The sequence of teeth coming out in children. Teething of milk teeth in children: order, timing, advice to parents

Most moms and dads believe that molars are permanent teeth that are replaced.

In fact, molars are both temporary and permanent.

The first inhabitants in the oral cavity

Therefore, you don’t really need to worry if the tooth erupted earlier or a little later than the due date. But it is worth paying attention to the order in which the teeth erupted and fell out, since there is still an approximate order in which the teeth appeared.

Signs of the appearance of molars

The eruption of molars in children is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. As a rule, it is the first molars that give the child the most trouble.

He experiences pain, becomes capricious and irritable, sleeps poorly, refuses to eat, or vice versa often requires breasts.

The gum at the site of eruption swells and itches, the child tries to tighten everything into his mouth. A special one can help the child during this period, as well as rubbing the gums with a bandage dipped in cool water. As prescribed by the doctor, the gums can be lubricated with an analgesic gel.

Baby teethers

The process of molars eruption usually lasts 2 months, all this time the baby has increased salivation.

To avoid irritation of the skin of the chin, it must be constantly wiped and lubricated with a protective cream. The child may rise, appear, runny nose and wet cough.

Moreover, the temperature can manifest itself not only during the eruption of the first molars of milk teeth, but also when permanent molars when the child is 9 to 12 years old.

This is quite understandable: when the gums swell, blood flow increases, biologically active substances begin to be synthesized in the body, the main task of which is to eliminate swelling and eliminate pathology. In other words, the body reacts to the appearance of teeth as a disease, resulting in a rise in temperature.

At high temperature the doctor may prescribe antipyretic drugs based on Paracetamol or Ibuprofen to the child, which, moreover, will also eliminate the pain syndrome.

How permanent teeth erupt in children - timing and scheme

Dairy VS permanent

Many people think that only a permanent tooth has a root, while a temporary one does not, because of this it easily falls out. This opinion is erroneous, everyone has both a root and nerves, and they have a more complex structure than permanent ones, so they are more difficult to treat.

Temporary teeth are less mineralized, they are smaller in size, have a bluish tint, are softer, their roots are weaker. In addition, there are only 20 of them, while there are 32 permanent ones, if a person has not erupted "wisdom" teeth, then 28.

When the time comes for the temporary tooth to fall out, its root will resolve, and its crown either falls out by itself, or is quickly and painlessly removed by the doctor.

Permanent indigenous - when do they appear?

A permanent bite begins to appear from 5-6 years to 12-15, usually during this time a lot of dentition comes out, although some of them erupt only after 30, and some do not have them at all. They grow in the same order in which they fall out.

It is necessary to control the process of the appearance of permanent molars, in the case when they erupt 3 months later in time, this may indicate a serious pathology, for example, a metabolic disorder, vitamin deficiency or rickets.

This diagram of the eruption of permanent teeth in children is indicative. But the sequence of appearance of teeth in the absence of pathology should be constant.

From the beginning, when the baby is 6-7 years old, the first permanent molars (the “six” molars) will erupt behind the entire milk row. They will appear in a place where milk teeth never grew. Then temporary teeth are replaced by permanent ones, exactly in the same order as they erupted.

First, two incisors are changed on both jaws, then two more. After them, small molars (“fours”) or premolars erupt.

They change when the child is 9 to 11 years old, the second premolars or "fives" should erupt before the age of 12. Until the age of 13, fangs erupt.

Following them, in an empty place at the end of the dentition, the second large molars (“sevens”) erupt. They change until the age of 14.

The last to erupt are the third molars, the "eights" or "wisdom teeth". In some, they appear before the age of 15, in others much later, in others they may not be at all.

What are they like on the inside?

Permanent molars are divided into small (premolars) and large (molars). An adult has 8 small molars, located 4 above and below. Their main function is to crush and crush food.

They appear in place of the fallen milk molars. Premolars combine the features of large molars and canines.

They have the shape of a rectangle, on the chewing surface there are 2 tubercles separated by a fissure. Small molars upper jaw similar in shape, but the first premolar is slightly larger than the second and has 2 roots, while the second has only one root.

The lower premolars are rounded, each of them has 1 root. They differ from each other in size: the first premolar is slightly smaller.

Large molars grow behind the second premolars. There are only 12 of them, 6 pieces on both jaws. The biggest "six". The upper first and second molars have 3 roots, the lower "sixes" and "sevens" have 2 roots.

The structure of the third upper and lower molars ("") differs from each other both in shape and in the number of roots. Some don't have them at all. Very rarely, as a rule, among representatives of the eastern equatorial race, additional fourth molars are found.

Out of my head…

If a permanent one has hatched at the site of a temporary tooth, and the milk one is not going to fall out yet, then the doctor will advise you to remove it.

The charming first smile of the baby, then the eruption of the first tooth, the change of milk constants - all these are integral stages of growing up, so exciting for parents and memorable. In some children, such processes proceed painlessly, without causing any complications. However, in most cases, the appearance of the first incisors, canines and molars becomes the cause of poor health for babies. All moms and dads want to know as much as possible about this important stage in a child's development. As the saying goes, "forewarned is forearmed". It is necessary to consider in detail the time of the appearance of milk teeth, the symptoms accompanying this phenomenon, possible health problems in children and ways to solve them.

First you need to understand when and how teeth grow in babies. At about six months of age, infants can notice the eruption of the lower incisor. Sometimes an early appearance is observed - about three months, or, conversely, the baby is in no hurry to become a "nibbler". Eruption can take up to 16 months. This should not scare parents. Do not torture yourself with the question why the child does not grow teeth. Their eruption later than the average standard indicated in pediatric books is not at all a deviation. Deadlines may vary. Genetics, the general condition of the body and many different factors play a role here.

The appearance of the first incisor mandible

No less important questions that young mothers often worry about are how babies' teeth grow and how long it takes before the tooth fully appears above the gum surface. Here, too, it is impossible to answer unambiguously. Sometimes it takes one or two weeks, and sometimes this process stretches for a whole month.

Main features

To make sure you don't miss this important point, you need to know well how baby teeth grow in children.

The main signs of a penetrating incisor are increased salivation, swelling of the gums

At the same time, the child becomes whiny, capricious, sleeps poorly, loses his appetite. As a rule, pediatricians answer the question “what time do teeth begin to grow in children” and give an approximate age - about 6 months. However, the first tooth in many babies can appear at four months, and after six months.

After the lower incisors appear upper incisors

Nevertheless, teething is almost always, no matter how many months old the child is, accompanied by painful sensations. Discomfort and itching in the gums will not greatly annoy your child if all kinds of cooling gels and rubber teething toys are at home. Often this significantly reduces all unpleasant symptoms.

Many parents often ask how a child's teeth should grow, what manifestations are within the normal range. However, it is important not to miss alarm signals and, if necessary, see a doctor. During eruption, immunity decreases. Children during this period often get sick with SARS. The temperature may rise.

Parents are required to be more attentive to the child. It is important to notice the symptoms of a looming illness in time and go to the pediatrician.

Appearance time

Every woman who is expecting a baby needs to carefully prepare for this important event. It is important for new parents to study and learn a lot, including how much teeth grow in babies, how this process proceeds, what needs to be done in such situations.

Even during the development of the fetus in the mother's womb, the rudiments of teeth are formed in a tiny man. They are laid on the eighth - twelfth week. Later, these formations are filled with the necessary minerals. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs to monitor her diet. It is necessary to make sure that her body receives a lot of fluorine, phosphorus and calcium. These useful elements are rich in dried fruits, dairy products, fish, baked potatoes. You can additionally take special vitamins for expectant mothers. In this case, the child's milk teeth will be healthy and strong.

In the process of eruption of milk teeth, the laying of permanent teeth also takes place. Therefore, even after the birth of a baby, it is worth paying much attention to the quality of nutrition of the mother and child. This applies to all infants.

Breastfeeding gives the baby good immunity

Women's milk gives the baby all the substances necessary for its growth and development, of course, provided that the young mother eats properly. For formula-fed babies, it is equally important that their diet is rich in vitamins and various minerals.

Terms and order of eruption

Many will help to understand how teeth grow in children, a diagram that clearly shows the sequence of the appearance of incisors, canines and molars.

Diagram of teething

However, do not forget that this process may not be the same for each child. So, it is worth considering in more detail in what order teeth grow in children.

Usually the central incisors appear first in the bottom row. This can happen as early as four months of age or even when the child is already one year old. It is not always possible to accurately answer the question at what age children's teeth grow. The upper incisors break through at eight or nine months, but sometimes they can be seen in a seven-month-old toddler. The timing of the appearance of the upper lateral incisors is from eight to fourteen months of age. In the lower row, these teeth, as a rule, erupt later - at nine months or even after a year.

The first molars and canines appear in children from 13 to 19 months and from 16 to 23, respectively.

Sometimes eruption starts from the upper jaw. In some cases, parents observe how the upper and lower incisors erupt simultaneously in the child. All of these options are considered acceptable. The sequence of eruption of milk teeth does not affect their condition and health in the future.

Difficulties and ways to solve them

Often, the eruption of fangs or molars in babies is a rather painful process. The gums swell, itch and hurt. In most cases, the baby refuses to eat, often cries, is naughty, and does not sleep well.

During teething, the baby shows anxiety

Therefore, every mother should be prepared in advance for such difficulties, find out how to help, while children's teeth grow. Photos, diagrams and recommendations of dentists presented on our website will help you figure it out.

Some parents give their baby warm milk at night. This will allow the baby to sleep peacefully. During the day, you can distract the child with a game, use special teether toys for gums

When the first teeth appear, babies usually want to put everything in their mouths. Care must be taken to ensure that items that fall into small hands are safe.

The child wants to "try everything"

Age and appearance of teeth

Usually, a one-year-old peanut already boasts eight teeth. These are the upper and lower front incisors. For some children, this moment comes only at 14-16 months. Many parents are interested in how old children's teeth grow. As a rule, 16 teeth erupt by the age of two (all but the back molars).

A three-year-old toddler usually already has twenty teeth. At the age of six, they begin to fall out and be replaced by permanent ones.

The beginning of the change of teeth in a child of 6 years

This period is marked by the active growth of the facial bones. The jaw expands. At the same time, gaps are noticeable between the milk teeth. The child's body is gradually preparing for the growth of larger permanent teeth. This process usually begins after four years.

During this period, it is important not to miss a visit to the pediatric dentist. The doctor will check whether the size of the jawbone is formed correctly and, if necessary, refer the small patient to the orthodontist. Sometimes it is necessary to pick up special plates for the baby in time.

Replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones

So, how old do teeth grow in children? At the age of 5-7 years, milk teeth usually begin to fall out. At the same time, the sequence of their replacement is identical to the order of eruption of the first dairy ones. First, the child loses the lower incisors, then the upper ones. After that, the molars loosen and fall out, then the canines.

The hole of a lost milk tooth in a seven-year-old child

The rudiments of permanent teeth, which are formed in infancy, over time displace the roots of milk teeth, loosen them and lead to the loss of the latter. In most cases, this does not cause any discomfort to the child. However, sometimes baby tooth can firmly “sit” in the gum tissues, while a permanent one is already erupting under it. In such a situation, you can contact the surgeon. He will carefully remove the annoying "hindrance".

Of the permanent teeth, the lower central incisors erupt at the age of six to eight, followed by the upper ones. Then comes the turn of the lateral incisors. As a rule, at the age of nine, the molars have already erupted, and canines begin to appear in the bottom row. Average term their appearance is 9–11 years old. The first and second premolars in the lower and upper rows break through at 10–12 years of age. At the age of 11, the upper fangs appear in the child. In general, we can say that by the age of 13, the child had already had all the milk teeth replaced by permanent ones. However, much depends on the genetic predisposition, the general condition of the body. Therefore, all terms of the appearance of teeth in a child are relative.

Tooth change schedule

In some cases, the last permanent teeth are finally formed only by the age of 14–15.

If the change of teeth is delayed, the reasons may be different. Sometimes past illnesses, chronic illnesses can affect this process. In such a situation, it is important not to postpone a visit to the dentist. The doctor will accurately determine the cause of the pathology, tell you how to solve such a problem.

In most cases, a detailed examination and x-ray will help to find out why the child’s teeth are in no hurry to appear. In the picture you can see the presence or absence of the rudiments of permanent teeth. Only after such a thorough diagnosis, the doctor will be able to effectively help the patient.

The appearance of the first incisor in the lower jaw Teething pattern During teething, the baby shows anxiety The child wants to “try everything on the tooth”

The sequence or order of teething in a child and children of milk teeth is an important stage for children and parents. Most often, parents are concerned about the following questions: in what order do the teeth of babies and children climb? How do teeth grow in children under the age of one year and after 5 years, including permanent ones?

The order of growth in baby milk teeth is always the same, except in cases with congenital anomalies. In children and infants, the order of growth or eruption of milk teeth may begin as early as 3-4 months, but may be later, a little earlier than a year. Remember to take good care of your mouth at an early age, especially in babies under one year of age. Sometimes it happens that at birth the baby already has several rudiments.

The growth of teeth in children affects the entire body as a whole. Despite the naturalness of the process, it brings discomfort and sometimes even complications. During eruption, performance immune system weakens, so you need to protect children from viral and bacterial infections in this period. It is also recommended not to make injections and other medical measures during eruption.

If a child's teeth grow or climb out of order, then attention should be paid to factors external environment and visit a doctor to find out why. How teeth should grow in children and what symptoms accompany teething:

  • swelling and inflammation of the gums;
  • the baby becomes capricious;
  • the daily routine is disturbed, insomnia appears;
  • the baby does not eat well because of pain, cries;
  • a large amount of saliva is secreted;
  • the baby always wants something to gnaw, chew.

Sometimes, before eruption, a cavity is formed on the gum filled with a cloudy liquid. If it does not interfere with the child, then you can not treat it, since it is not dangerous. If the baby feels discomfort, then you can contact the dentist for removal to relieve pressure.

Read also:

Methods for dealing with toothache in children


How and when do babies and toddlers grow and cut their teeth? In what order do babies or a child cut their teeth? Eruption time may vary, as everyone's body is different, so timing may vary. The optimal deviation established by pediatricians is about six months up or down.

What is the order of eruption or the pattern of appearance of milk and permanent teeth in all children by age? He is no different. When should they appear? Most babies have their first dairy at 6-8 months of age. If the baby has acceleration, then eruption may occur earlier. Doctors notice that in boys the pattern of teething and their alternate growth in children is somewhat slower in development than in girls. Usually every year all children have at least one rudiment. If this is not the case, then you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • hereditary factor;
  • lack of calcium in the body;
  • lack of hormones secreted by the thyroid gland;
  • the body does not absorb substances well;
  • the baby does not have rudiments in the gums.

You should not worry if the dairy ones did not come out, although all the deadlines have passed. In a quarter of all babies, this is characterized as an individual feature.


When and in what sequence or order do children, toddlers and infants climb, grow or cut their teeth? Teeth in babies: how do they grow and the order of cutting? The order in which teeth appear or grow in children is a delicate matter and depends on many factors. The sequence of appearance and growth of milk teeth in children worries all parents. This topic is rather slippery, but you can stick to two facts:

  • teeth grow in pairs. For example, when fangs appear, the first one cuts through first, followed by the second one on the other side. Both can climb at the same time. Sometimes babies have up to 4 pieces at once;
  • eruption starts from the lower jaw. The scheme of children's milk or permanent teeth suggests that the makings of the lower jaw appear first, and only after that on the upper.

Read also:

Dantinorm baby: teething aid

The sequence or diagram showing how children's teeth climb is as follows (including the child's name of the teeth):

  1. Basic incisors.
  2. Side cuts.
  3. primary molars.
  4. Fangs.
  5. secondary molars.

Children's teeth and their order of growth can begin in both the upper and lower jaws. In children, the order of growth of fangs, appearance may vary depending on the effect of rickets on the body. The pattern of teething may also be such that they have already appeared on the upper jaw, but still not on the lower jaw. You should not worry: if the pediatrician did not find any deviations, then most likely the baby will soon begin to grow molars and fangs. You need to feed the baby with dairy products to speed up the process. The teething pattern drawn up by dentists is an approximation, not a precise plan to be followed: not all organisms develop in the same way.


What are the teeth called in children and what is the order or sequence of teething up to a year table? When and in what order do baby teeth erupt? Usually, the order or sequence in children of eruption of milk teeth is as follows.

The initial stages of the formation of teeth in a child occur when he has not yet been born. At the age of six or seven months, the child begins to erupt the first milk teeth, although there have been cases of birth with already appeared teeth.

Teething in all children is almost the same. To find out the timing of teething, you will be helped by the table of the timing of teething of milk teeth in children.

The lower incisors sprout first, they are located exactly in the middle of the jaw. This usually happens when the child is six months old. Behind the lower incisors appear the upper ones, which are also located in the middle part of the jaw. By 12 months, the lateral incisors from above and below have time to germinate alternately, and in total 8 teeth can be counted. Do not be afraid if the child suddenly has a little less or more teeth - this is quite normal.

During the next half of the year, "small molars" should appear. After 18 months, the growth of canines begins, which fill the void between the small molars and lateral incisors. If the child's body develops without deviations, then all twenty milk teeth will erupt and form by 3 years.

Table of terms of eruption of milk teeth in children

The order of eruption of milk teeth in children
Age of teething in children
1. Lower central incisors 6-7 months
2. Upper central incisors 8-9 months
3. Upper lateral incisors 9-11 months
4. Lower lateral incisors 11-13 months
5. Upper first molars
12-15 months
6. Lower first molars
12-15 months
7. Upper fangs16-18 months
7. Lower fangs18-20 months
8. Lower second molars
24-30 months
8. Upper second molars
24-30 months

Terms of teething in children table

Teeth do not necessarily grow one after the other. It may happen that the eruption of several teeth occurs at the same time. The time of their germination can be extended in the case of various infections, diseases, digestive disorders and the functions of the cardiovascular system.

Despite the fact that teething is accompanied by changes in the behavior of the child, many parents do not notice this. The baby's saliva secretion increases, he constantly wants to chew on something. When the tooth finally sprouts, the temperature may rise, a cold may pop out, or digestion may be upset. It is very important to ensure that the child does not put dirty things into his mouth - this way he can infect the infection and worsen his health even more.

How to help a child with teething?

To relieve pressure in the jaw and irritation throughout the mouth, doctors recommend giving the baby something cool and hard. An ordinary crust of bread can serve as such an object. The crust should be taken moderately large so that the child does not swallow it, but can bite. If bread is not available, you can use fresh fruits or vegetables.

An apple or cucumber will not only relieve pain, but also provide the child's body with vitamins and minerals. Also, recently in pharmacies there are often special cooling rings, which are carefully sterilized and given to the child as a toy.

A special gum massage will help make teething less painful and faster.

Gently massaging the places where teeth will soon appear will not only relieve pain, but also soothe the baby. Gently pressing down on your gums with a disinfected finger will improve their blood and oxygen supply.

Simple rubbing from the corners of the mouth to the nose will soothe the pain of teething. If the pain is severe and does not disappear, you can use special gels. Due to their composition, they will serve as a mild anesthetic and relieve the child of pain.

When teething is especially difficult, the child may noticeably rise in temperature. If it exceeds 38.5 ° C, it is worth giving a small dose of some antipyretic drug for children and be sure to go to the doctor. In case of intolerance to such drugs, there is an alternative way to lower the temperature - children's homeopathic suppositories. Put them on the time required according to the instructions, and the baby will feel better.

Often in young children during the growth of the first milk teeth, irritation of the skin around the mouth is observed. This is caused by more intense salivation. Creams with high fat content or baby lotions will help eliminate itching and burning.

Care of the first teeth

From the moment a child has teeth, they need careful care. For the first time, wiping them with a cotton swab is enough. When your son or your daughter has more than 10 teeth, feel free to start brushing them with a soft one. Do this carefully, as there is a high risk of damaging the enamel and delicate gum tissue.

From the age of two or three, teach your child to brush their teeth daily. At this age, you can already add a small amount without fluoride.

Teething in children is an exciting moment for every parent. Unfortunately, this process is almost always accompanied by screaming, gastrointestinal upset and fever in the baby. At what age will a baby get its first tooth? In what order do they grow? When will a child get a permanent bite? You will find answers to these questions in the article.

The first teeth appear at about 5-8 months

Formation of the rudiments of teeth during fetal development

The laying of teeth occurs even during fetal development - at 8-16 weeks of gestation. This process takes about a month, during which the expectant mother must pay attention to her diet so that the child receives the right amount of minerals, including calcium. This will help dairy products, as well as tablets containing this trace element.

At the initial stage of a woman's pregnancy, 20 rudiments of future temporary teeth are formed in the fetus. In childhood, the baby will grow 10 lower teeth and 10 on the upper jaw from them. By the 20th week, the rudiments of molars are formed, which are deeper in the gums, under the milk teeth.

Terms and order of teething of milk teeth in infants up to a year

From the birth of a child, mothers begin to think about what difficulties await them when teeth appear in a baby. This process is long, and the growth of each tooth is accompanied by the indisposition of the crumbs. When do they start cutting in babies?

Previously, medical literature gave a definite answer - from 6 months. Today, pediatricians are not so categorical - there are cases when the first bone units appear earlier than the average time, and sometimes the little ones are born already “toothy”. The timing of teething may vary - the process will begin when the body is ready for it.

The schedule for the appearance of milk teeth in infants by months is presented in the table:

Name of the toothEruption termsPeculiarities
Lower incisors in the center5-8 month
Upper incisors in the center7 months - 1 yearThey begin to cut through along with the lower ones, but the process almost always ends later. May begin to disturb before 7 months of age.
Upper incisors on the sideMost often erupted per yearMay appear from 8 months of age.

Parents need to know when and which teeth can start to bother the child in order to help the baby eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Do not worry if the first tooth is missing even at 10 months - growth retardation of bone units may be associated with individual developmental characteristics.

When teething in a child, the gum mucosa is damaged and aseptic (i.e. "microbial") inflammation occurs, which causes fever, diarrhea, sleep disturbance and appetite of the baby. At the same time, as a result of damage, the gums become more vulnerable to infection and the occurrence of septic (i.e. "microbial") inflammation, which can complicate the already difficult period of teething. Conventional drugs for the treatment of inflammation of the oral mucosa are not always convenient for use in young children. You should choose a drug intended for use in children.

For example, Holisal® has proven itself well. At topical application it has a triple action, helping to relieve pain and inflammation, as well as acting on viruses, fungi and bacteria. Gel adhesive backing helps hold onto mucosa active ingredients prolonging their action. 1 It is important to be careful when using in children under one year old and consult a doctor first.

Graph of the appearance of milk units in babies up to 3 years

After a year, the baby boasts several teeth, but in the period up to 3 years, the rest of the units should appear. In the mouth of a toddler at this age, it will be possible to count 20 milk teeth.

At 3 years old, the baby's dentition should have about 20 units.

Below is a table of eruption of temporary teeth in a child under 3 years old:

Fangs are cut very difficult - this is due to the long root of the dental unit. The symptoms should not be confused with the appearance of other teeth.

Deviations in the terms given in the table are possible by 30-60 days - this is a variant of the norm. Do not forget that if the first teeth appeared later, then the eruption calendar of the rest also shifts.

A change in the order of eruption used to be a rarity and spoke of deviations in development. V modern world children are greatly influenced by ecology and food (including substances that come to the baby with mother's milk), so changing the order of eruption is common. This does not mean pathologies at all, but for your own peace of mind, it is better to consult a specialist.

Factors affecting the timing and order of eruption

Differences in the timing of teething in each baby can be significant. As a rule, this process is influenced by:

  1. Baby genotype. If one of the parents' teeth began to "peck" at 4-5 months, then it is most likely that the child's teething will begin at this time.
  2. The health status of the mother during pregnancy. The presence of toxicosis shifts the calendar for the appearance of teeth.
  3. Duration of breastfeeding and quality of nutrition.

Teeth may start to cut earlier or later. There are many reasons for shifting the graph. This process can be accelerated by:

  • acceleration;
  • some endocrine diseases;
  • climate (living in areas with a hot climate can provoke early teething);
  • gender of the child (in girls, the process begins a little earlier);
  • tumor (in extremely rare cases).

In girls, the process of teething begins a little earlier than in boys.

To delay the onset of tooth growth in newborns can:

  1. Diseases that the baby suffered up to a year. Schedule shift is possible in the presence of infectious diseases.
  2. biological age of the child. If the little one was born ahead of time, teeth may start to erupt later. In this case, the biological age is taken into account, and not indicated in the birth certificate.
  3. Gastrointestinal disorders, including dyspepsia.
  4. Damage to the pituitary gland. The problem may be a consequence of infectious processes occurring in the child's body.
  5. Vitamin D deficiency.
  6. V children's body metabolism may be impaired. This pathology can be congenital or acquired.

Possible pathologies

The eruption terms are equated to the average. It cannot take into account all the factors affecting the body.

In addition, the child may be diagnosed with various pathologies:

  1. Rickets. The disease develops with insufficient intake of vitamin D. Calcium does not have time to be absorbed, and it is he who acts as the main element for the development of the dental unit and its growth.
  2. Adentia. Congenital pathology, implying the absence of rudiments of teeth. The presence of the disease is detected by radiography.
  3. Malocclusion. The anomaly occurs when the uneven development of the dentition, often due to prolonged use of pacifiers and bottles with nipples for feeding.
  4. Incorrect dentition. It manifests itself due to the small size of the jaw, which, due to a tumor or injury, cannot develop normally.
  5. Eruption of a bone unit outside the dentition. The anomaly can be caused by an incorrect axis of the tooth (it can be placed obliquely or horizontally).
  6. Retention of the tooth in the bone. If the bone unit increases, but does not break through the gum, this can cause damage to the roots and vessels of already erupted milk teeth or rudiments of molars (see also:). Most effective treatment is the removal of an incorrectly growing unit.
  7. Hypoplasia. The disease is visible to the naked eye when a crown of an erupting tooth appears on the surface of the gum. It has spots from white to brown, pits, furrows, located horizontally. The causes of the disease are diseases of the mother during the period of gestation or difficult childbirth.

Teething much later than the term may be a feature of the baby's body, and may occur due to various diseases, so it will not be superfluous to consult a pediatrician and dentist

When should parents see a doctor? If at 11-13 months the peanut does not have a single tooth, then this may indicate developmental disorders provoked various diseases baby or mother during pregnancy. The first step is to visit a pediatrician.

When and in what order do milk teeth fall out and permanent ones appear?

The change of milk bite by molars occurs in a special order. The timing of the eruption of permanent teeth may differ from the generally accepted schedule for a year - this is normal. The process begins with the resorption of the roots of milk teeth.

According to the eruption calendar of indigenous bone units, the first molars (sixes) are shown first. They do not replace the temporary ones, since they are not in the milk bite. A place for a tooth appears due to the growth of the jaw. Then the incisors, first premolars, canines, second premolars and molars break through. At the same time, the principle of pairs is preserved: teeth with the same name are shown at approximately the same time.

Until what age do children change their bite? The complete formation of the rows of the upper and lower jaws ends by the age of 15-18, however, eights (wisdom teeth) are cut after 18, more often later. Sometimes these bone units remain in the gum. The number of teeth in a healthy person is 28-32.

The change of milk teeth to molars begins at about 5-6 years.

Below is a table of teeth changes in children by age:

Permanent molars begin to erupt from about 6 years of age, but the onset of a change in bite and the duration of the process depends on a number of factors:

  • heredity;
  • consumed foodstuffs;
  • saturation of the diet with vitamins and microelements;
  • drinking water quality;
  • duration of breastfeeding;
  • the general health of the baby.

The most common problem is that the molar is already starting to grow, and the milk tooth is in no hurry to fall out. Next to a firmly standing temporary unit, a permanent one appears - the teeth grow in two rows. In this case, you need to visit the dentist to remove the baby tooth, because the root will not have enough space - it will grow crooked or stick out in the other direction.

1 Instructions for use medicinal product for medical use Holisal®
There are contraindications. It is necessary to read the instructions or consult with a specialist.