What not to eat a breastfeeding woman. What can a nursing mother eat while breastfeeding

Immediately after the birth of a child, any mother tries to provide her newborn baby with quality nutrition - breast milk. It is very important to understand what a nursing mother can eat, since not only the baby needs a full meal, but also herself. A woman's need for healthy foods increases in order to restore strength after childbirth. The calorie content of the daily diet increases by 400-500 kcal. The menu should contain all major food groups.

Many women want to know exactly what to eat while breastfeeding. They are of the opinion that a strict diet should be followed during this period. And it's not just about wanting to lose weight. There are certain types of foods that are not recommended for breastfeeding women so as not to harm the baby.

The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding is a serious test for the health of a young mother, whose body requires rehabilitation, replenishment of those elements that were used in carrying and giving birth to a child.

The baby, no longer directly connected with the mother's body, still feeds on breast milk, which is produced by the mammary glands of a woman. Consequently, all the products that make up the diet of a nursing mother enter the baby's stomach through milk. Therefore, in order for the baby to grow and develop normally, nutrition during breastfeeding must be of high quality and in sufficient quantity.

Nowadays, most nursing mothers experience various disorders - allergic reactions or problems with the gastrointestinal tract, often formed due to complications during pregnancy. Allergy can occur even to those products that at other times did not give a similar reaction. If the mother's immunity is weakened, she will often get sick with the flu, then the baby will also be prone to colds, he will rise heat, sore throat, cough appear. But mother's milk contains antibodies to viruses, and they can be instilled in the baby's nose or throat, following the recipes traditional medicine. Given such reasoning, experts have compiled a list of foods that a nursing mother can eat.

Question about a special diet for a breastfeeding woman

Mother's milk should be safe for the baby. Therefore, the issue of food choice must be taken seriously.

If the mother has allergic reactions to any products, and she knows about it, then it is necessary to avoid their use. Modern breastfeeding experts believe that a reasonable woman herself feels and understands what her body needs in order to fully supply the baby with useful substances and not harm him. They advise trying little by little any healthy foods, and monitoring the condition of the baby. If a child's reaction from skin or bowel caused concern, it should be analyzed what was on the menu at risk. This product must be excluded from the diet. However, reactions child's body fickle: the baby is growing, his body is improving, and after a while a grown up and matured child may not respond to something that brought harm or just anxiety in the first months of his life.

What determines the quality of breast milk

A definite conclusion about whether a sufficient amount of vitamins and valuable nutrients is contained in breast milk cannot be given without chemical analysis. Experts have long studied what foods a nursing mother can eat. In their opinion, the amount of protein contained in mother's milk is not related to its volume in a woman's menu. But the mass of fats, vitamins, microelements directly depends on the mother's diet. Therefore, it is recommended to adhere to a sense of proportion and not to abuse fat-free or too fatty foods.

The amount of milk produced depends on hereditary predisposition and is completely independent of diet. But if it is clearly not enough, then there are measures to correct the situation. It is necessary first of all to increase the amount of fluid consumed, if it is not enough. It is effective to use special products for nursing mothers that help increase lactation. If milk, on the contrary, is too much, it is advised to reduce the amount of liquid. For all individual questions, you should contact your doctor.

How to eat a breastfeeding woman

Impeccable nutrition during breastfeeding guarantees postpartum rehabilitation of the mother, effective milk production and the successful development of the baby. A woman should not follow a strict diet during lactation. Food should be rational and complete. What to eat for a nursing mother? We must try to have all the main food groups present in the diet: meat, grains, vegetables, fruits and others.

A strict regimen is followed only in the first weeks after the birth of a child. At first digestive system the baby is still learning to assimilate new foods: often unfamiliar food can cause colic, flatulence, allergies, dyspepsia and other problems in the baby. To avoid this, the correct diet of the mother, which also affects lactation, will allow. The fact is that some foods and drinks increase the amount of milk, others reduce it.

If the woman has ever had an allergic reaction or gastrointestinal diseases, she is recommended to keep a "food diary", in which you need to write down each new product. It is advisable to include them separately and in a minimal amount, carefully observing the child. If within three days the baby does not have skin rashes, sleep or behavioral disturbances, changes in stool, then the baby normally accepts changes in the mother's menu. If something causes concern, you should abandon such products for a while.

Recently, it has become fashionable to recommend a complete rejection of the consumption of meat products during pregnancy and lactation. This is harmful to the health of the child, as it leads to the appearance of anemia in the infant, in which his organs will not have enough oxygen, he will grow more slowly and lag in development. Meat is the basis for the production of proteins, iron (the supplier of hemoglobin) and B vitamins. Its deficiency negatively affects the health of the mother and baby. Women who strictly adhere to the principles of vegetarianism need to ensure that these essential substances are present in the body. Doctor can advise the right vitamins, which will compensate for the lack of the necessary elements.

Most Healthy Products

It is desirable for a nursing mother to receive as many nutrients as possible in her diet. A rigid diet to lose weight can create health problems for both the mother and the baby. You should eat at short intervals. It is important that the portions are not too large. Overeating leads to bloating and painful colic in the infant, indigestion and diarrhea. Excessive volume of even a dietary dish can be harmful to health. The principles of a woman's nutrition during breastfeeding should be based on a sense of proportion and a reasonable approach.

It is advisable to cook food for a couple, as well as stew or bake. Fresh fruits should be consumed only 2-3 months after the birth of the baby. During thermal processing, food retains its beneficial qualities and is easily digested. At first, it is necessary to strictly follow the diet, excluding from the diet foods that contain likely irritants and cause disruption of the intestines.

Specialists in pediatrics and dietetics have created a special food register in which a diet for breastfeeding has been developed: what foods, at what age and in quantity, nursing mothers need.

Be sure to use:

  • low-fat meat products (rabbit, turkey) and low-fat fish products;
  • cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal) boiled in water; dairy only after the 4th month;
  • bread products are limited to unleavened lavash and bread with the inclusion of bran;
  • pasta without impurities;
  • vegetables low in coarse fiber: zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin, broccoli, tomatoes (carefully), eggplant, later - cucumbers, beets, cabbage, radishes, bell peppers, onions, garlic;
  • fruits: green apples, pears, bananas, berries, persimmon (carefully), pomegranate;
  • fermented milk drinks: kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream, yogurt;
  • soft or hard cheese;
  • sweets: dried fruits, unsweetened homemade cakes without sugar;
  • chicken eggs (limit the number per week), can be replaced with quail eggs;
  • biscuits.

Sour-milk drinks should be used with a low percentage of fat and without artificial additives.

It is very important to know what to drink for a nursing mother.

  • weak green and black long leaf tea;
  • herbal teas and decoctions (especially chamomile);
  • natural juice (apple, pear, carrot) should initially be topped up with water by half, later the additive is reduced;
  • compotes from fresh and dried fruits (apple, pear, plum, cherry, dried apricots and prunes);
  • weak coffee is possible from 6 months of age.

Prohibition of certain products

All young mothers are concerned about the question of what not to eat while breastfeeding? It is recommended to limit or completely remove fried, salty, spicy and fatty foods, as well as flour and sweets from the menu. You can not use semi-finished products, fast food, canned food, sweet carbonated drinks, any chemicals in the mother's diet. Exotic, tropical vegetables and fruits that are processed with a lot of chemicals for long-term storage should not be abused. They are likely to cause negative reactions in the baby.

In the very first place in the list of prohibited foods is alcohol. It is very harmful for the baby, it will slow down its physical and mental development, provoke heart, vascular and nervous diseases.

Can't eat mushrooms sauerkraut, marinated dishes and pickles, lard, smoked sausage. It is not allowed to use mayonnaise, ketchup, hot sauces, do not abuse additives and spices.

The diet of a nursing mother does not have to consist of boring bland foods. She can cook mouth-watering dishes from allowed products. The main thing is to follow the principles of proper nutrition for a nursing mother.

Karina is a permanent expert of the PupsFull portal. She writes articles about play, pregnancy, parenting and learning, baby care, and mom and baby health.

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This category contains fluids and products that are prohibited during breastfeeding, the use of which by the mother during breastfeeding can be dangerous for the baby. As a rule, it is recommended to exclude all allergens from nutrition for breastfeeding. In particular, a nursing mother can eat vegetables and fruits, but not orange or red. I think you have heard that nutrition during breastfeeding should not contain tangerines, oranges, red apples, carrots and other "dangerous" foods. That is, all orange and red are prohibited foods when breastfeeding, due to their possible allergenicity. However, the baby may not be allergic to these products, but it’s definitely not worth checking this before 6 months, and then with caution - one slice is unlikely to harm.

What absolutely should not contain nutrition for breastfeeding is alcohol. Reassuring herself with thoughts that one glass of red wine will not affect the child in any way, the mother should be aware that any alcohol, without exception, is 100% absorbed into the baby's blood along with breast milk!

The list of prohibited foods during breastfeeding includes fresh and canned spicy and spicy foods. Such as onions, garlic, hot peppers, wild garlic, mayonnaise, hot sauces and other concentrated, saturated foods. They add pungency to the milk and can cause rejection, heartburn, and other digestive problems in the baby.

Mustard, horseradish, black strong coffee (especially instant), dark chocolate containing more than 70% cocoa, blue cheeses and soft, so to speak “fresh” cheeses with various additives from herbs - a list of foods that make milk bitter, and are not recommended for breastfeeding mothers.

Nutrition during breastfeeding should not contain spicy herring, mussels, squid, octopus, especially in sauce. Mom should not eat cod caviar, pollock, especially those containing additives. In addition to possible allergies and a heavy load on the kidneys, they make milk salty.

Products prohibited during breastfeeding are fresh or canned tuna and shrimp. These products provoke allergic reactions.


There are a number of different products that, until recently, pediatricians forbade nursing mothers to eat. Modern doctors have come to the opposite view. Eating these products is not only possible, but even necessary, but they should be introduced into the diet during breastfeeding carefully, gradually and in small quantities.

Eat little by little and sometimes you can melon, beets, fresh kefir, beans, peas, vegetable oil. If there is an overabundance of them in the mother's diet, this leads to bloating and stool disorder in the baby.

Pears, persimmons, pomegranates, rice, shortbread, fresh bread are a list of foods that can hold together when breastfeeding and cause constipation in case of an overabundance.

Cow's milk, grapefruits, oranges, black currants, red fish and caviar, eggs, semolina, corn and millet porridge are certainly healthy foods, but they can cause allergic reactions in a child.


The list of foods marked with this color of the “food traffic light” can be eaten without looking back and with special restrictions while breastfeeding. Good for both you and baby!

Dill, parsley - contribute to the visual acuity of your crumbs.

Leaf lettuce, gooseberries, black currants - products that increase immunity.

Pumpkin, zucchini, perch, cod - contribute to the rapid development and growth of the baby.

Natural yogurt, cottage cheese - necessary for the skeletal system, and dental health.

Ryazhenka, kefir, ayran, oatmeal, cauliflower, broccoli - contribute to better digestion.

And of course, the allowed foods during breastfeeding are:

  1. natural meat (chicken, quail, rabbit, beef, veal);
  2. cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, corn, barley, wheat);
  3. lean soups;
  4. cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, corn, millet, wheat, pearl barley);
  5. legumes and beans (from 6 months);
  6. seafood;
  7. fish (boiled or stewed);
  8. vegetables (boiled, baked or stewed);
  9. potatoes baked, boiled;
  10. pasta in small quantities;
  11. eggs (chicken is possible, but quail is better);
  12. fermented milk products - fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese - preferably home-made;
  13. hard cheeses, mild;
  14. gray bread, bran bread, white bread - only dried or slightly stale, not freshly baked!
  15. seasonal fruits;
  16. nuts, except for peanuts and pistachios;
  17. greens and spices (parsley, dill - from birth; mint, savory, celery, basil, lemon balm, oregano, thyme, tarragon - from 3 months);
  18. onions (in soups from birth, fresh - from 3 months starting), garlic - not earlier than from 6 months;
  19. honey (rich in calcium and vitamins) - to enter from 3 months starting, and flower pollen - starting from 6 months;
  20. drink freshly squeezed juices, combining to taste, but enter carefully, one at a time and starting no earlier than 3 months of age;
  21. compotes and decoctions of dried fruits and rose hips without sugar;
  22. make homemade compotes and fruit drinks (from blueberries, lingonberries, cherries, gooseberries) - from 1 month;
  23. herbal tea (yarrow, chamomile, linden, horsetail, mint, lemon balm, eucalyptus, nettle, coltsfoot, elderberry, Bogorodskaya grass (thyme), succession, calendula- one at a time or combining 2-3 types of herbs, no more), brew teas from twigs of fruit and berry trees;
  24. green tea (no additives, large leaf); weak black tea; teas for lactation;
  25. distilled or spring water, table mineral water.


Let's summarize. So, nutrition while breastfeeding can include everything that you ate during pregnancy. By the way, this also applies to the so-called generally recognized allergenic products. An exception can only be considered cases of a real allergy in a woman, to certain foods or dishes. If the mother has an allergic reaction to food, then the baby who is breastfed will most likely manifest it.

Of course, this rule only works if the measure is observed. That is, you can safely eat one peach, or 10 strawberries, if you really want to. A piece of chocolate will not do any harm if you are not allergic to it. To identify food that is really not suitable for your baby, lead food diary , and keep track of all your baby's reactions to new foods. Introduce everything new gradually and in stages, making sure it is safe for the baby.

In the first months of life, in 90% of cases, various rashes appear on the skin of infants - some have less, some have more - as a rule, this is normal. Often, products that are suspected of being allergenic, when re-tested after a couple of weeks, do not give any allergic reaction, including a rash. Most often, the reaction occurs to flavors and dyes in foods for breastfeeding mothers. Therefore, the most important thing is that the mother's nutrition is natural, the dishes are prepared independently, consumed freshly prepared. And of course, everything should be in moderation!

You can also drink almost everything, it is advisable to be careful with new juices, and the most ordinary clean drinking water should prevail in the diet.

Remember: before the introduction of complementary foods, that is, up to 6 months, the baby must try everything through mother's milk!

· List of prohibited foods while breastfeeding:

  1. highly allergenic foods are caviar, fish, seafood, mushrooms, eggs, nuts (except walnuts), honey, chocolate, cocoa, coffee;
  2. orange and bright red vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as exotic pineapples, avocados, kiwi, and cucumbers;
  3. marinades, broths, canned food, spicy and salty dishes, smoked fish and meat products, spices;
  4. products containing preservatives and dyes;
  5. sauerkraut, radish, radish, fermented cheeses (suluguni, cheese, Adyghe), sausages, ham;
  6. legumes;
  7. carbonated drinks, kvass;
  8. alcohol.

· Breastfeeding: Foods Allowed in Limited Quantities

  1. sour cream - only in dishes, whole milk - diluted and only in cereals;
  2. pasta and bakery products from the highest grade of flour, semolina;
  3. sweets, confectionery;
  4. sugar;
  5. salt.

· Breastfeeding: Allowed Foods

1. fermented milk products (kefir, yoghurts without additives, bifikefir, bifidok, etc.);

2. cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, corn, etc.);

3. bread - rye, with bran, wheat 2nd grade;

4. fruits and vegetables (green, white);

5. meat - low-fat varieties of pork, beef, turkey fillet, stewed and boiled chickens, steam cutlets;

6. soups are vegetarian;

7. drinks - tea, fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes.

· Strong allergens for a nursing mother and newborn:

MILK. Until now, there is often a misconception that a woman needs to specifically drink up to a liter of goat's or cow's milk per day in order to increase the nutritional value of breastfeeding. In fact, it increases the risk of developing a crumb allergy to lactose. Whole milk contains more than 20 substances that can cause an allergic reaction. Milk proteins are particularly resistant to heat, which means that it should not be drunk in large quantities, even when boiled. In a single case, an allergy can manifest itself with skin rashes, with a regular attack by allergens, the baby may develop intolerance to milk and any dairy products, and even to mother's breast milk, which is the worst thing. When breastfeeding, it is better to give preference to fermented milk products, and add milk to cereals, diluted with water.

EGG WHITES. This product can be a serious allergen for the baby. This mainly applies to chicken eggs, less often goose or duck eggs provoke allergies. Quail - become irritants in extremely rare cases, almost never. It is recommended that a nursing mother eat only one hard-boiled egg a week.

STEAM MEAT. Do not include this product in a woman's diet while breastfeeding. This is especially true of the “lower parts” of the carcass, it is in it that the most dangerous substances are. Buy fresh, fresh meat and send it to the freezer of your refrigerator - after freezing and further thawing, the concentration of allergens in the meat decreases.

P.S. It’s not worth talking about what kind of “nonsense” this is, I myself disagree with a lot, This article is here for general information, someone may be of some help.

Women who are not familiar with motherhood, and even more so men, will find it strange why such familiar foods as, for example, milk or cucumbers should be taken with caution when breastfeeding. In fact, there is nothing special about it, proper nutrition in such a situation, it is very important to observe, because the health of the crumbs depends on it. In the article, we will try to debunk some myths about the harmfulness of certain products and find out what you can and cannot eat during lactation.

Is it possible for a nursing mother a watermelon

Reading articles and reviews on breastfeeding, most parents may get the impression that this striped berry is perhaps the biggest enemy of nursing mothers and their babies. The most common horror story, of course, is about the toxicity of watermelons. The fact is that it is watermelon that is distinguished by the ability to “suck out” nitrogen compounds from the soil - nitrates, the excess of which leads to the formation of nitrites. Those, in turn, can cause poisoning. Naturally, once in the baby's body, toxic substances cause severe vomiting, diarrhea, etc. It is worth noting that seasonal watermelons are more often grown on open field, in which the amount of nitrates is almost always normal.

But the benefits of moderate consumption of giant berries are undeniable. Its composition is rich in pectin, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, trace elements for the heart and blood vessels, and folic acid.

Is it possible for a nursing mother tomato

Speaking about the use of tomatoes by a nursing mother, the main thing is to know in what form this vegetable will be useful. Pickled tomatoes, as well as other pickles, should be excluded during the feeding period, because they contain a large amount of salt and seasonings that are harmful to babies.

Fresh tomatoes should be chosen with great care - in the winter season you run the risk of purchasing vegetables with a lot of "chemistry". Therefore, the ideal option would be to stock up on them in the summer and place them in the freezer.

Tomato lovers should remember a few rules:

  1. Until 3 months after the birth of a child, it is still not worth the risk. Tomatoes are considered a defiant product. If you really want to, stew some vegetables and add to the main dish.
  2. The norm per day is no more than 2 vegetables.
  3. The presence of nitrates is indicated by a pale color and streaks when cut.

Can a breastfeeding mother have milk

Many pediatricians claim that the cause of the rash and red crusts is the protein contained in cow's milk, which is ingested during breastfeeding. But it must be taken into account that this product, being digested, already has a slightly different composition than in its original form. However, if you notice red spots or other allergic reactions on the cheeks or body of the crumbs, try eliminating milk from your diet for a while. If you are still unable to give up your favorite drink, replace cow's milk with goat's milk - it tastes somewhat different from the first, but it is famous for its hypoallergenic properties.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have a melon

Melon is one of the most favorite summer treats. Pregnant women not only can, but also need to add this product to their diet, because it contains folic acid, which is necessary for the growth and development of blood and immune systems. What about breastfeeding moms?

Melon is a source of vitamins, proteins and minerals. Vitamin C is simply indispensable in anticipation of the cold and cold season. Fiber contributes to the good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And potassium and magnesium remove stones from the kidneys.

But at the same time, eating melon without measure can cause unpleasant consequences for the health of the baby. The sugars contained in it cause fermentation, bloating, diarrhea and even vomiting. Therefore, do not rush - first, try a small piece of melon and look at the condition of the baby.

The opinions of experts on this issue differ dramatically, so draw your own conclusions based on the pros and cons of using melon by nursing mothers.

Is it possible for a nursing mother cucumbers

What could be better than an illuminating vegetable salad at the height of the hot summer season? Unfortunately, not all gastronomic pleasures are available to mothers who are breastfeeding their babies, because, first of all, it is important for them to take care of the health of the crumbs. But is it possible to introduce into your diet such a familiar and beloved by everyone as a cucumber?

Cucumbers are popular not only due to their wonderful taste, but also due to the most useful properties:

  • improve intestinal motility;
  • enrich the body with vitamins and iodine, as well as microelements - potassium, magnesium, fluorine, calcium, zinc, iron, etc.;
  • have a low calorie content, which is very important for a young mother.

Of course, the benefits of this vegetable are undeniable for an adult, but for a week-old baby, the excess fiber that comes to it from milk can cause bloating, colic and diarrhea. Therefore, as with other products, you need to be extremely careful and observe the condition of the child for some time.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat corn

Corn lovers should refrain from eating it for the first time after the birth of a child. Despite the undoubted benefits of this cereal (rich in vitamins, proteins and amino acids and gluten, which cannot cause allergies), some trace elements contained in corn, once ingested by crumbs, can lead to bloating and gas in the intestines.

It is better to start tasting corn boiled with a little salt. One ear, most likely, will not bring tangible harm. But canned corn during feeding should be discarded.

Is it possible for a nursing mother ice cream

Even such a harmless dessert as ice cream should be treated with caution, especially in the first three months of the lactation period. The protein contained in cow's milk is one of the strongest for the weak. In addition, ice cream in the 21st century is no longer the natural product that our mothers and grandmothers could afford a few decades ago.

Modern food technologies have changed significantly, and if earlier only milk, sugar and fats of animal origin were included in ice cream, now preservatives, dyes, food additives and flavor enhancers have been added to this list. In addition, animal fats are often replaced with cheaper vegetable fats; they, in turn, tend to accumulate in the body. This can cause the development of atherosclerosis, obesity and other unpleasant ailments.

This begs the conclusion - do you want to enjoy a tasty and healthy illuminating dessert? , at home and exclusively from natural products.

Is it possible for a nursing mother bananas

After reviewing the list of prohibited foods during breastfeeding, a nursing mother will decide that all she can do in such a situation is oatmeal on the water and unsweetened tea. In fact, if desired, the daily diet can be diversified with very tasty and healthy foods. One of them is a banana, a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements that help strengthen memory and normalize sleep, which is so important in the first months of a child's life. And the valuable substance pectin has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines and is a kind of “medicine” for diarrhea.

This fruit should be introduced into the diet gradually, like other products. And do not forget about its high calorie content and a large amount of sugar - an excess leads to colic and increased fermentation processes in the baby's tummy.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have coffee

With the advent of a child in the house, the entire daily routine of the mother begins to obey his "Wishlist". And without coffee recharging, it is not so easy to force yourself to wake up at the first squeak of a little screamer. How badly can caffeine harm the fragile health of the baby?

One of the first "mother's" horror stories about the regular use of this invigorating drink is that the child will be restless and will not be able to sleep soundly. In fact, it is difficult to imagine how much coffee you need to drink in order to achieve such an effect. For example, in chocolate, some medicines and even regular tea also contains caffeine, however, this is not a reason to completely abandon them. Therefore, moderate doses of a weak drink (no more than 5 cups a day) are unlikely to harm the baby. In this case, it is imperative to observe any manifestation or red crusts.

Of course, coffee must be natural and brewed by hand. An instant drink is made from lower quality raw materials and undergoes additional processing.

Is it possible for a nursing mother mushrooms

In general, mushrooms are not recommended to be eaten by babies up to at least 3 years old, the reason for this is their difficult digestibility by the children's body. Mushrooms contain carbohydrate, which is long and hard to digest. But if the mother consumes a certain amount of this product, all these substances will go through the process of splitting and will not get to the baby through milk. But, in any case, when it comes to mushrooms, it will not be superfluous to follow a number of rules:

  1. Do not pick wild mushrooms - these plants tend to accumulate toxic substances. Therefore, it is better to purchase mushrooms grown on farms.
  2. Mushrooms contain allergens, can cause increased gas formation, constipation or, conversely, diarrhea. To avoid these problems, start with a "trial" portion of the product.
  3. Mushrooms are considered less safe, but it is undesirable for a nursing mother to eat them in large quantities.
  4. Pickled and canned mushrooms should be excluded from the diet during the entire period of breastfeeding.

Is it possible for a nursing mother cabbage

Some mothers, out of fear of harming their precious one, go to extreme measures and completely refuse most foods, including vegetables.

As for cabbage, it is indeed capable of causing flatulence and discomfort in the intestinal area, even in an adult. And here it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body - one baby will easily endure the appearance of new products in the mother's diet, the other will suffer from gaziki and allergic rashes.

The best way to consume this vegetable is in a light soup with a few cauliflower florets or a salad with Chinese cabbage.

Traditional white cabbage is the least suitable for breastfeeding.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have eggs

In the first 2-3 weeks after the birth of the baby, its intestinal microflora is just beginning to form. During this period, the mother should adhere to strict diet and eliminate “heavy” allergenic foods from the diet. Gradually it will be possible to introduce different kinds vegetables and fruits, meats and light desserts. Good nutrition is hard to imagine without such a familiar product for everyone as chicken eggs.

All vitamins and microelements (protein, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, selenium, choline, folic acid), contained in, are simply necessary for the postpartum recovery of a woman. But there is one thing - protein can cause severe rashes in an infant. The likelihood of this increases at times if the mother of the baby suffers from an allergy to it. An alternative is quail eggs, which are considered a hypoallergenic product, in addition, they are much easier to digest than chicken ones.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have porridge

Porridge from various cereals is just the dish that not only can, but also needs to be eaten regularly by a nursing mother. But each cereal has a number of features, consider them:

  1. Buckwheat porridge - most useful product, which contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the full growth and development of the child. Its main advantages are low calorie content and high iron content (prevention of anemia).
  2. Oatmeal porridge is the best start to the day. Oatmeal is rich in iodine, zinc, magnesium, vitamins and minerals. Regular use improves metabolism and digestion. It's delicious and useful way fight stress and fatigue, beneficially affecting the functioning of the nervous system.
  3. Millet porridge will allow you to forget about constipation and other troubles associated with impaired bowel function. Contains vitamin D, the lack of which leads to a deterioration in the exchange of calcium and phosphorus.
  4. Corn porridge is known, first of all, for the fact that it does not contain gluten, due to which this cereal can be one of the first to be introduced into complementary foods. It is necessary to eat corn porridge regularly during breastfeeding, since the trace elements and vitamins contained in it help to keep the nails, hair and skin of a nursing mother healthy and beautiful.

What can a breastfeeding mother eat

Studying various sources on diets during lactation, do not be surprised that the information can vary significantly. Sometimes diametrically opposed points of view can be found on this issue.

Foreign pediatricians are of the opinion that the nutrition of a nursing mother has a very indirect relationship to the well-being of the baby. Domestic experts are sure that the diet of the mother greatly affects the health and development of the baby. It is difficult to say who is closer to the truth, but still in such a situation it is worth observing the golden mean - not rushing to extremes and observing the measure in everything.

List of products that will be useful for both mom and baby:

  • cereals from various cereals;
  • of the types of meat, chicken, turkey and lean beef are most preferable;
  • fresh vegetables - at first it is better to bake or boil them;
  • vegetable broths;
  • fruits with the exception of citrus, tropical, grapes;
  • cheese, cottage cheese;
  • baked fish;
  • eggs;
  • bran bread;
  • biscuits;
  • from sweet - marshmallow, marmalade, marshmallow.

What to drink for a nursing mother

The correct drinking regimen for a woman during breastfeeding is no less important than healthy eating. On average, mom should consume about 2.5 liters of fluid per day. Consider the features of each drink:

  1. Purified drinking - ideally, this particular liquid should be preferred by a nursing mother.
  2. If you like freshly squeezed juices, green apple juices are the most useful.
  3. Carbonated drinks cause fermentation processes in the intestines, in addition, they contain dyes and preservatives.
  4. If your baby is allergic to milk, try drinking kefir, natural yogurt and fermented baked milk.
  5. Coffee and tea lovers need to limit the amount of their favorite drinks.
  6. Alcohol is strictly prohibited, even a small dose of "hot" that got to the child through the mother's breast milk can cause severe poisoning.

What not to eat breastfeeding mom

What foods should be avoided during lactation:

  • too sweet desserts;
  • seasonings and tart herbs;
  • peas, beans and other legumes;
  • citrus and grapes;
  • mayonnaise;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • seafood;
  • carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

In order for breastfeeding to bring only benefits to the child, a nursing mother needs to be attentive to both nutrition and her lifestyle. So, what is possible and what is impossible for a nursing mother?

What to eat and what not to breastfeeding mom

Nutrition for a nursing mother - what can you do?

  1. A healthy varied diet, including all food groups and sufficient in calories (about 2500 kcal / day).

What should not be eaten by a nursing mother?

  1. Deficiency diets for weight loss.
  2. Unpasteurized and unboiled milk.
  3. Raw or undercooked eggs.
  4. Expired products.
  5. Unfamiliar and exotic dishes and products.
  6. Canned food.
  7. Mushrooms.

Eating with caution

  1. G8 allergens (cow's milk, eggs, fish, wheat, peanuts, soy, seafood, nuts), as well as cocoa and chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries, honey and other foods that often cause allergies.
  2. Strict vegetarianism (requires additional intake of nutritional supplements and careful monitoring of the health and development of the child).
  3. Products containing artificial additives and dyes.

If a child has colic for the first months of his life, then a nursing mother should limit cucumbers, legumes, grapes, watermelons, melons, black bread in the diet, as these foods can lead to increased gas formation.

What can a nursing mother drink and what not

What drinks can a nursing mother?

  1. Water without gas.
  2. Juices, fruit drinks, compotes (in the absence of an allergy to the fruits from which the juice is prepared).
  3. Coffee grain or decaffeinated.
  4. Weak black or green tea.
  5. Special teas for nursing mothers (in the absence of allergies to the substances that make up their composition).

What can not drink a nursing mother?

  1. Alcohol (it passes into breast milk and harms nervous system crumbs).
  2. Slimming teas - The laxative and diuretic effects of these drinks can cause dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and loss of essential nutrients.

Drink with care

  1. Drinks containing caffeine (coffee, tea, cola) - it gets into milk and can excite some children, cause insomnia, irritability. The maximum allowable amount of caffeine per day is 300 mg (average caffeine content: 1 cup of coffee - 100 mg, 1 cup of black tea - 80 mg, 1 cup of green tea - 50 mg, 1 liter of a drink containing cola - 100-340 mg) .
  2. Tea with milk (milk can cause allergies and digestive problems in the baby, while its lactagon effect has not been proven).
  3. Herbal teas not intended for nursing (some herbs can negatively affect lactation, for example, mint and sage reduce milk production).

What cosmetic procedures can be done for nursing mothers


  1. Facial care procedures - ultrasound cleaning, darsonvalization, massage.
  2. Body massage (should not affect the chest area).
  3. Creams and masks for sensitive skin and with a minimal risk of allergies (it is advisable to use creams for pregnant women).
  4. Cream for stretch marks on the chest for pregnant and lactating.

Methods of contraception for nursing mothers

Permitted methods of contraception for nursing

  1. Condom.
  2. Spermicides (creams, gels, suppositories) - have a detrimental effect on spermatozoa.
  3. Birth control pills containing only progesterone.
  4. Injection (intramuscular) contraception - performed once every three months.
  5. Intrauterine device (IUD) - is installed starting from 6-8 weeks after birth.

Prohibited methods of contraception for nursing

  1. Combined oral contraceptives - pills containing progesterone and estrogen, so which use can lead to a decrease in the amount of milk.

Use with care

  1. Lactational amenorrhea method: Breastfeeding only protects against a new pregnancy if the mother has not started menstruating and her baby is less than 6 months old and is fully breastfed on demand.

Nursing mother's breast care


  1. Light breast massage before feeding.

It is forbidden

  1. Do not allow soap to get on the nipples and areola (the exception is a shower once a day with a hypoallergenic odorless product).
  2. Strongly massaging, kneading the chest is traumatic and can cause swelling.
  3. Wear too tight underwear that does not fit, sleep in a bra.

With caution

  1. If you have sensitive nipples, use special nipple creams, but preferably not longer than two weeks after giving birth; if discomfort during feeding persists or worsens, cracked nipples appear - contact a specialist immediately to rule out improper attachment to the breast or infection on the nipples.
  2. If you use pads (liners) for your breasts, you need to change them as often as possible.

What sports can a breastfeeding mother do?

Nursing sports

  1. Moderate physical activity - fitness, yoga, aqua aerobics, Pilates, callanetics, cardio exercises (walking on the track, exercise bikes), selective strength exercises (under the supervision of a trainer).

Is it possible for a nursing mother to take a bath or sauna


  1. Go to the bath if you visited it during and before pregnancy.

It is forbidden

  1. Visit the bathhouse earlier than 6-8 weeks after childbirth.


  1. Go to the bathhouse if you have not been there before or have rarely been there: postpone the visit until the baby is 9 months old or later.

Breastfeeding when the mother is ill

You can breastfeed:

  1. With most diseases in a nursing mother (acute intestinal and respiratory viral infections, allergies, chicken pox, measles, mumps, cytomegalovirus infection, herpes simplex, if they occur without severe intoxication).

You can not breastfeed with:

  1. herpetic eruptions on the chest,
  2. open form of tuberculosis,
  3. acute mental illness,
  4. especially dangerous infections (typhus, cholera, etc.).
  5. severe bleeding during childbirth and in the postpartum period,
  6. state of severe decompensation chronic diseases heart, lungs, kidneys, liver,
  7. eclampsia,
  8. HIV infection.

Feed with care:

  1. For diseases thyroid gland(breastfeeding is possible under the supervision of a doctor and the appointment of supportive treatment compatible with feeding).

It is important
- You can check medications for compatibility with breastfeeding, you can choose alternative drugs with your doctor, using special reference books and international drug compatibility databases.
- Unjustified weaning during treatment and switching to formula, according to WHO, can harm the baby more than substances transmitted with breast milk.

breastfeeding mother smoking

It is forbidden

  1. Smoking in the presence of a child: Inhalation of tobacco smoke harms the baby.
  2. Smoke immediately before feeding.


  1. If you decide to stop smoking while breastfeeding, do it gradually and under the supervision of a pediatric neurologist because of the possible withdrawal syndrome in the child.

How smoking affects a breastfeeding mother and her baby
- Milk may not come after childbirth in smoking mothers.
- Smoking can reduce milk production and inhibit its release.
- Babies whose mothers smoke often experience irritability and poor weight gain.
- Smokers have a lower concentration of vitamin C, A and E in milk, a lower amount of proteins.
- The milk of mothers who smoke contains higher levels of heavy metals.
- Moms who smoke may have faster periods due to lower blood circulation of prolactin. The World Health Organization recommends quitting or reducing smoking while breastfeeding, but supports the principle of "feeding and smoking is better than quitting because of smoking" because of the high risk for the baby to switch to formula. How soon after smoking can you feed a baby? The release of nicotine into milk will be less if the mother feeds the baby 2 hours after smoking, or smokes immediately after feeding.

If a woman is breastfeeding, this imposes certain restrictions on her, primarily related to nutrition. A nursing mother, like a pregnant woman, should not eat for two at all: overeating will not bring anything good to either mother or baby.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

But it’s not the time to go on a diet for weight loss, food should be more high-calorie than usual. It is necessary to be as careful as possible about your diet, not only including the necessary foods in it, but also excluding unacceptable ones that can harm the baby.

The need for a proper diet while breastfeeding

There is a relationship between a woman's diet and quality breast milk. Useful and harmful substances from the foods that a woman eats during lactation enter breast milk, which serves as the main food for the child.

The chain is as follows: the food eaten is digested in the stomach and intestines, nutrients enter the woman's blood and with it to all organs, including breast cells, and from there they enter the milk. To a certain extent, the mammary glands are a filter, and not all unwanted substances come from the blood into milk. And yet, the woman to some extent feeds the child with what she eats herself.

The child eats what his mother!

Good nutrition during lactation is important not only for the child, but also for the woman herself, because during this period the body recovers after pregnancy and childbirth, and its reserves are also spent on the formation of milk. In the postpartum period, a woman's susceptibility to various diseases, allergies can occur, the intestinal microflora is disturbed, and malnutrition provokes such conditions.

Any illness of the mother is reflected both in the quantity and quality of breast milk, and in the mood, well-being of the child, who is very dependent on the mother. A strict diet followed by a nursing mother can result in the child being picky about food, so all restrictions should be reasonable, not excessive.

What not to eat a nursing mother - a list of products

Many products that are normally perceived by the woman herself can cause an allergic reaction in the form of a rash, diarrhea, and spasm in a breastfed baby. respiratory tract posing a threat to life.

A number of products cause indigestion, gases, colic.

Some have an adverse effect on the nervous system.

Finally, there are products that simply give milk an unpleasant taste.

Therefore, any mother is interested in such questions as - what should not be eaten by a nursing mother, what should not be eaten in the first month after childbirth, and what to eat so that there is no colic. Consider the list of prohibited foods while breastfeeding:

  • Alcohol- the first taboo for a nursing mother. It contains dangerous toxins that cause the death of brain cells, it is very dangerous for the immature liver of a newborn, and for all other organs. Children of drinking mothers may experience drowsiness, lethargy, delayed weight gain, mental and motor retardation. The younger the child and the lower his weight, the slower the alcohol is excreted from the body, and a dose that is harmless for an adult for a baby may be excessive.
  • Strong tea and coffee- have a stimulating effect, adversely affect the nervous system. If it is difficult to refuse these tonic drinks, use only weak ones, preferably with the addition of milk. And it is better to switch to herbal teas that promote lactation and do not have an exciting effect.
  • Onion garlic, abundantly seasoned with spices, spicy dishes - affect the taste of milk. The main danger is not even that the child will remain hungry, not wanting to drink milk with a specific taste, but that he may refuse to breastfeed. In addition, spices can cause indigestion,.
  • Chocolate, exotic fruits, especially citrus fruits, fruits with orange, red color, crayfish and shrimp are the most famous food allergens. What are the dangers of allergens for a baby, has already been mentioned above. Foods that cause allergies in the vast majority of people should be completely excluded from the diet so as not to provoke it. Highly allergenic foods also include:
  • seafood delicacies, oily fish, caviar;
  • fatty dairy and dairy products, cheeses, especially spicy;
  • pickles, marinades, preserves, sauces containing preservatives, spicy food;
  • smoked meats, sausages, eggs;
  • wheat, semolina, oatmeal;
  • nuts, peanuts, exotic dried fruits, honey, caramel; products containing flavors and dyes.
  • Carbonated drinks especially the lemonade. Contained even in mineral water carbon dioxide causes fermentation processes, bloating, can provoke gas colic. And all kinds of lemonades, sweet soda are also allergens due to the high content of preservatives, flavors, dyes. Juices should also be treated with caution, if possible, using home-made fresh juices, and not store-bought ones. Juices with bright colors - tomato, orange, red grapes, red apples can also be allergens.
  • Sugar and sweets, legumes, black bread, grapes. Like carbonated drinks, they stimulate the processes of fermentation and gas formation. Cucumbers, white cabbage, apple peels are also notorious for causing colic and indigestion. If the child responds normally to their presence in the mother's diet, they can be eaten, but in moderation.
  • Fatty foods. Fatty varieties of fish, dairy products have already been mentioned among the allergens. Fatty meat and lard for nursing mothers should also be avoided, the saturated fatty acids contained in them increase the fat content of milk and are poorly digested by the baby's developing gastrointestinal tract.
  • Sweets, sweet pastries, bakery products, fatty foods are undesirable in the diet of a nursing woman also because they do not bring benefits, but they can provoke weight gain. After childbirth, when hormonal changes occur, and there is not enough time for sports, this can be a serious problem.
  • Medications. A few words should be said about products that are not food, but the use of which by a nursing mother is also restricted. This medical preparations. Pharmacological drugs should be taken only in case of a brief need, the instructions usually contain information about the admissibility of taking this drug during lactation. Sometimes it is recommended to take the drug only if the expected therapeutic effect exceeds the possible harm to the body, and only a doctor can decide this.

Basic principles of nutrition for HB:

  • As few restrictions as possible! More often than not, it is dietary restrictions that are harmful to the health of mother and child, and not its diversity.
  • The diet of a nursing mother in composition and quantity should be as close as possible to the diet of a normal healthy person leading a healthy lifestyle.
  • If you do not know if a particular product that you intend to eat can harm a child, think about whether it can harm an adult who is worried about his health? If you find that the product is safe, then most likely it will not harm the child in any way.

Rules for following a hypoallergenic diet

In addition to foods that are highly likely to cause allergies, there are many less pronounced allergens.

This intermediate category between allergens and hypoallergenic products includes organ meats, potatoes and legumes, green bell peppers, apricots, watermelons, currants and cranberries, biscuits and cereals.

They need to be introduced into the diet a little at first, and control the reaction of the child.

Eat what grows in your area.

Until the baby is 3 months old, even potential allergens of medium activity should not be used by the mother. The rules for expanding the diet of a nursing mother are in many ways similar to the rules for introducing complementary foods. It is a good habit to keep a food diary that reflects the mother's diet, especially innovations in it, and the reaction of the baby.

Introduce new products that can cause allergies, you need no more than two per month, waiting for 2 weeks of a possible reaction. In terms of allergic reactions, the fruits growing in your area are the safest.

When not to breastfeed?
Doctors forbid breastfeeding a child after drinking alcohol. It is impossible to feed until the mother is completely sober, although the critical concentration of alcohol in milk will be 30 minutes after drinking.
Only after the alcohol has been processed by the liver, after about two hours, you can put the baby to the chest.

Video "The diet of a nursing mother"

Watch our video on nutrition for a nursing mother who is breastfeeding and find out how to properly formulate your diet so that it is complete and nutritious for your baby:

Breastfeeding mother's diet and baby's age

The first month of breastfeeding is especially important, and the nutrition of a nursing woman during this period deserves the closest monitoring. Whole cow's milk, sour cream, rich broths, raw vegetables and fruits, fresh white bread, raisins are undesirable in the first month, and forbidden in the first decade after childbirth.

A hypoallergenic diet and minimizing foods that cause bloating (gas, flatulence, colic) are especially important for the first 3 months. You should not introduce fried foods into the mother's diet until the baby is six months old.

About correct application. Finish feeding painlessly and safely.

Is it possible while breastfeeding? Instruction. How to deal with a cold on GV.

Summing up

The diet of a nursing mother is very important, because it depends on:

  • quantity and quality of milk;
  • restoration of the female body after pregnancy and childbirth;
  • disease resistance;
  • shaping the child's eating habits.

The calorie content of food consumed by a woman during lactation must be increased by 300-500 calories, but not at the expense of sweets, pastries, fats.

A woman's diet should be as complete and varied as possible, but some foods should be avoided.

The "black list" includes:

  • alcohol;
  • allergens;
  • products that provoke gas formation, indigestion;
  • tonic drinks containing caffeine;
  • products with a specific taste and smell, spicy, spicy;
  • high fat foods.

The mother's diet should be expanded gradually, controlling the child's reaction to new dishes, the first 3 months of the restriction are more stringent, so you should study the list of what you should not eat for a nursing mother. The diet of a nursing mother forms the food habits of the child, and by strictly limiting herself during breastfeeding, the mother risks growing a picky, so all prohibitions are good in moderation.