be noted that inhalers are very useful in both therapeutic and preventive measures. And his need is always growing. That is why this drug is being improved and become the most convenient, high-quality and portable every day.

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For the first time, the term "inhaler" (English inhaler from Latin inhalo - I breathe in) was used by the English therapist John Mudge in 1778 in his book "Radical and fast way treatment of cold cough. He called his own invention an inhaler - a pewter mug remade in a special way with a hole for inhaling opium. It is from the "Mug Mug" that the history of inhalers as devices for inhaling medicinal preparations is counted.

However, inhalation as a method of treating various diseases was known to ancient doctors two millennia ago. The ancient Egyptian Ebers Papyrus, which dates back to 1554 BC, describes the inhalation of black henbane fumes to treat the respiratory tract. "Inhalation therapy" was also practiced in other ancient civilizations: in ancient China, asthma was treated by inhaling opium, in ancient Greece, Hippocrates prescribed to his patients the inhalation of herbal vapors and resins, boiling in vinegar and oil.

The first device for spraying a medicinal substance in the form of an aerosol was invented by the Frenchman J. Sel-Giron. The invention was presented at the Medical Academy in Paris in 1858 and called the pressurized inhaler, because it was air pressure that allowed the liquid drug to be sprayed. To create pressure in the device, a bicycle-type pump was used. When the pump was pulled up, the liquid was sucked out of the container, and when it was lowered, it passed through the nozzle and sprayed at the patient's mouth.

In 1864, the German physician Siegel invented a steam inhaler called the "Siegel steam atomizer". He worked from an alcohol burner, which heated the water in the tank to a boil. A thin tube went from the container, connected to the second container with the medicine. The steam flow brought the drug into dispersion. The resulting drug suspension was inhaled by the patient through a glass mouthpiece attached to the inhaler. In fact, modern steam inhalers work on the same principle, only electricity has replaced the alcohol burner.

The first electric nebulizer was invented in the early 1930s and was called the Pneumostat. The liquid drug was aerosolized using an electric compressor. At that time, the effectiveness of adrenaline as a means of relieving asthma attacks had already been proven, so adrenaline chloride was most often used with Pneumostat. In 1950, V. Reeder and K. Makai first cured pneumonia with an inhaled adrenocorticosteroid, which provoked a wave of clinical research in the field of application of various anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of inhalation.

An important milestone in the history of the development of inhalers is the invention of a pocket metered-dose aerosol inhaler for emergency assistance in an attack of bronchial asthma. Development of the new device was carried out at Riker Laboratories in the early 1950s. In June 1955, the metered dose inhaler (pMDI) was successfully tested in hospital Veterans Affairs Administration in California. In March 1956, two devices appeared on the market: the Medihaler-iso with isoprenaline and the Medihaler-epi with adrenaline.

Now millions of asthmatics around the world cannot imagine life without a metered-dose aerosol inhaler. The drug in it is in a cold state and, under the influence of a jet of freon under pressure, passes through the metering valves and is delivered to the lungs in a precisely measured amount.

1964 marked the introduction of electric ultrasonic nebulizers. The main element of the ultrasonic nebulizer is a piezoelectric crystal that vibrates at a high frequency (1-3 MHz) and converts water with drugs dissolved in it into a slowly moving aerosol consisting of microdroplets. Thanks to ultrasound, the inhaler no longer depends on compressed air and steam, it has become more compact, portable and silent.

In the early 2000s, ultrasonic inhalers were used to develop the latest and most efficient nebulization technology. medicines- Vibrating Mesh Technology ("Vibrating Grid Technology"). In inhalers with VMT technology, a vibrating grid with 1000-7000 micro-holes is installed above the reservoir with liquid medicine, passing through which the liquid turns into an aerosol with a very small particle size. New technology characterized by the most efficient consumption medicines- 98% of the drug is delivered to the respiratory tract. This reduces the time of inhalation and reduces the size of the inhaler.

Article last updated: 04/23/2018

The question of how to choose an inhaler for a child and the whole family is extremely important, since this device belongs to medical equipment. An inhaler is a special device designed to administer drugs by inhaling them. Such a device is used in both traditional and folk medicine for the treatment of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. In some situations, an inhaler is indispensable for stopping an allergic or bronchial attack.

Inhalation devices for home use have many positive qualities: they are easy to use, convenient, portable, able to accurately dose the drug, ensuring its rapid assimilation. Domestic and foreign manufacturers offer many modern inhalation devices. From our article you will find out what types of inhalers are available, which device is suitable for cosmetic procedures, and which one is intended only for the treatment of young children.

Child psychologist

Before considering the main types of devices for inhalation procedures, let's look at the features of this therapeutic method.

In the medical literature, inhalation is understood as the method of administering drugs by inhaling vapor or gaseous drugs with a certain size of small particles.

The therapeutic effect of these procedures is based on the fact that medicinal products capable of being transported deep into the respiratory tract. This cannot be achieved by other methods, for example, by rinsing or irrigating the throat with aerosols.

In addition, unlike tablet and capsule preparations taken orally, inhaled drugs reach their destination almost instantly and do not pass through gastrointestinal tract. That is, the risk of adverse reactions is significantly reduced.

Inhalation procedures are used in case of:

Despite the high efficiency of this inhalation procedure in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, there are several conditions that are contraindications and limitations to the use of an inhaler.

Such conditions include:

  • hypertension of the 3rd degree;
  • cavernous tuberculosis;
  • respiratory failure of the 3rd degree;
  • pulmonary, nosebleeds and / or predisposition to them;
  • heart failure;
  • high body temperature (above 37.5 ° C).

Thus, it is better to discuss the use of an inhaler with your doctor first. Exactly medical worker will determine the need for this procedure, as well as prescribe the required medications.

When choosing an inhaler for a child, parents are constantly faced with such a thing as a "nebulizer". What is it and how does this device differ from a standard inhalation apparatus?

A nebulizer (from Latin nebula - “cloud”, “fog”) is a device that converts a drug from a liquid into an aerosol and introduces it into the body by inhalation. That is, a nebulizer is a type of inhaler that performs the same functions.

It should be noted that the nebulizer is a more modern and efficient device, since it has a point effect on the respiratory tract, delivering the medicine strictly to a specific area. Such accuracy is ensured by the particle size of the drug - from 1 to 10 microns in diameter.

The smaller the aerosol particles, the deeper and more distant areas of the respiratory tract they can reach. For example, particles of 1 - 2 microns (µm) reach the alveoli, and 10-micron particles will settle in the nasopharynx.

Let us consider in more detail the data on which parts of the respiratory tract correspond to particles of certain sizes:

  • 8 - 10 microns - oral cavity;
  • 5 - 8 microns - upper respiratory tract: nasopharyngeal cavity and larynx;
  • 3 - 5 microns - trachea and bronchial canals;
  • 1 - 3 microns - bronchioles;
  • 0.5 - 2 microns - alveoli.

And one more important clarification - a standard steam inhaler cannot be attributed to nebulizers due to the particle size of the healing solution. However, in the end, we can say that there are not very many differences between these devices.

That is why many companies use the double name - inhaler-nebulizer, which is another argument in favor of their similarity. In this case, several types of inhalation devices can be distinguished.

What are inhalers and nebulizers?

For home use in the old days, primitive devices were used that made it possible to turn liquid medicines into vapor. Recall at least a pot of boiled potatoes or a container of hot water.

Today, pharmacies and online stores offer a wide variety of inhaled drugs that differ in form, mechanism of action and cost. How to buy the best inhaler for a child and the whole family in such a situation and not make a mistake with the choice?

Before proceeding to the description of each type, it should be clarified that only a steam device is usually attributed directly to inhalers. The remaining three varieties of the device are increasingly referred to as nebulizers - more advanced versions of inhalation devices.

Type of inhalerOperating principleAssignments to use
Steam inhalerThe medicinal liquid is heated, as a result of which the infusion turns into steam. It is inhaled by the patient through a special nozzle.Used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract (nasopharynx, larynx). Especially often used for influenza, rhinitis.
Compressor nebulizerWith the help of a powerful air flow generated by a piston compressor, the device breaks down the medicine into tiny particles and sends them to all parts of the respiratory tract.Suitable for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma. You can use almost all types of drugs.
Ultrasonic nebulizerWith the help of high-frequency ultrasonic waves, the medicine is broken down into tiny particles, which are sent to the farthest parts of the respiratory system.Can be used to treat colds and a variety of diseases pulmonary system(including allergies and asthma), by adjusting the size of fine particles.
Mesh nebulizersA vibrating plate (membrane) splits the drug into tiny particles that penetrate into any part of the respiratory tract.Used for the treatment of chronic and severe inflammatory diseases of the upper, middle and lower respiratory tract. Usually used for pneumonia, tracheitis, asthma.

Steam inhaler

For many decades and even centuries, in the treatment of colds and rhinitis, the simplest steam inhalation device was used, often constructed from improvised means.

So, boiling water was poured into a container, a cold person covered himself with a blanket and breathed hot steam, which contained essential oil substances, decoctions medicinal herbs, alcohol tinctures.

Then this method of treatment was somewhat improved. An ordinary kettle became a steam generator, into which a thick paper tube was inserted - a kind of nozzle was obtained, through which a person inhaled healing vapors.

Today, modern steam inhalation devices are used, equipped with a mechanism for regulating the supply of steam and its temperature regimes. In addition, there are several attachments that are also intended for babies.

Main advantages:

  • helps with cough and runny nose in children and adults, can increase local immunity;
  • low price and availability;
  • ease of management and operation, all parts can be washed and disinfected;
  • it is possible to carry out inhalation procedures with herbal infusions and tinctures, essential oils, medicines, mineral water;
  • excellently recommended in cosmetology, as they effectively cleanse the skin pores.

Main disadvantages:

  • do not use the device at a body temperature above 37.5 ° C;
  • if the child is small, then it is difficult to hold him over the mask during the inhalation procedure;
  • vapor particles are too large, so the medicine is not able to reach the lower respiratory tract;
  • the active ingredients of many types of drugs (antibiotic drugs, hormonal and antispasmodic drugs) are destroyed when high temperature and become practically useless.

Steam inhalers are not recommended for use in children under 12 months of age. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the respiratory tract and the lack of coughing skills in infants, softened mucus can clog the trachea with phlegm, which is fraught with an attack of suffocation.

In addition, warm steam is able to "lower" the infection with sputum into the lower regions of the bronchopulmonary system, which as a result can lead to inflammation of the bronchi, bronchioles or lungs. And this is a serious danger to the health and life of the baby.

MED 2000 Cow

The steam inhaler is suitable for both adults and kids. It was in order to interest young children in inhalation procedures that the designers developed an unusual and cute shape of the product - the cute “Buryonka”.

Powered by the mains inhaler heats the treatment solution, converting it into steam. The device is equipped with an adjustable drug spray, which allows you to set and change the size of the vapor particles.


  • unusual design, suitable for a small child;
  • particle size controller;
  • telescope tube for steam temperature control;
  • there are masks for inhalation and for cosmetic procedures;
  • the possibility of using herbal decoctions and tinctures.


  • making loud noises;
  • no nozzle for parents, only cosmetic;
  • steam can burn you if you're not careful.

You can buy this device in the oldest domestic online store for children's goods (link to a steam inhaler). The approximate cost of medical equipment is 2580 rubles.

Compressor inhaler (jet)

The compressor inhaler is considered a universal type of such devices, since it is suitable for both adults and children of all ages.

The device creates fine aerosols that penetrate into the deepest parts of the respiratory tract. The nebulizer functions by splitting the liquid preparation with an air jet under high pressure. The air flow is formed with the help of a compressor and a narrow slot through which the air jet is driven.

The compression nebulizer consists of a compressor, a chamber and an air outlet pipe. In the compressor housing there is a container into which the corresponding preparation is poured. It passes into the chamber, where it is transformed into an aerosol.

Main advantages:

  • The kit includes a mouthpiece for inhaling the drug through oral cavity and a mask that is designed to allow the drug to enter through the nose;
  • ease of operation, all parts of the structure can be washed and disinfected;
  • applicable for the use of almost all drugs, including antibacterial and hormonal agents;
  • you can change the size of aerosol particles, which allows you to adjust the level of penetration of the drug into the respiratory tract;
  • compressor inhaler can be used in children from birth, including premature babies;
  • used in a lying and sleeping patient;
  • some inhalation devices are made in the form of bright toys, which is important in childhood;
  • optimal cost.

Main disadvantages:

  • noisy work;
  • a rather large and heavy device, so that it cannot be taken with you on a trip;
  • many models are not suitable for the use of herbal infusions, essential oils.

Of all the varieties of nebulizers, a compressor inhaler is considered the most optimal device for the whole family. It is used from the first days of a child's life, not only for the treatment of colds, but also for the relief of asthmatic attacks.


The Omron company makes good inhalation devices. And this model is no exception. CompAIR C28 is intended for the treatment and prevention of acute and chronic ailments of all parts of the respiratory tract.

The device is characterized by high performance, powerful compressor. In the treatment, you can use a variety of medications, antibiotics, mineral water, saline. Ideal for toddlers, debilitated and elderly patients.


  • compactness;
  • suitable for babies;
  • the kit includes a children's and adult mask, a mouthpiece and a nozzle for the nasal cavity;
  • penetrates even into the deepest parts of the respiratory tract;
  • a wide range of drugs used;
  • there is a storage bag.


  • noisy device;
  • regular disinfection is required.

You can buy this inhalation device both in a pharmacy and in an online store. So, you can consider the offer of a well-known domestic Internet seller (link to the device). The approximate cost of the product is 5,872 rubles.

Ultrasonic inhaler

Another type of nebulizer, which is highly efficient, quiet and compact. The operation of the device is based on the transformation of a healing solution into an aerosol mist using ultrasound, which is created by vibrations of a thin plate.

Often ultrasonic inhalers include rechargeable batteries, allowing them to be used not only at home, but also in "marching" conditions. Some models are equipped with car adapters for recharging while traveling.

Which nebulizer is more effective - compressor or ultrasonic? Judging by performance, an inhaler that works with ultrasound allows you to quickly and more productively spray a therapeutic aerosol on the inflamed surface of the respiratory tract.

Main advantages:

  • works silently, so small children are not afraid of the included device;
  • compact, because it can be taken with you on a trip and even recharged from a car battery;
  • characterized by increased productivity (in a quarter of an hour it irrigates almost the entire mucous membrane of the respiratory tract);
  • ease of handling and operation.

Main disadvantages:

  • not all models can use oil essential substances, decoctions of medicinal plants;
  • some hormonal and antibacterial agents, expectorants are destroyed under the influence of ultrasound;
  • the distance between the sprayer and the nozzle is small, so it is difficult to use the nebulizer for children under six months and bedridden patients;
  • regularly need to change cups for medicines, other additional accessories;
  • rather high cost of the device.

An ultrasonic nebulizer can hardly be called a universal device due to a number of features. But reviews of this type of device are mostly positive. Noiselessness and performance allows it to be used for the treatment of colds, acute respiratory infections, inflammation of the bronchi in children older than 6 months of age.

A&D UN-231

This device is compact, lightweight and portable. The device can be taken with you on a trip, especially since there is an adapter for the car. Another feature of the inhaler is the ease of operation, it is enough to press only one button.

It is intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases of all parts of the respiratory tract. The purposefulness of the impact of the aerosol flow is provided by the function of regulating the air flow. The average particle size is 5 µm.


  • compactness and lightness;
  • long service life;
  • noiselessness of work;
  • there are children's and adult masks;
  • there is an air flow control;
  • automatically turns off to protect against overheating.


  • one mode of operation limits the supply of medication to the lower sections;
  • only aqueous solutions can be used.

A very good offer from a popular domestic online store (link to an ultrasonic nebulizer). Approximate cost - 3900 rubles.

Membrane inhaler

This type of inhalation device has several similar names at once: a mesh nebulizer, an electronic mesh inhaler, a mesh nebulizer (from English mesh - “network cell”, Latin nebula - “fog”, “cloud”).

Such names are associated with the main design feature - a vibrating plate with a huge number of small holes. Passing through such a "lattice", drops of the solution turn into microscopic particles, which form a therapeutic aerosol.

This nebulizer is ideal for children and adults. When it is used, a very small amount of the drug is required. If we compare the mesh nebulizer with other types of inhalation devices, then the spraying and settling of drug particles when using an electronic mesh inhaler is very high.

Main advantages:

  • noiselessness of work;
  • lightness and compactness;
  • can work from batteries and the mains;
  • profitability (spends less volumes of medicines in comparison with analogues);
  • works even in a horizontal position;
  • any type of medication can be used, including hormones, bronchodilators, antibacterials, and essential oils.

Main disadvantages:

  • very high cost;
  • the device requires increased care, regular washing of the membrane, mesh and other components.

If you do not take into account these negative aspects, then many experts consider mesh nebulizers to be the most high-tech device. Doctors advise using such an inhaler in the treatment of children with serious illnesses such as asthma or cystic fibrosis.

Omron NE U22

Those parents who bought a mesh nebulizer from a well-known Japanese manufacturer note the high quality of the product and its compactness. This is one of the smallest and lightest models among all electronic mesh inhalation devices.

A unique development - a vibrating mesh - allows you to save particles of the treatment solution, does not allow them to disintegrate. That is why it is allowed to pour hormonal and antibacterial drugs into the device tank.


  • compactness and lightness of the device;
  • can work at any angle;
  • four-hour continuous operation thanks to batteries;
  • shockproof body;
  • silent operation;
  • the possibility of using antibiotics and hormones.


  • high price;
  • missing network adapter.

You can buy a medical device in the oldest domestic online trading platform, which offers a wide selection of a wide variety of products for children (link to the device). The approximate cost is 14,945 rubles.

And yet it is quite difficult to unequivocally answer the question, which inhaler-nebulizer is better to buy. All varieties have certain advantages and disadvantages. It is important to choose the device that is best suited for you and your child.

To understand the question of which inhaler is better to buy, you need to know not only the type of device, but also other characteristics. Let's talk in more detail about what parameters you should pay special attention to when choosing an inhalation device.

Child's age

This parameter is extremely important, since not all inhalation devices are suitable from birth. A striking example is a steam inhaler, which is recommended to be used only after 12 months of age due to design features.

Other types of inhalers - compressor, ultrasonic and mesh - can be used almost from the first days of life. In addition, such nebulizers are approved for use (if the design allows) in case of prematurity of the child, the presence of severe somatic diseases.

Compactness and mobility

On the market there are models of various weights and sizes. If you plan to use the device exclusively in the house, then you should not worry too much about this parameter.

Another thing is if the family leads an active lifestyle and is often on the road. In this case, you should select more compact devices that fit in a small bag.

The best option is to purchase inhalation devices that can work on battery power for a long period of time. This indicator is especially relevant for parents whose child suffers from asthma or allergies.

Quiet operation

When choosing an inhaler for children, especially small ones, it is imperative to pay attention to this indicator. An infant and an older child can scare an excessively loud device and flatly refuse the inhalation procedure.

In addition, noisy nebulizers cannot be used when the baby is resting or sleeping. Of all types of inhalation drugs, the compressor inhaler is the noisiest. So if the child reacts sharply to any rustle, you should refuse to purchase this model.

tank capacity

All inhalers have a special reservoir required for the therapeutic composition. It is great if such a container is as large as possible and accommodates the optimal amount of the drug, which is needed for one inhalation procedure.

Compression and ultrasonic devices are distinguished by the fact that after the procedure, a residual volume of the drug remains in them, which has not been transformed into an aerosol mist. In this case, it is necessary to load the maximum amount of medicine and saline, which in the end can affect work performance.

But mesh nebulizers, unlike the previous two types of inhalation devices, do not form a residual volume of the drug. So from the point of view of ease of use, it is more expedient to choose this type of device.

Methods for delivering aerosol to the respiratory tract

Depending on the type of inhaler and its design characteristics, the supply of aerosol mist into the respiratory tract carried out in several ways:

  1. The supply of the drug occurs without interruption during the entire procedure, which is fraught with inappropriate consumption of the inhalation solution, inability to adjust and track the dose of the drug.
  2. The drug is administered manually directly to the patient using a special button that can be used to turn off inhalation on exhalation and turn on on inhalation. This allows you to control the flow of the solution, but tires the patient, and therefore was not recommended for use by a child.
  3. The drug is supplied automatically depending on inhalation and exhalation using a special valve system. This allows you to control and save the volume of the inhalation solution.

The third option for supplying an aerosol preparation is considered the most appropriate for treating a child. However, these models of nebulizers are quite expensive, which leads to the purchase of less effective, but cheaper devices.

Of course, the wider the list of inhalation solutions that are allowed to be sprayed using the nebulizer model you like, the better. Such versatility will help to carry out a full-fledged inhalation procedure and increase the therapeutic effect.

We will talk about prohibited types of drugs a little later, but now an important nuance should be noted. Dr. E. O. Komarovsky is generally skeptical about the use of inhalers, but in any case he advises purchasing the drug taking into account the underlying disease.

But the choice of the device and permitted medicines will depend on the main ailment. For example, essential oils are generally prohibited from being used in all types of inhalation devices, with the exception of steam devices.

Equipment features

For a child, it is better to choose devices with special nozzles and small masks. In such overlays, there should be cut-out valves for breathing, which will allow the baby to breathe freely without much effort. If possible, you can put a mask on the baby and see how naturally he breathes.

In addition, the cases of some devices are made in the form of animals. Also, the set often includes nozzles in the form of attractive and funny faces. Such an unusual design distracts little children from the sensations that are associated with inhaling the drug, and turn the procedure into a kind of entertainment.

One more important point- whether (and how often) you will have to purchase additional components in the future. Naturally, the cost of the product itself and the amount of future expenses will depend on this.


Experts do not advise chasing products of well-known world brands, since even modest domestic models of nebulizers sometimes do a good job with their tasks.

However, it is necessary to briefly list the most popular manufacturers of inhalers:

  • Omron (Japan);
  • MED2000 (Italy);
  • Little Doctor (Singapore);
  • Well (UK);
  • Microlife (Switzerland).

Many of these companies produce special nebulizers for small children in the form of attractive little animals. And this, as already noted, improves the child's attitude to the procedure.

Before purchasing an inhaler for a child, you should consult with a pediatrician. The specialist will tell you how necessary this device is for your baby, and also advise the most optimal model.

Before using the inhalation device for its intended purpose, you should carefully study the instructions in order to exclude erroneous actions that can lead either to damage to the device or to a decrease in the effectiveness of the procedure.

The technique for using different types of inhalers may vary slightly, but in general there are common features, operating rules and sequence of actions:

Teach your child to breathe correctly, if age permits. Breathing during the entire procedure should be free, natural. Excessively strong breaths can provoke a cough and lead to additional irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Permitted and prohibited inhalation drugs

There is an opinion that almost all medicines necessary for the treatment of infectious-inflammatory and allergic diseases are used in inhalers. This is possible only in theory, but in practice there are certain limitations.

They are related to the fact that drugs converted into an aerosol mist do not always linger exclusively in the respiratory canal. Quite often, a certain part of the drug penetrates into circulatory system, which can lead to the most ambiguous results.

For example, many mothers purchase nebulizers specifically for treatment with herbal decoctions. However, enough babies often have a backlash - a serious allergy attack, since many herbs are strong allergens, and besides, they are not easy to dose.

In addition, essential oil substances can be used in steam inhalers, however, there are nuances here as well. So, such drugs are used exclusively for the treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx, but not the lower respiratory tract.

Let us briefly note those therapeutic agents (and types of drugs) from which it is better to refuse when carrying out inhalation procedures for young children:

  • common systemic drugs such as Papaverine, Dimedrol, since they do not act locally;
  • essential oil solutions that can ruin the device, lead to the emergence of so-called oil pneumonia (steam inhalers are used for oil inhalations and only for the treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx);
  • decoctions and infusions of herbs due to the threat of allergies and clogging of meshes and membranes of inhalation devices;
  • hormonal drugs of systemic action (such as Hydrocartisone or Prednisolone),

Permitted medicinal solutions for inhalation procedures are sold in a pharmacy, they are even called nebulas. In addition, only physical solution and mineral water (Borjomi, Essentuki, etc.) are often used to soften the throat or cough.

Be sure to remember that experimentation with the choice of drugs for the treatment of a child is excluded. Only an experienced doctor will be able to choose the optimal and correct therapeutic regimen and indicate the most suitable drugs for inhalation.

Unfortunately, the baby's acquaintance with the inhalation device does not always go smoothly, especially if a rather noisy compressor nebulizer is purchased. However, the child needs to be treated, so parents are forced to resort to little tricks.

As already noted, in pharmacies and online stores there are toy nebulizers of various colors and shapes. For example, you can buy an apparatus in the form of a train, a penguin, a panda. In addition to their direct functions, such inhalers additionally blink, make interesting sounds, turning the procedure into a game.

  1. Start familiarizing yourself with the inhaler immediately after purchase. Open the package with the baby, examine the device, explain in simple terms what the device is for.
  2. In order for a two-three-year-old child to understand the meaning and importance of treatment, try to compose and tell him a fairy tale about how, for example, a magic train saved a little bear cub.
  3. To eliminate the fear of the device, offer the baby to turn it on on his own. Let him press the button 3-4 times.
  4. Pour saline solution into the device and play story game by inviting the child to treat their favorite plush hare or doll.
  5. Show an example by wearing an instrument mask. Demonstrate how to breathe, behave calmly during the procedure, smile at the baby.
  6. For the duration of the inhalation session, turn on your child's favorite cartoons, which will help distract from possible discomfort.
  7. Ideally, do not use the device if the child is naughty, resists. It is better to wait for the moment when the children's mood is good, then the recovery itself will come sooner.

There are many models of children's inhalers on the market, but these devices should not be taken lightly as toys. You should also carefully consider the package, technical specifications, reviews of other parents.

As a conclusion

How to choose a children's inhaler or an apparatus for the whole family? The purchase of a medical device requires compliance with certain rules. Experts advise to remember several important nuances:

  • if it is necessary to warm up the upper respiratory tract, including with the help of essential oils, you should buy a steam inhalation apparatus;
  • nebulizers are more suitable for delivering drugs to the lower respiratory tract. The most "transportable" devices are mesh nebulizers;
  • a compressor inhaler is the simplest of all devices on the market, but it is also the noisiest. The mesh nebulizer is the most versatile;
  • The procedure usually takes a quarter of an hour. Therefore, the capacity of the container for the treatment solution should be taken into account. It must be voluminous, otherwise you will have to interrupt the session for topping up;
  • for the home, a conventional inhalation apparatus powered by a mains is suitable. If the nebulizer needs to be used while traveling, then it is better to choose a battery-powered model;