How and how to treat mastitis: basic pharmaceutical products and drugs, methods of traditional medicine. Mastitis Treatment at Home Herb for Mastitis

Mastitis is inflammatory disease chest (mammary gland), which usually develops after childbirth and is characterized by severe chest pain, redness and enlargement of the mammary gland, discomfort during breastfeeding, increased body temperature and other symptoms. main reason appearance of mastitis bacterial infection, causing inflammation of the breast.

The course of mastitis passes in several periods. If there was no necessary treatment, the disease can go into a purulent form, fraught with dangerous complications. If mastitis is detected in the early stages and treatment is started in a timely manner, it is possible to prevent the progression of purulent inflammation of the breast.

Causes of mastitis

The main reason why a disease such as mastitis develops is penetration of bacteria into the breast tissue.

Bacteria can enter the breast in several ways:
through the blood, if there are chronic foci of infection in the female body (pyelonephritis, chronic tonsillitis, etc.),
through nipple cracks - small skin defects in the nipple area are a favorable environment for infection.

Under normal conditions, when a small number of bacteria enter the mammary gland, the immune system women are able to suppress the infection. But after childbirth, the body of a woman in most cases is weakened and cannot qualitatively resist bacteria.

plays an important role in the development of mastitis lactostasis, the occurrence of which is associated with rare feedings or incomplete / insufficient pumping of breast milk, leading to its stagnation in the ducts of the mammary glands. The milk present in the ducts of the mammary glands serves as a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria, since milk contains a large amount of nutrients.

Risk Factors for Mastitis

In most cases, mastitis manifests itself through 2-4 weeks after the woman is discharged from the hospital.

There are a number of factors that increase the risk of mastitis:
large mammary glands,
the presence of cracks in the nipples,
nipples of an “irregular” shape (inverted or flat nipples) make it difficult for the baby to suckle the breast, as a result of which the mammary glands are not emptied enough during feeding, which leads to the appearance of lactostasis,
lactostasis - with insufficient decantation of milk, it stagnates in the ducts of the mammary glands. Usually, with lactostasis, the outflow of milk from one lobe of the mammary gland is disturbed due to clogging of it with a “plug” of thickened milk.

Signs of lactostasis are:
pain in the breast,
nodules (seals) in the chest that disappear after massage,
uneven leakage of milk from the affected area of ​​the breast.

Usually, with lactostasis, not complicated by mastitis, body temperature does not increase. If lactostasis is not cured within three to four days, it turns into mastitis. The first symptom of the development of mastitis - increase in body temperature up to 37-39 degrees.
neglect by a woman during breastfeeding the rules of hygiene (before and after feeding),
available infectious diseases chronic nature (pyelonephritis, tonsillitis, etc.).

There are two main types of mastitis:
lactation ( another name - postpartum) - develops in nursing mothers,
non-lactation - mastitis, which is not associated with breastfeeding. This type of mastitis is quite rare and is formed due to trauma, compression of the mammary gland, and also as a reaction to hormonal disorders occurring in the body.

Fibrous and cystic mastitis are nothing more than cystic-fibrous mastopathy.

Stages of development of mastitis

During postpartum (lactational) mastitis, several stages are distinguished:
early stage - serous mastitis - the main characteristics of which include an increase in body temperature, pain when feeling the breast, an increase in the volume of the mammary gland,
infiltrative mastitis develops in the absence of adequate treatment of serous mastitis, fever appears with it, and a painful seal forms in one area of ​​the mammary gland,
purulent mastitis - This is a suppuration of the chest area.

Signs and symptoms of mastitis

Usually mastitis is distinguished by acute development - this indicates that symptoms appear quickly (within a few hours - a couple of days).

There are such main signs and symptoms of mastitis:
body temperature rises to 38 degrees, which is evidence of the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. As a result of an increase in temperature, chills, pain in the head, weakness appear;
constant pain in the chest of a aching nature, which intensifies during breastfeeding;
an increase in the volume of the mammary gland, redness of the skin in the area of ​​​​inflammation, the skin becomes hot.

If mastitis is not cured in time (in the early stages), it progresses to a purulent form.

The main signs and symptoms of purulent mastitis are:
body temperature rises to 39 degrees or more, there is a sleep disorder, severe pain in the head, poor appetite,
severe soreness in the mammary gland, pain is felt even from a light touch,
in the axillary region, there is an increase in lymph nodes, which are presented to the touch as small, dense, painful formations.

Diagnosis of mastitis

If you have any of the symptoms listed above, you should urgently seek medical help. Diagnosis of mastitis consists in identifying the characteristic signs of the disease, which are detected when the doctor performs palpation (palpation) and examination of the mammary gland.

To confirm the diagnosis of mastitis, perform general analysis blood, which can show the inflammatory process in the body. They also conduct a bacteriological study of milk, which is necessary to identify the type of bacteria and determine their sensitivity to antibiotics. In some cases, when diagnosing mastitis, the method of ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the mammary gland is used.

Mastitis and breastfeeding

With mastitis forbidden lactation, regardless of the form of the disease. This is due to the fact that breast milk, both from diseased and healthy breasts, can contain many bacteria that are dangerous for the baby. In addition, in the treatment of mastitis mandatory use of antibiotics which also penetrate mother's milk and may harm the child. Even with a temporary suspension of breastfeeding during mastitis, it is necessary to express milk regularly and carefully. This procedure will not only speed up the recovery process, but will also help maintain lactation in the future so that the woman has the opportunity to continue breastfeeding.

Mastitis treatment

The treatment of mastitis is influenced by factors such as the form of the disease (purulent, serous mastitis, etc.), as well as the time elapsed since the onset of the disease.

In the treatment of mastitis, the following basic principles are guided:
stopping the growth of bacteria
removal of inflammation

Purulent mastitis treated only with surgery. It is strictly forbidden to treat mastitis on your own!

Promotes faster and painless recovery from mastitis, complete or partial suppression of milk production (lactation). After recovery occurs, lactation can be resumed. Usually lactation is suppressed with the help of special medications (for example, Dostinex, Parlodel etc.), which are prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Treatment infiltrative and serous, i.e. non-purulent forms of mastitis performed by conservative methods, without surgical intervention. It is necessary to express milk every three hours to avoid stagnation, which contributes to the growth of bacteria. To get rid of soreness in the chest, local anesthetics are used, such as, for example, novocaine blockades.

Antibiotics are the main medicines for the treatment of mastitis. After determining the sensitivity of bacteria, a specific antibiotic is prescribed. As a rule, the following groups of antibiotics are used to treat mastitis:
cephalosporins ( cephradil, cefazolin etc.),
penicillins ( Amoxiclav, Oxacillin etc.),
aminoglycosides ( Gentamicin) and so on.

Antibiotics are taken both inside and intravenously and intramuscularly.

Treatment of purulent mastitis is based on surgical intervention. The operation is done using general anesthesia. After the operation, antibiotics are prescribed without fail.

When antibiotics are stopped and bacteriological tests show that the milk does not contain bacteria, it is allowed to resume breast-feeding.

Traditional methods of treating mastitis are not recommended, since the vast majority of herbs do not have the ability to destroy the infection that has penetrated the mammary glands. Each delay in the treatment of mastitis is fraught with the appearance of purulent forms of the disease, which pose a threat to the life of a woman.

Prevention of mastitis

Every woman should preventive measures aimed at preventing mastitis. The main ones are listed below:
1. Before and after breastfeeding, hygiene rules must be strictly observed. A woman during the feeding period should monitor the condition of her body, since she is in close contact with a newly born child. Daily shower required. Before the breastfeeding procedure, you need to wash your hands and both breasts with warm running water, after which you need to blot them with a soft towel (you can not roughly wipe the mammary glands, because the skin on them is very delicate and cracks may appear on it).
2. One of the risk factors for the development of mastitis is the appearance of cracks in the nipples. To soften the skin around the nipples, lanolin-based vegetable oils are applied to the skin after feeding.
3. As a measure to prevent lactostasis, the child should be fed on demand (adhering to a feeding schedule is not recommended). During feeding, you need to make sure that there is no retention of milk in one of the lobes of the mammary glands (it is contraindicated to squeeze areas of the mammary gland with your fingers, you do not need to hold the chest). The milk that remains after feeding the newborn must be expressed (this can be done both manually and using a breast pump). If in one of the lobes of the mammary gland there is a seal (stagnation of milk), it is necessary during feeding to give the child such a position in which his chin will be turned towards the seal. To eliminate lactostasis, when feeding, you can gently massage the dense area until it becomes normal.

Among the complex and dangerous female diseases, a special place is occupied by inflammation of the mammary gland - mastitis, to which absolutely all women are susceptible. But, despite this, there are many excellent ways to cure such an ailment without consequences and complications.

Mastitis, or as it is also called, the chest - insidious disease, the development of which can be triggered either by an infection, mainly by Staphylococcus aureus, or by stagnation of milk in the mammary gland. As a rule, this disease occurs in a unilateral form, that is, in one breast. However, there are rare cases of bilateral mastitis.

To a greater extent, only women who have given birth suffer from breastfeeding, and not only those who safely feed children, but also non-nursing new mothers. This is due to hormonal changes in the female body after pregnancy and childbirth, as well as the onset of lactation (the process of producing breast milk). However, it is worth noting that not only women in labor can be affected by the disease, but also those of the fair sex who have any of the following health problems:

Separately, we highlight other reasons why mastitis may occur. One of them is more about young girls who have nipple piercings. During this procedure, if carried out on your own and without observing hygiene and sanitary standards, you can introduce an infection into the body, which will become the causative agent of inflammation of the mammary gland.

Another reason is the wearing of tight underwear by a woman, which leads to squeezing of the breast and mammary gland tissues, which in turn can lead to their deformation and improper development.

What mastitis looks like: photo

Forms of mastitis

Inflammation of the breast can occur in several forms, depending on which a woman will experience symptoms of varying severity:

  • Serous form of mastitisinitial form a disease in which a woman's breasts greatly increase in volume, she feels pain on palpation. In addition, it can rise heat. This form of the breast is mainly characteristic of nursing mothers who have had milk stasis (lactostasis), which caused inflammation, because, as you know, there are a lot of different nutrients in breast milk, and this is the most favorable environment for bacteria to live. As a rule, the serous form of mastitis is quickly and easily treated at home. folk remedies.

  • Infiltrative form of the breast - a more complex stage in the development of the disease, which occurs if the woman did not start timely treatment of the serous form of mastitis. In addition to the characteristic symptoms for serous inflammation of the mammary gland, the woman still experiences fever, hard seals appear in her chest, which cause cutting pain. Seals will make themselves felt externally. Redness will appear in their locations on the skin of the chest. This form of breasts on their own can not be cured. During the visit to the doctor, the woman will be prescribed special antibiotics.

  • Purulent form of mastitis- untreated infiltrative mastitis, that is, the seal begins to fester, resulting in an abscess that requires surgical intervention.

Types of mastitis

As we mentioned above, mastitis can occur in both women in labor and other women at risk. In view of this, inflammation of the mammary gland is divided into the following types:

  • lactation mastitis faced by 7-16% of new mothers who breastfeed.

Unfortunately, with such a diagnosis, a woman is strictly forbidden to continue to feed her baby, since the milk is infected and poses a danger to the health of the child. It is necessary to suppress the process of milk production with the help of drugs specially designed for this and do everything possible to get rid of the infection.

Some confuse mastitis with lactostasis, which has similar symptoms with mastitis in a nursing women. However, in fact, lactostasis is one of the main and first causes of breastfeeding. Therefore, a woman in labor first of all needs to take all necessary measures so that milk stagnation does not occur. To do this, it is necessary to express in a timely manner, feed the baby on demand at any time of the day.

The second reason for the occurrence of mastitis in nursing mothers is non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Before and after each feeding, the nipples should be washed well and treated with special products that moisturize and nourish the skin. Indeed, during feeding, cracks often form on the nipples, through which the infection can easily enter the body and cause mastitis.

We cannot fail to mention another important reason for the emergence mastitis while breastfeeding- the presence of an inflammatory process of an infectious nature in any other organ of a woman. It can be the throat, tonsils, nose, ear and even teeth. Immunity during pregnancy drops so much that a health problem of this kind can happen after childbirth.

  • Non-lactation mastitis(occurs extremely rarely), which occurs in women in whose body there are hormonal disorders and other deviations from the norm.

It should be noted that on early stage mastitis in non-lactating symptomatic very different from women who are breastfeeding. The main signs of their disease include:

  • Increased sweating
  • The appearance of swelling in the chest
  • Absence of pain
  • No temperature or nipple changes
  • General health is quite satisfactory

Therefore, it is impossible to recognize mastitis in a non-nursing woman at the very first stage if you do not undergo a regular medical examination by a gynecologist, mammologist and endocrinologist.

Mastitis treatment

Depending on the type and form of inflammation of the mammary gland, the process of diagnosing and treating this disease will depend. We'll consider, how to treat mastitis lactation and non-lactation.

Treatment of mastitis in nursing women will begin with a comprehensive diagnosis in order to identify the cause of the disease. For this, the patient will need to donate blood, breast milk or other nipple discharge laboratory research. Their results should reveal an infection that needs to be treated with antibiotics.

If no infection is detected (this is possible with a serous form of the breast), then mastitis treatment can take place at home. A woman can continue to breastfeed her baby and independently carry out such manipulations:

  • Do breast massage using different techniques. Water massage helps and relieves pain very well, when massaging the mammary glands is carried out with a jet of water.
  • Engage in physical education - perform at least two basic exercises - push-ups from the floor and squeezing the palms in front of you. During these exercises, the pectoral muscles are trained, which prevents the occurrence of congestion in the mammary glands.
  • Do cold compresses three times a day. It turns out that this procedure can relieve pain and inflammation. However, breastfeeding mothers will need to be extremely careful in this process so that the cold does not affect the production of breast milk.
  • Make cabbage wraps (preferably at night). To do this, beat off one cabbage leaf with a kitchen hammer so that the juice stands out. With the side of the sheet from which it stands out, apply it to your chest and wrap it loosely with a bandage or cloth. You can grind the cabbage in a meat grinder, and then mix it with yogurt, and make compresses from this mixture.

An alternative version of cabbage can be:

  • Vishnevsky ointment
  • vaseline ointment
  • camphor oil
  • camomile tea
  • burdock leaves
  • pumpkin pulp
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil
  • vodka
  • cottage cheese cakes
  • baked onion
  • herbal decoctions from the leaves of currant, sage, St. John's wort, calendula

Important note! In no case should hot compresses be made with lactational mastitis, because this can only create a favorable environment for the bacteria that provoked the disease to multiply in the mammary gland.

If the tests reveal the presence of an infection, then it will not be possible to do without a course of ten-day antibiotic therapy, but in this case, breastfeeding will definitely be stopped.

What drugs are usually prescribed for women with lactational mastitis:

  • Ampicillin - taken in tablets;
  • Amoxicillin - also taken in tablets, but may give side effects in the form of allergic reactions;
  • Cefazolin - injected intravenously and intramuscularly.

If the pain is very strong, which is especially typical for the last stages of mastitis, then women are still given painkillers (novocaine).

In addition to antibiotics, the patient will also be injected with hormonal drugs that contribute to fast emptying breasts from milk. These include Oxytocin and Parlodel. To maintain the normal state of the female body, patients are also given droppers, and a course of vitamins is prescribed.

If case lactational mastitis too neglected, then doctors resort to surgical intervention.

How to cure mastitis in a non-nursing woman women? In fact, the course of treatment will be the same. The biggest difficulty in the treatment process will be to establish the cause of breastfeeding. Therefore, the diagnosis of the disease is wider.

It includes the following procedures:

  • Ultrasound diagnosis of the breast (at the site of inflammation)
  • Tomography to detect neoplasms in the mammary gland
  • Complete gynecological examination (examination and tests)
  • Tests for hormone levels to detect endocrine disorders

In the event that the root cause of mastitis in a non-nursing woman is an infection, then she will be prescribed the above course of antibiotics. If the disease arose against the background of weakened immunity, then the patient will be prescribed vitamin complexes and herbal preparations. If mastitis has formed after a chest injury, then the treatment will consist of physiotherapy procedures.

Complications and consequences of mastitis

Mastitis is a disease that, if not treated correctly or not in time, can be fatal.

We will name 4 main complications that can arise:

  1. Breast abscess, when large cavities filled with pus form in the mammary glands;
  2. Phlegmon, which is characterized by a spill of pus throughout the chest, accompanied by extensive inflammation, swelling, blue skin and high fever;
  3. Gangrene - the skin of the chest turns black, blisters and dead areas appear on it. With such a complication, doctors often resort to amputation of the breast;
  4. Sepsis - pus from the mammary gland enters the bloodstream, resulting in blood poisoning and death of the patient.

Prevention of mastitis

If we are talking about a nursing woman, then the best prevention of mastitis will be the frequent application of the baby to the breast. In addition, new mothers during lactation need to wear special high-quality underwear that does not squeeze the breasts and allows her skin to breathe. Of course, it is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene - wash the nipples with baby soap after each feeding.

Women who are not breastfeeding, first of all, need to be examined regularly. In no case should you overcool and start infectious diseases, even if they are not associated with the mammary gland.

Video: Mastitis: safety precautions for nursing mothers

In this excerpt from the TV show “Life is great!” with Elena Malysheva, experts say what to do with mastitis lactating women.

Mastitis is diagnosed in 17-33% of lactating women. In 11 cases out of 100, the disease turns into an abscess and can threaten the life of the patient. Better prevention of complications and lethal outcome– timely diagnosis and proper treatment breast inflammation.

Conservative therapy or surgery: when, to whom and why

Conservative treatment appoint women with a serous form and an early stage of infiltrative mastitis. The disease is accompanied by redness of the skin, fever up to 38–38.5 degrees, pain in the mammary glands and engorgement.

Conservative methods include:

  • taking antibiotics and antibacterial drugs;
  • the use of ointments, compresses, massage and thermal procedures;
  • taking dietary supplements and vitamin complexes;
  • the use of folk remedies.

Surgical intervention is recommended for exacerbation of mastitis and the transition of the infiltrative form to abscessing. The patient has one large or several medium-sized capsules filled with pus in the chest. The mammary gland becomes hard and painful, the inflammation spreads to soft tissues and small capillaries.

Treatment of lactational mastitis

Mastitis is more common in breastfeeding women. In most patients, the disease is diagnosed at 6-12 weeks after birth. Conservative treatment of lactational mastitis consists of several points:

  1. Medical consultation and continued breastfeeding. A woman is recommended not to suppress lactation, but to apply the baby to the mammary glands at least 9-12 times a day. Regular feeding prevents milk stasis, relieves the symptoms of mastitis and speeds up recovery.
  2. Efficient milk output. If a doctor recommends stopping breastfeeding for a while, a woman should express milk with her hands, a warm bottle, or a breast pump. Special devices can be supplemented with massage. It improves blood circulation, helps clear blockages in the milk ducts, and makes pumping easier. Massage should be carried out after consulting a doctor, because in some cases it only increases inflammation.
  3. symptomatic treatment. Patients with lactation are prescribed analgesics that are safe for the baby. Means reduce the temperature and discomfort in the mammary glands, help the body fight inflammation.
  4. Antibacterial therapy. Analgesics complement antibacterial agents. They are appointed in the presence and severe course diseases. Antibacterial drugs are necessary if the symptoms of mastitis have not decreased 12-24 hours after the improvement in the outflow of milk.

Antibacterial therapy is selected after bacterial culture of milk. The doctor must determine which infection caused the inflammation: Staphylococcus aureus or gram-negative organisms. It depends on which drug is better to prescribe for effective treatment.

Treatment of non-lactational mastitis

Therapy for non-lactational mastitis depends on the course of the disease. If the pathology has arisen due to a hormonal imbalance in the body and is not accompanied by pronounced symptoms, treatment is not required. Patients are advised to see a doctor and follow a diet. In some cases, the specialist may prescribe hormone therapy if there are no contraindications.

For chest pain, fever and redness of the skin, the doctor prescribes painkillers, as well as antibiotics and antihistamines. They inhibit the growth of bacteria and remove the symptoms of mastitis.

Surgical intervention for non-lactational form of the disease is recommended in two cases:

  • symptoms of mastitis do not decrease 2-4 days after the appointment of antibiotics and antihistamines;
  • inflammation spreads to healthy tissues, an abscess forms in the mammary glands.

In the postoperative period, a woman is prescribed immunomodulatory drugs and vitamin-mineral complexes. They can also choose hormonal agents to prevent relapse.

Conservative treatment

Drug treatment is prescribed after taking an anamnesis, ultrasound of the mammary glands, a blood test and a bacterial culture of milk.

Antibiotics and antibacterial drugs

Antibiotics are taken for 10-14 days. It is impossible to interrupt therapy even after the disappearance of symptoms. Antibacterial drugs are administered intramuscularly or intravenously, but are sometimes prescribed orally.

With infectious mastitis, drugs based on amoxicillin are prescribed - substances with antibacterial properties. Amoxicillin can be combined with clavulanic acid or sulbactam. The drugs inhibit the development of staphylococcal and streptococcal infections, as well as gram-negative microorganisms.

Amoxicillin-based products include:

  • Osmapox;
  • Solutab;
  • Hyconcil.

Preparations based on clavulanic acid and amoxicillin include:

  • Amoxiclav;
  • Augmentin;
  • Moxiclav;
  • Zinacef;
  • Ospeksin;
  • Ceklor.

On the initial stage diseases, a woman is prescribed Flucloxacillin or Cloxacillin - penicillin preparations that inhibit the growth of microorganisms and slow down the spread of inflammation. Often also use "Cephalexin", "Dicloxacillin" or "Erythromycin".


Symptoms of lactational mastitis are removed with Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. Painkillers are supplemented with antispasmodics: "No-shpoy", "Pituitrin" or a combination of "Papaverine hydrochloride" and "Oxytocin". They improve the outflow of milk and normalize breastfeeding.

With non-lactational mastitis, you can take "Diclofenac" or "Nimesulide" to eliminate pain syndrome, as well as diuretic herbal preparations and dietary supplements from edema and to cleanse the body of toxins.


Antibacterial therapy is supplemented with antihistamines:

  • Diprazine;
  • Tavegil;
  • Suprastin;
  • Zodak;
  • Dimedrol.

Patients prone to hypotension and septic shock, prescribe "Hydrocortisone" or "Prednisolone". In the presence of pus in milk and refusal to breastfeed, lactation is suppressed by Bromkriptin, Parlodel, Dostinex or Laktodel.


With infectious mastitis, immunomodulators are indicated:

  • Methyluracil - orally three times a day;
  • Pentoxyl - three times a day orally;
  • Antistaphylococcal gamma globulin - intramuscularly three times a day, a break of 1-2 days;
  • Polyglobulin - intramuscularly 1 time in 1-2 days;
  • Taktivin - intramuscularly daily 1 time per day.

Immunomodulators cannot be prescribed independently. The drugs are chosen by the doctor, based on the history and analyzes of the patient.

Vitamin complexes

Immunological resistance of the body is increased by B vitamins and ascorbic acid. Micronutrients can be obtained from food or vitamin-mineral complexes:

  • Undevit;
  • Supervit;
  • Complivit;
  • Kvadevit;
  • Decamevit;
  • Undetab.

Vitamin complexes can be supplemented with probiotics: Linex, Bifiform or Hilak Forte. They restore the intestinal microflora after antibiotic therapy and increase immunity.

Creams and ointments

Preparations for internal use are supplemented with local anti-inflammatory drugs. They reduce swelling, heal cracks, remove discomfort in the mammary glands and improve the outflow of milk.

Commonly used external agents include:

  1. Gel "Progestogel" - hormonal drug from lactostasis, swelling and discomfort. Apply once at an early stage of mastitis.
  2. - anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory agent. Relieves swelling, reduces pain and tension. Apply 2-3 times a day during lactostasis and with a serous form of mastitis.
  3. Gel "Dexpanthenol" is a restorative and anti-inflammatory drug. Heals and disinfects nipple cracks, reduces inflammation, accelerates breast regeneration after surgery. Apply 2-3 times daily on clean skin, apply for acute and chronic mastitis.
  4. Ointment "Etony" is an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug. Suppresses the reproduction of staphylococci and streptococci, has anesthetic and wound healing properties. Apply 1-2 times a day for acute infectious mastitis.
  5. Ointment "Heliomycin" - antimicrobial agent. Heals cracks and wounds on the mammary glands, inhibits the growth of staphylococcus and streptococcus, removes inflammation. Apply 1-2 times a day with lactational mastitis in a serous and infiltrative form.

Synthomycin, heparin and levomekol ointments have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. The drugs are used externally 1-3 times a day for lactostasis and mastitis to reduce the symptoms of the disease.

Surgical treatment

The abscess form of mastitis is treated surgically. In the presence of one small formation, puncture aspiration of pus is possible. A thin needle is inserted into the capsule filled with secretion. The process is controlled using an ultrasound machine. The capsule is emptied with a needle and an antibiotic is injected into it to stop the inflammation.

With multiple and large abscesses, surgery is recommended. It is carried out in a hospital under local or general anesthesia- depends on the patient's condition and the stage of the disease. The surgeon makes a longitudinal incision from the nipple to the base of the breast, less often a horizontal incision, passing under the mammary gland. The doctor removes capsules with pus and damaged tissues, connects multiple formations and rinses the wound with an antiseptic solution. Drainage is introduced into the cavity, which will bring out the purulent contents. It is left for 3-4 days. If the inflammation decreases, the drain is removed, and the hole left after it is sutured.

After the operation, the woman is prescribed infusion therapy - cleansing the body of toxins with special solutions. The patient is also prescribed antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and immunomodulators.

Alternative treatment at home

Alternative treatment is appropriate only for lactostasis and the serous form of mastitis. Home remedies must be combined with antibacterial therapy and immunomodulators. Efficiency folk treatment not proven, but many women use improvised means to reduce swelling, pain and redness of the breast.


Mastitis compresses are prepared from medicinal herbs and vegetables. There are several options:

  • pumpkin pulp boiled in milk;
  • a mixture of baked onion and linseed oil;
  • decoction of sweet clover or black alder leaves;
  • cake made from flower honey and wheat flour;
  • soybean puree;
  • potato starch paste with olive and linseed oil.

Compresses are kept from 40 minutes to 2-3 hours. Warm lotions are prohibited with purulent mastitis.


Infectious mastitis is treated with ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky ointment. The preparations are applied directly to the inflamed area in the form of compresses. Ichthyol ointment effective in the beginning. It soothes itching, inflammation and slows down the growth of microbes.

Vishnevsky's ointment is used for infectious mastitis, as well as in the postoperative period after opening the abscess. The tool removes inflammation, accelerates the regeneration of damaged nipples and the seam.

cabbage wraps

Cabbage leaves are useful for engorgement and redness of the breast. They are cooled to room temperature and applied for 1-2 hours 6-7 times a day. Cabbage for compress can be lubricated with natural butter, grated beets or yogurt.

Salt compresses

Salt compress is prepared from 50 ml of water and 30–35 g of ordinary or sea salt. The solution should be warm, but not hot. Cotton napkins with holes for the nipples are moistened in it and applied to the chest for 2-3 hours. The compress is contraindicated for cracks and wounds.

Water massage

Water massage is recommended for lactostasis. The procedure is carried out in the shower. The pressure should be medium or maximum, the water temperature should be 37–42 degrees. The direction of the jet is from the center of the chest to the periphery. Massage is done in circular motions, it lasts 5-8 minutes.

Rubbing with alcohol

Alcohol compresses for mastitis are contraindicated. They will only increase inflammation. Alcohol wiping of the reddened area can be carried out only after consulting a gynecologist.


In the first 4-5 days, it is recommended to apply an ice pack to the chest. Cold slows down the growth of bacteria and relieves discomfort. Ice is wrapped in a towel or scarf to prevent frostbite and kept for no longer than 3 minutes after each feeding.


Honey compresses and rubbing disinfect, prevent the growth of microbes and have wound healing properties. Honey can be used in several ways:

  • mix with onion juice;
  • add to a flatbread made from wheat flour and vegetable oil;
  • combine with dried duckweed and aloe juice;
  • mix with sesame seeds and olive oil.

Honey compresses are used only cold and not more than 2 times a day.

Essential oils

Oils are added to cold compresses and cakes. The most effective:

  • mint - reduces temperature, has antimicrobial properties;
  • camphor - anesthetizes and reduces inflammation;
  • juniper - disinfects and removes swelling;
  • fir - destroys staphylococcus aureus, suppresses inflammation.

Add 2-3 drops to compresses essential oil. Before using the component, an allergic test is required to prevent rashes and swelling.

Medicinal herbs

Herbal decoctions are a good base for cold compresses. Water infusions can also be taken orally, but only after consulting a doctor.

  • sage - suppresses lactation, has antibiotic properties;
  • sweet clover - relieves, reduces pain;
  • alder - has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • mint - soothes, anesthetizes;
  • chamomile is a natural antiseptic, recommended for infectious mastitis.

Timely treatment of mastitis allows you to maintain the health and function of the mammary gland. And to prevent relapses, a woman should follow the rules of hygiene, apply the baby to the breast as often as possible, follow the recommendations of specialists and not refuse therapy, and if necessary, surgical intervention.

Mastitis (breast) is an infectious and inflammatory disease that occurs in the mammary glands. Lesions spread rapidly, capturing healthy tissue. The disease, left to chance, leads to dangerous complications. Against its background, sepsis, abscess, phlegmon and gangrene develop. If mastitis occurs, home treatment is carried out with medication and folk remedies.

Usually, the mammary glands become inflamed in the postpartum period. This happens due to increased milk production. Breastfeeding women develop lactational mastitis. The disease manifests itself in 2 forms:

  • unilateral (more common);
  • bilateral.

Exists non-lactational mastitis- a pathology not associated with the production of milk and breastfeeding. The symptoms of this form of the disease are blurred. Inflammation is localized, it does not capture neighboring tissues. Such breasts often take a chronic form. Sometimes it occurs in newborn girls. Hormones received from the mother in excess lead to the disease.

By the nature of the flow, mastitis is distinguished:

  • spicy;
  • chronic;
  • serous;
  • purulent.

The reasons

There are many factors that cause mastitis. The most common cause of lactation is Staphylococcus aureus.. After contact with harmful bacteria on the skin, the appearance of pathology is provoked by such reasons as:

  • mastopathy;
  • postoperative scarring;
  • peculiarities anatomical structure body;
  • severe pregnancy;
  • complicated childbirth;
  • chronic diseases;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • postpartum depression.

Most often, inflammation of the mammary glands occurs in women who have given birth to their first child. They lack the skills to breastfeed and express milk. Stagnation in the breasts leads to the development of the inflammatory process.

Non-lactational breast appears with a weakened immune system. Her reasons are:

  • hypothermia;
  • aggravated infections;
  • associated pathologies;
  • neuropsychic and physical overload;
  • silicone implants;
  • breast trauma.

The provoking factor in this case is bacterial infection. The causative agent is the same as in lactation breasts - staphylococcus aureus.


The initial stage of the postpartum and non-lactation form is serous mastitis, which is often confused with milk stasis. Both pathological conditions are accompanied by:

  • heaviness in the mammary glands;
  • uncomfortable sensations;
  • minor tissue thickening.

But with lactostasis, the duration of which is only 1-2 days, the temperature does not rise, milk oozes easily from the nipple. With mastitis, the seals grow, the temperature is elevated. Serous exudate accumulates in the lesions.

In the future, the disease passes into the infiltrative stage. In the inflamed area, a seal is formed without clear boundaries. The breasts swell, hurt, the temperature rises. The skin does not change.

In neglected states, a destructive breast develops - a dangerous pathology. If purulent mastitis occurs, the woman suffers from the following symptoms:

  • intoxication;
  • high temperature jumping up to 40 degrees;
  • loss of appetite;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • headache.

With purulent mastitis skin blush, lymph nodes in the armpit increase. The disease can turn into an abscess, phlegmon, gangrene.

Drug therapy

For treatment simple shapes breasts use methods of conservative therapy. Carry out the treatment of serous mastitis as follows:

Non-lactational mastitis is able to spontaneously disappear. If the disease does not go away, drug therapy is carried out.

Treatment at home

Treatment for breast cancer is started after consulting a doctor. When breastfeeding, most medicines are forbidden to use. Therefore, mastitis is treated with folk remedies, for the preparation of which honey, plants, camphor are used.

cabbage leaves

Cabbage effectively fights breasts. The leaves of the plant are used for applications. Make compresses like this:

Cabbage fights edema, inflammation, resolves seals.


For the treatment of mastitis at home, camphor and castor oil are used. They make applications.

Camphor oil with mastitis helps relieve pain, eliminate the inflammatory process. Thanks to it, seals are reduced.

Castor oil quickly relieves exacerbation. Rubbing it into the chest, apply a film and a warm bandage.

Peppermint oil helps older patients get rid of mastitis. The tool stimulates blood circulation, fights puffiness. 3-5 drops of mint ether are added to 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. The mixture is rubbed into the chest at night.

With mastitis, applications with honey are made:

Salt applications

Women should know how mastitis is treated with saline compresses. This is an affordable remedy for getting rid of the disease at home. Salt applications are effective for mild and neglected forms of breasts. Salt draws out exudate, relieves swelling, inflammation, improves blood circulation.

The method of preparing a salt compress is simple: water is heated to 50 degrees, 1 tablespoon of salt is dissolved in it. In a cotton napkin, cuts are made for the nipples (they will avoid irritation of the epithelium in this area), the fabric is impregnated with a solution, applied to the chest, covered with polyethylene, and fixed with a warming bandage. Remove the application after cooling.

Applications for purulent breasts

The following methods help to cure purulent mastitis:

herbal extracts

Carrying out the treatment of mastitis at home, compresses alternate with lotions from plant extracts. At the same time, they drink herbal teas and decoctions of herbs. Prepare them using the following recipes:

Compresses are warming procedures. Doctors note that thermal applications can aggravate the disease, so they are forbidden to use during exacerbation and temperature. To avoid undesirable consequences, use the means recommended by the doctor. With severe forms of the chest folk methods are ineffective, and the disease is treated surgically.

Mastitis is an infection of the breast tissue that causes pain, swelling, a feeling of heat, and redness of the breast skin. Mastitis is often accompanied by fever and flu-like symptoms. This disease most often affects women who are breastfeeding, but in rare cases it does not develop during lactation.

In 90% of cases, mastitis is diagnosed in nursing mothers. Statistics indicate that the disease occurs in 16% of young mothers and in 74% of first-borns. Most cases of mastitis occur in the first three months after childbirth. At the same time, a woman may experience extreme fatigue, it becomes very difficult for her to care for a child.

Sometimes women due to mastitis wean a baby earlier than planned, although in reality with this disease it is possible to continue breastfeeding.

Mastitis in a breastfeeding woman

In a woman after childbirth, mastitis makes itself felt a day later. More often, mastitis in lactating women develops as a result of the accumulation of milk and the addition of bacteria (staphylococcus aureus) to it, which penetrate the woman's mammary gland, causing a strong inflammatory process of the tissues.

If a nursing mother experiences signs of lactostasis, you should immediately contact a doctor in the postpartum department at a maternity hospital or a antenatal clinic if the situation arose after discharge from the hospital.

With mastitis, breastfeeding is prohibited. In addition, in the treatment of mastitis, antibiotics are mandatory, which penetrate into mother's milk. Even with a temporary suspension of breastfeeding during mastitis, it is necessary to express milk regularly and carefully. This procedure will speed up recovery and maintain lactation.

For the prevention of lactostasis and mastitis, it is important for the first two hours after birth to attach the baby to the breast, stay together between mother and child, and feed the newborn in a free mode. This helps to empty the milk passages, creating conditions for normal lactation.

Causes of mastitis

Mastitis develops when bacteria enter the breast tissue through cracks and other breaks in the nipples. These bacteria may be on the surface of your skin or in your child's mouth. They begin to multiply in the mammary glands, causing symptoms of mastitis.

Risk factors for mastitis are:

  • cracks in the nipples;
  • history of mastitis;
  • feeding in only one position;
  • too tight bra.

If you've ever had mastitis, chances are you'll get it again while breastfeeding this or future babies. The risk of recurrence increases due to delayed or inadequate treatment.

Stages of mastitis

There are three stages of mastitis:

  • serous;
  • infiltrative;
  • purulent.

The serous stage of mastitis is manifested by a large increase in temperature, deterioration. The mammary gland thickens, increases in volume, pain increases during feeding and pumping. With belated treatment, serous mastitis passes into the infiltrative stage within 1-3 days.

Symptoms of mastitis

In most cases, problems occur in the first days after the birth of a child. The first dangerous symptom mastitis - the occurrence of even small cracks in the nipples.

After that, bursting pains in the mammary glands often appear. The chest swells, becomes tight and very dense, the skin turns red, touching the chest becomes very painful. This condition is aggravated by a significant rise in temperature and the onset of chills.

Mastitis symptoms:

  • pain;
  • tightness in the chest;
  • breast augmentation;
  • chills;
  • redness;
  • painful sensations in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands;
  • hanging temperature up to 39°C;
  • general deterioration of well-being;
  • weakness;
  • headache.

At the first symptoms of mastitis, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, and, as prescribed, immediately begin treatment. With treatment and compliance with all recommendations, recovery occurs in a few days, otherwise mastitis becomes more severe (infiltrative) in a couple of days.

Very soon, the inflammatory process intensifies, appear in the thickness of the gland, hot to the touch seals up to 3 cm in diameter. There may be several seals, while the elevated temperature persists, and the general condition worsens significantly.

With such signs of mastitis, symptoms of intoxication (weakness, dizziness, headache) are added. If you do not take radical measures to treat mastitis, a severe form occurs - purulent.

Symptoms of purulent mastitis

Symptoms of purulent mastitis:

  • severe redness of the skin;
  • increasing swelling;
  • breast enlargement;
  • an admixture of pus is visible in the milk;
  • pain intensifies.

The temperature during this period can rise and fall sharply, depending on the course of the inflammatory process caused by microorganisms. A decrease in temperature is usually accompanied by profuse sweating, and fever is usually accompanied by severe chills.

Signs of mastitis of this stage:

  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • chills;
  • pain all over the body;
  • hot to the touch chest.

Descriptions of the main symptoms of mastitis

Mastitis treatment

The strategy for treating mastitis depends on the nature, duration of the disease and the volume of the affected area.

Which doctors to contact for mastitis

Infectious forms are treated with targeted antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. In order to achieve the desired result during bakposev, the type of pathogen and its concentration are determined.

In the boundary conditions between mastitis and lactostasis, first of all, antiseptics are used and the dynamics are monitored. Only if the situation worsens, they switch to antibiotics.

It is necessary to express milk every 3 hours, but with an abscess, the breast should not be touched. If purulent bags have formed, doctors open them surgically or pump out pus through a needle, wash the mammary gland and prescribe antibiotics.

In the treatment of mastitis, local use of cold, immunomodulators and physiotherapy are prescribed. Acute non-purulent mastitis is not a hindrance to breastfeeding, but if the milk contains pus, it is forbidden to breastfeed!

If you have problems with your breasts during the feeding period, consult a doctor, do not self-medicate, it is dangerous!

Whether or not to continue breastfeeding while taking antibiotics, the doctor who prescribed the medication will tell you. With reduced immunity and erroneous treatment of mastitis and self-medication, the disease will go into a phlegmonous and even gangrenous stage.

Folk remedies for the treatment of mastitis at home

It must be remembered that folk remedies for the treatment of mastitis at home should be used only with the permission of the attending physician.

Stir rice starch in water to the consistency of sour cream. Apply to the bandage and attach to the sore spot. After 3 hours, everything will resolve.
from potato starch and sunflower oil prepare an ointment and lubricate the hardened areas of the chest with it.
From 50 g of mandarin peel and 10 g of licorice roots, prepare a mixture. Divide it into 2 servings and take it as an aqueous decoction 2 times a day. With the same decoction, you can make an external lotion to the hardened area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest. Mandarin peel quickly inhibits the growth of staphylococci, which usually cause purulent mastitis.
Tie grated carrots, a mixture of bean flour with soapy water, or fresh cabbage leaves, fresh leaves of coltsfoot, burdock with a shiny side to the hardened area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest.
Peel the narcissus bulb, chop and mix with thick rice porridge or rye flour, spread on the sore chest and change 2-3 times a day, washing off the hardened crust with warm water.

Diagnosis of mastitis

Mastitis is diagnosed based on characteristics that the doctor detects when examining and feeling the breast. In addition, the axillary lymph nodes are enlarged and painful when touched. In conditions of suppuration, a peculiar symptom of fluctuation will appear.

Bacteria type and antibiotic susceptibility are determined using bacteriological research. In addition, blood and urine tests are done for diagnosis. Sometimes the diagnosis of mastitis is supplemented by ultrasound of the mammary gland and echography of the breast. These methods provide information about the course of mastitis.

Besides, ultrasound procedure visualizes abscess and helps to see necrotic zones. Ultrasound is an accurate process: the specificity and reliability of this technique reaches 90%. If in doubt, fine needle aspiration biopsy is done.

Complications of mastitis

In the absence of adequate treatment of mastitis, an abscess can form in the chest - a cavity filled with pus. In this case, the pus has to be removed by resorting to surgical methods. To avoid this and other complications, you need to see a doctor as soon as you notice signs of mastitis and follow all his instructions exactly.

Questions and answers on the topic "Mastitis"

Question:Good afternoon, I have swelling after the treatment of mastitis. What do I need to do next? I don't breastfeed.

Answer: Hello. You need a full-time consultation with a doctor for examination and other diagnostic measures.

Question:Hello! I have mastitis due to a blocked duct. The mammologist expressed the pus with his hands, said that it was not yet an abscess and there was no need for a puncture. The child was ordered to be breastfed. After decanting, the redness on the same breast on the other hand will have to go and decante again, perhaps the pus is also in another duct. Temperature 39, appointed augmentin. There are seals in the chest, the doctor said that you don’t need to strain yourself, only to relief if the child refuses. Compresses, heat, physiotherapy is strictly forbidden. Question: how else can you help yourself and speed up the healing process?

Answer: Hello. You should not be treated at home - follow the recommendations of your doctor.

Question:Hello. I have infant. I feed him with milk that I express. Since the problem with the nipple in right chest. Everything was fine for a month. Now my right breast hurts. Increased in size, and one half is hard as a stone. I don't understand why. I express myself completely. Who to contact? What should I do?

Answer: You have all the signs of lactational mastitis. It is urgent to contact the surgeon for an examination and ultrasound. According to the results will be selected necessary treatment mastitis.

Question:Hello, please explain whether any other tests need to be done: my child is 1.2 months old, she breastfed for 8 months, I am 37 years old, this moment the right breast is disturbed, a small induration is felt, about a pea, during lactation the right breast was twice as large, and there was more milk, and the child sucked the right breast more often. Uzi did - signs of uneven moderate ductectasia from 0.11 to 0.24 cm. Zone of inflammatory infiltration. Lotions with Dimexide are recommended. But the procedure did not eliminate the seal. Is there anything else worth doing? Thank you!

Answer: In our opinion, you should consult with a mammologist. The seal you describe may be a completely harmless complication of limited inflammation of one milk duct against the background of lactostasis, but this assumption still needs to be confirmed. Your doctor will order additional tests, possibly a mammogram.

Question:There was no milk after delivery. My son was already 2 years old when I had mastitis, reached for purulent, went to the clinic, where they cut me alive (I couldn’t go to the clinic because of the child). local anesthesia in the chest did not work, then every day they did washings and dressings (drainage was inserted), drank antibiotics and gave injections. 1.6 months have passed, as I feel again a seal on the same chest, there is no temperature, as it was the first time, I am in shock, what should I do? I won't survive this anymore.

Answer: You should contact your doctor again. It is possible that this time everything will work out, but it is better to have a doctor see you as soon as possible.

Question:Is it necessary to express milk after feeding? If this is not done, something will change and how it will affect the child.

Answer: It is recommended to express milk after feeding in order to prevent lactational mastitis.

Question:Hello. I am 25. gave birth to a daughter on November 5 this year. Due to improper attachment to the breast, severe cracks formed on both nipples. I smear the rud with bepanthen and aventshvsky cream. Before each feeding, I wash my breasts, plus I regularly wear breast pads. Today, my chest began to hurt a lot with a light touch on it, there are no bumps and seals, I express myself regularly. Sometimes it starts to chill. Tell me, is it mastitis? and where is the best place to go. Thanks in advance for your reply.

Answer: According to the symptoms you describe, it is possible to assume the debut of mastitis. Consult a mammologist or surgeon for advice.

Question:I have mastitis. First swollen left breast, then a small lump formed when you touch it, it becomes painful. There is no temperature yet. How is it treated, and is it possible without surgical interventions?

Answer: You need an urgent consultation with a surgeon. It is necessary to perform an ultrasound examination of the mammary gland, it may be necessary to puncture the compacted focus. If the diagnosis confirms the diagnosis of mastitis, then it is necessary to start antibiotic therapy. The decision on the need for surgical intervention will be determined by the attending physician based on the dynamics of the process.

Question:A 20-year-old girl was diagnosed with fibrous mastopathy. Give please consultation. How to be, what to do?

Answer: Treatment is necessary under the supervision of a mammologist. You may need hormonal adjustment.

Question:I am 18 years old. In 2012, during the examination, she was diagnosed with mastopathy of the right breast. Tell me, please, is it possible to go in for sports, in particular, do exercises for the chest with mastopathy? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Answer: With mastopathy, there are no restrictions for playing sports (which do not injure breast tissue). It is only necessary to regularly monitor the condition of the mammary glands by a mammologist.

Question:I am 29 years old, one child, breastfed until 10 months. I finished feeding in June, before the new year I found a bump in my chest, the size of a pea, right under the nipple. I turned to the gynecologist, she gave me a referral for ultrasound, but it is only in February. In my head, except for breast cancer, nothing else climbs. What could it be?

Answer: It is not necessarily a cancerous (malignant) tumor. More often in the areolar region (the area of ​​the nipple) there are cystic formations, benign fibromas. Therefore, there is no reason to panic. It will be necessary to make an ultrasound of this area. And for a 100% reliable determination of the structure of the seal, it may be necessary to perform a biopsy and microscopic examination of the biopsy.

Question:Good afternoon. Please tell me how to cure mastitis and why is it dangerous? I saw a doctor. An incision was made on one breast, but there was no pus. They prescribed antibiotics (Medocef) once a day and a compress (Dimexide) + Levomekol. Is this treatment correct? I have been on treatment for a week now. Can you tell me something. How to express and stretch your chest?

Answer: With mastitis, breast massage is contraindicated. Treatment is prescribed adequately - it is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations.

Question:Hello. The child is fully guarded. I recently had mastitis. I just called the doctor (gynecologist) and she diagnosed mastitis by symptoms. I was shivering, my temperature was 38. The skin around the nipple on only one side (a small area) was red, swollen and painful. the doctor prescribed an antibiotic (by phone) and a glucose dropper with ascorbic acid. I did not do all this, but only breastfeeding and that's it. The next day the temperature was gone. And the redness subsides. This is the third mastitis in four months. Prompt, what to me to do or make and whether it was necessary to do or make antibiotics? Still intimidate mastopathy in the future. Is it so?

Answer: At the first sign of mastitis, there is no need to take an antibiotic. It is necessary to properly massage the painful area and express all the milk to the last drop after the child has eaten. Try to protect your chest from drafts and empty it in time. If the temperature persists with purulent contents appearing from the nipple and the seal is very painful, it is necessary to consult a surgeon.