Thrush in children in the mouth - why it occurs, manifestations on the mucous membrane, diagnosis and how to treat. Reasons, what it looks like, how to treat thrush in newborns in the mouth What causes thrush in children in the mouth

Thrush (candidiasis) oral cavity- a fairly common disease in children, and the disease often affects babies in the first year of life. The disease brings great discomfort to the baby, prevents him from eating and sleeping normally. How thrush manifests itself, why the disease develops and how to treat it, you will learn from the article.

Causes of thrush in children in the mouth


To protect against breast cancer, follow these recommendations:

  • sterilize pacifiers, nipples,
  • be sure to wash your breasts regularly with soap if the baby is breastfed,
  • monitor the condition of the baby's gastrointestinal tract,
  • it is necessary to treat thrush in a timely manner before and during pregnancy, so as not to infect the baby,
  • treat viral diseases in a timely manner,
  • boost your child's immunity
  • when the first teeth appear, organize their care.


Thrush rarely provokes the development of complications, since modern drugs allow you to quickly and effectively cure this ailment. But there are times when neglected oral candidiasis causes quite serious consequences:

  • fungal infection from the oral cavity gradually spreads to internal organs: gastrointestinal tract, liver and even lungs,
  • the infection can severely damage the mucous membrane of the mouth and esophagus, this causes pain and discomfort in the process of eating,

Once in the digestive tract, mushrooms disrupt the normal process of absorption of nutrients.

Thrush in children (candidiasis) can appear in the first days of life, even in newborns. White cheesy plaque in the mouth of a newborn (on the tongue, gums) worries the baby and scares young parents.

It is not surprising that many parents look on the Internet and in medical reference books for descriptions of similar symptoms of the disease, look at photos with similar external signs, trying to understand what kind of disease it is and how to treat it, how it is transmitted and why it is dangerous.

Thrush (candidiasis) is caused by a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida. The spores of this fungus live everywhere: on the skin of the face, hands, feet of a person, on the mucous membrane of the mouth and rectum. The pathogen, being in the body and on the body of the mother, can easily infect the newborn. If the immune system is working normally, the microflora is balanced, then the disease does not occur.

Thrush is transmitted through a kiss, a poorly washed nipple or breast. A newborn is easily infected.

Useful microflora inhibits the growth of fungi, a balance is maintained. But in a newborn child, the beneficial flora is just being formed, it is not yet in sufficient quantity, therefore, under certain favorable conditions, fungi begin to multiply uncontrollably, and cause a disease called candidiasis.

IN mother's milk contains immune antibodies against many pathogens, which helps the child not to get sick. The mother's immunity protects the infant. But sometimes various causes have an adverse effect on the body, after which the conditionally pathogenic flora, which includes fungi of the genus Candida, becomes pathogenic.

Causes contributing to the development of thrush:

  • too dry and warm air in the room, causing drying of the oral mucosa (under such conditions, any infection is easily transmitted to the child);
  • taking antibiotics, as a result of which the balance of beneficial and conditionally pathogenic microflora is disturbed;
  • unbalanced nutrition of the mother, the presence of muffins in the diet, a large amount of sweets (especially critical in combination with taking antibiotics);
  • violation of personal hygiene rules before and after breastfeeding, as well as the abuse of antibacterial soap or other antiseptics;
  • prematurity, immunodeficiency states;
  • other reasons.


Symptoms of thrush in children are different, depending on the location of the disease. Candidiasis can appear in the mouth, throat, tongue, genitals, skin. What thrush looks like in children can be seen in the photo.

In the mouth

Thrush in children of the first months of life and in newborns is most often localized in the mouth. The primary signs of thrush in a child are a white cheesy coating on the tongue, gums, buccal mucosa (see photo). Plaque can be in the form of thin white stripes, plaques, plugs on the tonsils in the throat.

The mucosa under this plaque is red, inflamed (see photo). Candidiasis in newborns and older children can be localized on the lips, in the corners of the mouth (cheilitis). Secondary features are restless sleep, refusal of food, crying. Throat candidiasis most often affects children of one year of age and older. Usually, children weakened by diseases or beriberi.

Body temperature can be within normal limits, and can be increased to 38 degrees. The child feels weakness, malaise, has a sore throat. But sometimes thrush manifests itself and is asymptomatic, or with very mild symptoms.


The fungus can affect the walls of the vagina in girls (vaginal thrush), in boys the skin of the glans penis can be affected (candidiasis balanitis). The main signs of vaginal thrush are itching, cheesy discharge, inflammation of the genitals.

Children who already know how to speak usually complain to their mothers that it itches in pussy, and in newborns, thrush causes anxiety and crying.

The main signs of a fungal infection of the genitals in a boy are inflammation and swelling of the genital mucosa, hyperemia. Body temperature may be elevated, but more often there is a normal temperature.


The diagnosis is made on the basis of symptoms and after confirmation of assumptions by laboratory tests. A smear is taken from the affected mucosa, which is transferred to the laboratory and examined by a bacterioscopic or bacteriological method. The presence of fungi of the genus Candida is confirmed.

It is important to distinguish plaque on the child's tongue from thrush. Plaque is easily removed with a sterile swab or spatula. Thrush rashes are much more difficult to remove.


Treatment of thrush depends on the degree of the disease, location and age of the child. Treatment should eliminate the causes of the disease. Then it is effective. It is difficult to treat an infant because many drugs have age restrictions.

Doctors do not prescribe tablets to such patients. Medicinal preparations, hygiene products, folk remedies are used in order to successfully treat thrush. Fluconazole, cholisal, miramistin are often used in treatment.


Sodium tetraborate

(borax) has a strong antiseptic effect, an agent that inhibits the development of fungi. Applied with an uncomplicated form of the disease. Sodium tetraborate is a solution in glycerin. Tampons moistened with a solution of sodium tetraborate are applied to the sites of fungal infection.

Sodium tetraborate is enough effective treatment genital thrush. Sodium tetraborate is also used to treat thrush in the mouth, tongue, and lips. Sodium tetraborate has been used for many years to local treatment thrush.


Refers to antifungal drugs. Release form - tablets, suppositories. Nystatin (tablets) - effective remedy against fungi of the genus Candida. Nystatin (tablets) is taken as prescribed by a doctor.

Nystatin can treat thrush of any localization. Nystatin (tablets) is used as a prophylactic during long courses of antibiotics, for the treatment of raids on the tonsils. Candles are used to treat vaginal candidiasis with nystatin.


- an antifungal agent, a synonym for diflucan. Eliminates the causes of the disease. Apply inside and intravenously. Not applicable to the treatment of children under 16 years of age. Compared to nystatin, fluconazole and diflucan have more pronounced antifungal activity.

Fluconazole (Diflucan), like nystatin, is used only on prescription. Release form: capsules, syrup, solution. Fluconazole (solution, capsules) and diflucan are used to treat candidiasis of any localization.


Miramistin is a cationic antiseptic. Miramistin has antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial activity. Miramistin stimulates local immunity, has anti-inflammatory properties.

Nystatin, fluconazole, diflucan have a number of contraindications, especially in children. Compared with nystatin, miramistin is more effective in local treatment.

Miramistin has almost no contraindications, the possibility of adverse reactions minimal. It treats thrush of the genitals well. Miramistin is produced and applied in the form of a solution and ointment. Tablets are not released. Miramistin can treat candidiasis of any localization.


combination drug, which has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic effect. Treatment of candidiasis in the mouth, on the tongue is not complete without this remedy. Cholisal greatly alleviates the condition of the child, relieves pain, burning.

Cholisal is applied to the affected areas in the mouth. First, ulcers on the tongue, on the lips are cleaned, and then drugs are applied, including cholisal.

It is impossible to list all the drugs, tablets, ointments for thrush. In pharmacies, talkers are sold that are similar in effect to the drug "cholisal", tablets, ointments. Treatment for thrush small child difficult because many medications contraindicated in children. Therefore, folk remedies occupy a special place in the treatment of thrush in children.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies is sometimes more effective and safer for children than ready-made ointments and tablets. Fluconazole, sodium tetraborate, diflucan, cholisal - treatment of young children with these drugs is not always possible.


A good result is obtained by treatment with ordinary baking soda. It's simple folk remedy, which is recognized by official medicine and is used to treat newborns. A solution of soda 2% (a teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm boiled water) is used to lubricate the affected areas of the mucosa, lubricate plaque on the tonsils.

The solution is used to treat the oral mucosa. Treatment with soda is carried out in newborns 3-4 times a day. To do this, first the swab is moistened in a solution, then the affected areas are treated. Such treatment has no contraindications, the possibility of side effects is excluded.

Soda solution is effective in treatment and prevention. Uncomplicated thrush in a newborn with this treatment passes quickly. For children school age rinsing with soda (2% soda solution) is suitable.

decoctions of herbs

A decoction of herbs from chamomile, oak bark, succession remarkably treats thrush. The swab is moistened in herbal decoction, after which the sore spots are lubricated. Treatment of the surface of the mucosa is carried out 5-6 times a day.

Decoctions of herbs are actively used in the treatment of newborns. However, it must be borne in mind that a herbal decoction can cause allergies in a newborn child.

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Honey is amazing antiseptic. Smeared with honey inflamed gums, tongue, fungus-affected mucous membranes in the mouth. Lubricate raids on the tonsils. A contraindication is an allergic reaction to honey treatment. Good results are obtained by treatment with honey after washing with herbal decoction.


The main complication is the transition of candidiasis to other parts of the body and organs, as well as the transition of acute thrush to chronic. Thrush from the oral cavity can spread deep into, affect the throat, internal organs.


For the prevention of thrush (in a month-old baby and older), it is necessary to ensure long-term breastfeeding. Since thrush is transmitted through objects, air, saliva, parents must follow hygiene rules very carefully:

  • do not kiss the child on the face;
  • thoroughly wash toys, objects that are next to the child;
  • rinse nipples and bottles with baking soda and boiling water;
  • nursing mother observe the rules of personal hygiene, treat nipples with 2% soda solution or borax;
  • wash hands thoroughly before picking up a child;
  • mothers avoid taking antibiotics while breastfeeding.

Thrush (or candidiasis) is a type of yeast-like fungal infection caused by microscopic single-celled fungi from the genus Candida.

Microorganisms from the genus Candida are classified as conditionally pathogenic (they cause disease with a sharp decrease in local or general immunity) and are permanent residents of the oral cavity, colon and vagina (in women), that is, all mucous membranes of the body. Also, these fungi have several subspecies.

This disease has nothing to do with mother's milk and is called thrush only based on the similarity of white discharge to the remains of milk or cottage cheese.

The secretions themselves (or white plaque) consist of epithelial cells, fibrin (the protein that forms the basis of a blood clot during blood clotting during damage to the shell of the human body), food debris that these fungi feed on, and Candida fungi themselves.

Causes of its occurrence in children

Thrush in children occurs when the immunity of their body is weakened: a sharp increase in the number of fungi begins and the addition of their pathogenic strains. This is because the baby's mucous membrane for some reason becomes less moist.

In babies, candidiasis primarily affects the oral mucous membranes, nails and skin. In the absence of proper treatment and infection in the blood and other organs of the body, candidosepsis (infection of the blood with fungi) can develop, often leading to death.

Since fungi of the genus Candida live in the human body all his life, he can be susceptible to the disease at any age. The symptoms are always the same in newborns (especially in those who are bottle-fed), in older children, and in adults.

However, children under one year old, unlike older babies and adults, suffer from candidiasis more often, since a special microflora has not yet formed in their body, which makes up the lion's share of human immunity.

Despite the same symptoms, the causes of thrush in children are always different:

In infants up to a year

At this age, the causes of candidiasis may be as follows:

  • the baby became infected in the hospital from the medical staff or from the equipment;
  • the mother of the child had thrush during pregnancy and / or childbirth;
  • the child is premature or has reduced innate immunity;
  • the child has congenital immaturity of the oral mucosa;
  • the child is bathed in a common bath, not previously disinfected;
  • the baby spit up very often;
  • the child is teething;
  • too hot and dry air at home (a common cause of reduced immunity in people of any age, especially children).

Also, thrush can be provoked by mechanical damage to the oral mucosa of an infant.

For older children and teenagers

In infants older than one year and children adolescence the causes of candidiasis are usually somewhat different.

It could be:

  • upset mucosal microflora after antibiotics or other drugs that reduce immunity;
  • if the child for some reason is often prone to colds;
  • hormonal changes (most often in girls).

Forms and symptoms of children's thrush

Medical practice distinguishes several classifications of types of thrush in children:

By severity

Light form

This form of candidiasis is characterized by the appearance of a small plaque in the mouth, it practically does not affect the baby's well-being, it is cured without problems within a week.


In this case, there is already a slight increase in body temperature, the child's appetite worsens, and the amount of white discharge, on the contrary, increases, and when you try to remove them in the mouth, blood appears on the mucous membrane.

This form of the disease is treated with the complex use of antifungal drugs and topical preparations for the treatment of the oral cavity.

Severe form

The child has a high temperature, refuses to eat and constantly cries, everything in the mouth is covered with a white film, the plaque spreads, including to the throat. With this form, the treatment of candidiasis is only complex, and the speed of its disappearance will depend on the susceptibility of the fungus to the drugs taken.

By the nature of the flow


This type of thrush, in turn, is divided into pseudomembranous and atrophic candidiasis.

Pseudomembranous candidiasis

One of the most common types of thrush in children. It is easy to identify by abundant curdled discharge on the tongue and palate. Often plaque can also be found on the child's lips and even on the tonsils.

Under the plaque, the mucous membrane turns red and becomes dry, while the child may experience itching and burning. However, this type is usually easy to treat and resolves quickly.


The plaque becomes less noticeable, but it is almost impossible to remove it, even greater dryness and shine of the mucous membranes appear, the papillae of the tongue atrophy, all the integuments of the oral cavity become bright red. Also, the perimaxillary The lymph nodes.

Older children complain of severe itching and pain during meals, while infants cry all the time and refuse to eat. In the acute form of thrush, an accurate diagnosis is very important, since it can be confused with tonsillitis, diphtheria or stomatitis.


Hyperplastic (hypertrophic) candidiasis

It is characterized by the appearance of yellow or brown plaques in the oral cavity, tightly soldered together and forming tubercles (more often they are localized in the diamond-shaped back of the tongue). When you try to scrape them off, a bleeding wound remains.

Gradually, the spots begin to grow, and the lymph nodes also increase in size. The behavior of the child also changes: he becomes gloomy, it hurts him to eat.


This form of candidiasis is found only among children with immunodeficiencies and has rather poor symptoms: dry mouth, pain during meals, cracks (“jamming”) in the corners of the lips, the mucous membrane is bright red, and severe swelling is noticeable.

Chronic candidiasis is extremely difficult to cure, so it is much easier to protect the baby from its appearance.

Depth of tissue damage

  • surface;
  • deep.

According to the nature of localization

  • focal (concentrated in one place);
  • generalized (spread with blood to all organs of the body). It is most dangerous for children under the age of six months: the body temperature rises to 40 degrees, nausea, diarrhea and cough appear. Often this form of candidiasis occurs as a complication of some primary serious illness or bacterial sepsis.

By location

How candidiasis manifests itself depends on where it occurs in the body.

According to the location, it is as follows:

  • oral candidiasis;
  • meningitis caused by the ingress of fungi into the meninges;
  • damage to the skin and nails by the Candida fungus;
  • urinary;
  • vaginal;
  • candidal endocarditis;
  • respiratory;
  • candidosepsis and candidiasis of other localization.

Signs of candidiasis depending on the location of the lesion

Thrush in children, like many other diseases, begins gradually, with symptoms that almost do not disturb the baby. However, most often the disease appears where it can be noticed in time.

Signs of thrush in the mouth

  • white curdled discharge (at first in the form of small dots (they can be easily removed), and in the absence of treatment - densely tightening the entire oral cavity) on the tongue, tonsils, gums, and lips;

  • with advanced thrush, the gums begin to bleed, which is dangerous for the growth and quality of the child's teeth;
  • pain and burning;
  • the mucous membrane swells strongly, there is a possibility of erosion;
  • the child loses his appetite and becomes restless;
  • "Zaeda" on the corners of the lips;
  • poor sleep (this symptom also occurs with other localizations of thrush).

In the groin

  • itching in the perineum;
  • pain during urination;
  • swelling and redness of the genitals;
  • in girls, a white or slightly yellowish discharge with a sour smell (vulvitis or vulvovaginitis) is formed between the labia.

In the organs of the gastrointestinal tract

  • colic (flatulence, bloating);
  • profuse frequent regurgitation (in an infant), sometimes vomiting;
  • pain when swallowing and, as a result, lack of appetite;
  • liquid stools with an admixture of blood.

On the skin

The child develops a rash in the form of pustules and papules with a white curd-like mass inside; when they are opened, bleeding erosions form. Infants suffer from rashes in natural folds, on the abdomen, and also on the buttocks, since the humid microclimate created by diapers promotes the growth of fungi.

Older kids often suffer from candidiasis, localized between the fingers and toes.

When is a visit to the doctor required?

The lighter the form of thrush, the less effort is required to treat it. However, with the wrong therapy, the fungus becomes immune to antifungal drugs, becomes chronic and becomes extremely difficult to get rid of.

Therefore, if you notice a white coating in your baby, this is already a sure sign of a decrease in immunity function, take action immediately: contact your pediatrician immediately.

A very dangerous disease is vulvitis in girls (thrush on the genitals), one of its complications is the fusion of the labia, so if you notice redness in the baby's groin, immediately show it to the doctor.

In addition, a visit to the doctor is mandatory because others can disguise themselves as thrush. serious illness, the symptoms of which can only be detected by a medical examination.

The doctor will prescribe treatment in accordance with the individual characteristics of the baby's body, and even if the symptoms disappear quickly, it will need to be completed.

How is baby thrush diagnosed?

To determine which type of Candida fungus is caused by thrush, tests are prescribed:

  • urine;
  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • a smear from the affected areas of the body for the presence of candidiasis;
  • cultural seeding (placing the material taken from the child in a nutrient medium and monitoring the growth of microorganisms. Experiments are also carried out in the laboratory to identify the reaction of bacteria to susceptibility to a particular antibiotic);
  • blood test for antibodies to Candida fungi (serological test).

How to cure thrush in a baby?

It is necessary to treat this disease immediately upon detection of its first signs, in this case, the complexity and timeliness of the measures taken play a very important role.

  1. Ensure that the apartment always has fresh cool air with a humidity of about 50%, plus or minus 10%.

  1. Take regular walks with your child.
  2. Water your baby more often, do not let the mucous membrane of his mouth dry out.
  3. Make sure the child breathes through the nose.
  4. Thoroughly rinse or disinfect all toys and objects that the baby comes into contact with so that no new infection can enter the body (nipples and bottles must be boiled constantly).

Children born to mothers suffering from thrush or other infectious diseases, or born ahead of schedule, during the first week of life should undergo bacteriological and microscopic examination. If candidiasis is detected, they are shown antifungal therapy.

Folk remedies

Rinsing with water after meals

After eating, give your baby at least a couple of sips of clean warm water, this will get rid of acids in the mouth. As you know, bacteria love to multiply in an acidic environment.


1 tsp dilute soda in a glass of warm boiled water, wrap a sterile bandage around your finger, dip it into a glass and coat the baby’s mouth with a solution (older children can rinse their mouths with soda themselves).

The procedure must be repeated 4 times a day until the complete restoration of the mucous membranes.

When rinsing with soda, an alkaline environment is formed in the oral cavity, which bacteria cannot tolerate, therefore, early stages thrush is the most effective and easiest way. In addition, it is absolutely safe for infants.

Weak solution of potassium permanganate

In the same way as in the case of a soda solution, dip a bandaged finger into a glass and lubricate the child's mouth with it. Do not forget that the bandage stained with white bloom should be immediately changed to a new one and the procedure should be repeated until the oral cavity is completely treated with the solution.

Lubricating a pacifier or nipple with honey

Repeat the procedure up to five times a day, unless, of course, the baby is allergic to honey. Nursing mothers, before attaching the baby to the breast, can lightly smear the nipple with honey - this is a measure both to get rid of thrush and to prevent it.

Rinse with decoctions and juices of medicinal herbs

  1. As an aid against fungi, aloe or viburnum juice is very effective - they treat the oral cavity.
  2. Prepare a decoction of St. John's wort, oak bark, eucalyptus, loosestrife or calendula in a proportion of 20 g per glass. Rinse your mouth about four times a day.

Medical preparations

Antimycotic (antimicrobial) drugs are used for severely advanced disease and are prescribed by a doctor only in cases where external therapy does not help.

Most often, in the advanced stages of children's thrush, the following are prescribed:

  • polyene antibiotics;
  • pyrimidine derivatives;

  • azoles (imidazoles and triazoles):
  • allylamines (antimycotic drugs used to get rid of hair, nail and skin fungus);
  • oral antiseptics;
  • vitamin complexes to strengthen the body;
  • pharmacy solutions for treating or rinsing the mouth.

Prevention of childhood candidiasis

Note that the greatest risk of recurrence of thrush persists for six months from the moment of the first infection, so it is necessary to undergo complex treatment and take preventive measures.

How to prevent the appearance of thrush?

  1. Not only the baby, but also the mother should be examined for candidiasis so that the child does not become infected again.
  2. Keep the humidity in the apartment at 40-60%.
  3. Do not give your child strong medications without a doctor's prescription.
  4. Walk with your child more often, give him a strengthening and relaxing massage.
  5. Give him enough water (also remember to give a couple of sips of warm boiled water after each feeding and burping).
  6. Bathe your baby more often, wash your hands (observe the rules of both your own hygiene and the hygiene of the crumbs).
  7. Brush your child's teeth daily if they have already erupted.

  1. Regularly carry out hygienic treatment of the nose for the baby, make sure that he breathes through his nose, and not through his mouth, including during sleep.
  2. If you are a breastfeeding mother, wash your breasts before each feed.
  3. Keep the house clean, especially toys that the child touches.

Thrush is a fairly common disease, however, following simple precautions, it can be easily avoided.

Thrush in the mouth of a child or candidal stomatitis is a fairly common disease that is caused by yeast fungi of the genus Candida. Most often, children under the age of 1 year are sick, but the disease can also affect older children, in whom it indicates a decrease in immunity.

It is easiest to treat just oral candidiasis in infants. In older children, treatment requires an integrated approach. The main rule is to follow all the recommendations of the pediatrician and not to self-medicate.

Thrush in children in the mouth most often appears when infected with Candida fungi from an infected mother. The child becomes infected at the first bodily contact. However, intrauterine infection of the child is possible, as well as infection in childbirth - during the passage of the birth canal.

The causative agents of thrush are representatives of yeast fungi of the genus Candida: C.albicans, C.krusei, C.tropicalis, C.pseudotropicalis, C.guilliermondi. these fungi, being conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, inhabit the human body for a long time, forming part of normal microflora in the mouth, intestines, vagina.

While defense mechanisms immune system work properly, fungi of this kind do not make themselves felt. But as soon as immunity decreases or the pH of the mucous membranes changes, conditions favorable for their growth are created, yeast fungi actively multiply, and become aggressive towards the host organism and cause thrush.

The same scenario of the development of the disease and in case of infection with fungi from the outside. As already noted, often babies pick up the infection from their mothers. But it can also be products, toys, household items, since candida is widespread in environment. Do not forget that children tend to put everything in their mouths, and this in itself is a big risk of infectious diseases.

Candida is not whimsical, and develops well in an acidic environment at a temperature of 30 to 38 degrees. Therefore, an increase in body temperature and an imbalance of microflora (dysbiosis) contribute to their reproduction. If the immune defense works, then the disease will not develop, after some time the fungi will simply stop their excessive growth. They can also form spores and lie low, waiting indefinitely for the appearance of favorable conditions.

But if the immune system is weakened, candida can penetrate deep into the mucous membranes, then into the underlying tissues, and finally into the bloodstream. Thus, infection of absolutely any organ is possible and the disease becomes systemic.

How does baby thrush occur?

Almost every fifth child under the age of one year suffers from thrush, some manage to get sick with this disease several times. But in this case, there is no reason to panic, since in infants the protective mechanisms of the mucous membranes are not fully developed, the microflora often changes in the oral cavity, and the epithelium of the mucous membranes has not yet completed its organization.

Children's thrush in the mouth has the highest chance of developing in case of prematurity of the child, and also if the child was born from a mother with a "social" disease (tuberculosis or HIV / AIDS). It is necessary to pay attention and urgently examine the child if symptoms of candidiasis appear at the age of the baby older than 1 year.

The reasons for the development of thrush in children of different ages are somewhat different.

Thrush in newborns (the period from the moment of birth to the 28th day of life inclusive)

  • intrauterine infection - the penetration of the fungus through the placental barrier;
  • infection during childbirth - when the baby swallows infected amniotic fluid (in the case of vulvovaginal candosis of the mother);
  • infection during breastfeeding - with candidiasis of the nipple;
  • infection in the case of caring for the baby of a person with a fungal infection of the hands;
  • infection through household items, bed;
  • if necessary, treatment with antibacterial drugs for a newborn or mother during lactation;
  • in case of radiation or chemotherapy;
  • with improper feeding technique, when food remains are not completely removed from the mouth.

Children under 1 year old

The causes of the disease are the same as in newborns, but in this case a few more are added:

  • poor-quality disinfection of children's dishes, bottles and, especially, nipples;
  • ignoring adults to wash their hands after contact with raw meat, milk, sour-milk products, unwashed vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • the possibility of becoming infected through contact with young pets.

    Children under 3 years old

To the previously identified causes of the disease, in children under the age of 3 years, their own may be added:

  • licking unwashed vegetables, fruits, and toys;
  • treatment with antibiotics or steroid hormones;
  • improper growth of teeth with constant traumatization of the mucous membranes in the oral cavity;
  • lack of vitamins C, PP, group B in the diet;
  • intestinal infections and diseases;
  • attempts to brush your teeth with someone else's, "adult" brush.

Candidiasis during this period of a child's life may be the first unpleasant sign. diabetes or leukemia.

Children aged 3 years and older

Added to the above reasons are:

  • malnutrition;
  • the use of unwashed foods, raw milk;
  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • games with pets;
  • smoking, alcohol or drug use in adolescence;
  • oral contraceptive preparations.

Thrush in children in the mouth in this case indicates immune-deficiency conditions, endocrine diseases or oncopathology.

Manifestations of candidal stomatitis

It is difficult to identify thrush in the mouth of a child in the early stages of its development, especially if the child is breastfed. The mother should be alerted by the child's anxiety, mood swings and the constant release of the nipple from the mouth. If you do not start treating thrush in the mouth of a child at this stage of the disease, the fungus will affect not only the oral cavity, spreading to the pharynx and even the esophagus. Older children in this case may complain of a constant feeling of a “lump in the throat”, and infants will develop symptoms such as frequent regurgitation, stopping weight gain, sleep disturbance, and fever.

The pronounced symptoms of thrush are not so difficult to recognize:

  • the mucous membranes of the mouth are reddened, swollen and shiny;
  • plaque has characteristic appearance- as if the child had just drunk kefir or resembles the remains of curd mass, it is easily removed with a spatula or spoon;
  • in later stages, the plaque may acquire a yellow or gray tint;
  • if the mucous membranes are scraped quite strongly, small droplets of blood appear, similar to dew;
  • the leading symptoms that are characteristic of candidiasis in the mouth are soreness and burning, aggravated by eating.

If the child began to have a temperature without apparent reason(snot, cough), you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent dehydration, which is especially dangerous in infancy.

Sometimes, in children who are accustomed to a pacifier, thrush looks like a candidal jam - a crack in the corners of the mouth. In this case, thrush in children should be differentiated from beriberi. It differs from a seizure with a lack of vitamins A and B12 in that it is covered with a white coating, around which there is a redness zone. The general symptoms of candida infection are not pronounced, but it is quite painful to open the baby's mouth.

Subtleties of diagnostics

If you suspect the development of candidal stomatitis in a child, the following diagnostic measures are necessary:

  • a detailed blood test - to determine the degree of inflammation, as well as to exclude possible leukemia;
  • mandatory determination of glucose in the blood - since thrush is one of the manifestations of diabetes;
  • bakposev scrapings from the mucous membranes of the mouth (required on an empty stomach) - to accurately confirm the diagnosis of "candidiasis";
  • to determine the activity of immunity during the disease and 1-1.5 months after recovery, it is recommended to conduct an immunogram.

If a deeper spread of candida with infection of the pharynx or esophagus is suspected, a diagnostic indirect laryngoscopy may be required by an otolaryngologist.

If there is plaque on the tonsils and the back wall of the pharynx, it is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis with angina, scarlet fever, diphtheria.

Relieve symptoms

Treatment of thrush in children in the mouth is mainly local, aimed at getting rid of unpleasant symptoms. In infants, the treatment of oral mucosa is practically the only method of therapy; for older children, the use of antifungal drugs is allowed, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Babies gently treat the mouth with a 1% solution of baking soda, removing plaque at least once a day. It is also allowed to treat the oral cavity with infusion of chamomile.

Children over 6 months old can have their mouth treated weak solutions antifungal drugs that are prescribed only by a pediatrician. And with a moderate or severe form of the disease, antimycotic drugs are prescribed for systemic treatment.

In no case should you self-medicate with a child's thrush! You can read about how to treat thrush on many resources, but children's body requires heightened attention and a certain calculation of doses of drugs, therefore, it is not necessary to rely on chance, since this disease is quite serious and insidious.

If candidiasis stomatitis in a child occurs against the background of the use antibacterial drugs or other medicines, it is also impossible to cancel their intake on your own. Be sure to consult with your doctor.

except drug treatment all necessary measures should be taken to stop the introduction of infection into the oral cavity of the child.

Adults and children are susceptible to thrush, but in the latter, this disease is especially difficult. Repeated occurrence of candidiasis serves alarm signal for parents, so it is important to recognize the symptoms of infection in time and get rid of its pathogen.

Candidiasis (thrush) in children

Candidiasis is a fungal infection called "thrush" because of its typical appearance: a white coating that resembles milk forms in the mouth of a child.

The infection most often affects babies under one year old, since their immune defense system is still not sufficiently formed.

In this form, the disease is usually tolerated quite easily and is treated in a few days, however, in infancy or with weakened immunity, the baby's well-being worsens significantly.

The cause of thrush is the infection of the child with fungi of the genus Candida, which can also be found in perfectly healthy children. Under a confluence of circumstances that contribute to a decrease in the body's resistance, the growth of fungal colonies is activated. The main site of spread of Candida is the mucous membranes, but such an infection can also affect the skin.

The colonies of mushrooms that have grown in the mouth are a white coating of a curdled consistency.

Localization of candidiasis

There are many variants of the course of the disease, some of them are rare (for example, candidiasis in the throat or brain), others are known to almost every mother (thrush in the baby's mouth or the vaginal form of candidiasis).

In general, experts identify several areas that Candida fungus can affect:

  • the oral cavity is the most well-known form of thrush in children of the first year of life. Often the infection is transmitted to the infant from the mother during breastfeeding. Spreading, candidiasis causes inflammation of the oral mucosa (stomatitis), lips (cheilitis), gums (gingivitis) and other diseases;

    Sometimes inexperienced mothers can mistake candidiasis for the rest of the dairy food in the mouth.

  • esophagus - a similar localization of thrush causes digestive disorders and heartburn;
  • lungs - in this case, the fungi cause candidal bronchitis, manifested by a dry cough or respiratory failure. In more difficult cases, for example, when connecting bacterial infection, fever and hoarseness, increased sputum may be observed;
  • groin:
  • intestines - this type of candidiasis develops due to the child's dysbacteriosis or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that occur in a chronic form;
  • hands - in this variant of the course of thrush, the baby's nails are usually deformed;
  • skin on the face, especially the eyelids - a type of infection that can lead to visual impairment;

    Candidiasis on the face is dangerous with the appearance of complications - various visual impairments

  • brain - a threatening form of the disease, manifested by severe headache and constant feeling nausea.

Causes of candidiasis

Babies who do not have a strong immune system are more susceptible to Candida infection. Premature babies are especially at risk. Basically, some factor that caused the weakening of the child's immunity contributes to the beginning of the increased growth of fungal flora colonies.

The most common causes of thrush are:

Children's candidiasis: causes and interesting facts - video

Symptoms of thrush in children

The intensity of the symptoms of the disease depends on the condition of the child before the onset of the development of a fungal infection, the strength of his immunity and age. Clinical manifestations can be different and depend on the localization of candidiasis on the baby's body. With a weakened body's defenses, thrush can go from an acute form to a chronic one, which makes it difficult to cure.

Candidiasis is most severe when vital organs are affected: the brain, lungs, and intestines. In this case, the general well-being of the child is disturbed, the following symptoms are observed:

  • weakness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness and irritability.

Also, thrush brings more significant discomfort to infants during primary infection, when the child has not yet formed immunity to this disease.

With local damage to the Candida fungus of the oral mucosa, the following symptoms are observed:

  • the appearance of a white or grayish coating in the mouth, covering both individual areas of the mucous membrane of the tongue, and almost the entire oral cavity. Attempts to remove it lead to the discovery of erosions, which are areas of bright red color, sometimes with blood;
  • soreness in the mouth, as well as a burning sensation;
  • swelling of the tongue;
  • refusal of the child to eat, caused by pain when chewing and swallowing, the inability to properly capture the mother's nipple;
  • loss of appetite;
  • "zaedy" (cracks) at the corners of the mouth.

Oral forms of candidiasis cause feeding problems in infants

Candidiasis of the groin is expressed by the following symptoms:

With candidal conjunctivitis, both eyes are usually affected at once. The child has severe lacrimation, the eyelids become sore and swollen.

With candidiasis of the hands, stratification of the nail plates occurs, the nails become brittle and brittle, white transverse stripes can be seen on them.

Children often neglect hand hygiene and are injured, which leads to the development of thrush on the nails

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis

Suspecting the beginning of the development of thrush in the mouth of a child is quite simple. When the first symptoms appear, it is best to show the baby to a specialist to exclude the possibility of other infections. When diagnosing candidiasis, the attending physician examines the patient, determines the localization of the disease and collects an anamnesis, if necessary, prescribes laboratory research, which includes:

  • a general blood test that allows you to detect the degree of intoxication in the body and the level of sugar;
  • a general urine test showing the presence of glucose in it;
  • PCR diagnostics - an analysis that allows you to accurately determine the causative agent of the infection;
  • a serological test that allows you to identify Candida fungi in the test material (blood, urine, discharge from the eyes and vagina);
  • immunogram and tests for HIV infection, showing the state of the body's defenses;
  • microscopy, which allows you to detect a colony of fungi in different environment, in situations of any complexity.

In some cases, the laboratory assistant uses the sample staining method for a more accurate result.

Candidiasis on skin differentiate with other diseases affecting the skin:

  • eczema;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • psoriasis of skin folds;
  • favus (scab);
  • genital herpes;
  • erythematous lupus.

Oral candidiasis is usually differentiated from diseases affecting the oral mucosa.

Table: differential diagnosis of candidiasis of the oral mucosa with other infections

Disease compared to thrush Distinctive signs of the disease
Leukoplakia (a disease that causes keratinization of the epithelium)
  • whitish spots in the mouth are not scraped off;
  • the disease may be accompanied by the growth of plaques protruding above the mucosa.
Lichen planuspapules of a grayish color, do not scrape off, form specific patterns in the mouth when accreted
Allergic stomatitis or cheilitisaccompanied by redness and swelling, which quickly disappear when the allergen is removed
streptococcal zaedain contrast to candidal seizures, the crusts in the corners of the mouth are yellow, with partial scraping, they expose a weeping surface
Actinic cheilitis (inflammation of the lips due to high sensitivity to ultraviolet light)the disease is accompanied by peeling of the skin around the mouth, the appearance of crusts, cracks, swelling and redness, which increase under the influence of sunlight
Aphthous stomatitisin the mouth there are single aphthae (ulcerations) of a rounded shape, covered with hard-to-remove plaque, when trying to remove them, bleeding erosions are found
Herpes simplex
  • blisters of different sizes and erosions appear on the oral mucosa, covered with plaque;
  • the child has a general malaise, fever, headache.
Syphilis in the mouthpapules are located in the mouth, having seals at their base
Leukoplakia mild
  • the surface of the mucosa is loose and swollen;
  • the whitish epithelium is localized along the line of the teeth, on the mucous membrane of the lips and cheeks.

Treatment of candidiasis in children

Usually, thrush is treated with antifungal drugs and agents that can change the acidity of the mucosa, thereby creating unfavorable conditions for the reproduction of the fungus. However, many pediatricians are of the opinion that the treatment of candidiasis in newborn babies does not have to be accompanied by the use of medications. The main condition for self-healing of the child is the normalization of the microclimate in the room. When creating an optimal level of moisture saturation of the air, the baby will have free nasal breathing, in connection with this, the oral mucosa will be cleansed of fungal formations, cracks and seizures will disappear. The same recommendations are given by Dr. Komarovsky, a well-known pediatrician.

Prevention of thrush: prevent saliva from drying out - clean, cool and not dry air in the children's room; timely hygienic treatment of the nose, a lot of walking, enough to drink; do not use antibiotics without strict indications.
Treatment: if the rules described above are followed, the thrush will pass by itself.

pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky

The optimal humidity in the room is considered to be from 40 to 60%, regardless of the age of the child.

To establish and maintain favorable humidity in the house, you need a quality humidifier with climate control function.

It should be understood that the above recommendations are only suitable for a child with normal immunity, and also do not apply to neglected conditions. The best option would be to show the baby to the local pediatrician for the appointment of appropriate therapy. In most cases, candidiasis in children can be cured at home, only in severe stages of the disease the child should be admitted to the hospital for therapy with antimycotic (antifungal) agents.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky on the treatment of thrush in young children

Medical therapy

The use of a particular drug depends on the location of the fungal infection and the size of the mucosal or skin lesion. In the early stages of the disease, local treatment of areas with special solutions is most often prescribed: antifungal, disinfectant and alkalizing.

Treatment should be carried out as gently as possible, without pressure on the affected areas.

The initial step is the preliminary cleansing of the mucosa with a sterile napkin or cotton wool soaked in a 1% hydrogen peroxide solution or a 2% sodium bicarbonate solution.

During processing, they try to remove excessive plaque, while not pressing too hard on the damaged areas. For the same purpose, the following drugs can be prescribed:

  • a weak solution of potassium permanganate (light pink);
  • borax solution 0.25%;
  • boric acid solution 2%;
  • Lugol's solution with glycerin, diluted 3 times with boiled water;
  • Iodinol, half diluted with boiled water;
  • silver nitrate solution 0.25% (Lapis);
  • Vinylin;
  • Miramistin;
  • Tannin solution 1%.

For subsequent treatment of the affected surface, pediatricians prescribe antifungal drugs, such as:

  • Clotrimazole (1% solution);
  • Candide in the form of a solution;
  • Kanesten;
  • Nystatin;
  • Levorin;
  • 2.5% solution of Pimafucin.

The application of antifungal drugs to the affected areas should be point

The above preparations treat mucous membranes affected by the Candida fungus, from 3 to 6 times a day as directed by a doctor. The duration of the course is from one to two weeks. Treatment must be completed, even if the external symptoms of the disease no longer appear.

Often, with thrush in the mouth, the child experiences discomfort when eating and refuses to eat. For anesthesia, the doctor may prescribe anesthetic drugs, such as Holisal, Dentinox, Anginofit. The first remedy is advantageous because it can also relieve inflammation in the mouth and act similarly to an antiseptic.

With candidiasis of the skin and damage to the nail plates in children, doctors prescribe local preparations in the form of ointments, gels and creams that treat the damaged area, for example:

  • Isoconazole;
  • Natamycin;
  • Sertaconazole;
  • Econazole.

Treatment of skin affected by candidiasis is carried out in a course until recovery (6-14 days). The frequency of use of drugs is determined by the attending physician. With vaginal candidiasis, girls are prescribed antifungal suppositories based on one of the above active substances(for example, Ecofucin and Pimafucin, the active ingredient is natamycin).

With a generalized form of candidiasis, doctors prescribe antifungal drugs for children, used orally, in more severe cases - in the form of intravenous injections: Diflucan, Fluconazole, Diflazon, Mikosist, etc.

Preparations for the treatment of thrush in a child - photo gallery

Miconazole - antifungal and anti-inflammatory drug
Sodium bicarbonate solution is necessary to create an alkaline environment in the oral cavity
Potassium permanganate for thrush can be used as an aid
Due to the fact that Nystatin is practically not absorbed into the blood when applied externally, it is quite effective and safe for children.
Cholisal is a combined drug that has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
Pimafucin - medicine widely used to treat fungal infections

Folk remedies for thrush in children

In the treatment of candidiasis, traditional medicine is a good complement to the main therapy. The most famous recipes with honey, decoctions medicinal herbs and soda solution. When following the recommendations traditional medicine it is necessary to observe safety measures in the same way as in the treatment of medicines.

baking soda solution

Baking soda is the sodium bicarbonate solution recommended for candidiasis oral treatment. Every housewife has soda in the house, and preparing such a remedy is not difficult.

When treating the mouth with a soda solution, first, with sweeping movements, they clean the mucous membrane of the cheeks, then the tongue, and lastly, the lips


  • baking soda - 1 tsp;
  • boiled chilled water - 1 cup.


  1. Pour a spoonful of soda (5 g) into a glass and pour water.
  2. Stir until the substance is completely dissolved.

Wetting a sterile cloth in the finished product, treat the child's oral cavity with it. This recipe is great for both treating and preventing thrush, but you should not resort to it more than 6 times a day to avoid gastrointestinal upset.

John's wort herb infusion

St. John's wort helps in oral pain relief in children and also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.

St. John's wort is one of the best helpers in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity.


  • St. John's wort - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 500 ml.


  1. Pour St. John's wort in a thermos and pour boiling water over it.
  2. Infuse the remedy for 12 hours, then strain.

The areas affected by thrush should be treated only with a chilled infusion. This should be done every time before eating (15 minutes in advance for the purpose of pain relief) and after eating to remove its residues and relieve inflammation. If the child knows how to rinse his mouth, then the infusion of St. John's wort is used as a rinse.

If the baby is not allergic to sea buckthorn during the preparation of the infusion, you can add a tablespoon of these berries to a thermos. The fruits significantly enhance the healing effects of St. John's wort.

Decoction of calendula flowers

A decoction of calendula is able to cleanse the skin of a child from thrush with candidal intertrigo, it is also useful to take such baths for vaginal candidiasis.

For external use of calendula, there are no contraindications even for babies, the extract of these flowers is found in most children's creams


  • dried calendula flowers - 8 tbsp. l.;
  • water -1 liter.


  1. A saucepan with the required amount of water is put on fire, calendula is added and brought to a boil.
  2. The intensity of heating is reduced and the flowers are boiled over low heat for 15 minutes.
  3. The resulting broth is left to cool completely, after which it is filtered.
  4. After pouring the resulting product into the bath for the baby, dilute it with warm water in the amount of 5 liters to the required temperature. This bath is also suitable for rinsing the baby after every diaper change in case of candida intertrigo.

Calendula is a good antiseptic, known for its wound healing properties and the ability to relieve inflammation. Also, a decoction of these flowers eliminates the pain symptom and soothes the baby's skin.

honey solution

Traditional medicine recommends a honey solution as a remedy for thrush in the mouth in children, since this product has antifungal properties. The method of processing the oral cavity is similar to the use of soda solution.


  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • water - 2 tbsp. l.

Honey dissolves in chilled boiled water (do not use hot water).

A contraindication is an allergy to bee products (in a child or his parents) and an age of up to 1 year.

diet for candidiasis

The purpose of the diet for thrush is to restore the normal microflora on the mucous membranes affected by the fungus. The main condition for stopping the growth of Candida colonies is to limit the consumption of sugar and simple carbohydrates, which feed on harmful microorganisms. Preference should be given to foods with a high content of fiber and dietary fiber, which are more slowly processed by the body and do not give sharp jumps in blood sugar (vegetables, fruits, berries in raw form). It is also important to take vitamins and supplements with beneficial bacteria.

Food prepared for children should not be hot, as this is harmful to the oral cavity affected by the fungus. For babies, food should be frayed and soft to prevent the aggravation of inflammatory processes in the mouth. After eating, the oral cavity should be treated with a solution of soda or at least rinsed with boiled water.

With thrush, the diet is based on products that have antifungal and antibacterial properties.

If the child is still a baby and is breastfed, then the mother also needs to reconsider her diet. The menu should not contain confectionery, honey, sweets and other products with a high sugar content, muffins and soft yeast bread, smoked meats and marinades, food with preservatives and flavor enhancers.

During the diet, it is desirable to take multivitamin preparations, it is especially recommended to use this food supplement in spring and autumn. Adhere to such a diet should be until the complete cure of thrush, as well as 2 weeks after the disappearance of symptoms to prevent relapse. The transition to the usual type of food should be gradual, adding new foods in small quantities.

Table: allowed and prohibited foods for candidiasis

Approved Products Prohibited Products
  • fermented milk products in their natural form, without sugar, starch and chemical additives:
    • fermented baked milk;
    • biosour milk;
    • kefir;
    • yogurt, etc.;
  • seasonings and spices that negatively affect the growth of fungal colonies:
    • cinnamon;
    • garlic;
    • Carnation;
  • yesterday's wholemeal bread, yeast-free pastries;
  • vegetables, preferably raw, boiled and stewed:
    • cucumbers;
    • beet;
    • carrot;
    • black Eyed Peas;
    • pumpkin;
    • celery;
    • vegetable marrow;
    • pepper;
    • broccoli;
    • potatoes (limited);
  • greens (parsley, dill, cilantro, lettuce) and seaweed;
  • seeds and nuts, sesame, pumpkin seed;
  • fruits and berries with a sour taste:
    • lemon;
    • currant;
    • gooseberry;
    • cowberry;
    • apples;
  • various cereals (limit legumes);
  • lean poultry meat and eggs;
  • lean fish;
  • offal - boiled liver;
  • vegetable fats (linseed, olive oils);
  • herbal teas (based on chamomile, calendula, mountain ash).
  • fast food;
  • confectionery;
  • sweets, cookies, chocolate;
  • dried fruits;
  • sweet fruits (bananas);
  • fresh baking;
  • ice cream;
  • canned foods;
  • semi-finished products;
  • kvass;
  • sweet sparkling water, tea and coffee;
  • fruit juices, including freshly squeezed;
  • blue cheese.

Harmful and useful foods for candidiasis - photo gallery

Sweets provoke the reproduction of the fungus
Vegetables can be boiled and stewed
Dairy products contribute to the reproduction of beneficial microflora
With thrush, you can eat lean meats
Unsweetened apples are useful for candidiasis
Fast food is high in hidden sugars and fast carbohydrates.

Prognosis of treatment and consequences of the disease

Thrush in the mouth of babies responds well to treatment with timely therapy. The regularity of procedures and high-quality oral hygiene are the key to success. With proper care for the baby, the main symptom of thrush - a white coating - will disappear in 3-4 days. Despite the apparent improvement, the course of therapy prescribed by the doctor must be completed.

It should be remembered that candidiasis - infection that can quickly spread throughout the body of the child. Therefore, early detection of thrush and a serious approach to its therapy, as well as the prevention of re-infection, are extremely important.

With low effectiveness of treatment or its absence, various options for the progression of the disease are possible:

Chronic infection as one of the consequences of insufficient treatment leads to a violation of the child's sleep and appetite, increased irritability and nervous excitability, and a decrease in immunity. Such children become more prone to developing allergies, they have a predisposition to the appearance of serious ailments, such as bronchial asthma.

Prevention of thrush in children

The main period in which the risk of developing candidiasis in children is high is from birth to 6 months. It is at this time that the active growth of the child takes place, the formation of immunity that has not yet been acquired. Prevention is the best way avoiding contact with candidiasis. Preventive measures include:

  • preference for artificial breastfeeding;
  • hygiene of a nursing mother (washing the breast before each feeding, washing hands);
  • rinsing the mouth with water after each feeding of the child;
  • regular processing of baby’s dishes (bottles, drinkers, mugs, etc.), nipples, toys by boiling and cleaning with soda solution;
  • use only your own hygiene items;
  • taking air baths against candidal intertrigo, using diapers or underwear made from natural fabrics;
  • the correct composition and nutritional norms, monitoring the weight of the child;
  • regular sports.

The most common form of development of thrush in a child is oral candidiasis. This disease is successfully treated with timely and regular treatment of the oral cavity. Nevertheless, the appearance of candidiasis is better to prevent than to treat it and possible consequences Therefore, the prevention of fungal infection is especially important in the first years of a baby's life.